The world's number one pianist

Chapter 223 Lollipops and boiled water

Everyone was silent, He Shen ignored them, got out of the car and walked towards the Chopard Warsaw Concert Hall.

It is still a familiar route, and the people I meet here have become much more than the last time I came in the first round.

Probably because of the second round, more and more people are now paying attention to the game.

After all, players who can reach the second round are basically not too bad.


He Shen looked into the crowd and felt like two familiar figures flashed across the crowd.

It seems like I've seen it somewhere before, probably in this place too?

Or, at home?

He Shen didn't think much, walked around the crowd, walked to the staff in the concert hall, and handed him his identity document as before.

Still the same process as last time.

But this time, the person behind He Shen changed.

There was no one behind He Shen before, but this time, everyone in the Hua Kingdom stood behind He Shen.

Rao Hao followed He Shen closely. He also handed his identity certificate to the staff member and spoke to the staff member.

"Sorry, wait a minute, this is mine, I am Rao Hao from China!"

The staff member glanced at He Shen and then at Rao Hao.

He looked directly behind He Shen, looked at the people behind He Shen, and asked tentatively.

"Do you... want to sign in together?"

After the other Chinese people looked at each other, they also took out their identity documents and handed them to the staff member.

"Okay, thank you, please..."

Seeing that there were a lot of Chinese people behind He Shen, the staff shook their heads helplessly, stood up from the workbench, collected the identity certificates of everyone behind them, and checked them one by one.

Rao Hao looked at the hard work of the staff in front of him. He couldn't help but scratch his head, turned to look at He Shen beside him, and said curiously.

"Teacher He, what you just said was a little too impulsive? Are you asking those people to put all the responsibilities on you?"

"Actually, I don't think you need to bear everything. The Chopin International Piano Competition is not your business alone, but the business of all of us!"

"Now we should still fight together, not you alone..."

"After all, we are all Chinese, we have all entered the second round and are charging towards the third round!"

The staff couldn't understand Chinese, but they thought Rao Hao was a bit noisy. He raised his head and glanced at them, stretched out his hand and pressed it down, and said seriously.

"Quiet? Is that okay? I'm checking your information. If you want to discuss it, either keep it down or go next door to discuss it!"

"Sorry, sorry! I'll keep my voice down."

Rao Hao immediately raised his hands in surrender and covered his mouth.

He Shen glanced at Rao Hao, shook his head slightly, and spoke in a very calm tone.

"It's useless, they can't get in."


Rao Hao was stunned. He glanced at He Shen and then at the Chinese players behind him who were quietly waiting for their rounds. He did not expect He Shen to say this.

Fortunately, He Shen's voice was not loud, and there was a little noise around him, so He Shen's words did not reach the ears of these players.

After Rao Hao saw that the other Chinese players behind him did not respond, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief and spoke to He Shen with a little hesitation.

"Well, Teacher He, why? Why do you say that? Why couldn't they enter the second round of the Chopin International Piano Competition?"

He Shen looked at the busy staff in front of him and said calmly, still using calm sentences.

"Because the selection for the finals has already started in the first round. In the first round, the marginal players are eliminated. In the second round, it will be more difficult to advance to the next round."

"In the first round, most of the people, except for those before me, basically everyone else had already shown their strongest strength."

"At this time, you can basically see that everyone's performance is at their best."

"For example, Liu Yu, who is second behind me, plays very well. His score is very close to mine, and he is qualified to compete for the championship."

"And the third place Kyohei Tanda, he is the same."

"Those of us who can stand in the first echelon are all heading towards the championship."

"Those who stand in the second tier are aiming to successfully advance to the finals."

"As for those at the back, their scores are only those who successfully entered the second round of the Chopin International Piano Competition in a very thrilling way. Their goal is just to advance to the third round."

"Those who aim to advance to the third round will basically have a hard time entering the third round."

“Those behind us, although it’s not appropriate to say this, it’s very difficult for them to advance to the next round!”

He Shen glanced at Rao Hao, nodded slightly, and said slowly.

"Your performance is good. Come on and charge towards the finals."

After saying that, He Shen patted Rao Hao on the shoulder and took a step forward.

The staff in front of them had already checked everyone's identities at this time. When they saw He Shen coming, they immediately handed He Shen's original identity certificate and competition certificate to He Shen, and said with great respect.

"Hello, He, this is your competition certificate. The second round of the competition will still start every afternoon and last until the evening."

"But this time, it will not end until the early morning, but at eleven o'clock."

"Your order of competition this time is the fifth contestant on the first day!"

"That is, the fifth today!"

He Shen looked at the staff in front of him, took the certificate from his hand, put it back in his pocket, and said thank you lightly.

He never thought that he would be the fifth to appear on the first day this time.

The point is, the first day...

He Shen touched his chin and said nothing.

As a professional pianist, he must ensure that he can play a very perfect interpretation at any time.

Whether it is the first day or the last day.

Whether it is the first performance or the last performance.

He needs to play that kind of extremely perfect performance.

This is the most basic professional quality as a professional pianist.

Rao Hao on the side also took the identity certificate from the staff. Unlike He Shen, he played on the fourth day, which is completely different.

The others behind him were also like this.

Most people were on the third or fourth day, only He Shen and a few others were on the first and second day.

After everyone got their IDs, the staff returned to the front, bowed slightly to everyone, and gave instructions.

"Okay, everyone from China has received the round certificate of the Chopin International Piano Competition, so I would like to trouble all the contestants on the first day to follow me to the contestant backstage to prepare."

He Shen stepped out.

Behind He Shen, there was another girl who was also performing on the first day.

She looked at He Shen with a complicated look in her eyes.

Although He Shen said that he would take care of everything, he would take care of everything.

However, she was still a little scared.

It was not that she was afraid that she would not perform well in the competition, but that He Shen's performance was too strong and would crush her to death!

She glanced at the competition card in her hand. She was the second place in the Chopin International Piano Competition, the second contestant to appear.

There was still a little time before He Shen's fifth place, and there were still three people in between.

But she was still afraid.

He Shen can be regarded as the big devil of this game. He has no extra emotions at all. In his heart, he is just a big devil who plays the piano!

This big devil is actually in the same lounge with me? Then isn't it me?


She still remembers clearly the last contestant who was eliminated directly because of being too nervous before He Shen.

The pain and despair at that time made her heart clench.

Will I be eliminated directly like this person?

The more she thought about it, the more her hands trembled, and the more nervous she felt.

The staff looked at the two of them and asked another staff member standing aside to take them to the backstage of the contestants.

He Shen walked in front very calmly, and the Chinese female contestant followed behind He Shen a little stiffly.

The two came directly to the backstage of the contestants.

The staff pushed open the door of the backstage of the contestants, and He Shen and the others walked into the backstage and walked to the lounge behind them with ease.

There are many fewer people than before!

The seats were completely empty, and many of them were empty.

Before, 20 people were sitting in the room, but now, after He Shen and the Chinese female contestant arrived, there were only seven or eight people.

However, just like before, this time, no one spoke, and everyone's eyes were extremely solemn.

They looked at He Shen, and didn't know what to say for a while, just looked at He Shen.

He Shen put too much pressure on them, so much so that they didn't know what to say to He Shen for a while.

He Shen, China's top pianist, the first place in the first round of the Chopin International Piano Competition, won the first place with an absolute disadvantage!

Such a person actually competed in the same venue as them?

On the same day as them?

Although they knew that their performance would not affect He Shen's performance, and He Shen's performance would not affect their results...


The passion of all the audience after He Shen's performance could really affect them.

Those extremely high emotions that everyone cheered for.

Unless, behind He Shen are Liu Yu and other players who are charging towards the championship.

Otherwise, no one can take over He Shen's place.

This also means that if they stand behind He Shen...

Although the judges should not give them a relatively low score, they will find it difficult to suppress the situation, which will lead to their performance not being able to reach the best level.

This also means one thing...

Their competition will end here!

When everyone thought of this place, their faces became even uglier, but there was nothing they could do.

For a moment, the entire lounge became extremely silent.

At this time, two more people came into the room.

These two people should be regarded as the last people in their group today.

Two players from Japan!

One of them is not familiar to everyone, but the other one is very familiar to many people.

The finalists from the last Chopin International Piano Competition.

That’s the top ten from last year!

Kobayashi Ai Mi!

The player behind her bowed slightly to her very respectfully, then turned and walked towards the staff at the door, handed them his ID, and just stood at the door waiting.

It seems that this person should be the first contestant, the first one today.

When the man left, He Shen could clearly see the sweat streaming down his forehead.

This sweat becomes extremely dazzling under the reflection of the light.

Not only He Shen, but everyone else also saw this!

However, no one said a word. They just sat in their seats and watched the contestant leave the lounge and walk to the backstage door of the concert hall, waiting for his performance.

The Chinese student sitting next to He Shen watched the first contestant go out, hesitated for a moment, stood up, bowed slightly to He Shen, and whispered.

"Um, He...Teacher He? I will go to the player waiting room to wait first. See you after the game?"

After saying that, without waiting for He Shen to nod, she ran outside as if fleeing for safety, and hurried to the contestants' lounge, and then slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Those rest rooms shared by everyone were really too scary, so scary that she couldn't even breathe easily!

It would have been fine if there was only He Shen inside, but there was also someone inside, one of the top six in the Chopin International Piano Competition, that is, a competitor who was qualified to take the ranking.

Kobayashi Ai Mi!

One is scary enough, but two?

This female player from China really didn't want to stay inside for a moment. She ran out without any hesitation and hid in her personal lounge to calm down a little bit.

But this time, she was very lucky. There was no particularly strong player in front of her.

She had a little impression of the Japanese player in front of her.

Because this Japanese player was competing on the same day as her.

Therefore, she is very clear about the strength of this Japanese player.

He should be a player at about the same level as him, and he doesn't have much impact on him.

Thinking of this, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the wall next to her with a little fear.

It seems that through this wall, one can see the players' lounge on the other side of the wall, and see the confrontation between He Shen and Kobayashi Aimi inside.


In the room, there were not two people glaring at each other as she imagined.

He Shen took out a lollipop from his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth, then raised his head and closed his eyes to rest.

Xiao Lin Aishi, who was sitting opposite He Shen, honestly picked up a small water glass and sipped the water in the glass one mouthful at a time.

Because the stool might be a little too high for her, her legs didn't even touch the ground, they were just swinging in the air.

After drinking a full 300ml cup of hot water, she went to the staff standing at the door and asked for another cup of hot water. After bringing it back, she continued to sit on the chair, splayed her legs, and drank the hot water. water.

The way the two of them looked, one eating sweets and the other drinking water, was so disharmonious.

For everyone who was originally very nervous, at this moment, inexplicably, the tension in their hearts suddenly dissipated a lot.


After passing through multiple obstacles, an extremely dull sound came from the direction of the concert hall.

Chopin International Piano Competition, the first day of competition, the second round, has officially begun!

Except for He Shen and Xiaolin Aishi, everyone else looked towards the direction of the concert hall.

Xiaolin Aishi looked at He Shen, especially at the lollipop in He Shen's mouth. He tilted his head and asked in English with a very serious Japanese accent.

"Um... do you like eating lollipops? He?"

He Shen opened his eyes, looked at Xiaolin Aishi who was sipping boiled water bit by bit in front of him, and asked the same question.

"Do you like drinking boiled water?"

"I like it very much! Plain water can make my body warm, and my whole person becomes warm! It can relieve my tension very well." Kobayashi Aishi nodded, and then asked back.

"So, He, is this the reason why you eat lollipops?"

He Shen glanced at Xiaolin Aishi and nodded slightly.

"Yeah, almost."

"Huh? Almost? What is almost the same? Can it relieve tension? He, are you nervous?" Kobayashi Aishi tilted his head.

He Shen didn't even look at her, he just said casually.

"At first, it may have been because I was a little hypoglycemic, so I kept sugar from my body. However, my hypoglycemia has improved a lot recently. Eating sugar is more of a symbol, which can bring me back to the state of eating sugar and playing the piano before. At that time, I was able to Treat music more calmly.”

"Oh..." Kobayashi Aishi nodded thoughtfully, and then suddenly asked: "But, won't eating sweets cause tooth decay? Don't you feel pain?"


He Shen glanced at her inexplicably and ignored her.

Said so much, it is because of her good performance.

If she hadn't played well, He Shen would have ignored a stranger like her.

Did he have to tell her how many times he brushed his teeth every day, how much he ate at each meal, and how many times he went to the toilet?

He Shen ignored her and closed his eyes. No one knew what he was thinking.

The others sat there honestly, and no one dared to interrupt.

Interrupting at this time, no need to think too much, just looking for death.

Don't follow others' words eagerly, but they don't even look at you.

Although Kobayashi Aishi is unlikely to do this, this He Shen...

He will definitely do it! With his temper, he will definitely do it!

No one dared to speak, and soon, the third and fourth contestants followed the staff and walked out quickly.

The room was mostly empty.

Kobayashi Aishi was still sitting on the chair, shaking her legs and drinking hot water boredly.

He Shen was still thinking with his eyes closed, and others even wondered if He Shen fell asleep like this.

But it was precisely because of this that the atmosphere in the whole room became calmer and calmer, and the depression in everyone's heart was also relieved.

Just then, the staff came in, knocked on the door, and said.

"Contestant No. 5, Hua Guo, He Shen! Come out and get ready!"

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