The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 978: Since him

First dw hair

The power of the demon, that is the ability of the top refiners to control.

And it's not just turning humans into demons, but turning everything into a demon!

Even today's Jiang Yun does not have such ability.

However, nowadays, in the ancient times when there was no refining demon, there was the emergence of the power of the demon, which made the thoughts in Jiang Yun’s mind more clear.

"In this era, there is indeed no existence of a refining demon, but there is a refining demon, which is emerging."

"And he is the first refiner to be born between heaven and earth!"

"Since then, there has been a career between the heavens and the earth, and there has been a generation of refining demon."

"Although I don't know who this person is, but this person has a talent!"

The refining sorcerer is also a kind of spiritual path, and everyone who can open up a new way of practice is bound to be a stunning generation!

"Just, this person is standing on the side of the Taoist, and is the enemy of the dead and the Nine. Even he may be the Taoist himself!"

"It is also because of his existence, because of his power to demonize, let the temple of the sacred temple, and finally destroy the dead nine!"

"These ghosts and beasts may not all be humanized, but there should be other kinds of things... After all, the power of the demon is to turn everything into a demon."

"However, since there is a birth of a refining demon, and I am also a refining demon, then my refining demon should be equally useful!"

"I, try again!"

In the voice of Jiang Yun's almost whispering, his five fingers, which were deeply inserted into the body of the beast, suddenly shot a demon print.


At the moment when the sorcerer was formed, the ghostly beast suddenly looked up and gave a scream of screaming.

In the screams, its huge figure is also trembled rapidly.

This scream was so loud that it attracted the attention of all the spirited beasts, and their eyes and body turned together, all of which temporarily fell into quiescence.

Naturally, the eyes of the people of the past are also seen here.

Under the gaze of countless gaze, the trembling body of the screaming sorrowful beast gradually calmed down, and with its huge head, gently arched toward Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun also took out his own palm, closed his eyes, and could clearly sense his own sorrowful print in his mind. He had already rooted in the body of this ghostly beast.

Volleyball, success!

Although others did not know what Jiang Yun did, he could see that the attitude of this ghostly beast to Jiang Yun changed.

"Hey, pretend to be a ghost!"

Along with the coldness in the void, the rest of the spirited beasts suddenly returned to God and rushed toward Jiang Yun again.

At the same time, the scenes of the two or three thousand spirits of the spirits were so spectacular that the people of the Ming Dynasty and others were closed, and they could not bear to see the scene where Jiang Yun was swallowed or directly hit into the powder.

However, Jiang Yun did not even open his eyes, just like he did not know that there were horrible herds around him. He still said to himself: "The refining magic succeeded in these ghostly beasts. But in the wild world, it has repeatedly failed."

"It seems that their sudden rebellion against the abandonment is probably not only because of the secret support of the sacrifice, but because of their great possibility, behind them, the support of the refiner!"

"Therefore, my refining magic will have no effect on them!"

"It seems that after the trip to the reincarnation, I have to go to the wild world."

"If I can find the refiner, then all that I speculate will have a reasonable explanation!"

"But now, you still have to solve these ghosts!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the ghostly beast that had almost rushed to his side in all directions. His body flashed and crossed the herd directly.

In the twinkling of an eye, they came to the front of a singularly enchanted beast, and took out the refining pen in their hands.

For the emergence of Jiang Yun, this beast immediately opened his mouth and wanted to swallow Jiang Yun.

But when it felt the huge demon emitted from the refining pen, the mouth suddenly closed.

The huge body also gave a slight trembling.

Because this refining pen is a bone of a demon!

Even if it is a real sacred beast, facing the bones of the demon, there will be almost instinctive taboos.

If Jiang Yun’s scorpion is still there, then he only needs to show his sacred body, and he can easily shake these sinister beasts.

Now, he can only use the identity of his own demonizer to surrender them!

With a burst of blood, Jiang Yun waved the refining pen, and already had blood, and on the head of this ghostly beast, he painted a huge sorcerer.

After the drawing was completed, Jiang Yun did not look at it at all, and once again, he stood on the head of the ghostly beast.


With the demon print played a role in the body of this beast, it naturally made it express its intention to surrender to Jiang Yun.

Its screaming, suddenly let all the spirits of the surrounding beasts, all stopped their bodies, issued a tremor, and the eyes were even more fearful.

At the same time, holding the demon pen, standing on the head of this savage beast, staring at all the ghosts of the ghosts, Jiang Yun, suddenly sent his huge knowledge of God to all In the minds of the beasts.

"I don't know what kind of life you used to be, but I know that you will not be willing to be turned into a ghostly beast and continue to survive in this form."

"Now, I can promise you that as long as you are willing to follow me, then one day, I will definitely let you recover the real life form!"

"Of course, if you don't want it, then I can only use other means to let you surrender to me like this beast under me!"

Jiang Yun does not know whether these ghostly beasts can understand their own words, because he can say that he is ignorant of the power of the demon.

But as he said, since the sorcerer is effective, then he can completely surrender these sorcerers by refining the identity of the sorcerer.

It’s just that, it’s not his wish.

While Jiang Yun conveyed his own words to these ghostly beasts with his gods, the majestic beasts under his body were constantly making a low voice.

It seems that they are also telling their "families" in their own language.

I don’t know if the spirits of the spirits really understand the words of Jiang Yun, or the advice of the bounded beast that has already surrendered, or the refining demon made of the bones of the demon in the hands of Jiang Yun. pen.

In short, when the moment passed, the ghost spirit beast that had been laid down by Jiang Yun before, was suddenly lowered his head toward Jiang Yun.

This position represents surrender.

With its lead, the remaining Yin spirit beasts, one by one, began to lower their heads toward Jiang Yun.

In a twinkling of an eye, nearly two or three thousand of the spirited beasts all lowered their heads toward Jiang Yun, expressing their own surrender and follow-up meaning!

This scene not only made the stunned people who had been seen by the people of the past, but also gave an exclamation in the void: "What is going on!"

Jiang Yun suddenly looked up, in the direction of the sound, shaking his hand was a punch and hit.

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