The world's number one pianist

Chapter 164 What is a hand substitute?

He Shen took the phone and walked outside the hotel. He glanced at the screen on the phone and it showed that it was Zhou San calling. ReadМ

Although he didn't know what happened to Zhou San, He Shen thought about what happened recently and found that he had done nothing wrong. He couldn't help but tilted his head and answered the phone.

Zhou San's voice on the other end of the phone came over immediately.

"Hello? Hello? He Shen? Is this you He Shen?"

"Yes." He Shenyan nodded concisely, and then asked Zhou San on the other end of the phone, "What's wrong?"

Hearing He Shen's tone of voice that the slap could not produce three farts, Zhou San was obviously relieved.

With this tone, it was definitely He Shen, there was no way anyone else could be impersonating him!

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Zhou San immediately said helplessly to He Shen.

"You, hiss... okay, you, you did such a thing and you didn't even tell me? Do you know that your reputation has exploded?"

He Shen was puzzled and asked: "Exploded? His reputation exploded? What do you mean?"

Zhou San immediately said: "I ranked first in the second round of the China Music Higher Education Competition and advanced to the finals. Isn't this a bomb?"

"A student taught by Associate Professor Haicheng was directly led by you, He Shen, to become the top student in the Huaguo Conservatory of Music. Isn't this considered explosive? Those people have already called me. You kept asking me about this matter and wanted to talk to me about your whereabouts.”

"Before, I was bombarded with phone calls from many people because I didn't know anything about it. I also made all kinds of weird mistakes and was complained about many times. Really, you didn't even tell me, Qu Shi She didn't say..."

Speaking of this place, Zhou San sighed and asked He Shen: "What do you think? Do you have any plans in the future? For example, where do you want to go in the future? Stay at the Music College of Jiangzhou Normal University, or go somewhere else?" place?"

"Where am I going?" He Shen hesitated for a moment after hearing this, and then said, "I should continue to be a teacher at the Conservatory of Music of Jiangzhou Normal University."

"Are you sure? Let me tell you first, many other schools want you now. If you want to leave, you can leave immediately. But if you are sure, I can only tell other professors that you don't want to If you leave, your future path will not be easy to change. You will have no choice but to follow the Music School of Jiangzhou Normal University..."

Zhou San's tone was joyful, but he quickly suppressed it.

He Shen was very happy to be able to follow him and continue taking classes at the Conservatory of Music of Jiangzhou Normal University.

After all, Zhou San’s goal is to establish Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music!

And He Shen is the most important part of his future plan!


Zhou San also understands that the School of Music of Jiangzhou Normal University is really too small at present...

It was so small that it couldn't accommodate He Shen.

In particular, he received news from his friend that He Shen's teaching ability had won unanimous praise from everyone at the China Music Higher Education Competition.

Even many people from other schools have the idea of ​​​​dropping out of school, retaking the college entrance examination, and taking the Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music.

This idea is dangerous...

Although it is said that it can bring the School of Music of Jiangzhou Normal University to a higher level, it is obvious that it will make teachers or professors from other schools...

Let them be very wary of Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music.

Even though Zhou San had long felt that he was ready to face this scenario.

But when he actually faced this situation, he still couldn't help but feel a slight headache.

Therefore, he now has to follow He Shen to confirm again.

If He Shen wants to leave, he will help, using his connections and the needs of those schools, to let He Shen go to a good music conservatory and obtain as much authority as an associate professor.

Although you may not be able to obtain the title of associate professor, you should still be able to obtain the authority of an associate professor.

The Music College of Jiangzhou Normal University is too small and it will be difficult for He Shen to perform well. It would be reasonable for him to leave, and Zhou San was mentally prepared.

But if He Shen doesn't leave and is willing to follow him, then he will definitely create a music academy for He Shen that can accommodate He Shen.

after all……

The Conservatory of Music of Jiangzhou Normal University must become Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music!

He Shen didn't know what Zhou San was thinking. When he heard Zhou San ask him if he really wanted to continue teaching at the Conservatory of Music of Jiangzhou Normal University, he thought for a moment.

To put it bluntly, He Shen really feels that there is no other school that is more suitable for him...

Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music, he basically has nothing special to do.

Every day I just practice piano, take care of students, and take classes.

This kind of life is very good for He Shen, so there is no need to suddenly go to another brand-new music school.

If you go to Zhongzhou or Huaguo Conservatory of Music, they will definitely not allow you to be so free.

If you go to a place like Sichuanzhou, they should be able to cultivate themselves, but with such cultivation, it feels a bit like flowers in a greenhouse?

It always feels weird.

Thinking of this, He Shen immediately said to Zhou San with great certainty.

"Well, I'm sure. I won't leave. I want to stay at the Music College of Jiangzhou Normal University."

"In that case, that's good, that's good..."

After Zhou San's voice paused, he suddenly smiled at He Shen.

"By the way, even in Guangdong, I heard about you. You did a good job this year and gave me a lot of problems. But the same problems can also be turned into opportunities. I believe this is our conservatory. , a very good opportunity!”

"One thing to say, you did really well in this competition! Let other schools know how powerful our school is. This matter has already begun to spread on the Internet. Wow, I really didn't expect our school to be so popular. Go online!”

"In short, everything is fine, keep up the good work!"

"I'll tell you the specific things later. I couldn't understand them on the phone for a while. You'll understand them when you come back."

"Our enrollment this year can be considered a bumper harvest..."

After saying that, Zhou San greeted He Shen cheerfully and hung up the phone.

He Shen listened to the busy tone on the phone, his face unchanged. He was about to hang up the phone and go to the piano store to teach Ji Mengting, when he suddenly found someone sitting next to him, an acquaintance who was barely familiar?

It was the lady named Sister Li who gave him a big gift before.

She didn't know when she came over, holding a cup of coffee that she didn't know when she had brewed.

Seeing He Shen looking at her, he immediately took a sip, and without knowing whether he drank it or not, he put down the coffee in her hand and nodded to He Shen with a smile.

"Teacher He, are you done with the phone call? I hope I didn't disturb you..."

He Shen glanced at Sister Li in front of him, and then at the mobile phone in his hand. He had no idea why he was so busy today.

Usually no one comes to see him, but today just after breakfast, two people came.

First Zhou San called him, and then this person named Sister Li...

He Shen looked at Sister Li in front of him and said calmly.

"No interruption, is there something wrong?"

Sister Li put the coffee in her hand on the table, picked up a document, put it on her lap, and smiled at He Shen: "It's okay if you don't disturb me. Teacher He, I want to ask "Are you busy lately?"

"If I don't teach that student of yours, I shouldn't be busy."

He Shen said calmly, looking at Sister Li and frowning.

"What? You have other things going on here? Do you need to change the time? Or don't you want to go on?"

"No, no, that's not the case."

Sister Li immediately waved her hand to express her innocence, then gently touched her long hair to He Shen and smiled.

"Well, I want to ask you if you have time, because the eldest daughter of our family, she is going to be a director of a movie, and she wants to meet you..."

"Director? See me?"

He Shen didn't expect this answer at all. He leaned against the back of the chair, touched his chin, and frowned.

"What do you want to see me for?"

Sister Li immediately said: "It seems that regarding some matters concerning the understudy, the director did not find a suitable understudy, so..."

"Hand-held? Portable? Head shave?" When He Shen heard this word, he was stunned for a moment. There was no particularly suitable word in his brain that could match this word, and he was a little confused for a moment.

Seeing that He Shen had no idea what a manual job was, Sister Li immediately explained.

"A hand substitute is the same as a stand-in, and it is also a type of stand-in. Others use martial arts enhancements, but here, because the male and female protagonists do not know how to play the piano, we need finger stand-ins..."

When He Shen heard this answer, he did not agree directly. Instead, he looked at Sister Li in front of him and said calmly: "Why are you looking for me?"


Sister Li said this place very embarrassedly.

"Because something happened to the previous substitute..."

He Shen stopped touching his chin and blinked: "Something happened?"

"Yes, something happened to him. As a pianist, his hand speed is very fast. As a result, when he hit, um... when he hit something like that, uh, he broke..."


Sister Li was a little embarrassed to talk about this place, while He Shen looked confused and had no idea what she was talking about.

But he understood the last one and nodded immediately.

"Then you came to me because it was broken and you can't play it anymore?"

"Well, the director asked us to help find out if there is anyone who plays the piano better. Let us help recommend it, so I recommended you..."

Sister Li's face returned to normal and she said seriously.

"Well, I want to know, are you free?"


He Shen was a little hesitant. He felt that his time was a little short, and he might not have much time.

Although he didn't want to go back to that home at all during the Chinese New Year, he still had a lot of time during the Chinese New Year.

But for these events, he planned to come over and brush up on some of the composer's niche works that he didn't particularly understand.

From these niche composers, you can learn about the background of the Romantic period and improve your understanding of the overall works of the Romantic period.

As a result, He Shen was suddenly given such a task. He Shen was extremely hesitant at the first moment.

At this moment, Sister Li suddenly said casually.

"Having said that, the price of a hand performer is quite high. Basically, they are charged by the minute. How many minutes a piece of music is played for, one minute is more than 100. Although it is not as much as the actors, it is still pretty good. , if I could, I would also like to be a piano player, but unfortunately I don’t know how to play the piano at all..."


He Shen was stunned? He originally planned to refuse and go home to write music. But at this time, someone suddenly told him to do a job that costs more than 100 yuan a minute.

A simple calculation shows that even if one minute is 100 yuan, one hour can earn nearly 6,000 yuan!

This price...

He Shen took a breath of cold air, took out a lollipop from his pocket, pushed aside the paper coat, and stuffed it into his mouth.

This price is enough for him to buy many books of music scores!

Maybe even buy a bunch of new lollipops!

He took a fancy to a lollipop that was said to be able to be licked for three hours without melting!

The price is quite expensive, more than 100, and he has never been willing to buy it...

If he can get this job now, he can spend a lot of money for a while!

And the time consumed for this is only one hour!

Thinking of this place, He Shen's eyes trembled slightly.

Unfortunately, Sister Li did not look into He Shen's eyes, but looked at He Shen's facial expression.

Finding that there was no trace of desire on He Shen's face, he couldn't help but sigh.

As expected, this person is a master figure and is not tempted by external money at all!

Only such people can teach such powerful students!

I am still too vulgar, thinking only about these yellow and white things all day long.

Thinking of this, Sister Li immediately stood up, bowed slightly to He Shen, and apologized.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time. I'm very sorry. Since you don't want to, then I will go back and talk to the director directly and ask him to find someone else."

After that, she turned around and planned to leave.

After He Shen hesitated for a moment, he finally spoke.


Sister Li turned around: "Huh?"

He Shen: "When will you meet the director?"


Sister Li was suddenly stunned. She originally thought that He Shen had rejected it, but she didn't expect that it would turn out to be unexpectedly unexpected.

She immediately took a step forward, holding the document in her hand, and said with great excitement.

"Um, you mean, you agreed, right? Are you planning to become the substitute?"

"Just looking..."

He Shen shook his head, stood up, and stretched his muscles.

He hasn't played the piano for a long time. Recently he has been busy planning Mengting's affairs and giving lessons to these little brats.

So he spent a lot less time practicing the piano, and his hands were a little rusty.

I just took this opportunity to go to that place and see what she was talking about.

If it's suitable, you can just earn a little pocket money!

Thinking of this place, He Shen immediately spoke to Sister Li.

"Let's go to the director you mentioned."

"Huh? Oh oh oh..."

Sister Li nodded immediately, took out the document she had been holding in her hand, and handed it to He Shen.

"Well, Teacher He, please sign this contract first. This is a confidentiality contract, because this script is completely confidential, so please understand."


He Shen took the document from Sister Li's hand and briefly read the contents.

Basically, they are not allowed to reveal the content of this crew to anyone...

If He Shen is found to have leaked, he will be fined a certain amount, and He Shen will be responsible for all kinds of losses caused by the leak...

He Shen looked at this content without any change in his expression.

He just came here to collect wool. Whatever happened to this crew has nothing to do with him...

As for revealing the content of this crew?

He really doesn't have that much free time to make this matter known to everyone...

Seeing He Shen sign his name on the confidential negotiation, Sister Li immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, the agreement is signed, let's go directly. The eldest lady's car is waiting at the door. We just go directly to the crew to see what the situation is."

After that, she walked towards the door with small steps.

He Shen slowly followed her to the door.

A very ordinary minibus for He Shen stopped at the parking spot at the door.

The two quickly got into the car. After Sister Li asked the driver to go to the location of the crew, she directly picked up the computer and started to continue working.

He Shen sat aside and looked around at the car.

He had no idea about license plates and only knew a few of the most classic models.

Something like ABB...

He couldn't recognize the others at all.

This license plate was even more so. He felt like he had never heard of it before.

Just when I got in the car, I felt that the car was very comfortable...

The space inside is very spacious, with a wine cabinet, a large TV, etc...

Much more comfortable than a taxi.

Fortunately, at this moment, Sister Li's thoughts were completely focused on her future work arrangements, and she had no idea what He Shen was thinking.

It's like she knows...

The image of He Shen as a master in her heart might collapse directly.

After all, the car they are riding in now is one of Xu Yuqi's nanny cars...

GMC's nanny car, a large top-level luxury MPV...

The market value exceeds one million.

This thing is completely incomparable to a taxi.

In this way, the two people came to the edge of Zhongzhou Zhongcheng, a very remote place with completely different thoughts.

The North Fourth Ring District Concert Hall in Zhongcheng...

He Shen had heard of this concert hall. It was said that it was newly built in Zhongcheng and one of the large concert halls in the North District.

The environment inside is particularly good, but unfortunately...

The surrounding transportation is too inconvenient, and there is no direct subway.

Even if you take the bus, it takes a long time.

People from other places have no way to come to this North Fourth Ring District Concert Hall to listen to music.

Therefore, this concert hall, except for some art performances in this district, is closed most of the time.

At this moment, this concert hall is surrounded by countless people around, not allowing others to enter.

The entire concert hall is closed.

Sister Li ignored this and asked the driver to drive straight inside. When passing the security guard, she handed over a pass and drove directly into the underground garage of the concert hall.

Sister Li took He Shen out of the car and walked into the staff passage. The two of them came to the concert hall.

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