The World's First Hospital: I Build A Palace Of Medicine

Chapter 41 Artificial Heart Transplantation, Performed By Dean Lu Chen?

After the medical drama "Doctor Galaxy" was launched.

Countless netizens wait for the update every week, suffering a lot.

On January 31, the 64-episode TV series finally ushered in its finale.

Just started broadcasting.

Netizens stood in front of computers and mobile phones, watching the last two episodes.

Gao Xue, a loyal fan, is also watching "Doctor Galaxy".

The title begins.

Chen Li, a middle-aged woman, was originally very healthy.

But in the past six months, when she went shopping on the street, she always felt stuffy and out of breath, and her heart beat very fast.

After the symptoms appeared, Chen Li sat down and took a while, and her shortness of breath disappeared.

So she didn't take it to heart.

Recently, Chen Lixiong's symptoms of stuffiness and shortness of breath began to worsen. She always coughed up white foamy sputum, and her legs developed unexplained edema.

Now, she panicked completely.

Chen Li hurriedly called her daughter Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen is an anesthesiologist at Yinhe Hospital, and she is also the number one female in the play.

After hearing the mother's symptoms.

Zhou Wen immediately took her mother to Su Cheng for diagnosis and treatment at Yinhe Hospital.

The check result is displayed.

Chen Li's condition is very serious.

Dilated cardiomyopathy caused her whole heart to expand, severe tricuspid regurgitation, ventricular apical thrombus, and severe pulmonary hypertension.

In layman's terms.

Chen Li's heart can barely keep up with its own beating, and her heart failure is in the terminal stage.

To be successfully treated, a heart transplant is necessary!

Zhou Wen burst into tears when she learned about it.

Before she came to work at Yinhe Hospital, she took her parents to the hospital for a physical examination, and she was fine at the time.

Who knows that more than half a year has passed.

Mother's condition has become so serious!

Zhou Wen hated herself for being unfilial.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao, the number one male, quickly comforted his girlfriend Zhou Wen, saying that he would definitely help Zhou's mother with a heart transplant.

That's right!

After 64 episodes of the plot.

Lin Xiao and Zhou Wen, the happy friends, have achieved a positive result.

Hear the consolation of her boyfriend.

Zhou Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

She recognized Lin Xiao's medical skills very much, because Lin Xiao had never failed!

something unexpected may happen any time.

Before the heart transplant, the preoperative examination found that there were antibodies in Chen Li's body, which would lead to rejection after the heart transplant.

This is a no-no for heart transplants!

Faced with such difficult symptoms.

Lin Xiao, who was always full of confidence, felt a little helpless.

Zhou Wen yelled at Lin Xiao: "It's useless for you to think that your medical skills are superskirt, but you can't even cure my mother!"

This is where the story ends, and the episode ends.


in front of the phone screen.

Gao Xue clenched her fist, very anxious.

Lin Xiao and Zhou Wen, the Huanxi lovers, finally achieved a positive result.

We can't part ways just because of this!

Gao Xue was patient.

Play the finale now.

The opening plot is a classic bitter drama.

The two quarreled first.

Then recalled every bit of getting along, and finally did not choose to break up.

Lin Xiao frantically searched for various literatures on the treatment of end-stage heart disease.

Zhou Wen was by her mother's side, and the crying face of the mother and daughter paled.

crucial moment.

Lu Chen, the director of Yinhe Hospital, who does not have many roles in this drama, came to the rescue.

He said to Chen Li.

Galaxy Hospital is conducting a clinical trial for patients with end-stage heart failure, the "artificial heart" trial.

Hear what Dean Lu said.

Zhou Wen was very surprised.

An artificial heart is an artificial organ invented by scientists that can completely replace the function of the heart, thus saving the lives of thousands of heart disease patients.

The artificial heart body can replace the left and right ventricle of the patient.

The microlithium battery and control system are implanted into the patient's abdominal cavity to provide power.

The external battery pack can charge the micro lithium battery through the energy transmission device installed under the skin of the abdomen.

Zhou Wen anxiously said: "Dean Lu, developed countries abroad have already commercialized artificial hearts, and they supply 90% of the world's market atmosphere.

However, foreign artificial hearts are not suitable for the body structure of Xia people.

And because of the high cost.

Numerous domestic patients with advanced heart failure are looking forward to the birth of a domestic artificial heart brand.

But there has never been a domestic artificial heart..."

"That was before, now there is!"

Lu Chen hastily interrupted: "Scientists from Su Cheng Tongxin Medical Devices Co., Ltd. have been committed to the research and development, experimentation, debugging, and testing of domestic artificial hearts since 2005.

At present, the team of Professor Chen Cheng of Tongxin Medical Devices Company has independently developed Xiaguo's first full magnetic levitation artificial heart.

It has completely independent intellectual property rights and is suitable for the body structure of Xia people.

This project has been listed as a national key scientific research project by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

This fully magnetic levitation artificial heart weighs 180 grams, is similar to the size of a table tennis ball, and weighs as much as a mobile phone.

We, Yinhe Hospital, have reached a cooperation with Tongxin Medical Devices Co., Ltd. to become an artificial heart clinical trial unit. "

hear this.

Zhou Wen's eyes glowed with excitement.

Mother's condition has been cured!

Lu Chen asked again: "Doctor Zhou, you also know the dangers of clinical trials, you should discuss it with your mother first."


Zhou Wen discussed with her parents for a while.

In the end, Chen Li made a final decision: "Dean, I am willing to give it a try!"

When I first heard that I could try an artificial heart transplant.

She was both happy and worried.

The joy is that there is a new choice, and maybe I can return to life.

The worry is that the effect, safety, and postoperative quality of life may not be guaranteed.

But Chen Li didn't want to just give up.

A heart transplant closed the door on her.

The artificial heart opened the window to her.

Chen Li wants to give it a go!


in front of the phone screen.

Seeing this scene, Gao Xue couldn't help cheering for Chen Li.

in the picture.

Lu Chen immediately organized an organ transplant team.

Lin Xiao volunteered to become the chief surgeon of the future mother-in-law.

Surprisingly though.

Lu Chen refused Lin Xiao's request, saying that he had a special relationship with the patient.

In addition, artificial heart transplants are inherently risky.

In case of an accident.

The relationship between Lin Xiao and Zhou Wen will have many twists and turns.

In the end, this artificial heart transplant was performed by Lu Chen himself!


At this moment, screen bullets flew together.

"Oh my god! Dean Lu himself performed the operation. This is the first time this show has seen Dean Lu perform surgery!"

"I'm so touched! Dean Lu was afraid of an accident during Lin Xiao's operation, so he took the initiative to take responsibility, which is really admirable!"

"Uh... that's not the case. The director of Yinhe Hospital, how can it be possible that his medical skills are not good?"

"You can't tell! Have you seen Dean Lu perform the surgery on the news?"

"It doesn't seem to be there! Oops, Dean Lu is young, so he won't fail, right?"

"Is President Lu's medical skills high? According to the routine of medical dramas, the protagonist will often save the scene in the end."

"Upstairs is the prophet Stone Hammer! If the protagonist doesn't come to the rescue, I, Yang Siyang, will read my name upside down!"

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