The world's number one pianist

Chapter 246 Chopin International Piano Competition (Part 2) (500 monthly tickets plus additional con

He Shen just stood in the middle of the lounge, closed his eyes, and felt the beauty brought by the music in his mind.

He was adjusting, adjusting his breathing, his state, to achieve the most perfect state.

He was going to march towards the perfect level, LvEX level Chopin!

He already had the qualifications, the qualifications to march towards the perfect level Chopin performance.

Then, as a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder, every time he ate a lollipop, he would make the lollipop wrapper fit perfectly.

In this final, He Shen was looking forward to what kind of work he could interpret.

He needed to march towards the perfect level, and he was looking forward to what his perfect work would be like.

How perfect can a work with the right time, right place, and right people be to be called a perfect work!

He Shen took out a lollipop from his pocket, tore off the lollipop wrapper perfectly, and then put the lollipop into his mouth.

That sweet taste immediately flowed from the tip of his tongue to his brain.

He Shen's desire for the competition and the perfect level was immediately suppressed in his heart.

He Shen began to gradually calm down and his emotions were suppressed.

His eyes were no longer so aggressive, but became a little calm.

He stood in the middle of the lounge as if the wind and clouds were calm, waiting for his turn.

At this moment on the stage...

The Polish player standing behind Kobayashi Aishi had never expected that a player like Kobayashi Aishi, who was particularly inconspicuous, would show such strong dominance in the finals.

He was obviously bullied by He Shen before and couldn't get up at all. He thought that Kobayashi Aishi was probably just like that, a relatively ordinary pianist.

But he didn't expect that Kobayashi Aishi's strength was so strong!

The performance in front of him scared him silly.

The expectations of the people around him made his state weaker by three points before he even started.

When he officially stood on the stage and began to prepare to play, he felt the atmosphere around him, which made his momentum weaker.

It was also because of this that everyone could feel it when he played.

He was not as good as Kobayashi Aishi!

His strength was not as strong as Kobayashi Aishi.

Therefore, some people looked at him and couldn't help but feel curious.

How did such a contestant stand on the stage of the finals?

How could he be compared with He Shen, Kobayashi Aishi and others?

Looking at this group of audiences, feeling the slightly weird atmosphere under the stage.

This contestant from Poland couldn't help but turn pale.

He didn't hesitate at all and immediately realized that he was finished...

No matter how he played now, it might be useless...

Unless there was a very strong contrast later, so much so that everyone thought that his previous performance was a foreshadowing.

Otherwise, he had no chance of surpassing Kobayashi Aishi at all.

But, did he have the ability to give a very strong contrast?

Or, did he prepare a second version of the contrast?

Unfortunately, it didn't.

That's why he could only make a bitter face, let himself play the piece he was going to play as calmly as possible, and walked off the stage in advance.

When he walked off the stage, he could clearly feel that he was probably finished.

His current best score was probably below Kobayashi Aishi.

This was actually not bad. If Kobayashi Aishi could get the second place, then maybe he could get the third place?


When he walked off the stage, he suddenly found that the staff had walked to the front of He Shen's lounge and knocked on the door of the lounge.


The door of the lounge slowly opened, and a man full of Chopin's breath walked out of the lounge.

Just looking at his eyes, you can feel the extremely strong sense of Chopin.

That kind of pride in his country, confidence in culture, and expectation for the future.

A sense of Chopin that blends all kinds of emotions.

An extremely real sense of Chopin!

This is the strongest player in this year's Chopin International Piano Competition, the first place in the first and third rounds, and the player who currently ranks first in total points...

He Shen!

The second Polish player, the moment he saw He Shen walk out of the room, he realized...

He was probably really finished, without any chance at all.

There are wolves in front and tigers behind.

How could he get a place?

Therefore, he looked at He Shen, just smiled bitterly and shook his head, bowed slightly to He Shen, and turned away.

His journey to the Chopin International Piano Competition has ended...

He Shen looked at the player in front of him and had no feelings for him.

This player's interpretation of Chopin did not even make He Shen want to take a look.

It was just a very, very ordinary sense of mediocrity.

There was also some personal interpretation in it.

It might attract some judges who love personal style, but it definitely would not attract He Shen.

He Shen stood at the backstage of the concert hall, behind the backstage door, his whole body standing straight and relaxed.

This kind of relaxation can adjust He Shen's feeling for music very well, allowing He Shen to stay in a better state.

The surrounding cameras also immediately surrounded him, covering everything about He Shen within the range of the camera.

Now, in everyone's sight, there is only one remaining contestant.

That is He Shen!

There was a slight commotion on the stage, and He Shen listened. It was probably the staff preparing to adjust the piano.

He Shen's choice was different from others. He chose the piano from Italy, Fazioli F308, instead of the Steinway D274 chosen by others.

The feel of Steinway is very good, but for He Shen, what he wants is a brighter tone, not a good feel.

He Shen can overcome this kind of feel, but that kind of bright tone is not so easy to find easily.

Time passed slowly, He Shen waited for the staff to prepare, and waited for his time to go on stage.


The door of the backstage of the concert hall was opened again, and Andre, the chief conductor of the Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall, appeared from behind the door.

As soon as he stepped off the stage, he found He Shen standing at the backstage door of the concert hall contestants, ready to go on stage, and the surrounding cameras. His originally tired expression immediately dissipated, and the corners of his mouth immediately rose.

Before, in order to achieve the effect that He Shen wanted, he prepared for an unknown period of time in his backstage at home, brought his own band, and even rehearsed overnight, just to organize the effect that He Shen wanted.

Finally, he succeeded!

He immediately walked towards He Shen, nodded slightly to He Shen, took out the music score on the side, and handed it to He Shen.

"How is it? How is the state?"


He Shen took the music score and felt his own state.

His body has always been kept in a relatively comfortable state.

His mood, without any extra fluctuations, suppressed the emotions of Chopin's First Piano Concerto in his heart, waiting for the next outbreak.

After all, emotional outbursts are very tiring, so if you can reduce them as much as possible, do so.

Although He Shen's body has now returned to normal, piano concertos...

are not something that an ordinary person can play easily.

Especially when playing with emotions.

This is even more tiring!

Therefore, He Shen has always kept his emotions stable and not too volatile.

And other things.

For example, his clothes and shoes...

He Shen wore these things that he often wore, and did not choose some clothes that he wore less and would make him feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, these are not particularly big problems.

He Shen took a quick look and nodded slowly after knowing that at least he did not have many physical problems.

"Well, it's OK, there shouldn't be any problem."

"OK! Now it's the final of the Chopin International Piano Competition, so many audiences are watching you, maybe it can inspire a little pressure on you! This should be considered to occupy the so-called harmony of people in your country?"

Andre grinned and continued to analyze: "There is also the right time. The order of your appearance now is just when the audience is fully awakened by the previous performers. It is the most energetic time, which should give you some better feedback!"

"As for the last location..."

Andre turned around and looked at the huge concert hall behind him, and couldn't help but smile lightly.

"The world's top stage, can it be considered the strongest location?"

"As the saying goes, the right time, the right place, and the right people, all of this is prepared for you, it depends on your final performance!"

Andre patted He Shen's shoulder, walked aside obediently, and waited for the staff's prompts.

He Shen looked at Andre beside him and couldn't deny it.

Is this really enough?

If these are possible, then every concert of those top bosses can be regarded as a perfect scene, a god-level scene. Why can't every concert of theirs be regarded as a perfect scene, a god-level scene?

To reach this perfect state, there must be some other things that I have not discovered yet!


He Shen closed his eyes, rubbed the hand towel that Ji Mengting and others gave him before, and wiped the sweat from his palms.

Before, He Shen stood in the Holy Cross Church, and the feeling of looking at Chopin's tombstone gradually surged into He Shen's heart.

Chopin's birth, Chopin's growth, Chopin's wandering, Chopin's glory, Chopin's end...

Everything about Chopin is in He Shen's heart, like a revolving lantern.

And He Shen is trying his best to control his inner emotions and not be too excited.

Emotions are gradually brewing.

But emotions, on the outer layer, do not have any fluctuations.

Just like a spring, more and more things are pressed on the spring, making it impossible for the spring to bounce immediately.

The spring is pressed tighter and tighter by the weight on top, and the elastic potential energy inside it is getting bigger and bigger.

It is just waiting for the moment of release.

The stage was quickly rearranged, and Fazioli's piano was transported to the stage through the elevator under the stage and placed in the center of the concert hall.

All the band members adjusted the pitch of their instruments again to prevent any mistakes during the performance.

All of them knew how much their leader valued this performance.

They also knew that if this performance was successful, it would bring them strong feedback!

Just like every time others talk about the god-level performance of some performers, they will automatically bring the name of the local band and the concert hall.

For example, Lang Liangyue's New Year's Concert at Carnegie.

For example, Claudio Arrau's recording at the Dresden State Orchestra.

So on and so forth...

If you can interpret the god-level performance, no matter who you are, you can benefit for life.

Even if you can't interpret the god-level performance...

He Shen's LV10, this top level, is also worthy of their special attention.

After all, his strength at this level is almost the champion of this year's Chopin International Piano Competition.

If there is a chance later, they will definitely invite He Shen to come back and play again at the anniversary celebration of the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra one year.

It's not bad to make a good relationship at this time!

Therefore, all the members of the orchestra are making the final adjustments very seriously.

This emotion has driven the audience and judges in other concert halls.

All the judges looked at the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra on the stage, their eyes full of curiosity.

They really haven't seen this orchestra so serious.

Could it be that the next contestant, a contestant who has not yet fully debuted, is worthy of their seriousness?

They took a look at He Shen's name and knew that He Shen was very powerful, but they couldn't think of the reason why the band was so serious.

They were puzzled.

Argerich and Deng Songshan, who were sitting on the side, looked at the judges around them and didn't remind them.

After all, the two of them, as well as Chen Sa, have lost the qualification to score.

Even if they score, if their relationship is found out later, He Shen's score will be directly invalidated.

Instead of taking the risk of giving He Shen a score, why not just be a good audience and watch He Shen's performance peacefully?

Argerich looked at Deng Songshan, who was not happy beside him, and couldn't help laughing.

"What's wrong? You can't give a score?"


Deng Songshan glanced at Argerich, couldn't help but snorted softly, and said helplessly.

"I signed a contract with the school in a hurry before. Now I can be regarded as someone behind He Shen, so I lost the qualification to give a score, but..."

Deng Songshan's words suddenly stopped, he looked at Argerich seriously, and asked hesitantly.

"What about you? What's wrong with you? I remember you didn't like He Shen very much before? Why did you sign a contract like me at the end? Did you get excited too?"


Argerich shook his head, lay back on the chair, waved a pencil in his hand casually, and said casually.

"I just ran into He Shen when I was at Holy Cross before, and we were alone for a while. It's hard to explain."

Deng Songshan was stunned: "Holy Cross? The one of Chopin?"

Argerich nodded: "Yes!"

"I see, no wonder..."

Deng Songshan looked at the stage, and his mentality became much better.

At least he was guilty of his own fault. He forgot about the competition when his mind was hot.

But Argerich was not like that. He was in trouble. He stayed in the church well, but He Shen ran over for no reason...

Who would go to Chopin's church at this time?

Don't people normally visit the church before or after the competition?

Who would go there in the middle of the game?

Is it possible that you still expect to suddenly realize it by looking at Chopin's statue?

Isn't this a dream?

Do you really think that the Chopin International Piano Competition is a Chinese online novel? Could it be called...

"The World's No. 1 Pianist"?

Moreover, Argerich specially chose a Thursday when there were fewer people, and stayed in the church to think about music.

Even so, he still met He Shen?

This luck is really unmatched...

Deng Songshan looked at Argerich like this, and couldn't help but feel a little bit gloating.

But soon, he restrained his emotions.

Now is not the time to worry about whether to give He Shen points or not. The key now is to see what kind of interpretation He Shen can give.

How can Chopin's works be interpreted?

In the concert hall, as the symphony orchestra put their instruments in their arms, it gradually became quiet.

The host quickly walked out from behind the stage, walked to the edge of the stage, picked up the black card in his hand, and slowly spoke to everyone.

"Chopin International Piano Competition Finals, Day 1, Third Contestant!"

"Huaguo, He Shen!"

"Piano selection, Fazioli: F308"

"Work selection, Chopin Piano Concerto No. 1!"

After saying that, everyone immediately gave their utmost respect to everyone on the stage, as well as He Shen behind the stage.

He Shen and Andre also heard the curtain call of the staff on the stage and the applause of the audience.

Andre walked up to He Shen, pointed at the music score in He Shen's hand, and asked very seriously.

"Although I don't want you to change at this time, I still need to ask..."

"Are you really sure this is the interpretation? Aren't you going to change it?"

"If you get on stage, there's really no chance to change it!"

He Shen listened to the unceasing applause from the audience, glanced at Andre in front of him, and couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

"No, I won't change it anymore, this is my final version!"

"The final version of everything I understand about Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 1, and the musical interpretation!"

After saying that, He Shen immediately turned around and slowly stepped onto the stage under the respectful gazes of countless cameras and staff.




He Shen's pace is not heavy, but very solid.

Every step of the way is to stand firmly on this small stage.

From the back, slowly walked to the front of the stage.


It was obviously the biggest applause, but at this moment, it was obvious that there was another climax.

Everyone was applauding vigorously, looking forward to He Shen's interpretation.

First place in the first round of the Chopin International Piano Competition, second place in the second round, first place in the third round, first place in the total score, top performer, interpretation of music!

What kind of Chopard can such a player who almost dominates the entire game interpret?

He Shen looked at the people around him who were applauding vigorously, as well as the orchestra members who were applauding with their instruments in their arms, bowed slightly and sat on the piano bench.


The applause disappeared instantly.

The concert hall quickly became extremely quiet.

Everyone set their eyes on He Shen, waiting for He Shen's interpretation of the music.

He Shen did not make everyone wait any longer. After placing the hand towel in his pocket on the piano, he quickly adjusted the distance between the front and back of the seat, as well as the height.

When everything was adjusted to perfection and a very comfortable state, He Shen immediately nodded slightly to Andre, who was standing there waiting for his instructions.

He is ready.

After receiving He Shen's signal, Andre immediately turned his body towards the crowd in the concert hall and raised the baton in his hand.

At the moment when the conductor's baton was raised, everyone in the orchestra raised their instruments and got ready.

Two early shots were given, and with the fore shot, the baton dropped.

The band sounded instantly.

A completely different Chopin Piano Concerto No. 1 with completely different emotional release from before suddenly sounded.

And He Shen's eyes gradually lit up at this time.

He released his hold on the emotions in his heart.

That emotion about Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 1 slowly flowed from He Shen's heart to his limbs.


Fill Xiang He Shen's whole body!

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