The World's First Hospital: I Build A Palace Of Medicine

Chapter 97 A Brand New Life For The Benefit Of All Mankind!

AIDS is the enemy of all mankind.

Professor He Qing's overcoming AIDS is equivalent to saving tens of millions of people from fire and water.

After news reports.

AIDS patients with qualified domestic financial resources rushed to Yinhe Hospital in droves.

At the same time, countries all over the world are reporting that AIDS has been conquered.

Patients with qualified foreign financial resources also rushed to Su Cheng Yinhe Hospital.

Due to too many patients.

The Department of Infectious Diseases of Yinhe Hospital instantly became the department with the largest number of people in the hospital.

Facing AIDS patients from all over the world.

Yinhe doctors, using superb medical skills, have carried out umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation again and again.

After rebuilding the immune system.

The HIV virus in their body completely disappeared.

Every day, a large number of patients recover and regain their lives.

Reporters from all major media were dispatched one after another.

They all conducted anonymous interviews with these newly recovered cancer patients.

Xia Guo News reporter Bing Bing interviewed a 30-year-old patient, Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu said with emotion: "Six years ago, I learned from the doctor that I was infected with HIV.

At that time, I broke down and cried at 25, as if the sky had fallen, and I was extremely regretful.

Later, I chose to go to a new city to work and live, so that strangers will always be strangers, and I will no longer make friends.

Over time, I became pain-numbed and began to reflect on the disease itself.

The 90 million hepatitis B virus carriers in China are being discriminated against, let alone people like us?

When I went to the hospital to see a doctor, I confessed that I was carrying HIV.

Medical workers reacted differently.

They will get up and go to the sink and wash their hands repeatedly with alcohol.

Even if I just want to have a tooth pulled or see a stomach problem, they all suggest that I go to a hospital specialized in infection for diagnosis and treatment.

Later, I understood that ordinary hospitals are unwilling to treat infected patients, and have no obligation to accept infected patients.

If you suffer from diseases other than viral infections, you must also go to a hospital specialized in infectious diseases.

All kinds of strange gazes made me 'social death' frequently.

Loneliness became the main theme of my life.

After that, I began to actively receive treatment, taking free medicines in the essential drug list provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The free medicine has side effects such as diarrhea and dyslipidemia, and the diet must be strictly controlled.

It also deprived me of sleep, often brought down nightmares, night sweats, and frequent awakenings.

Later, I checked the information, and the effect of self-paid medicine will be better.

Genuine self-funded drugs generally range from 1000-2000 yuan per month.

In addition, I also purchased some generic drugs from India through the channels of my patients.

In an accident, the generic drug was cut off for a few days.

All my previous healing effects were wiped out.

Gradually, my condition became more and more serious, reaching the middle stage of AIDS.

I'm not afraid of your jokes.

I had thoughts of suicide for a while.

But it was a coincidence.

Some time ago, I bought a lottery ticket and won two million.

It also happened that Professor He Qing from Yinhe Hospital successfully cured AIDS by transplanting umbilical cord blood stem cells.


I immediately went to Yinhe Hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

In the end, I completely got rid of the illness and ushered in a new life!"

Bingbing said: "Xiao Liu, congratulations on your recovery! At this moment, do you have anything to say to AIDS patients?"

Xiao Liu thought for a while and said, "The road to fighting AIDS is long and difficult.

We, a group of AIDS patients, often suffer from strange eyes from all walks of life.

But please keep your faith.

Because Yinhe Hospital has completely conquered AIDS!"

at the same time.

Many AIDS patients who were interviewed anonymously said similar things.

They mentioned it repeatedly during the interview.

After being diagnosed with AIDS, they feel that the rest of their lives have become borrowed time.

These borrowed times may be five or six years, seven or eight years, or even ten years.

But there are no exceptions.

They lost ownership of their bodies!

No one can tell when God will take away the borrowed time.

Now, Yinhe Hospital has successfully conquered AIDS.

These middle and advanced patients have regained their lives!

From now on, they will usher in a new life, and they will no longer be tortured by illness!

March 10.

Galaxy Hospital.

director's office.

Assistant Xia Qing is reporting to Lu Chen.

She smiled and said: "Dean, after the press conference on February 18, patients from all over the world came in droves.

In the past 20 days, the doctors of Su Cheng Yinhe Hospital's Department of Infectious Diseases have cured 2,000 patients with advanced AIDS.

The cost of diagnosis and treatment for each patient is 1.47 million, and 2,000 patients are 2.94 billion yuan.

Among all the departments in the hospital, the Department of Infection Medicine is the most beautiful now!

In addition, the four branch hospitals also receive a large number of AIDS patients, bringing a lot of income to the hospital!"

Lu Chen nodded with a smile.

Professor He Qing has noble medical ethics and has disclosed the method of cord blood stem cell transplantation to all walks of life.

Top hospitals around the world can treat patients as long as they have the capacity.


Umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation needs to meet two basic conditions.

First, the hospital must have a large amount of umbilical cord blood to facilitate matching of patients.

Second, doctors must have superb medical skills, otherwise, the risk of activating the HIV virus with drugs is extremely high.

In many hospitals, there is either a shortage of umbilical cord blood or insufficient medical skills.

So, they can't treat AIDS patients.

And Yinhe Hospital has the world's largest blood bank, and the cord blood is very abundant.

Every month, the system will replenish the consumed blood bank.

303 This also makes Yinhe Hospital the hottest AIDS treatment center in the world!

Follow this rhythm.

The income of Yinhe Hospital will rise rapidly this year.

Lu Chen asked: "What is Professor He Qing doing recently?"

Xia Qing said bluntly: "Professor He has been holding various lectures on cord blood stem cell transplantation in Xiehe, Xiangya, Huaxi, Qilu, Tongji and other hospitals recently.

hear this.

Lu Chen smiled lightly.

In the business world, this kind of behavior is called "capitalizing the enemy"

But in the medical world, it doesn't count at all.

First, there are about 900,000 AIDS patients in the whole country.

They are suffering from serious diseases and spend money like running water, and they cannot afford the high medical fee of 1.47 million yuan.

Top public hospitals such as Xiehe Hospital, Xiangya Hospital, and West China Hospital, after learning about umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation, will allow those poor patients to be cured.

Second, the significance of medicine is to benefit all mankind.

There are more than 36 million AIDS patients in the world, how many can be cured by the Yinhe Hospital alone?

If every medical worker cherishes himself with his broom.

How about the development of modern medicine?

He Qing teaches that doctors are benevolent, and virtue is better than gold.

Lu Chen himself admires her very much.

If nothing else.

Professor He Qing will become an academician of the two academies at the end of the year.

The Nobel Prize in Medicine is also a certainty!

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