The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 876: Ye Zhizhiqiu

At this moment, Lu Lun is completely speechless.

Originally, he thought that after experiencing such a long life, there would be nothing more shocking to himself.

However, since the encounter with Jiang Yun, this kid has brought him accidents again and again.

Especially now that Jiang Yun’s endless stream of good things is beyond his imagination, so that he is a little bit jealous.

"The incense that can hold the body of others and make people unable to move. If there is no guess, it should be the soul of the dead soul!"

"This fragrance is the first ghost craftsman of the dead world, made by Ghost Heavenly Works. Now even in the dead world, there will be no more than three, but there will be half of the kid's hand!"

"With this fragrance, let alone the situation, even if the humane isomorphism will be slightly affected, it is no wonder that he has such confidence, dare to kill it!"

"In addition to the lock of the soul, he turned out to be a refining demon."

"And what he just painted is the most powerful demon print and the death and death of the refining demon. Although it is still not complete, but for the demon, the power is not to be underestimated!"

Now, under the call of Jiang Yun, the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared and the respectful color on his face made Lu Lun’s eyes widen to the extreme.

This middle-aged man named Su Yang is not a slave to the mysterious man.

How is it now a servant of Jiang Yun?

A stalwart, the late powerhouse, is willing to become a slave to the monks of the Tao...

Lu Lun only felt that his brain was not enough.

However, Lu Lun’s shock only lasted for a short time.

Because he clearly saw that although Jiang Yun’s Tibetan sword and Su Yang’s palms all hit the body of the strong man, Jiang Yun also put away the soul of the lock.

Therefore, while the strong man was being hit, the dense lines on his body were separated from his body and turned into a branch full of green leaves.

Under the shaking of branches, countless leaves skyrocketed and rushed out of the world, condensing the image of a cloud of hundreds of thousands of feet!

Obviously, in this way, the brawny is telling everyone else that the people who are wanted by the sky are here!



Two bursts of sound came out, and the blood splattered. The strong arm of the strong man was cut off by a large piece of meat by Jiang Yun’s Tibetan sword.

And his dantian place was attacked by Su Yang, and the whole person was beaten and flew out.

As a strong person of the Tao, this injury will naturally not be a deadly threat to him.

However, through the short-term contact with Jiang Yun, it has already made the brawny realize that Jiang Yun is indeed extremely difficult to deal with.

The most important thing is that Jiang Yun is not only a refining sorcerer who can restrain the Yaozu, but also has an eccentric fragrance that makes him unable to move at all.

Although the reward of the sky is tempting, the premise is that you must have life and enjoy it.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to use the physical lines to condense the image of Jiang Yun, summoning others to come together to deal with Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun naturally saw that he was hundreds of thousands of feet. In fact, he had the ability to stop it, but he did not.

Because his purpose is to attract more people, so that these boundaries will want to capture their own monks, know where they are, and thus come from the net.

The brawny’s move has helped him!

Although this may also be discovered by Tao Zun, this possibility is extremely low.

If the land of the world is so big, if the Taoist avatar really happens to be in the vicinity, then I will recognize it!

As for whether the sky will be attracted, Jiang Yun is not worried.

He believes that under the huge rewards that the sky has erupted, no monk will be stupid enough not to catch himself, but ran to inform the sky.

"Su Yang, there is still a time of three interest, his repair will be restored, full attack!"

While talking, Jiang Yun himself has flashed his body and chased him again.

Su Yang, despite the darkness in his heart, how every time Jiang Yun’s opponents are so strong and perverted, but under the hand, they can’t dare to have the slightest scorn. It’s really fighting for the old and constantly attacking.

The lock soul has been collected by Jiang Yun.

After all, this fragrance is a consumable, with a little less, now only the length of the index finger is left, and this is the biggest killer of Jiang Yun, so he can not use it.

As for the technique of worshiping the heavens, it has been used once and can not be used again in a short time.

It is not worthwhile to use the technique of offering sacrifices to deal with one Tao.

Jiang Yun’s plan must wait until a large number of monks arrive, or use it when they are ready to escape.

Therefore, now Jiang Yun is only using pure techniques, in conjunction with the Tibetan Taoist sword, constantly attacking the brawny in front of him.

The sword of the Tibetan Taoist sword is shining, and every sword light is like a dragon. It opens its mouth, and the bite of the skull is on the wound of a strong flesh that has been cut off.

In an instant, Jiang Yun has completed dozens of attacks.

The brawny is a physical body, but it can't stand the fierce attack of the Tibetan sword, so that the bones have already seen the wound.

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s last sword was stabbed again, and this time, there was a touch of fluorescence on his sword tip!

"You have enough!"

Accompanied by this sword stabbing, the mouth of the strong man also made a burst of noise, and the numerous lines on the body left the body again, turning into a branch full of leaves.


Looking at the demon prints that have disappeared in the eyes of the strong man, Jiang Yun does not hesitate to retire backwards.

Suyang was ready to retreat at any time, so when Jiang Yunsheng sounded, he had already begun to retreat.

But even if it is retreating, his body shape is always in front of Jiang Yun, and he speaks quietly; "Master, what now?"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "I see you haven't been active for a long time, now, run!"


Su Yang slightly glimpsed, there are already three leaves in front of the twinkling of cold light, stabbing toward him, and Jiang Yun, who was slower than his speed, disappeared directly.

"damn it!"

Su Yang finally understood, while the bottom of his heart screamed, his body shape suddenly accelerated, and he was able to escape the attack of three leaves and stunned a cold sweat.

As for Jiang Yun, but with the help of the empty worm, he has already appeared behind the brawny, staring blankly at the brawny.

"Less Lord, I, my old arm and old legs, still go back and wait, this can also have an unexpected effect, isn't it!"

Su Yang also rushed to the side of Jiang Yun, full of smiles.

As soon as he sank, Jiang Yun nodded and admitted that Su Yang said it makes sense.

Suyang is also a killing trick. If you stay outside, then his strength will not play much.

It's better to hide in the top of a black cloud, and when it's critical, you can attack it.

Suyang was sent back to the top of the black cloud, and Jiang Yun once again looked at the brawny.

At this moment, the brawny, despite being repeatedly attacked, but without the restraint of the lock soul and the seal of the demon, the whole person has completely restored his freedom.

The numerous branches of the body, which are made up of countless lines, are covered with green leaves. They are growing and growing in the air, and they are covered with a large area.

The eyes of the brawny are also staring at Jiang Yundao: "Fang Wei, it’s time for me!"

As a strong person of the Tao, he has been subjected to such humiliation, and he has not been able to fight back by a monk who is a spiritual person.


"Ye Zhizhiqiu!"

As the voice of the strong man fell, the leaves suddenly turned from green to yellow, from lush, to withered.

A chill and a desperate meaning are infinitely pervasive under this transformation, making this originally absurd world a strong autumn!

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