The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 8240: Take the plunge, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Taojie Tianxia!


At the same time as these runes were rising, a powerful aura burst out from Zhang Taicheng's body.

The breath formed a whirlwind, rolling up the runes and blowing them aside.

Obviously, Zhang Taicheng was always wary of the two of them.

Zhang Taicheng also turned around suddenly, looked at Yuanjue and Mo Wang with cold eyes, and said coldly: "What, if I don't cooperate with you, will you kill me?"

Yuan Jie opened his mouth and wanted to reply a few words, but he didn't forget that he was not given any time to speak. He raised his foot and stomped it **** the ground.


The earth shook, and countless runes rose into the sky on the ground within a radius of ten thousand feet.

Seeing this scene, both Zhang Taicheng and Yuan Jie's expressions changed.

These runes did not come from Mo Wang's current body, which could only mean that Mo Wang had arranged them in advance and hid them here.

In other words, in fact, Mo Wang had already left the blood mist once before the two of them.

However, after placing these runes on the ground around here, she returned to the blood mist.

Then she deliberately waited until Yuanjue and Zhang Taicheng had left the blood mist before she walked out again and approached the two to discuss cooperation.

In short, Mo Wang has laid out this vast area as her trap.

Yuan Jie finally understood why he could be discovered by Mo Wang just now while he was hiding in nothingness.

He even thought that if he, like Zhang Taicheng, refused to cooperate with Mo Wang, he might be facing attacks from these runes now.

As if he knew what Yuan Jie was thinking, Mo Forget said calmly: "What I did was not deliberately aimed at you, but in preparation to deal with Zhong Wen and the others."

As he spoke, Don't forget to reach out and point your finger, and all the runes suddenly began to circle and dance in the air.

There were so many runes that even Yuanjue could no longer see Zhang Taicheng at this moment.

"Brother Yuanjue, what are you still doing?"

Don't forget to glance at Yuanjue and say: "You and I will work together and kill him quickly. Maybe we can use his soul as a bargaining chip to negotiate with Zhongwen and the others."

Yuan Jie's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Donor Mo really woke up the dreamer with his words. Why didn't I think of this?"

"Since Zhongwen wants our soul, then we will use Zhang Taicheng's soul in exchange."

After finishing speaking, a bodhi seed appeared in Pratyekabuddha's hand. With a flick of his finger, the bodhi seed immediately passed through the layers of runes.

Yuan Jie also cannot trust Mo Wang, and is worried that once he enters those runes, Mo Wang will be detrimental to him.

Therefore, he did not dare to take action himself, so he could only use Bodhisattva to deal with Zhang Taicheng.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a loud noise as the runes surrounded it.

One mountain after another began to appear, smashing into the runes.

These three tripods were so transcendent that they suddenly started fighting in this falling plane.

And above where the three of them couldn't see, the old man who looked very similar to Gu Bu Lao was standing in the air.

He looked at the fighting scene below and said with a smile: "Let your dogs bite dogs for a while."

After watching quietly for a moment, the old man turned around and walked away.

After just a few steps, the old man arrived at the top of a lush jungle.

Lowering his head, the old man had a complicated look on his face, and he sighed quietly and said, "Wen Xuanzi, the only person I can say I'm sorry to in this life is you."

"You are also unlucky and did not wait until I was able to let you go."

"But don't worry, I couldn't keep you, at least I will keep your inheritance."

"No matter what, I cannot let the things inside my cauldron fall into the hands of the monks outside the cauldron."

The old man raised his hand and waved his sleeve casually, and suddenly he saw the jungle below split open automatically, revealing a hidden space inside.

This is naturally the space opened up by Wen Xuanzi.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was among them, trying hard to find the antidote.

The old man's eyes became sharp, and he raised his hand to grab the space below.

However, at this moment, his palm suddenly stopped in the air, and he suddenly turned his head and looked in another direction.

On the road, a figure appeared.

Ancient feud!

Seeing Gu Qiu, the old man hesitated for a moment, then retracted his palm, swayed, and went straight to Gu Qiu.

The separated jungles merged back together.

In the space created by Wen Xuanzi, Jiang Yun didn't know that he had just circled in front of the gate of hell.

In front of him, the runes originating from the smoke were spread out densely.

Although it still looks messy, if you look carefully you will find it.

These runes are all in complete condition!

You must know that Jiang Yun only swallowed half of the smoke, and naturally not all the runes that made up the smoke were complete.

And Jiang Yun has actually completed them in such a short period of time, which shows that Jiang Yun is very accomplished in tattooing.

However, completing the runes can only be regarded as the first step.

How to combine these nearly 100 million runes into an antidote is even more difficult.

Jiang Yun had been staring at these runes for five or six hours without having much clue.

This is also normal.

All the runes come from outside the tripod.

Even if there are similarities with the runes in the tripod, similarity does not mean the same.

A slight error can make a difference of a thousand miles!

In fact, Jiang Yun could ask about the waste at this time.

But he doesn't believe in waste at all.

If Xiu Hua deliberately misrepresents the meaning and function of one or two runes, then Jiang Yun may be directly trapped and killed, let alone finding the antidote.

"We can't let this go on any longer."

Jiang Yun murmured: "A certain rule cannot be maintained for too long."

Even though Jiang Yun arranged a dream for himself and slowed down the passage of time, he also knew that the power of this incense poison was extremely powerful, and the suppression of certain rules was not permanent.

"Grandpa said that a long time ago, before the advent of elixirs, there was an ancestor of the human race who tasted hundreds of herbs and finally succeeded in distinguishing the characteristics and properties of various herbs."

"Now it seems that I can only use this method to see if I can find an antidote."

Jiang Yun opened his mouth and sucked hard.

All the runes immediately rushed towards his mouth!

As the runes entered his body, Jiang Yun's consciousness suddenly spread out, and he began to carefully sense the condition of his body.

Among these runes, there must be some that can be combined to become an antidote.

Then Jiang Yun just needs to find which runes can suppress the toxicity in his body.

It would be much simpler to find these runes, extract them individually, and then combine them into an antidote.

But the response to this effect must be extremely weak. Even if Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness is strong enough, he still hasn't noticed it for a long time.

"Because the toxicity was suppressed by certain rules in advance!"

Jiang Yun opened his eyes and looked at the runes released by a certain rule around him.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yun said with a look of determination in his eyes: "We can only take a risk!"

Jiang Yun raised his hand and pointed a certain rule.

The certain rules suddenly turned into a ray of light and disappeared into Jiang Yun's body.

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