The world's number one pianist

Chapter 185: Great King, spare my life!

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

"What? You came first?"

He Shen glanced at Ji Mengting inexplicably, shook his head, and extended his hand to her.

"She won't compete with you for the order of class. Since you are so anxious, then come directly, play the piano, and see what songs you have prepared during the winter vacation?"

"Huh? I, that's not what I meant..."

Ji Mengting glanced at He Shen with great frustration, and then at Xu Yuqi cautiously.

Looking at the radiant Xu Yuqi, Ji Mengting hesitated for a moment, then took out a few Urtext music scores from behind, handed them to He Shen, and whispered.

"Teacher He, this is the work I prepared during this winter vacation, Striabin's etude, Op8, No12."

After saying that, she glanced at Xu Yuqi, raised her head, walked to a piano with great grace, opened the piano bench, and sat down.

Looking at the piano in front of her, she closed her eyes...

After waiting for her inner emotions to surge up so that she could gradually feel the feeling existing in the music, she immediately raised her hand, placed it on the piano, and pressed the keyboard in her hand hard.


A very heavy piano sound sounded from the piano.

He Shen sat aside, flipping through the sheet music she had given him, and listening to her performance.

From time to time, many marks are drawn on the music score to annotate the content inside.

Xu Yuqi stood aside with great interest, leaning slightly on the white wall behind her, with her arms folded, her gaze rapidly switching between He Shen and Ji Mengting, with a slight smile on her lips.

She could see the slightest hint of hostility that Ji Mengting expressed towards her just now.

Although I don't know why it makes her hostile, I can probably guess it.

There are only a few things that can make a girl feel hostile to another girl.

If he guessed correctly, Ji Mengting was hostile to him because he had made her feel in crisis.

Thinking of this place, Xu Yuqi couldn't help but smile and shook her head helplessly.

Teacher He really deserves to be Teacher He, he is so dazzling no matter where he is.

So dazzling that his students began to look forward to him!

However, Ji Mengting is still a child.

I know too little about love!

She is the best heroine in a romantic TV series. The romantic dramas she has participated in have much richer love experience than hers!

Thinking of this place, a certain love idiot with rich theoretical experience but almost zero practical experience couldn't help but laugh, and he looked like he had the slightest chance of winning.

He Shen didn't feel the hostility between the two of them at all. He Shen just looked at the sheet music in his hand very seriously and thought about what existed in the music.

This piece of work was not long, and soon Ji Mengting raised her hand, raised her chin, glanced at Xu Yuqi with a little pride, and couldn't help but smile.

As a result, He Shen frowned and said without even showing much smile.

"What are you laughing at?"


Ji Mengting's smile froze, she couldn't help but blink, looked at He Shen, and said timidly.

"What, what's wrong?"

"What exactly are you practicing during this winter vacation? Or are you not practicing at all during this winter vacation?"

He Shen reached out and tapped the music score in front of him, and continued to speak to Ji Mengting.

"In the piece you are playing now, you have wrong notes. Let's not talk about that for now. After all, this is your own business. I am not here to correct your wrong notes."

"Now, the first thing we see is that many things in the musical phrases are not achieved. There is no sense of the succession and transition of the phrases, that is, there is no sense of opening and stopping."

"Second point, what about the harmony? You haven't shown anything about the harmony at all..."

"Third, the musicality is not enough. This is very important. Is what you are playing music? What you are playing is not music. You are just playing the piano..."


He Shen looked at the music score in front of him, shook his head, put it down, looked at Ji Mengting and asked with great seriousness.

"Is there something going on at home? Or maybe you're in a bad state lately. I can see that you haven't even done a lot of the most basic things in the music..."

"Why is this happening? I want an answer..."


Ji Mengting looked at He Shen's eyes and couldn't help but feel a little aggrieved for a moment. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She couldn't help but stood aside with her head lowered and glared at Xu Yuqi fiercely.

Xu Yuqi looked at Ji Mengting like this, and the smile in the corners of her eyes almost spread.

She knew that He Shen was usually serious.

She really didn't expect that He Shen could be so serious and criticize his young apprentice so badly.

There is a saying that even someone like her who doesn't know much about music can hear Ji Mengting's feeling when she plays and can feel the flow of her music very clearly.

As a result, she was criticized as a bit useless by He Shen.

Seeing her aggrieved look, Xu Yuqi really almost fell down laughing.

Ji Mengting saw Xu Yuqi smiling so happily, and the unwillingness in her eyes became even heavier!

She wanted to show her strength in front of Xu Yuqi, but she didn't show her strength and was criticized by Teacher He...

As a result, Xu Yuqi laughed even more happily.

The two of them just stared at each other and laughed at each other, and they couldn't get along at all.

He Shen ignored them and walked directly to the side of the piano, waved to Ji Mengting, and said.

"Come here."


Ji Mengting quickly walked to another empty piano, sat down, turned to look at He Shen, and waited for He Shen's explanation.

And He Shen didn't say any more polite words to Ji Mengting. He just turned over the music score in his hand and pointed at the work on it and said.

"Hey, what's the name of this piece?"

Ji Mengting said honestly: "Scriabin Etude, op8no12"

He Shen shook his head and said: "You said it yourself, Scriabin, we first need to know who Scriabin is..."

"Scriabin, a Russian composer, his overall style is inclined to the romantic side, and your sense of music just now is obviously not romantic enough!"

"And this piece is one of his early works, which is more seriously influenced by the Romantic period..."

He Shen raised his left hand and pressed down an octave suddenly, and then his fingers ran quickly on the piano keyboard.

After the two were separated by a whole measure, He Shen raised his right hand and smashed it down hard.



The first feeling of the sound is that it is extremely tough!

But in fact, it is not. The feeling in He Shen's hand is not tough, but strength.

First of all, the most important thing about the octave at the beginning of the left hand is to smash out the sense of power.

This power is a flexible power, not an empty power!

The right hand is responsible for the melody part, making this piece full of lyricism, singing, and rhythm...

He Shen only played the beginning, then stopped, looked at Ji Mengting on the side, stretched out his hand to her, slowly placed it on the piano, and spoke.

"Did you see it just now? Here, this place, first of all, the beginning of the phrase..."

He Shen's hand pressed down, but his shoulder was facing backwards, with a pulling action.

And this pulling action, after the moment of pulling out, pressed again.


The sound behind it seemed even more powerful!

The power burst out instantly.

And this sound burst out, not just burst out...

This sound, obviously, has a strong sense of suspension...

This feeling is obviously a bit like the feeling of finishing a sentence.

And Ji Mengting didn't have this feeling before.

He Shen looked at Ji Mengting, nodded slightly at her, and spoke.

"Can you understand?"

Ji Mengting thought about it, nodded thoughtfully, put her hands on the piano keyboard, and slowly pressed it.


The sound at the beginning was very strong and musical.

The romantic feeling came out a little bit, but unfortunately, it was not enough.

He Shen shook his head to stop her from playing.

"Wrong, this feeling is wrong, play it again."

"Harmony, listen to the harmony of the music! This is music that tends to be romantic. Harmony needs to have a sense of suspension. Play the sense of suspension!"

"The conflict of colors, the contrast of light and dark, listen to it, feel the light and dark in your music, and the changes in timbre!"

"Give me more, more, romantic feelings, this kind of musical feeling, give me the feeling of music!"

"Show it with all your strength, don't hide it, let me hear how you understand this piece of music!"

Ji Mengting frowned, looked at her hands, and kept thinking about her performance and how she should interpret this piece of work.

She has now completely forgotten what she just said to Xu Yuqi. The most important thing now is to continue learning with He Shen.

Many of the things He Shen said are very reasonable.

You can feel the existence of music more clearly.

Why does music go this way.

These are all very important things...

Ji Mengting closed her eyes and used her ears to listen to her music carefully and feel her music.

She let her increasingly impetuous heart immerse herself first so that she can understand the language of music.

After all this is done, she will talk about other things.

Xu Yuqi stood in the distance, looking at He Shen and Ji Mengting seriously.

Although she said that she came here to study and do publicity by the way...

In fact, she still had to learn by the way, the learning mode of the music college, and be able to have the feeling that the teachers and students of the music college have when they are in class.

However, when she saw He Shen teaching Ji Mengting, her brain still felt a tremor.

What is the difference between this thing?

These things are so subtle, so subtle that people can't feel them...

It's like you memorized the 135th digit of pi wrong, it's not 1, it should be 2.

You went to check it out, and hey, it's really 2.

But what's the difference...

1, or 2, or 3? Who cares about this stuff?

Then, it would be fine if He Shen taught so carefully.

Xu Yuqi just thought that the teacher was very particular.

After all, she was studying acting, and there were also acting teachers who pursued feelings.

The emotion of happiness is different from the emotion of joy. The emotion of joy is a little heavier.

Xu Yuqi often encountered such teachers before. She could probably barely feel what happiness and joy were, and then interpret the feeling the teacher wanted.

As a result, now, she looked at He Shen and Xu Yuqi in front of her, and felt like she was listening to a book of heaven.

What harmony ended?

What musical form structure?

What chord decomposition?

What phrase beginning and end...

These things really felt like listening to a book of heaven. She couldn't understand what He Shen said at all.

However, however...

However, Ji Mengting could clearly feel He Shen's understanding of music, and could also perform it according to He Shen's ideas?

This, this...

This can no longer be considered as being able to understand the teacher.

For Xu Yuqi, this is a telepathic connection, right?

This is too scary!

Or, in fact, this is because he is too professional?

Xu Yuqi smiled bitterly and shook her head. She originally wanted to understand He Shen's words and tried to find common topics with He Shen.

Now it seems that it is better to give up directly.

Don't think about following Teacher He to find common topics in your profession, or follow Teacher He to find common topics in your profession?

What Stanislavsky system?

What Meisner performance method?

You can't expect He Shen to like this thing...

Thinking of this, Xu Yuqi couldn't help but shake her head in despair.

However, all this did not last long.

He Shen probably only taught Ji Mengting the simplest beginning and then stopped teaching.

Time passed too quickly. In a one-and-a-half-hour course, there was nothing to learn.

He Shen basically didn't tell Ji Mengting too much about the things in classical music, or even the things behind this work.

He Shen just talked a little bit with Ji Mengting about the contrast of light and dark.

And these things should basically be prepared by Ji Mengting before coming here.

Coming to class without preparation is just a waste of time, a waste of everyone's time...

He Shen looked at Ji Mengting and shook his head.

Her current strength should have reached the level of Lv2 of romantic music, which means...

She is capable of playing all the works at least to Lv2...

What is the concept of Lv2?

It is to interpret everything on the score without missing any details.

This is Lv2...

When you reach Lv3, you basically start to have ideas, the ideas when you play the piano with the teacher.

For a moment, He Shen couldn't help but feel disappointed and said lightly.

"Ji Mengting, you disappoint me..."

"This winter vacation, what you showed me is not as good as the work you practiced before..."

"This piece of work doesn't even have the most basic completeness..."

"Timbre, light and shade, lines, emotions, a lot of things, all missing..."

"Even, there are wrong notes..."


He Shen looked at Ji Mengting, sighed, and said helplessly.

"Next time when I go back to class, I hope to hear a slightly more complete work."

"Today is the first class, so let's leave it at that..."

"Okay, teacher..."

Ji Mengting got up from the piano bench with a guilty conscience, bowed lightly to He Shen, and walked out quickly.

She didn't have any intention to argue with Xu Yuqi now...

She only had one thing in mind now, that is, practicing the piano...

Practice the piano well, practice the piano quickly.

I was too lazy during this winter vacation, and I was a little bit arrogant after winning the championship.

As a result, I showed my work to Teacher He before it was finished, which made Teacher He disappointed...

It's okay if others criticize and disappoint, but this is Teacher He!

How can I disappoint Teacher He?

Ji Mengting's eyes were extremely firm, and she walked outside quickly. She had to pick up the time she had practiced the piano before and couldn't give up.

The two brothers who just came in from the door were numb. They heard an ending when they just came in.

It was probably the last time Ji Mengting played.

In their opinion, this ending was actually played very well, even very well!

It can be ranked among the top few in the entire Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music.

Then this ending was criticized by He Shen for a long time...

He said that her work was full of mistakes and various problems, which made Teacher He feel disappointed?

Even the top student in China this year could disappoint Teacher He...

Then who else can make Teacher He feel not disappointed?

The two unlucky children looked at each other, and there was a look of despair in their eyes.

They walked around Xu Yuqi without even looking at her.

Zhang Wei, who was ranked last, walked directly in front of He Shen and handed the piano score he had copied to Teacher He, saying in despair.

"Teacher He, this is the piece I'm going to play this winter vacation..."

After saying that, he quickly walked to the piano bench, placed his hands on the piano, and after letting his emotions rise a little, he immediately pressed the piece in his hand.

As a result, he was stopped by He Shen just after playing the first note.

He Shen frowned and said.

"What about emotions? What about the brewing of emotions? What about the color at the beginning? What about the sense of picture? Are you ready? Why don't you start when you're not ready?"

"Start over!"

Zhang Wei, the one sitting on the piano bench, closed his eyes in despair, trying to make his emotions closer to the composer's thoughts when interpreting this piece.

When his emotions were almost brewing, he raised his hands and continued to press.



Without any surprise, the two were still criticized by He Shen.

After a winter vacation, many little brats felt that they finally had a break, so they began to relax and didn't practice the piano for a few days.

As a result, she hurriedly found that the class was about to start, so she rushed out a batch of works.

He Shen looked at the two people and couldn't help but feel a headache. He rubbed his eyebrows helplessly and waved them to go out and practice by themselves.

Soon, the three classes were all over, and Xu Yuqi, who was standing on the side, was completely numb.

The image of Teacher He, who was originally very serious but had a complicated family situation, completely collapsed. Now in her mind, there was only the image of the big devil.

A lot of musical terms that she couldn't understand at all, and a lot of emotions that she couldn't understand at all.

All of these were mixed together and appeared in front of her, making her not know what to say for a while.

Moreover, He Shen was particularly serious. When he was in class, his majesty was simply overwhelming!

She didn't know what to say at all...

Therefore, when He Shen turned his head to look at her, she raised her hands without any bottom line and begged for mercy in a voice that was almost crying.

"Big devil, spare my life! I'm not your student!"

[Do you remember that I asked you to recite it three times at the beginning of the chapter? Share on Facebook and you may get a surprise.

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