The world's number one pianist

Chapter 161 Her teacher is He Shen...

This halftime discussion was limited to this. Read М

After listening to He Shen's explanation, many contestants left the concert hall thoughtfully and walked towards their accommodation.

Although they wanted to find a place to practice and feel their own performance quickly.

But unfortunately, the school was closed, the piano room was closed, and everything was closed. They had nowhere to go. They could only hold their mobile phones and return to their accommodation to listen to He Shen's recordings several times.

After all, He Shen's explanation was really strong!

They completely forgot that this was a multi-person discussion, not a one-on-one explanation by He Shen.

Taiwan Novel Network →𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒

Ji Mengting and the other two did not forget, but they did not remind others either.

In their minds, He Shen's explanation was many times better than that of other teachers!

They were not at the same level at all!

Instead of listening to other teachers' classes, it is better to listen to He Shen's explanation.

After class, everyone returned to the hotel, continued to communicate with each other, and then went to sleep.

The next morning, the second round of the competition schedule was released by the organizing committee.

The rules of the second round of competition are that only sonatas can be played in this round, and no other works can be played.

But in addition to this, there is another very interesting thing.

He Shen took a look at the schedule, and the time of all of them was basically staggered.

Not only the time of their school people was staggered, but also the time between strong people.

For example, Ji Mengting and Yi Wen.

Ji Mengting was in the morning group on the first day.

Yi Wen was in the afternoon group on the third day.

Completely staggered time! There was no chance for them to meet at all.

Only the ninth and tenth place met at noon on the second day.

Even so, one of them was the first to appear and the other was the last to appear.

Let them avoid meeting as much as possible.

It seems that the people in charge of ranking really put their heart into it this time!

Without thinking too much, everyone followed He Shen to the No. 1 Concert Hall after breakfast.

At this moment, there were many more people in the concert hall than usual.

Most of them had not heard of Ji Mengting and He Shen before.

They had heard about this person, the champion of the Golden Piano Award.

Now they saw how strong these two people were, and they could not contain their excitement for a while.

As long as there was no competition in the morning, they would come as much as possible to watch Ji Mengting's performance.

Even if there was a competition in the morning, as long as they were a little later, they would come as much as possible.

This also led to the concert hall, which was not originally intended to accommodate so many people, even overflowing a little at this moment.

Some people sat directly in the aisle or stood in the passage, just to see what kind of strength Ji Mengting could show now.

Yi Wen also came to this concert hall.

He heard He Shen's class yesterday...

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to say that He Shen's lectures were really very good!

Even if his understanding of classical sonatas was already quite deep.

But he could still hear a lot of things from He Shen's explanation.

He didn't necessarily understand so much when he took classes with Pei Qi before.

Could it be that... He Shen is better at teaching than Pei Qi?

No, it's impossible, absolutely impossible!

Thinking of this, Yi Wen immediately shook his head, threw this idea aside, and looked at the other people around him.

The people around him looked at the empty stage, and their eyes were full of excitement.

"Ji Mengting is in this morning's competition!"

"To be honest, she is the one I am most looking forward to this morning! She is beautiful and plays the piano well, which is perfect for me!"

"Damn, I left early during the opening ceremony because I was too sleepy, and I didn't hear Ji Mengting's performance at all. Fortunately, there is still a chance today!"

"Huh? Ji Mengting is so beautiful, how can you not be moved? Why don't you just stay where you are and listen to her before leaving?"

" do I know she plays well, so I regret it now..."

"Stop arguing, stop arguing, I am a fan of He Shenshen Sect now, and I will always like Ji Mengting!"

"No, what the hell is He Shenshen Sect? Why do fans of He Shenshen Sect like Ji Mengting? ”

“Huh? You don’t understand this, do you? He Shen’s cult has three Dharma protectors sitting down, and Ji Mengting is the top Dharma protector! I am a loyal fan of the top Dharma protector!”

“Tsk, look at your behavior, can’t you be a little reserved? I am different… I am a senior member of He Shen’s cult, I will always like He Shen!!! He Shen is the forever god!”

“Ji Mengting, take me away, how can I live without you, woo woo woo…”

“Hehehe, fragrant, soft, hehehehe…”

“Rich woman, look at me, I am actually very capable!”

“Capable? Capable? You actually want to get your hands on our little princess? You are done!”


Looking at the group of people around him who were either crazy or playing memes, Yi Wen pinched his eyebrows.

He didn’t know why Ji Mengting was so much more popular than him.

Obviously he was the first, and Ji Mengting was only the second!

As a result, now, in addition to the boys, there are also some girls who are also crazy.

Why, why? Why has he never been treated like this!

For a moment, his eyes couldn't help but turn red.

He began to envy Ji Mengting...

He Shen and Ji Mengting naturally didn't know that Yi Wen was standing nearby.

He Shen looked at the people in the concert hall who seemed to be crazy, and couldn't help but look at Ji Mengting worriedly.

"What do these people... want to do?"

"I don't know..." Ji Mengting was also a little scared, and took a small step back. A strange look appeared on her originally elegant face.

She seemed to have heard a very strange word just now.

He Shen's Religion?

She is also the Great Protector of He Shen's Religion? ? ?

Thinking of this place, she felt a little awkward, an indescribable feeling, just feeling weird.

Especially the word "Great Protector".

But at this time, Zhang Wei, who had been standing quietly in the back, suddenly raised his hand.

"Teacher, I know this! But you don't have to worry about them, they are just talking nonsense, and basically they won't do anything out of line!"

"Really?" He Shen frowned and looked at Zhang Wei with a little suspicion.

Zhang Wei saw that He Shen was a little doubtful about himself, and immediately raised three fingers and swore.

"Teacher, there must be no problem, because I can do this thing too! I am even more skilled than them! Look, it's like this..."

After saying that, Zhang Wei showed a perverted smile, licked the corner of his mouth, and looked at Ji Mengting.

"Hehehe, fragrant and soft..."

"Woo woo woo, Miss Ji Mengting is really great, she is simply the treasure of the world!"

"Miss Ji, I love you, you drive me crazy, hissing and hissing..."

"Woo woo woo, Ji Mengting, you work so hard, I love you so much, woo woo woo, you work so hard, I am almost crying..."

"I really want to be Ji Mengting's dog, but I am not a dog, I am just an extremely humble mouse living in the basement..."

As he was talking, Zhang Wei suddenly felt something was wrong and found that He Shen, Ji Mengting, and his brother in distress all walked out several steps at the same time.

Keep as much distance from him as possible.

It was as if there was something unacceptable about him.

When Zhang Wei saw this group of people like this, his expression froze instantly and he said bitterly.

"Teacher! No, you have to believe me, I'm really just acting crazy! I'm not crazy!"

"Ji Mengting, you know, I don't have any improper thoughts about you, I'm just acting, you have to believe me!"

"Second to last, second to last? Why did you vomit? Don't pretend, you can vomit with just such a small amount, you are obviously more crazy than me on Pili! Who is calling Miss Jia Ran all the time? Who wants to be Miss Jia Ran's dog? And let me pay attention to what Jia Ran eats today!"

He Shen looked at the two people who were about to quarrel again, his mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't know what to say for a while. He couldn't help but sigh and patted Ji Mengting on the shoulder.

"Get ready to go on stage."

"Okay, teacher."

Ji Mengting nodded immediately, glanced at Zhang Wei who was playing over there, his body trembled, and immediately shook his head violently.

When Zhang Wei saw Ji Mengting shaking his head, the sadness in his eyes became heavier.

"Teacher! You have to believe me, please believe me, I am really an innocent teacher! Teacher!!!"



Ji Mengting trotted all the way to the backstage of the concert hall and breathed a sigh of relief.

She rarely came into contact with this kind of thing. When she saw these strange speeches for the first time, she was shocked.

Then came confusion and fear.

Because she was carrying too many hopes and expectations, she didn't know how to respond to these hopes and expectations.

In this regard, she could only sigh and look at the entrance of the actor's passage.

She seemed to be able to see He Shen who was blocked by the door through the entrance of the actor's passage.

Ji Mengting couldn't help but clenched her fist, and her eyes gradually became extremely firm.

"Ji Mengting? Ji Mengting, get ready to go on stage!"

The staff quickly rushed out from somewhere, stood in the backstage and shouted to everyone, then he immediately locked the cute position, walked quickly towards Ji Mengting, and stuffed the documents in his hand in front of Ji Mengting.

"Ji Mengting? Why are you here? Why aren't you waiting in front? Come on, sign first..."

Ji Mengting couldn't help but shudder, and pushed her body back suddenly. She looked at the staff member cautiously and asked tentatively.

"Which one, can I ask? How did you, uh, recognize me?"

"How did they recognize you? They just recognized you like that. You and He Shen are the two most popular people in this competition now, right?"

The staff member didn't realize Ji Mengting's worry. He scratched his head and said to Ji Mengting.

"Hurry up, hurry up, sign quickly, I still need to sign for the next person."

"Ah? Oh..."

Ji Mengting signed her name honestly, and then walked quickly to the backstage of the concert hall.

As a result, just as she walked out of the backstage, the staff there seemed to recognize her and greeted her with a smile.

"Ji Mengting? Are you here? Hurry up and get on stage. Everyone is waiting."

"Oh, oh, oh, okay..."

Ji Mengting looked confused. Even a staff member knew her.

Am I so popular here at the Huaguo Conservatory of Music?


No, no, no, it's not me who is popular. It should be He Shen who is popular. Then, I became a student of He Shen, so I am also popular?

Ji Mengting was not sure, and she didn't think it through.

She poked her head out from behind the stage door, looked at the extremely noisy scene under the concert, and shuddered.

She had never been so scared before.

"What's wrong? What's the problem?"

The staff member in charge of the announcement saw that Ji Mengting had not moved, and couldn't help asking, with a very considerate tone.

Ji Mengting ignored the staff, but took a few deep breaths to make her mood more normal, and then spoke to the staff.

"No, it's okay, just a little bit nervous."

"It's okay, get ready, just go out."


Ji Mengting took a deep breath again and pushed open the stage door.


The sound of the stage door was not loud, but it sounded particularly loud to Ji Mengting's ears.

As soon as the door opened, the voices of everyone discussing under the stage disappeared instantly.

They immediately focused their eyes on the stage, Ji Mengting, and showed excitement in their eyes.

However, they did not make a special noise or make a strange look, but looked at Ji Mengting on the stage very normally.

After all, everyone's crazy is pretended, and not many people will be really crazy offline.

After seeing that the group of people under the stage did not pay much attention to her, Ji Mengting didn't know why, but she was relieved.


Ji Mengting spit out the tension in her heart in an instant, and her eyes were full of determination again.

She quickly walked towards the piano, then sat on the piano stool, and clenched her hands on her clothes slightly.

Remove the excess sweat from the palm of her hand.

Look at the piano in front of her, with an extremely serious look.

At this time, the staff responsible for the announcement also spoke.

"Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music, freshman, Ji Mengting!"

"Instructor: He Shen!"

"Performance: Chopin's Second Piano Sonata!"

"Chopin, Piano Sonata 2 in B-falt Minor Op35."

After the voice fell, there was no sound in the concert hall.

Everyone looked at Ji Mengting with great anticipation.


Yi Wen!

Yi Wen looked at Ji Mengting with great seriousness.

A few days ago, during the competition, Ji Mengting followed him.

She said that her previous performance was not her highest level, and that she could only reach that level if He Shen taught her.

So, Yi Wen came.

He gave Ji Mengting time and wanted to see what level Ji Mengting could reach.

Although he already had a general feeling in his heart...

He felt that his teacher might not be as good as He Shen in teaching.

But he always wanted to see it with his own eyes, to see what level Ji Mengting could reach under He Shen's guidance!

"You said before that you can crush me, let me see what the gap is..."

"Okay, here I come..."

"I also want to see, you can show me what the gap is!"

"Let me fully recognize the gap between you and me!"

Yi Wen lay on his back, his eyes fixed on Ji Mengting.

Ji Mengting just exhaled lightly, raised her hands and placed them on the piano.

At this moment, Ji Mengting's eyes became extremely sharp, and her fingers slammed down.


A feeling that was wrapped and about to overflow suddenly surged out.

In this feeling that was about to overflow, there was sadness, pain, despair, and confusion!

The moment this sound came out, Yi Wen's eyes suddenly widened.

This feeling, no, it's not right!

This feeling completely surpassed the feeling she had when she played at the opening ceremony on the first day!

Is this her progress in a few days?

This progress is really...

terribly big!

In the last performance, she showed her strong basic skills and told everyone else that her basic skills were very solid.

Now, she is telling everyone that her understanding of music is also very solid!

Chopin's Second Piano Sonata, if we simply discuss the difficulty of the scale, should not be as good as Chopin's etudes.


Sonatas focus on overall techniques and the unity of music!

This also means...

Sonatas are more difficult to express than etudes.

Those who specialize in basic skills and techniques may not be able to express the musicality of this piece of music at all.

But now, Ji Mengting can express it!

And she performed it very well!

Very, very well...

This is absolutely impossible to be done in a few days!

This is absolutely impossible to be done in a few days! ! !

If someone can produce a work of this level in a few days, I will directly...

Yi Wen was about to swear a poisonous oath, but he suddenly froze, stood up carefully, walked to the corner of the wall, and gave his place to others.

Then, he quickly looked around.

After a glance, as expected, Yi Wen saw He Shen on the judges' side.

When he saw He Shen, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Why is it impossible within a few days?

I said it was impossible just because I was too green and my teacher didn't teach me well enough.

And Ji Mengting, her teacher is He Shen!

But He Shen, who turned yesterday's discussion into his personal show!

Ji Mengting has such a teacher, how could she not be strong?

How could she not complete most of the musical interpretation within a few days.

After all, her teacher is He Shen...


Watching Ji Mengting in front of him getting more and more powerful, gradually crushing his performance, Yi Wen's originally very casual expression gradually dissipated.

Instead, it was the desire to fight.

He hadn't tasted failure for a long, long time! Although his teacher was not very experienced, he had two more days to prepare than Ji Mengting.

He still had a chance!!!

At this moment, Pei Qi, who was serving as a judge next door, suddenly sneezed and scratched his head.

"Who just scolded me?"

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