The world's number one pianist

Chapter 140: Killing indiscriminately

He Shen knew very well how much physical energy he would need to consume later. Read М

Not only the physical energy that would be consumed later, but also the mental energy that would be consumed later, would be several times that of the previous amount.

Therefore, he was a little reserved at the beginning, and did not release it completely, but put a little bit of strength and emotions at this time.

In this countless octave area!

He had been waiting for this moment!

Everyone's eyes were all locked on He Shen, looking forward to his performance.

Whether it was expecting him to make a mistake or expecting him to succeed.

They were all looking forward to...

He Shen took a deep breath, and his fingers ran quickly on the keyboard, gradually approaching the most difficult area.


Smash it down!


The extremely fast octave sounded on the piano, and everyone's eyes were all lit up.

Emotions were instantly ignited!

In their hearts, all their thoughts about this piece of music and their understanding of this piece of work gradually dissipated in He Shen's performance.

Instead, it was the idea that He Shen forced upon them.

He Shen's performance was engraved in the hearts of the students.

Their eyes suddenly widened, and they looked at He Shen in front of them in shock, revealing a trace of disbelief.

"Ah... So this place needs to be played like this!"

"Hiss, I seem to understand! I understand! The music in this place, what it tells!"

"Damn, did I play it wrong before?"

"Sure enough, I was wondering why I felt weird when I played it, it turns out this place is like this!"

"Good, good! Good!!! Great! This place is simply, too good!"


A group of students almost shouted, they looked at He Shen's hands, their eyes filled with excitement.

He Shen's performance seemed to give them a new understanding of music.

For this group of students, the place where He Shen played...

Very strong!

Very strong!

So strong... For a while, they could not find any other words to describe the feeling of this place except to say it was great.

Not only the students, but also the teachers, their eyes flickered a little.

They looked at He Shen, their fingers trembling.

Super strong control...

Superb musical expression...

Unimaginable emotional rendering...

All of this was integrated into a teacher they had only heard of before, and heard of his name after dinner.

Many people don't pay attention to the Golden Piano Award, they often focus on foreign awards.

Now, seeing He Shen, some of them suddenly woke up.

Domestic competitions can also produce good pianists.


A group of people looked at He Shen, and a trace of dark thoughts gradually emerged in their hearts.

You have opened the beginning now, can you do the rest?

After all, the octaves in this place are not just a little bit...

The octaves in this place are very, very long, and very long.

Do you have the ability to play this place completely? Can you?

They stared at He Shen, looking forward to He Shen making mistakes.

As long as He Shen made mistakes, it would prove the correctness of their views.

Pianists who come out of large-scale domestic competitions are basically very ordinary pianists who have no chance of gaining a place in the international arena.

Domestic large-scale piano competitions are not worth mentioning at all!

Regardless of whether this competition is recognized by all music schools, it is a formal large-scale piano competition.

As long as He Shen fails, their views can be established.

They are looking forward to, looking forward to, He Shen's overturn.

Unfortunately, there is no...

He Shen's performance proves one point, that the facts will not change because of changes in human ideas!

This long section, the octave that many pianists are afraid of, is not worth mentioning in He Shen's hands.

It's just like an ordinary scale.

Lifting a heavy weight with ease.

This feeling of lifting a heavy weight with ease makes them extremely uncomfortable and painful.

They just hope that He Shen will fail, why doesn't he fail!

Isn't this place a very difficult place? Why doesn't he seem to feel that this place is difficult at all?

Is there something wrong with my understanding of music?

Some teachers looked at He Shen with an uncomfortable look, wishing they could leave immediately and never listen to He Shen's performance again.

Unfortunately, they couldn't leave midway.

He Shen couldn't help but raise his lips slightly, and he closed his eyes, letting his sense of touch fully exert its strength, feeling the flow of music at his fingertips.

The content of this place is very difficult.

Before this, he was still a little bit afraid, afraid that there would be problems in this place.

Or because this place consumed too much physical energy, which would lead to more problems later.

However, since he got the 100,000 times of scale practice, he was no longer afraid.


The octave scale is also a scale!

Whether it is an octave semitone scale, an octave diatonic scale, or an octave natural scale...

These exercises in which both hands must play scales in octaves are included in this one hundred thousand exercises!

He Shen also practiced this place when he was practicing playing by himself, so he knew very well how to play this place in order to complete this piece of work in the most effortless manner.

For others, this place is difficult.

But for He Shen...

Actually, this place is not particularly difficult.

At least, it doesn't feel ridiculously difficult.

The eyes of those people were still full of expectation, expecting He Shen to make a mistake.


No mistakes made…

One section, no mistakes...

Five bars, no mistakes...

Ten measures, no mistakes...

Twenty measures, still no mistakes...

Until the end, when all the octave parts were over, He Shen made no mistakes!

Not a single mistake.

Everything he played was exactly what everyone expected.

Whether it’s emotional coherence.

Or the integrity of the music.

Even if you judge the octave part of this piece from any place, you will not be able to find a wrong place.

There are no errors in the chart, at least there are none.

Therefore, this demonstration performance can definitely be regarded as an excellent interpretation!

Very, very, excellent...

This is something that both students and teachers have to admit.

He Shen's performance is really outstanding!

Excellent enough for them to envy and envy.

Why, why would there be such a person?

After playing so many particularly perfect works, he can still perform such an excellent piece!

And, and...

They looked at Danyi in the center of the auditorium.

This extremely excellent work will be guided by Danyi, the most powerful teacher in China, Professor Chopin.

Maybe, this piece of work can be improved from excellent to perfect again?

With such a perfect work, it would be a pity not to participate in the Chopin International Piano Competition. If he could participate in the Chopin International Piano Competition...

Suddenly, some people who were paying close attention to the Chopin International Piano Competition suddenly opened their eyes.

Wait, no, something is very wrong, this place...

Could it be that this person wants to...

Competing for the Chopin International Piano Competition?

In the first round of the Chopin International Piano Competition, three works are required: a nocturne, an etude, a ballad, a scherzo or a barcarolle.

The second round requires ballads, scherzos, barcarolles, a waltz, a mazurka, a polonaise, and four works from the previous round.

The third round is the same as before, but in the third round, all restrictions will be relaxed. You only need to play a full hour of Chopin works, which is almost five or six works.

The fourth round, the final round, is a Chopin concerto.

If they remember correctly...

He Shen now has a nocturne and a ballad from the first round.

Ballade in the second round, Polonaise.

Since the third round is random, I won’t care about it for now.

and a concerto in the final round.

Unknowingly, He Shen has collected most of the works that participated in the competition. In other words, He Shen has ambitions!

Thinking of the wildness of the charge at the Chopin International Piano Competition.

Moreover, He Shen has recently been demonstrating that he has the qualifications to challenge Chopard.

In that case, let’s continue this momentum.

A few months later, during the winter vacation, a competition among music conservatory students...

He Shen will definitely come!

If he comes over...

Everyone couldn't help but shed a cold sweat.

If He Shen comes over, then it is obvious that Jiangzhou will definitely fight for a position for He Shen, so that He Shen has the qualification to deliver videos to the Chopard Organizing Committee.

Then, on behalf of China, he went to the Chopin International Piano Competition!

Looking at He Shen's current situation, it is very possible for them to compete in the Conservatory of Music Exchange Competition...

He was completely defeated by He Shen, leaving no room for him!

Everyone swallowed and looked at He Shen on the stage, their eyes starting to tremble.

They are afraid...

Naturally, He Shen didn't know what these people were thinking. All his energy was now focused on the piece he was playing. He felt every emotion in his piece and gradually grinned.

Music always makes people feel beautiful, not painful!


Get excited!

Be proud of the strength of our country! Be proud of that indestructible shield!

Emotions instantly flooded everyone off the stage, infecting more and more people.

They start to get excited, and they don’t know what they are getting excited about, they just start getting excited gradually.

I don't know why, when they heard this piece of music, they suddenly thought of their country's indestructible army.

That feeling of pride and pride gradually surged into their hearts.

He Shen's music completely infected them.

Finally, the musical ideas and material of the first section appeared again, and with the last eight chords, the emotions of all the listeners were instantly exploded.


When the piano music first stopped, applause burst out!

Everyone was excited about He Shen's performance.

They clapped vigorously, stood up from their seats and clapped, and leaned on the railing on the second floor of the concert hall to applaud.

No matter how different their camps were, their pursuit of music was the same.

They were all pursuing the perfection of music and interpreting the perfection of music!

So, He Shen deserved all their applause!

But soon, the applause stopped.

Because He Shen did not stand up, but picked up a lollipop from the side, put it in his mouth, looked at everyone, and shook his head slightly.

The electronic sign above him immediately changed when his music stopped, showing the name of the second music on it.

Chopin, Polonaise, No. 3.


Polonaise in A major, op40, no1

"Wait... isn't this a piece of music?"

"What the hell? How many pieces does he want to play? He won't play them all, will he?"

"No, impossible, absolutely impossible! He Shen can play them all, but Dan Yi can't finish talking..."

"What is he thinking? No, what exactly does he want to do? He..."

Some people's pupils are shrinking, and their eyes are full of fear when they look at He Shen.

Is this person really a human?

A full set of Chopin Ballades...

A full set of Chopin Preludes...

Now it's coming again, a full set of Chopin Polonaises...

Is there anything else he can't do?

Is his energy really that good?

He Shen felt the sweetness in his mouth, which relieved the fatigue of his brain, and he breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Dan Yi in the center of the audience.

At this moment, Dan Yi was also looking at him, and their eyes met, and Dan Yi smiled gently at He Shen.

"Play it, show them how strong you are!"

Even though the distance was very far, He Shen immediately understood Dan Yi's meaning when they looked at each other, and put his hand on the piano.

At this moment, the strong emotions in the concert hall were dissipating.

The emotions that belonged to the previous piece gradually dissipated when He Shen stopped.

What replaced them was calmness.

The second piece, Army, was completely different from the previous emotions.

Therefore, the previous emotions must not appear in the current music.

He Shen was waiting, and the audience was waiting.

At the moment when the emotions in the concert hall completely dissipated.

He Shen moved!

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang...

The extremely familiar melody came out of the piano, and everyone was shocked.

The speed was extremely strict, without any change.

March style!

The theme was extremely strong and powerful, with a high and firm momentum.

The small triplet, like a military drum, makes the military characteristics of the music become extremely obvious.

This piece is obviously a piece that He Shen has put a lot of effort into.

Because everyone has heard it, He Shen will pay more attention to the public's aesthetics when interpreting it.

After this piece, it will be the third polonaise.

The fourth polonaise.

Starting from the most familiar, most often heard piece, the most difficult to interpret.

Starting towards the piece that people are no longer so familiar with and don't listen to much.

However, no matter what, the performance of each piece makes them feel shocked.

It makes everyone's throat unable to make any sound.

This music makes them completely voiceless and they don't know what to say.

They can only look at He Shen in silence.

In their hearts, they compare their own strength and their performance when they were He Shen's age.

The group of students, thinking about the next few years and the distance between them and He Shen, fell into autism.

The group of teachers, thinking about the difference between their ears when they were He Shen's age and He Shen's now, fell into autism.

Too powerful!

He Shen's performance was too powerful for them to have the slightest idea of ​​competing.

Even the comparison would only make them feel autistic.

This emotion spread quickly, burying a layer of haze in the hearts of all the listeners.

At this level, I can't understand it anymore, so can I understand what He Shen and Dan Yi are saying in the future?



This haze gradually dissipated as He Shen continued to play.

It's not that they found confidence, but that they began to numb.

No matter which piece, just pick one piece from the pieces He Shen played today.

These pieces can completely crush them.

How can we fight? How can we play?

This is a completely crushing state, it's completely unbeatable, isn't it too foul?

Some teachers looked at He Shen with bitterness in their eyes, completely gave up the idea of ​​competing with He Shen, and shook their heads.

I gradually changed my mindset from challenging to appreciating.

Appreciate the music, don’t care who the performer is.

Just feel the beauty in the music, don’t think about working hard for school, just listen to the music, that’s all.

Finally, after the last Chopin Polonaise was played, He Shen put his hands down from the piano.

This master class took him a long time to prepare, so he prepared a lot of lollipops in advance and put them aside.

Let him keep his spirits up all the time, so that he would not fail to perform because his brain was too tired.

Now it seems that his decision is quite correct.

He Shen suddenly smiled, shook his head helplessly, gently pinched his eyebrows, and relaxed his spirit.

Physical strength is increasing, but it is still a little short.

I should continue to exercise, and it will be almost there.

Although I still have hypoglycemia occasionally, I shouldn’t faint on the stage suddenly.

I really don’t know when I can unlock Chopin’s etudes. I am really looking forward to it...

He Shen waited for a while before getting up from the piano stool, walked to the piano, looked at everyone, held the piano, and bowed slightly to everyone.


Incredibly warm applause sounded instantly, and everyone was clapping hard for He Shen’s wonderful performance.

This musical expression is too strong! So strong that they couldn’t have any resistance at all.


They just want to say now.

Hello, Boss, Goodbye, Boss, Farewell!

With this strength, it's a good thing that they are not the Boss's opponent, otherwise they would be killed.

Inexplicably, they felt a little lucky.

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