The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 935: Listen to the fate

The appearance of the wasteland is in the expectation of the ridiculous.

Even the ridiculous cockroaches know the truth. The reason why these people are so unscrupulous, ignoring the military regulations, provoking and humiliating Yizheng and others, the real reason is that there are ridiculous Yongfeng in the back to support them!

As for the things between the wasteland and the Jiangyun, the ridiculousness has already been known after the Hui people.

To be honest, from beginning to end, it is completely a slap in the face.

Although I know this, I saw the ridiculousness of the ridiculousness.

Because of the abandonment, the power of military and political affairs is separate.

Although the patriarch is the highest leader, the old man who controls the millions of troops also has a very high voice.

In particular, there are even more rumors that the old man and the patriarch are not in harmony with each other. Both of them want to replace each other. Therefore, it is very clear that the wilderness is as the first wasteland of the old man, and is deeply loved by the old people. .

His appearance represents the old man, while he represents the patriarch.

At this moment, if you really do not care about it and arguing with the wild, then it is very likely that it will develop into a confrontation between the patriarch and the old man.

This result is not something that you can afford.

Therefore, after a moment of silence, the ridiculous sorrows faintly said: "It turned out that the wilderness will come. I just tell the truth. If the wilderness is dissatisfied with the adults, then you may wish to investigate Jiang Yun’s work in the wild world. To see if I said it is true!"

"Now, when it’s big, I’d better manage my own hands, so I won’t be jokes by outsiders.”

"What's the matter, or wait until the end of the big game!"

"Haha! Ok, Jiang Yun, I will investigate."

When Ye Yongfeng suddenly burst into laughter, there was a hint of killing in the smile. I coldly swept Yizheng and waited for someone to say: "As for you, hope that you can live to Dabi, go, and go back to rest. I will pack up the waste for a while!"


After the people such as Yan Kun and Min Qing, everyone left the sentence coldly after Yi Zheng and others, they followed the ridiculously ridiculously, and turned away, leaving behind. Although full of anger, but can not help but Yi Zheng and others.

The ridiculous sigh sighed again, and looked at Yizheng with sympathy. He said softly: "Now it is an extraordinary period. You should try to bear it. Don't take any handles from 荒永丰, otherwise, then even The wild feathers can't save you!"

After that, the ridiculous cockroaches turned and left.

Even though she is a patriarch disciple, it is impossible for her to be ridiculous.

Being able to stand up and say a few words to Yi Zheng and others is already the ultimate she can do.

Although Yizheng and Mo Fancheng are full of gratitude for the ridiculous scorpion, the tens of thousands of peasants of the entire squad are trembled with anger.

They have always been a life and death, and Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng have been humiliated and beaten. They are also empathetic and naturally unable to swallow this breath.

At this moment, they also miss Jiang Yun more.

In particular, Yizheng and two people are more aware that when they were wild, they changed to other ruins and long ago, regardless of their own lives, but Jiang Yun is willing to bear the danger of life, but also to keep their lives.

Then if Jiang Yun is here now, I will never let myself wait for such humiliation!

Unfortunately, Jiang Yun did not know where he was.

This small storm, so easily passed, did not attract too much attention.

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Next, with the completion of the draw, the 100 squads also went to the rest area in the order of the draw, waiting for their arrival time.

Dabi finally started!

It must be said that this kind of offensive and defensive battle with tens of thousands of people is still very ornamental.

Not to mention the people of the foreign races, even if many of the ethnic minorities of the desert, there are few opportunities to see them on weekdays.

After all, the practice of the abandoned army is completely closed.

Therefore, at this moment everyone is concentrating on the killing of the 20,000 horses below!

This kind of big ratio is similar to the game that Jiang Yun and Mo Fancheng played at the beginning. The test is the long-range platoon and the ability of the squadron to adapt.

Also, as Yi Zheng told Jiang Yun, in such a big ratio, personal strength is no longer too important, the important thing is the collective strength.

Above the stands, there will be surprises and admiration from time to time, and even some young people from foreign countries can't help but burst out.

This time, the big ratio, because of its importance, although the barbaric patriarch Yan Junyan did not show up, but the true command of the millions of troops, the wilderness, and the aristocratic sacrifices, and the history of the young people.

For the reaction of the foreigners, the abandonment is naturally very happy to see.

Even they are very clear that among these audiences, there are people who are blaspheming the temple, and this is one of the reasons why they decided to open the big comparison process.

Let the temple of blasphemy, and all those who have ambitions for the abandon, look at the power of the abandon, so that they dare not come to provoke the abandon.

On the platform, the Hundreds of Wild Army is also concentrating on the other teams on the stage.

In particular, some of the most eye-catching and experienced tyrants, but also quickly analyze the countermeasures of the formation of their own team when they are on the court.

As for Yi Zheng and others, they are all languid and dejected, and no one is interested in watching the test on the stage.

They are now hoping that their team can quickly go to the stage to test, once they are finished, they can wait for themselves to leave, so as not to be humiliated.

However, they do not want their team to come.

Because it was just clear that Ye Yongfeng said that when the test was over, the ridiculous must be dead to himself and others!

As a wilderness, the wilderness is not to worry, but all of them are just slaves.

Even though it is impossible to kill everyone, it is extremely easy to kill a few people when you want to try it.

For example, Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng are inevitably the targets of his killing!

The wilderness took a handful of squadrons and deliberately sat next to Yizheng. They seemed to prevent them from escaping. Their eyes would be swept away from time to time. The murderousness revealed on their faces was no longer hidden. !

"How to do?"

Mo Fancheng quietly sent a question to Yizheng with a voice.

After the events of the wild world, the relationship between the two of them is irresistible. At this moment, it is natural to advance and retreat together.

In the eyes of Yi Zheng, there was a sigh of relief: "If you can't, then you will tell the brothers, when we compare, we use the method of Jiang Daren to teach, not to listen to the fate of the wild!"

According to Jiang Yun’s teaching method, it is the only way that Yi Zheng can think of to save his life.

Moreover, he also believes that the power of the Nine Bloods and the Circumstance is several times stronger than that of the squadrons that let them practice in the weekdays, and may even be able to defeat the savage and others in turn!

Mo Fancheng frowned slightly: "Don't listen to the fate of the ruin, this behavior is a real violation of the military regulations, I don't care, but if you are tired of other brothers, it is not good."

Yi’s face smiled and said: “I am worried about this, so I will abstain unless I am on the court. Otherwise, there is no way at all!”

Mo Fancheng shook his head and shook his head: "Abandoning the power also requires the savage to go to the mouth to order, but I look at the way of ridiculousness, although I know it is not, but I will definitely not abstain from it."

"After all, this is the only opportunity he can perform today!"

Yi Zheng sighed heavily: "Then we can only listen to the fate!"

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