The world's number one pianist

Chapter 200 Chopin and He Shen

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

Taiwan Novel Network→𝓽𝔀𝓴𝓪𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓶

He still had the same headache as before. When He Shen opened his eyes, he was no longer in bed, but on a speeding carriage.

What the nose smelled was a mixture of low-quality perfume and some horse manure.

This smell made He Shen frown the first time he woke up.

The smell was so unpleasant that He Shen, who was accustomed to the normal smell of modern society, could not accept this smell for a while.

Coupled with the bumpy feeling caused by the uneven road surface, He Shen even felt a little tempted to vomit for the first time.

All kinds of feelings made He Shen couldn't help but reach out and cover his mouth when he was awake.

No, it was not He Shen who controlled his body to cover his mouth, but the body itself that covered his mouth in advance.

"Friedrich? What's wrong? You look bad!"

"Do you want to vomit? If you persist, we will soon reach the resting place. Your father said that there is a small resting village in front of us. We can have a good rest!"

A woman wearing a Western classical dress was sitting opposite He Shen, no, it should be Chopin, with an extremely worried look on her face, looking at Chopin, wondering what his current situation was.

He Shen looked at the woman in front of him, and after a brief moment of thinking, he instantly knew who this person was.

Chopin’s family, his mother, Justine Chopin…

If He Shen guessed correctly, Chopin is on the way to escape at this moment!

Chopin was in a country that he himself said was extremely powerful, Poland, which was suffering from annihilation.

Countless people rushed out of Warsaw, trying to find a place to survive.

Chopin, like everyone else, was on the road to escape, following his mother, father, and other brothers and sisters.

Warsaw is about to be captured by Tsarist Russia. They have no way out. They can only continue to run into the distance now.

In fact, because they were afraid that the main roads would be occupied by Tsarist Russia, they could only take those small roads that not many people had ever walked on, and see if they could find a way out on these small roads, a way to escape.

Compared to others, Chopard's family was considered very good, because they even had a carriage to use.

Like those poorer families, they don’t even own a carriage. All they have is their own legs. They need to rely on their own legs to get out of Poland...

Then escape to an unknown place.

Justina looked at Chopin with an extremely sad look on her face. She stood up and sat next to Chopin, reached out and patted Chopin's back softly.

"I'm sorry to make you suffer, but there is nothing we can do about it!"

"We are on the run now, and we have no way to hire those bigger carriages!"

"If we hire those big carriages, we will undoubtedly become the target of everyone's attention. We can only rent these small carriages and move forward cautiously in these places where no one passes by."

"And I want to say sorry to you. I really didn't mean to smash your piano, it's just because we have no way to take it with us!"

"Instead of leaving it there and being plundered by the invading tyrants, why not just damage it ourselves and leave nothing for them? Isn't this the best option?"

"Friedrich, I really have no choice. I really have no choice at all..."

As she spoke, Justine Chopin gently laid her body on He Shen's body and kept sobbing.

Chopin did not respond to his mother, but looked out the window of the carriage. Looking at the extremely panicked scenery outside the window, he couldn't help but sigh.

Chopin knew from the beginning that he would never be able to take that piano out.

That said, the piano is not that big and can even fit behind this tiny carriage.

Although the pianos of Chopin's era can be regarded as the prototype of modern pianos, they still have not reached the height of modern pianos.

It is just an ordinary piano that surpasses the harpsichord and harpsichord. It is the same size as a table, so it can be placed on a carriage.

However, Chopin did not. Chopin just watched his piano, which had been with him since childhood, being destroyed and smashed in front of him.

There was not even a trace of fluctuation in Chopin's heart.

The reason is simple, because everything needs to be simplified. If an extra piano is placed on the carriage, it will slow down the carriage and be discovered by the scouts who don't know where it is.

Then what awaits them will not be any courtesy, but swords and blood...

It is impossible to let him go so easily just because Chopin was a particularly troubled pianist...

He Shen knew it, and so did Chopin...

Therefore, the entire carriage seemed extremely quiet, and for a while, no one spoke.

Some are just the cries of Chopin's mother who keeps sobbing.




The wheels quickly rolled over the muddy ground, and the carriage moved quickly forward.

After an unknown amount of time, the carriage finally stopped in a particularly remote countryside.

In this countryside, the tallest building is a church.

And this church is not even half as tall as the house where Chopin and his family lived in Warsaw.

This church, less than two stories high, is already the most magnificent and luxurious house in the entire village.

Although this small church is extremely short, the interior decoration still uses as many luxurious decorations as possible. In the eyes of country people, it is particularly luxurious.

At least, that's what it looks like from the outside.

When Chopin got off the carriage, clutching his stomach and approaching the church, his father, Nicolas Chopin, had just come out of the house. His originally extremely serious expression only relaxed slightly when he saw Chopin. .

He smiled with difficulty and nodded to Chopin.

"Come down? You've worked hard. Let's go and take a rest. Let's take a little rest and continue to escape to other places."

"There is a piano in the church. This is for the priest who is here. But I don't know where he escaped. Maybe he has already escaped. After all, there is no one in the whole village..."

"We don't know exactly what happened. Anyway, let's go in and take a rest."

Chopin looked at his father, nodded, and walked towards the church.

Sure enough, all those standard church items are available here!

Rows of worship chairs, a very tall crucifix, and a beautiful bishop's podium.

All of these are placed very neatly inside this church.

It looks similar from the outside. The entire village has contributed all they have and the best to this church, hoping that the God in their hearts can bless them with peace.

In addition to a special large organ that is usually placed in a normal church, only an ordinary piano can be placed here.


Chopin shook his head, walked towards the piano next to the main rostrum of the church, sat on the piano stool, and observed the surroundings of the piano.

On the side of the piano is a small stage slightly higher than one step.

This place should be for those choir members to sing.

It's a pity that no one will stay and sing on it now.

He Shen seemed to be able to imagine that on Sundays, the people in the village gathered around here, listening to the children in the choir singing hymns.

"How's it going? Can you still play now? Are your hands a little raw after staying in the carriage for so long?"

Nicholas, Chopin's father, came over and interrupted He Shen's imagination. He looked at Chopin and asked with great concern.

"Friedrich, you are a pianist, this is your foundation, you need to use it no matter where you go!"

"Even if we go to a new city, you can still find a job!"

"So, you should quickly familiarize yourself with the piano so that your hands will not become rusty."

"Quick, we don't have much time. How do you feel about your hand now? Can you play it? Does this piano meet your ideas?"

"I'll try..."

Chopin nodded slightly to Nicholas and spoke in a very calm tone.

He placed his hand on the bottom of the piano, where the big letter C was!

Press an octave sharply.

C major, octave!

At this moment, He Shen in Chopin's mind was suddenly shocked. The beginning of this chord...

So familiar!

No, this cannot be regarded as a chord, this should only be regarded as a very ordinary octave interval.

The distance between the two notes was an octave, so I pressed it directly.

This feeling...

If He Shen remembers correctly, this should be Chopin's first piano etude.

Chopin etudes, Op10, No1!


Psalm of escape!

Psalm...escape song?

He Shen's mind suddenly realized what he had just said...

Psalm of escape?


He Shen looked slightly toward the top of his head.

A slightly ordinary, but still very thoughtful church roof.



The piano was smashed and I couldn't practice piano...

I came to a church and found this piano, which was not particularly good.

Practice and recuperate your fingers.

He Shen felt like he could capture that feeling.

However, at this moment, Chopard moved his hand.


An extremely powerful chord struck down, and the fingers quickly ran upwards in the form of chord decomposition.

Then when he reached the top, he continued running downwards without any hesitation.

Then, it’s the second ascent.

But this time, the upward movement has changed the tonality of the music. It is no longer this tonality, but a relational tonality.

From C major to A minor...

Very fast...

From the beginning, it was extremely awkward and I didn't know how to continue walking. Then I gradually accelerated, and my fingers became clearer and clearer about how I should go next.

The adhesions in my fingers caused by not practicing piano for a long time were relieved very quickly through constant practice.

Finally, after all the notes, the last note of Chopin's first etude Op10, No1, fell, Chopin took a deep breath and put his hand back to the beginning.


A more concise and powerful beginning suddenly sounded in front of everyone.

Then, it was extremely fast, like a hymn of escape.

Anxiety, full of holiness!

There were also various other subtle and clear changes!

Chopin's father, who was standing aside, was stunned.

Chopin's mother, who had just come in from the door and was about to take a rest in the church, was also stunned.

Those younger Chopin brothers and sisters were also stunned.

Their brother, Friedrich, was playing the piano...

This piece was something they had never heard before.

They looked outside, the gray sky, the muddy ground...

Even so, it could not cover up Chopin's sensitivity to music.


This is Friedrich Chopin...

However, before everyone could come to their senses, there was a very fierce quarrel outside, and a man who looked like a groom walked in with an anxious look.

"Hurry up, something happened, someone was caught in the distance! Hurry up! Otherwise it will be too late!"


No one spoke, but looked at Chopin.

"Friedrich, we..." Justina took two steps forward and said to He Shen anxiously. "We have to leave quickly, we can't continue playing! I know you..."

He Shen looked at his hand with great regret. This was just a very simple prototype, very simple, and not particularly finely polished.

But time did not allow it, and he could only do this now...

"Let's go."

Chopin shook his head, got up and went out, without any desire to stay.

He knew what was important and what was not important now.

No matter how important music was to him, what was more important was to continue living.

Continue to live in this world...

Chopin walked to the carriage at the door, and when he was about to get on, he suddenly turned his head and looked back.

He saw a huge black smoke.

It came from a very far, very far place...

That direction was his hometown...

His motherland...

Everything about him...

Chopin looked at everything in front of him, and his teeth clenched.

But in the end, he didn't say a word, but got up and got into the carriage.

Everyone else also took their seats and continued to look for treasures in the distance in a panic.

Nervous, fearful, afraid...

Chopin was not a saint. He didn't have the courage to give up everything he had, to face the enemy, and to sacrifice his life for justice.

After all, he was just an ordinary mortal.

And even if he sacrificed his life for justice, those people would not stop their killing steps just because of Chopin, and return the land they had plundered to Chopin and his people.

There is no possibility...

Therefore, there is no sacrifice of life for justice, and there is only death in vain...

Death without any value.

Chopin said nothing, and the carriage moved forward quickly, moving towards the distance.

Chopin looked at the extremely sad people in front of him, and his heart was unconsciously stained with a trace of sadness and hatred.

Hate the country's weakness.

Hate the tyranny of Tsarist Russia.

Hate that he could not serve the country...

Various emotions mixed together, making Chopin a little sad, unwilling to say a word, and could only follow his family and flee quickly to the distance.

Countless times discovered, countless times fled.

I don’t know if it is God’s favor, or for some other reason, they can always escape from death in an extremely thrilling manner...

For a while, everyone was dusty and tired.

A few months later...

He Shen and others finally arrived in Vienna, the capital of music...

When everyone saw the extremely prosperous city, they slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, barely escaped a little..."

"Just survive, don't think too much..."

"Yes, it's not easy to survive, don't think too much."

"Let's go, find a place to stay first..."

The Chopin family walked to the vicinity of Vienna, watching the surroundings gradually become prosperous, and the tension in their hearts instantly dissipated a lot.

There is no war here.

At least, there is no war here!

They quickly found a house where they can live here.

After moving into the new house, everyone's hearts fell into their stomachs.

Everything is over, and they don't have to worry about one day that the Russians will suddenly come and kill all of them!

Everything seems to have returned to the previous calm...

However, except He Shen...

He Shen did not completely relax his vigilance. He kept an eye on the situation in the distance every day, looking forward to the news from Poland.

Every day...

Even when his father and his mother no longer cared about this matter, and even planned to live like this, He Shen did not give up completely.

He went to the place where newspapers were sold every day and glanced at the latest situation of the day.

As a result, every time he went to a place where newspapers were sold, the owners would come over with frowns on their faces and chase him away.

He Shen did not give up, and kept changing all the local newsstands in Vienna, waiting for news from Poland.

Finally, his wait was not in vain, just as he expected...

The Polish people barely got a short rest, their homes were barely protected, and the Tsarist Russia retreated...

After a short retreat, they did not continue to kill, but just took a few people to guard, and the main force went to capture other places.

Although this can only be regarded as colonization, but...

As long as you are alive, there is hope!

Poland is still there, and it has not been completely destroyed!

The Polish people can continue to fight!

He Shen looked at the news in front of him, his fists clenched, and he raised his head to prevent his tears from falling directly.

He waited, he finally waited...

Fortunately, everything was not missed...

"Chopin! Chopin? What are you looking at?"

A familiar voice came from He Shen's ears, and He Shen subconsciously looked over. It was Titus Wojciechowski.

If He Shen remembered correctly, this person was his friend, or...lover?


He Shen didn't remember clearly, but he remembered that when he first came to Vienna, Titus came directly to him and congratulated him on escaping from the sea of ​​suffering.

Titus held He Shen's shoulders with both hands and said excitedly.

"Why are you still here? Don't you know that Paganini is performing today? I know you will like it! After all, Paganini is the most powerful violinist in Europe!"

"Hurry up, hurry up. If you are late, you may not be able to buy tickets!"

"You know, this is the most powerful violinist in Europe! His tickets sell very quickly!"

"I remember you said before that you have a vague idea about the music you want to create? It seems to be about skills. Why don't you try to listen to it first and see how the master handles it?"

"After all, he is a master of skills. No one in Europe has better skills than him!"

He Shen looked at the reluctant Titus, smiled and nodded, pointed to the newspaper in front of him, and said with a hint of excitement.

"I have good news for you. Poland is saved! Our country is not destroyed!"

"Huh? What? Poland got a chance to breathe? Not destroyed? She is still alive?"

Titus snatched the newspaper from He Shen's hand and read it very seriously, with surprise in his eyes.

"Sure enough, sure enough! I knew they would succeed!"

"Being alive is a victory, as long as you are alive, there is still hope!"

"In that case, I'll buy the tickets tonight! Just consider it a celebration!"

After that, Titus pulled He Shen hard and walked directly to the Grand Theater.

At the entrance of the Grand Theater, countless people lined up in a long line, looking forward to Paganini's performance.

Looking at the extremely expectant expressions of these people, He Shen felt a little lonely for a while.

These people don't have to care whether their motherland is strong or not, they can completely pursue the latest prosperity.

And Poland is still suffering from war...

The war in Poland is a big deal for me, but for these people, it is just a small news in the street newspaper.

Even, it is not as much as Paganini's performance!

He Shen lowered his head slightly. When Titus saw He Shen like this, he instantly understood his thoughts, reached out and patted He Shen on the shoulder, comforting him.

"It's okay, it's over. You have to look forward. As long as the country is not destroyed, there is still hope, isn't it?"

"Well, yes, I'm just envious..."

"Indeed, it would be great if Poland could be like Germany and Austria..."

Titus sighed, He Shen glanced at him, shook his head slowly, and walked into this particularly large concert hall.

This concert hall is the largest concert hall in Vienna, and it can seat hundreds of people!

At that time, it was already considered an extremely rare concert hall in the whole of Europe!

After He Shen followed Titus into the concert hall, he came to the corner and sat down.

Neither of them had money, and the seats in front had long been bought by those noble ladies at a high price. The price of each ticket was beyond their imagination.

In addition, in order to celebrate, Titus insisted on inviting He Shen to see the concert hall, so they could only buy this kind of last ticket.

Soon, the people in the concert hall were full.

When everyone was full, everyone immediately realized that the concert was about to begin, and immediately quieted down.

There was no one to guide them, not even the lights.

Everyone immediately became extremely quiet.

They looked at the stage in front of them, which was more than one meter high, and looked forward to Paganini's performance.

Not long after, Paganini, who was wearing a dazzling dress, came up, bowed slightly to everyone, and put his bowstring on his violin amid the applause of the crowd.

He just paused for a moment, waiting for the emotions in his heart to brew, and everyone immediately felt that emotion.

At this moment, the bowstring in Paganini's hand swung violently.

A very shocking feeling instantly hit He Shen's brain.

"This, this feeling?"

He Shen felt that he was only one step away from what he wanted to express...

Just poke it a little and it might break.

This feeling...

Titus, who was sitting aside, couldn't help but expressed concern when he saw Chopin like this.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"No, it's not uncomfortable, I feel like I found what I was looking for!"

He Shen's eyes lit up slightly. He stretched out his hand and followed Paganini's movements slightly, feeling the music flowing from his hands.

Feel the feeling that the music brings to you.

That extremely shocking feeling...

He Shen felt that he was feeling more and more deeply about that layer of film, but there was just a little left...



An extremely shocking scale melody came out.

What follows is endless display of skills.

Show off your skills and show your super strength to everyone!

He Shen's eyes suddenly lit up!

He felt it, felt that feeling!

Show off skills...

No, it can't be a show off...

Just technique.

He Shen shook his head and reached out to touch his chin. He looked at Paganini showing off his skills in front of him. He felt that he had already passed through the membrane and was just short of the final retraction.

As long as he retracts, he can successfully pierce that membrane!

He Shen closed his eyes and no longer looked at Paganini, but used his listening device to listen to Paganini's performance.

Show off skills, skills...

No, it shouldn't be about showing off skills.

Instead, show off your music with skills!

My path is not the same as Paganini's, I should be the opposite of him!

Music is the main thing, technique is the supplement!

When your performance is full of musicality, add a special technique!

He Shen suddenly thought of the feeling he had felt when he was in that country church before...

That's a very, very special feeling!

When practicing finger skills, use music to assist...


He Shen stood up suddenly, ready to rush to the piano at home, but suddenly remembered that he was at a concert, and immediately sat back down in embarrassment.

Fortunately, their seats were not in the front, but in a small corner.

In addition, the people around them didn't look at them much, so it was okay and didn't affect other people.

If he stood up directly in front, he would probably be beaten to death by the people listening to the music around him!

He Shen touched his chin with a smile on his lips.

He has now found the feel of the music he wants to create.

Mainly music, supplemented by skills.

Let technique become the skeleton that supports the entire music.

Let the music become flesh and blood and fill all the skills.

This is the direction he expected!

The music flows quickly, and everyone around is immersed in the skills displayed by Paganini and unable to extricate themselves.

Except for He Shen!

He is thinking about his work!

As soon as the concert ended, He Shen didn't even wait for Paganini's autograph and was ready to leave.

Test looked at Chopin's extremely anxious back, hesitated for a moment, and immediately followed.

When Chopin was about to enter the carriage on the roadside, he suddenly stopped.

"Friedrich, wait a moment..."

Just as He Shen was about to get on the carriage, he was stopped by Titus behind him. He couldn't help but look at him and asked slightly confused.

"What's wrong? I now have new ideas for my music. I want to go back and experiment quickly!"


Titus pursed his lips, and finally rushed towards He Shen, hugged him tightly, and whispered.

"I'm getting ready to go back, to Poland, to our hometown."

"Since they are not destroyed, I plan to go back, lead them, look for opportunities, and continue to resist!"

"This time, I will not run away, I will fight to the end for our people!"


“I don’t know if I’ll ever see you again, if I’ll ever see you shine all over Europe!”

"I wish you could, I wish I could live to see you become, by all accounts, the most powerful pianist of this generation."

"And I, I will work hard to live and watch you reach that state!"

"So, goodbye..."


After saying that, Titus let go of He Shen, smiled hard at him, and without waiting for He Shen to react, he entered another carriage and drove away quickly.

He Shen looked at his leaving back and didn't know what he should say for a moment. In the end, he just sighed and said slowly.

"Come on..."

"We, together..."

"Live well."

He Shen shook his head, got into the carriage, and quickly returned to his house.

My family should all be working outside, and I am the only one in the whole house!

He Shen didn't think much and went directly to the edge of the piano and sat down.

Taking a deep breath, he placed his hands on the piano, closed his eyes tightly, and recalled the feeling from before.

That feeling I experienced in the church in the countryside!

After letting his heart fully feel the music, He Shen opened his eyes.

Then, hit it hard!


An extremely unwilling emotion slowly flowed out from the piano.

Sacred, sad, bright, escape...

Opposite and different feelings are integrated into this piece of work.

The skeleton that He Shen gave it was arpeggios! Let the arpeggio technique become the skeleton of this piece!

Let every note he played be filled with the performer's emotions for music.

This is the first of his advanced concert piano exercises!

He Shen didn't know how many he might write, but he had already set the basic concept of this set of works!

That is an exercise filled with understanding of music!

He Shen was immersed in music...

And time was passing quickly...

Soon, He Shen made a name for himself in Vienna.

He was no longer an ordinary, down-and-out musician.

But a pianist who took piano as his main development direction!

His understanding of piano almost stood at the highest level in Vienna. Except for those top bosses, no one else had a stronger interpretation of music than him.

His reputation gradually spread as people flowed to all parts of the world.

Became a particularly famous pianist in the whole of Europe!

Nobles and theaters from all over the country all sent invitations to He Shen, inviting him to go on tour there.

He Shen agreed and started his European tour.

No one knew how painful he felt when he was touring around Europe.

Especially when he finished his performance in Vienna and went to Paris, passing through Stuttgart, he suddenly heard that the Warsaw Uprising had failed. The painful feeling directly made He Shen write two more etudes to relieve his inner pain.

"Test, I wrote some very special etudes. If you were here, I would definitely play them for you..."

"I just don't know when you can come back..."

And the concert etudes he created gradually changed from one to two, three...

Gradually filling all the gaps between Op25 and Op10, making his own etude collection more and more substantial, with more and more works in it.

From five, to ten, to fifteen, to twenty...

All the way to a total of twenty-four...

Each piece contains every bit of effort that the performer put into interpreting the piece.

It's just that when He Shen was creating, he had no impression of Op10 and Op25 at all. He just created according to his own ideas.

And when he fully released it, the publisher divided it into Op10 and Op25...


He Shen slowly opened his eyes and looked around, feeling a little confused for a while.

The surrounding environment was a world with orange-yellow walls, like a palace.

The bed he slept on was softer than the beds of all the earls, grand dukes, etc. he had seen before!

Except for the tube in his hand...

This tube was injecting some unknown liquid into his body.

He Shen looked at the tube and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. Without thinking too much, he prepared to get up and take it off.

However, just as He Shen stood up, he heard the sound of a door opening and several strange yet familiar figures.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't move, this is glucose saline, it's for your body to recover, don't drop it!"

A person in white clothes suddenly walked towards He Shen and stopped He Shen from continuing to operate.

He Shen didn't look at the person in white clothes, but at the other four people. For some reason, he slowly said in his mouth.

"Ji Mengting, Principal Zhou San, one down, two down?"


He Shen suddenly frowned and pinched his eyebrows hard. For a moment, he was a little confused.

He Shen had no idea where he was and what he had done.

No, He Shen didn't even know who he was now...

He Shen?


Frederic François Chopin?

Two years?

No, more than two years, more than two years...

He Shen followed Chopin's perspective and lived in the previous era for more than two years...

It was so long that he couldn't tell who he was for a while.

Ji Mengting was a little anxious. Just when she was about to rush up to ask He Shen about his condition, she was stopped by the nurse who had just come in.

"The patient has just woken up. Just stand aside and don't disturb him!"

After that, the nurse walked to He Shen's side and quickly checked He Shen's basic conditions.

He Shen lay on his back on the bed, looking at the ceiling above his head, and didn't say anything for a while.

After the nurse finished all the checks, he slowly asked.

"Principal, how long have I slept?"

"Not long, probably less than a day."

Zhou San scratched his bald head. His baldness was completely bald, and there was no trace of baldness anymore.

Zhou San gave the nurse a tentative look, and after getting her consent, he sat on the bed on the side and spoke to He Shen.

"You worked too hard before. You shouldn't work so hard. Who works as hard as you do?"

"Look at you. You didn't even tell me when you had no food to eat. Do you know how worried we were when I heard the news about you in Jiangzhou?"

"You just lay down on the bed and acted like you were gone..."

"Let me tell you this, don't worry too much about the Chopin International Piano Competition. If you can't win the Chopin International Piano Competition, you still have other things to do? For example, the Elizabeth International Piano Competition, which will probably be held the year after next."

"For example, the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, which will be held next year..."

"There are other competitions, why are you working so hard?"

"Even if you don't win the Chopin this time, it doesn't matter! At most, you can wait a little longer, it's okay! Don't be too strict with yourself!"


Zhou San was just talking there, and He Shen looked at Zhou San, didn't say anything, and just listened.

When Zhou San was tired of talking, he slowly spoke.

"I don't have time. I don't have enough time. What I have been practicing all these years is Chopin..."

"Chopin is held every five years. I probably can't wait for the next five years. No, I should say that if I wait for the next five years, I don't know if I still have the energy to challenge the Chopin International Piano Competition!"

"This year, I have been preparing for a long time. I am just one step away!"

"Professor Dan Yi, Professor Zhou Renguang, and others are all looking forward to me, looking forward to me representing China and winning the Chopin International Piano Competition again!"

"In addition to them, there are many other people!"

"So, I can only do this..."


At this time, He Shen's eyes regained their light and looked at the people around him.

Just now, he had gradually found his lost self and made Chopin's memory of the past two years become his own memory.

He Shen smiled at everyone.

"But now, I'm starting to get a little confident! I can almost pass Chopin's etudes now."

"Although the pressure is still great, a large part of my pressure has been relieved! I no longer have the pressure of etudes!"

"So, the only difficulty I have left is Chopin's Mazurka. As long as I can pass the Mazurka, I will officially have the qualifications to charge towards the championship!"

He Shen looked at everyone and nodded very solemnly.

"Therefore, please let me indulge myself again! I don't want to fail this time! I want to win the Chopin International Piano Competition!"

"Prove a point!"

"I am a real pianist!"

[Remember when I asked you to recite it three times at the beginning of the chapter? Share it on Facebook and there may be a surprise]

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