The world's number one pianist

Chapter 109 Lecturer? It is his honor that I choose him.

People like Ji Mengting are rare after all.

Basically, most people don't like He Shen very much, thinking that he may be too serious.

After all, everyone has already gone to college, who still wants their main subject teacher to be a particularly serious person?

It would be great if everyone could have fun together and spend the day's class together!

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network β†’π­π°π€πšπ§.𝐜𝐨𝐦]

Thinking back to the high school, teachers kept promoting that you should study hard now, and then you can relax after you get into a good university.

Therefore, the first reaction of most students when they come to college is definitely not that I want to live a harder life than high school, but to find opportunities to be lazy as much as possible.

At this time, a particularly serious teacher appears in front of you. Even if you know that he is very capable, you will feel a lot of pressure and a little bit weak when you look at his appearance.

Are you still willing to follow this teacher to take classes?

Most people are still unwilling to do so. Whether it is a small class for one person or a large class for many people, the teacher will be more relaxed if he can.

However, no matter how much they resist He Shen, the welcome day is over, and now all of them have to be pulled into the concert hall for admission examination.

In simple terms, it is...

Whether it is a mule or a horse, pull it out for a walk!

Many people came in through the art exam before, so many teachers in schools only have a general idea of ​​these people.

That is, this person has good grades.

That's all, nothing else.

But what is the specific level of this person, whether he is good at piano or theory, that is unknown...

If he is good at piano, whether he was trained through intensive training, or he has been learning from elementary school to adulthood, or he is really talented, it is even more elusive.

So after the start of each school year, when all the freshmen are basically present, all these freshmen are gathered and pulled into the concert hall of Jiangzhou Normal University to perform the opening performance.

The teachers under the stage judge the basics of this person and his feeling for music through the performances of these people.

Such criteria as these.

Finally, decide whether you need this student.

All teachers have to play at the beginning, and after they finish playing, it will be the students' turn to play.

Teachers will basically choose a shorter piece for their performance, about a few minutes, to show their own strength.

Students usually choose big pieces for their performance, which are more than ten minutes long.

However, they can choose the piece, and the teacher has the right to call for a pause or stop the piece after playing a certain amount.

No teacher is willing to listen to students playing for more than ten minutes.

There is a saying in the piano world that if you want to hear a person's level, then go and watch his Bach Well-Tempered Clavier.

You only need to listen to the beginning to hear how good his personal skills are.

Therefore, teachers don't need to listen to these students for so long, just listen to the beginning.

The following content is because they are afraid that this student only practiced the beginning.

After everyone has finished performing, it is the first round of selection.

The first round of selection is a two-way selection, that is, if the teacher and the student like each other, then they will be paired up directly and let the student study with this professor.

If the pairing is not successful, for example, the teacher does not like this student, but the student likes this teacher, then this student can only enter the waiting stage.

The selection order of the waiting stage is professor, associate professor, lecturer, and teaching assistant.

If the professor and the associate professor both like a student who failed to be selected, then this student will be taken away by the professor.

The following is basically the same, for example, if the associate professor and the lecturer like a student who failed to be selected, then the student will go to the associate professor, and if the lecturer and the teaching assistant like it, then the student will go to the lecturer.

If people of the same level like it at the same time, other teachers will vote together to decide who the student will follow.

In fact, there will be no voting. Basically, a few people will discuss it casually. If someone is in urgent need, they will be given it directly.

No one wants to take more classes...

However, these contents of the student assignment will not be put on the surface, which seems particularly disrespectful to students, so the work of assigning students is generally done in the office.

A group of students who had just been liberated from high school had no idea about these contents. They were looking around the concert hall with great excitement, chattering non-stop.

The counselor standing in front wanted to manage, but he was a little powerless, because each class had not yet elected a class monitor, and there was no leader to rectify.

So he could only let these people discuss and was too lazy to manage.

Without the supervision of others, the whole concert hall was as lively as a vegetable market.

"Fuck, look, the concert hall in our school is so beautiful!"

"I took a look when I came in just now. There are three floors in total, and there are seats on the side building. It can probably seat about 300 people?"

"It's amazing. I have been in school for so long, and I didn't know there was such a place in the school. I have never heard of it before."

"That's right. I've only heard people talk about the auditorium and the opening ceremony, but I've never heard of a concert hall."

"How long have you been here? You haven't even gotten familiar with the school map. How can you know so much?"

"Tsk, you're talking like you've been here for a long time."


Everyone looked at the structure of the concert hall curiously and discussed it in a low voice.

Ji Mengting sat in the crowd, standing out from the crowd. She stood straight and looked straight ahead, ignoring the noise around her.

She looked very elegant.

"Hey, Ji Mengting, why don't you say anything? Do you know what's going on? Come on, tell us. Tell us~"

The roommate sitting next to her suddenly found that Ji Mengting didn't say a word, and couldn't help asking curiously.

Ji Mengting nodded slightly, looked around, and after seeing that no one else was looking at her, she whispered to her roommate.

"Inside story? There is indeed a little bit... I barely got a little inside story from the conversation with my seniors, but I can't guarantee it's correct. Do you want to hear it?"


Her roommate left the person who was chatting and nodded immediately, looking at Ji Mengting expectantly, waiting for her explanation.

Some people around also noticed the situation here, and immediately leaned over to listen to her inside story.

Ji Mengting looked at the people gradually approaching around her, and couldn't help feeling a little helpless. She hid a little behind to keep herself away from the crowd, and then spoke.

"First of all, we should note that there are a total of 19 teachers in the piano department, four of whom are professors. They usually don't have students, so we don't have to consider choosing professors."

"Then we only have 15 teachers to choose from, and each teacher's expertise is not particularly the same."

"For example, there is a teacher among the lecturers, whose name seems to be... Qu Shi? Her main subject is about theory, and piano is her weak point. If you study with her, your theoretical knowledge may be more profound than that of piano."

Suddenly someone raised his hand and asked a question.

"Well, I want to ask, why is this teacher in charge of theory from the piano department, not the theory department? And what does it mean to have richer theoretical knowledge in class?"

Ji Mengting didn't feel any surprise. This question was also the news she asked her seniors at the time.

She said lightly.

"You can understand that this teacher will not allow you to memorize the score through muscle memory, but you must memorize it using the harmonic progression method to understand the work."

"Huh? Harmonic progression?"

"Well, this is what will be taught in the harmony class in the first semester of the freshman year. If you are interested, you can look it up yourself."

Ji Mengting shook her head, feeling that her future classmates were a bit mixed, and they didn't even know what a harmonic progression was.

Anyway, she continued.

"The other teachers are all OK. The piano skills of associate professors are better than lecturers, and lecturers are better than teaching assistants. It's basically like this. There's nothing special."

"The works they are good at are also very different. According to the news I heard before, there are associate professors who are good at the works of the entire Baroque period, and there are lecturers who are good at modern works. I remember the most impressive thing is that there is an associate professor who is an expert in atonal music!"

"So, if you are caught by an atonal music expert, remember to eat more good food. After all, atonal music is..."

She paused for a moment, thinking of He Shen, who she had always been curious about. After hesitating for a while, she continued.

"Oh, by the way, I still want to remind you that there is one person among these teachers that you need to pay attention to, that is Assistant He Shen. His status is very low, but his piano skills are very strong, very, very strong!"

"Then why don't we just choose him? He is an assistant teacher, and he can easily accept more students. How could he reject us? Don't you think so?"

A silly man suddenly spoke to the others, and everyone laughed immediately.

After the murmurs gradually subsided, Ji Mengting's face became a little cold, but she continued to speak.

"You can choose him, but I remind you that he is the very serious teacher on the welcome day."

After the voice fell, all the students who came on the first day immediately shut up.

Only some students who came on the second day were still a little ignorant and fighting with each other.

Just when everyone was fighting, the door of the concert hall was suddenly opened.

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