The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 965: Wilderness

The voice from the five peaks of the Great Wilderness is naturally from Jiang Yun!

And when he heard his voice, this room had already fallen into a chaotic space, and suddenly it was miraculously quiet.

Everyone's gaze, once again with shock, looked at the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, even if the wilderness and other people are no exception.

Especially the barbaric sacrifices, although they tried to maintain the calmness of their faces, the panic in their hearts was already stronger.

I don’t even care about going to the ruins of the eternal life, but I’m trying to spur the connection between my body and my own wild lines. I want to quickly enter the Great Five Peaks and want to complete the integration with the Great Five Peaks.

Because as soon as he enters the Great Five Peaks, there will be a great possibility of becoming a relic of the abandonment.

At that time, the relics of the abandonment will be truly owned by him.

And there are holy things in hand, so no one else can stop him.

He will take the holy things, safely leave the desert, and go to the temple!

However, with the sound of Jiang Yun's voice, he can clearly feel that from the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, there is a strong will, straying between his own wild lines and himself, and preventing him from entering the Great Five Peaks.

Naturally, this will belong to Jiang Yun, or a combination of the will of Jiang Yun and the Great Wild Five.

However, as a barbaric sacrifice, he did not know how to repair Jiang Yun, a foreigner, how to do this.

After all, even the wild king Yan and the old man can not do it!

"Jiang Yun!"

Accompanied by a scream of anger in the mouth of the sacrifice, the five peaks that still kept the shape of the fist suddenly violently vibrated.

Just like a response to him!

In this shock, the five peaks shaped like fingers that clenched into fists were reopening at an extremely fast speed.


But at this moment, there was a violent shock on the sky, and everyone was shocked.

I saw a palm like a sky, already came to the top of this space.

At the same time, the face of the ridiculous flash of Yan Junyan flashed, and he looked deeply at the five peaks that would soon be restored to the original, and took a deep breath.

"Oh la la!"

I saw that the gathering has become the endless wasteland of this space, and the moment is like a sea, and it is boiling wildly.

Moreover, the voice of the ridiculous monarch Yan also sounded in everyone's ear: "You are a Taoist, abandoned, and a deserted person will send you out here with the ruins, and please do not resist!"

As the voice of the priests fell, the countless shards were suddenly twisted together, forming a myriad of lines of ruins, entangled with everyone in this space.

Obviously, because of Jiang Yun’s accidental noise, the sacrifice was temporarily restrained, so Yan Junyan also changed his mind and decided to send everyone out of space first.

After ensuring the safety of everyone, take the initiative to take the hand of the Tao.

Everyone naturally understands this, so when the ropes of the ruins are wrapped around themselves, they are not resisting.

Although the speed of the rope of the ruins has been extremely fast, but because of the need to prevent the fall of the palm of the hand, the priest will still gather at least half of the wild lines on the sky.

Naturally, in this way, his speed is not as fast as the palm of the Tao.


A terrifying noise suddenly came from above the head of the crowd.

The direct shock of everyone's body is blood and tumbling, and even more directly sitting on the ground with a butt, pale complexion, seven bloodshed.

Even the wild king Yan is a little swaying.

Because he still needs to be distracted to save other people, the first confrontation with the palm of the Tao is in a weak position.


The palm of Dao Zun was blocked by the ruins, and it was lifted again, and the ridiculous Jun Yan did not pay any attention, but was busy continuing to save people.


The palm of Dao Zun fell for the second time.

This time, under the sway of the body of the ridiculous priest, he even stepped out of the two steps, but he still just clenched his teeth and ignored it.

Seeing that the palm of the Tao once again was about to fall, the voice of Jiang Yun suddenly came from the ears of the ridiculous monarch: "If the priests believe in Jiang, they will let the palm of the Taoist fall down!"

Upon hearing this, the ridiculousness of the priest's pupils shrank sharply, which was a very difficult choice for him.

Although Jiang Yun has repeatedly brought a lot of shock to everyone, especially the freak that he realized, even coincides with the secrets of the relics of the abandonment.

However, the true cultivation of Jiang Yun is only the peak of the Tao Ling.

This kind of cultivation, to go to the hard way to respect a palm, this is really a slap in the arm, can not stand a blow.

You can become a leader of the family. Naturally, there is something extraordinary about it. The only thing that is indulged is a bit of a happy one: "Well, a little you believe in you!"

While speaking, everyone saw that the countless shards that blocked the palm of the Tao on the top of the head suddenly dissipated, turned into a rope of the ruins, and finally entangled all of them.

Under the entanglement of the ropes of the ruins, everyone can feel the wildness, there is a thick force, obviously this is the purpose of the ridiculously used to protect the people.

Many people originally had some dissatisfaction with the abandonment because of the sacrifices, but now the practice of the ridiculous monarch is to erase the dissatisfaction in their hearts.

However, now they have no time to think about these things, but they all look up at the sky.

Without the blockage of the wild lines, the palm of the Tao of the Tao finally fell down with the sound of whistling.

At this moment, there was a loud bang from "Boom".

The Great Five Peaks have completely recovered into the palm of their hand, and they have risen to the ground and rushed into the air.

And in the air, the five peaks originally only a hundred feet of volume is also rapidly expanding.

This sub-picture is forever engraved in the minds of everyone at this moment.

Above the sky, a palm of the Tao, like the heavens, with the power of extinction, descends from the sky;

Above the earth, a palm of the five peaks that is getting bigger and bigger, with the power of absurdity, rises up!

The Great Five Peaks are going to meet the palm of the Tao!

At this moment, only one person’s face showed a desperate color.

This person is a sacrificial sacrifice!

Because at this moment, his position is exactly in the middle of the palm of the Tao and the five peaks of the Great Wilderness!

Originally, he was able to dodge, but above his body, there was a winding line of the wasteland of the priest.

Coupled with the tyrannical will that came out of the Five Peaks, he couldn't move at all, so that he could only watch it, and the Great Five Peaks were getting closer and closer to themselves.

Above the back, the horror of the sacred palm of the Tao is also getting stronger and stronger!

However, he is more concerned about it, but is standing on the top of the five peaks, still standing on the 66th step of Jiang Yun!

At the moment, Jiang Yun, above the eyebrows, had only six strokes of waste, and three more strokes, which made him finally draw his own wild lines.

That is a "wild" word, the wilderness of the wild, the waste of the power of the wild!

Jiang Yun looked at the sacrifice with no expression, suddenly under his gaze, took a step and stood on the 67th step.

And slowly open, let the ear of the sacrifice ring the last sentence heard in this life: "You lost, your life, Jiang took it!"


At the same time that Jiang Yun’s voice fell, it has become like the vast five peaks of the sky, and finally hit the palm of the Tao, and smashed it together!

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