The world's number one pianist

Chapter 120: Is this person a human?

Although it is better for students or teachers of the music academy to stay in the piano room and practice constantly, it is still necessary to come to the library occasionally.

He Shen has lost count of how many times he has come to the library to find information. At other times, he usually finds music scores, copies them and goes back directly. But this time, what he needs is not to copy a certain score, but to carefully analyze the piano music of the Romantic period.

He Shen walked into the library and found many scores of different musicians in the Romantic period. He copied them one by one, found an empty table at random, pushed the sundries on it aside, and carefully analyzed the contents on it.

These musicians of the Romantic period are not only romantic in thought, but also very gentle in character.

They will not deliberately hide some details that you can't see in their works, so that you can't scratch your head while watching their works.

They will write everything they have in their works in a very heroic way, and then show them in front of everyone, telling them how powerful they are, and want you to show off their unparalleled talent.

Therefore, if you carefully observe and analyze every note in the score, you can clearly get a lot of different information, all of which are hidden under the notes.

He Shen pulled his sight away, not limiting himself to one work, but looking at all the works in front of him with a quick glance.

Then, observe the similarities and differences in the works in front of him, and think seriously, why do all the musicians write this way in this place, and why is it different in that place?

Analyze the same type of works of each composer, compare them with their history, and think about everything in the score with the notes in the score.

I don’t know if it’s because of the system, or his deeper and deeper mastery of music, especially the music of the romantic period, he can gradually understand many works that he has not seen, just from the score, he can get how this work should be played.

This feeling is so cool!

It’s like being omniscient!

He Shen greedily roamed in the world of music, feeling the charm brought by each note, and this charm made him feel comfortable and beautiful from the heart.

If he wasn't in the library, he would have jumped up and cheered.

Fortunately, the shame prevented him from shouting out loud, but continued to watch the music.

Just as his understanding of Chopin's works became deeper and deeper, his understanding of all the music in the Romantic period was like a branding iron, engraved in his mind and gradually deepened.

Every note, every rest, every crescendo and decrescendo, has its own charm!

Unfortunately, this charm is too skinny. If you don't have a deep understanding of music, you basically can't feel the beauty from the score.

While He Shen was flipping through the score, he inexplicably felt the meaning of this system.

Although it was still a little hazy, the feeling was there.

More and more people are willing to indulge in the ear-washing and shoddy music. This kind of music full of logic and rationality is abandoned by more and more people. There is always someone who needs to pick up this music so that this beauty will not dissipate.

Perhaps, this is the meaning of the system's existence?

As for the piano master... it should be just an identity.

Whether it is the piano master or the piano king, they all appeared for me to grow quickly to a certain level.


I still need to work harder.

Just as He Shen kept looking at the music score and thinking about what to say in the next class, a delicate hand suddenly touched in front of He Shen.

He Shen raised his head and saw that it was Li Tongyun, the sophomore who often appeared in front of him and made a series of confusing behaviors.

He Shen looked at her and asked lightly.

"Is there anything?"

"Uh, that..."

Li Tongyun swallowed her saliva, hammered her head, looked around for a while, and hesitated to speak.

She came here to find the pure version of Urtext, because the version she downloaded from imslp before was considered a public version, too simple, and it was someone else's version, which was particularly bad and was criticized by the teacher for a long time.

Most of the scores on imslp are basically private public versions. Although the notes are the same, they are actually...very different from Urtext.

In simple terms, the most common difference is the difference in lines. Because those public versions are private scores, the lines on them are the versions of those private composers. They draw lines when they play the works, not the lines drawn by the composer himself.

Many teachers are very strict. Their own scores are the original scores, so they naturally require students to use the original scores for performance. These students who hold imslp scores may be directly rejected because the score version is different from the teacher's version after playing in a confused manner.

Li Tongyun is such a student. After her version was completely rejected by the teacher, she was scolded by the teacher.

"There are a lot of pure original scores in the school library. You don't copy them. You bring the public version scores on IMSLP to class. Do you know what you are playing?"

"We play the original ideas of the composer, not the weird versions adapted by others. If you like the weird versions, then you can learn from the adapter. Why do you come to our school? If you want to drop out, you should quit early."

"I will warn you again. If I see you bring me a weird version that I don't know where it came from, I will warn you again. If you don't want to practice with the music score that popped up, I advise you to change a teacher as soon as possible. I can't teach you. "

"If you are lazy, you can buy it on Taobao. If you are a little more diligent, you can go to the school library to make a copy. If you have money, you can go to buy it yourself and ask someone to bring back the original score. There are so many ways, but you have to choose the most problematic one. If you don't want to write, go home early and earn professional skills as soon as possible!"

In this way, after being inexplicably scolded several times, Li Tongyun went to the library honestly to find the work she was going to perform next, and by the way, see if there are any new novels in the library to read.

However, when she was looking for the music score, she suddenly found that there was an extremely familiar figure across from her across several layers of bookshelves. This figure was so familiar that she dared not forget it at all.

After all, this person had recorded her twice.

She carefully crossed the bookshelf, went around behind He Shen, watched He Shen choose the music score he needed, and then went to the customer service center to make a copy.

After the photocopying was completed, she found an empty seat outside, put the sundries on it aside, and began to read the music score non-stop, writing and drawing on it.

From this point of view, she should be analyzing the music score quietly by herself.

Then, she didn't know what was wrong with her, she suddenly ran to He Shen's side, put her fingers on his music score, disturbed He Shen's reading, and made him raise his head and look at her.

Judging from this situation, if I guessed correctly, I should be... He Shen will write a bad review in his little notebook again.

Forget it, no matter, I already have two circles anyway, one more is fine, as the saying goes, too many bad reviews don't hurt your body, three or four bad reviews are nothing, just go!

Li Tongyun, don't be afraid, you are a student, he is a teacher, it is natural for a teacher to answer questions for students, so, go! Li Tongyun!

Li Tongyun silently encouraged herself in her heart, clenched her fists hard, and asked He Shen with an extremely firm look.

"Um, Teacher He, can I ask you a question? Please, I really have a question to ask!"


He Shen said briefly and stared at Li Tongyun coldly, as if she would fail the course if she didn't tell him.

After he finished speaking, He Shen suddenly added a sentence.

"If you ask questions that have nothing to do with music, you won't pass the course later."

Looking at He Shen's expression, Li Tongyun swallowed her saliva, her heart beat, and she took a few deep breaths. After cheering herself up again, she gritted her teeth and asked He Shen.

"Um, teacher, I've been practicing Liszt's "The Hunt" recently, but the overall feeling of my practice is not right. Um... Can you tell me and analyze this piece? I want..."

"Paper, pen!"

When He Shen heard this question, he stretched out his hand and gestured to Li Tongyun without waiting for her to finish.

"Give me paper and pen, I will help you analyze it, speed."

"Ah? Oh oh oh..."

Li Tongyun was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that He Shen would interrupt her before she finished speaking and asked her for paper and pen. She immediately searched her pockets and quickly checked them. Then she handed the pen at the bottom of her bag to He Shen. After finding that she had no paper, she quickly ran to the front of the library and borrowed a piece of paper from the front desk.

When He Shen went to the front to borrow paper and pen, she also went to the music department's score department and found Liszt's Hunting. After copying it, she put it in front of her and read it silently.

The previous understanding of Romantic music quickly came to his mind. Even though it was just the first time, he quickly saw a clue from the score.

Liszt's "Hunting" comes from one of his twelve super-technical etudes. The arrangement of this one is different from Chopin's prelude. Chopin habitually uses the fifth ascending arrangement order, while Liszt habitually uses the fifth descending arrangement order, arranging them one by one.

In addition to the most boring finger function training, this set of works also includes many performance skills exercises. It can be regarded as a comprehensive work, a perfect unity of skills and artistic expression.

And this piece...

He Shen thought about it, searched his memory for Liszt, found the memory of Liszt playing this piece, and nodded.

This is a work created by Liszt when he was 15 years old, inspired by the violin virtuoso Paganini and the composer Berlioz. After the guidance of others, this work was given the title "Hunting".

Then, this is a work in the key of C minor. The overall situation is to create a magnificent orchestral momentum. It needs to have both a fresh and beautiful mountain style and a hunting scene brought about by the use of special complex chords, giving people a sense of Extremely strong visual and auditory impact.

In line with the name of this piece, "Hunting", I naturally should start from the aspect of hunting and analyze this piece carefully.

You don’t want to reach the perfect level, but you can at least get into the entry level, right?

He Shen touched his chin, took out a lollipop from his pocket, and while looking at the sheet of music in front of him, he tore off the outer layer of paper with ease, put the lollipop into his mouth, and crossed his arms. , let your brain fully develop and think carefully about the content.

Li Tongyun had no idea that He Shen was looking at the meaning of each phrase in this piece of music. She quickly walked up to He Shen with a pen and paper, handed the pen and paper to him, and spoke carefully.

"Well, Teacher He, what do you want this pen and paper for?"

"Analysis of music."

He Shen spoke concisely and reached out to signal Li Tongyun to sit across from her. Seeing that she just sat down but made no other movements, he couldn't help but frowned, tapped the table with his knuckles, and said coldly.

"Are you so confident that you don't think you need to record?"

"Huh? Recording?"

Li Tongyun was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding what He Shen meant.

He Shen looked at the stupid Li Tongyun and continued.

"Or can you understand it just once?"

"Huh? Oh oh oh..."

Seeing He Shen's frown gradually, Li Tongyun's heart trembled, and he instantly understood He Shen's thoughts. He immediately took out his mobile phone and pressed the record button.

If you just listen to it once, you will never understand what He Shen is talking about, so you must use the power of these electronic products to copy all the content He Shen said, put it in your mobile phone, and keep it for later listening slowly.

And He Shen also spoke immediately after she pressed the record button.

"First of all, we can see that this piece is a parallel trilogy, with a complex structure, a total of 228 measures, and a relatively large length. The whole piece can be divided into four sections A, B, C, and D."

"The first section, section A, from the first measure to the fifty-eighth measure, is a musical form, which is the theme of this work, from a, the first to the thirty-first section, And a', bars 32 to 58 are composed of two parts. Part a' is the extension and expansion of part a, with repeated changes, so we can focus our attention on the A section of this piece. on part a.”

"This piece is mainly in the key of C minor. It starts with the octave melody of the large group of characters. This place needs to give people a sense of shock!"

"The opening, octave, is like the sound of a shotgun, and a hunt officially begins. Then comes the rapid thirty-second notes, and the major chords played by the left and right hands in unison. It is obvious that the intention in this place is that the prey is caught by the gunshot. Wake up and run away quickly."

"After a series of quarter notes, it is obvious that this place is gradually pushing this piece of music to a climax, and at this place, Liszt is very interesting. After five sets of chromatic runs, he gave a short section The extended pause made everything fall into silence. What does this mean? "

He Shen suddenly opened his mouth and asked Li Tongyun. Li Tongyun was still shocked by He Shen's unexpected explanation before, and did not hear He Shen's question at all. When He Shen frowned and asked the question for the second time, she Only then did he regain his composure and whispered.

"Um, that... does it mean that the prey is dead, and the hunter is slowly approaching the prey to prevent the prey from counterattacking before it dies?"

"It can be understood this way, because this place is actually a blank space, giving people unlimited reverie, allowing the music as a whole to return to calmness. In this calmness, the murderous intention of the hunter is hidden."

He Shen said lightly, as if Li Tongyun's words had already been expected by him, so he quickly wrote down the musical form analysis of the entire piece on paper.

A long musical form list was written on paper, and the content was very clear, dividing the entire piece into four parts.

Part A, sections 1-58, a (1-31) + a' (32-58)

Part B, sections 59-185, b (585-115) + c' (116-133) + d (134-164) + b' (164-185)

Part C, 1818194-215)

Part D, subsections 215-228.

The D part is the coda. Its main purpose is to enhance the overall sound effect of the music, so that the phrase finally falls back to the key of C minor, so that the whole work can regain its perfection.

He Shen pointed to Part B in front of the two people and continued.

"This part A actually doesn't have much. It basically announces the beginning of this piece and gives the simplest theme, shooting, chasing prey, that's all. The most essential part of this piece is Part is Part B, which is the so-called second part.”

"This piece is in C minor, but in the B part, it becomes its relative major and minor key, E flat major. We can understand the overall intention of C minor as apprehension, fear, and uneasiness, but in the E flat major, the overall color begins to change, becoming clear, bright, shiny, relaxed and joyful, which also symbolizes the end of the first part, part A. We actually hunted the prey."

"Let's pay attention to this place now, from the 84th to the 87th bar. This place has a feature. What is this feature?"

Li Tongyun was stunned and looked at the content carefully. There are only four bars, but it feels more difficult than the heavenly book.

After thinking about it for a while, she spoke carefully.

"Is it...repeated?"

"Speak clearly!"

"Uh, I don't know..."


He Shen pursed his lips, let the complaints in his heart go back to his heart, slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and said to Li Tongyun.

"It is the repetition between the second and seventh notes of the material, and finally descends to the fifth note of the mode. Can you understand what I mean?"



He Shen pinched his eyebrows and felt a burst of fatigue, but soon he shook his head. Since he had already started talking, he couldn't stop.

Not for Li Tongyun, but for himself.

He Shen threw Li Tongyun aside, gave up asking her questions, and started to explain this piece directly to himself.

"We can see that in the c section of the B section, which is bars 85-115, this is the most lyrical section of the whole song. This section introduces new musical materials, but the left hand repeats the musical materials that appeared before. This is very interesting."

"The melody is arranged on the first finger (thumb) and the fifth finger (little finger) of the right hand. The accompaniment of the left hand is extremely gentle. The song-like melody makes people feel soothed from the heart."

"In the modified c' section of the following c section, the left hand changes to a continuous syncopated chord that is exactly the same as the right hand melody, still in E flat major..."

"In bar 133..."

"Part d..."


He Shen's brain is very clear. He knows exactly what he is saying, and he speaks out his thoughts bit by bit. He leads Li Tongyun to analyze this piece, quickly cutting the whole into five themes, abcde, and an epilogue.

The a theme is a separate part, which is part A. The three themes b, c, and d together form part B. The variations of the e theme and the c theme form part C, and finally part D is a variation.

The overall logic is very clear and transparent, which makes people very clear at a glance.

At least, it is very clear to He Shen.

After telling the story for nearly two hours, he looked at the characters he wrote with satisfaction, and then threw the paper full of words to Li Tongyun and said lightly.

"Okay, the overall work of this piece should be like this. There are still a few details in it. It depends on your teacher to explain it to you in class. Now you just need to disassemble this piece according to my segmentation, and you can roughly interpret this piece. Is there any problem?"


Li Tongyun was completely confused. There was no extra capacity in her brain to think about the problem. She was now full of question marks.

Is this a human?

Who can completely disassemble the entire score just by looking at the score?


Li Tongyun was very sure that He Shen had never seen this piece before she came, at least he was not particularly familiar with it.

But after he read the beginning, he completely understood this piece, and took her to break it down bit by bit, telling her how to perform this part.

Although... this is just a very rough outline, it can be seen that He Shen's thoughts have been completely understood in this part, and he knows what kind of feeling he should play in that part.

Li Tongyun was very sure that if He Shen was given a little bit of time, He Shen could perform this piece in front of everyone with an extremely perfect attitude.

Of course, this is only perfect for her. For other music masters, or Teacher He Shen himself, whether this piece is performed perfectly, that's not known.

Not only that, there is another very important point!

Li Tongyun's face was very complicated. She looked at He Shen, and for a moment she didn't know what to say about this.

Even the teachers she knew before, when they played the works, they played by sight reading, they only played roughly, but He Shen had only received the score for a few minutes, and he could analyze it completely like this, what the hell...

Is this the strength of the Golden Piano Award champion? Is this the margin of the big guys? I am really envious, when can I have this ability?

As expected, I am a poor student, I can't do anything...

Is the gap between the top students and the poor students really that big?

Oh no, that's not right, this is not a top student, this is a god of learning!

Only a god of learning can directly analyze the form structure of this piece with just a glance.

This sense of frustration made Li Tongyun completely lose the idea of ​​catching up with He Shen.

Li Tongyun thought that she could not analyze a work at a glance, and she might not be able to reach this level in the next ten years.

As expected, the gap between people is so big, so big that it makes people despair.

Li Tongyun sighed and wanted to say something, but she didn't say it in the end. She just put away the paper in front of He Shen, bowed obediently with He Shen, and whispered.

"Thank you, Teacher He."

"It's okay, but you need to make up for your basic music theory. Who is your harmony teacher? I'll talk to him later, maybe he will pay more attention to you."


Hearing that He Shen wanted her harmony teacher to pay more attention to her, Li Tongyun immediately became anxious and shook her head at He Shen.

"No, no, no, teacher, you are too polite! Teacher, please don't do this, teacher, you are afraid of me, I am just an ordinary student, teacher, please don't mess with me."

Bowed, waved, ran away, Li Tongyun no longer dared to stay by He Shen's side and continue to make noise.

What if He Shen is serious? Really go to her harmony teacher and ask her harmony teacher to pay more attention to her?

Wouldn't her college career be completely ruined? Living in a painful academic hell every day, oh no, or being sealed in the piano room and never being able to escape?

This feeling... forget it!

She chose to give up. No matter how awesome He Shen was, she didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore.

After all, he was a big shot, and she was just a poor student.

He Shen looked at her quickly fleeing back, his mouth corners quickly shrank, shook his head, and didn't bother to pay attention to her. He took back the "Hunting" that he had analyzed before, and analyzed the content casually, so that he could gradually increase his understanding of Liszt.

Judging from this situation, my Liszt "Hunting" should have reached the specialized level, probably Lv4. If I play it more, it will soon reach Lv6?

At this moment, someone next to me suddenly spoke.

"Hey! Why are you sitting in my seat?"

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