The world's number one pianist

Chapter 251 Four Years

On the first day after He Shen won the championship, the news of He Shen's victory spread from Warsaw to China.

All those who pay attention to the Chopin International Piano Competition all know this news, and everyone is excited.

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Even many people who don't care about piano at all heard the news of He Shen's victory from others.

"Fuck? Someone from China actually won the Chopin International Piano Competition?"

"Wait, wait, wait? Did I hear it right? Someone from China actually won the Chopin International Piano Competition?"

"Awesome! The Chopin International Piano Competition champions are basically the best in the world, right?"

"Definitely the best in the world, I really didn't know that China could produce such a genius!"

"Originally, it should be a competition where Europeans have an advantage, and even the Japanese country has a greater advantage than us. After more than 20 years, we won the championship again?"

"Horrible, this should be the Chinese Is this a sign of the rise of classical music in China again? I just don't know how many people this can inspire to learn piano. "

"I just hope this person will never learn from the previous person and do something illegal."

"No, if you have watched his other videos before, or even got to know him directly, you should know that He Shen is a person who is particularly obsessed with music. In his eyes, music should be the most important thing."

"Maybe the piano is more beautiful than those girls in his eyes!"

"Fuck, it seems to be true..."

Everyone was discussing He Shen's victory, as if they also liked classical music.

At this time, for everyone in China, He Shen's victory has gradually changed from an ordinary thing in the classical music circle to something outside the circle.

Even men, women, young and old would interrupt in the chat, saying that they had seen He Shen before and felt that He Shen would definitely win the championship.

They even said that they started paying attention to He Shen when he was still in college.

Some people even believed this.

After all, if they thought He Shen was good before, he must have a very strong ability to appreciate music!

Not only that, in their understanding, this is equivalent to defeating foreigners head-on in the strongest field of foreigners and winning the championship!

Especially for this project, China is not very strong, but it won the world championship.

This is even more valuable!

After all, if we only discuss Chinese pianists, overall, China is only above the global average.

There should be the most low-level performers in China.

There are not a few people of medium level in the world.

And there are basically only a few top pianists in China.

To put it bluntly, there may be only one person in China.

That is Lang Liangyue.

Others may barely keep up with Lang Liangyue's pace, but it is still difficult to get Lang Liangyue's appeal.

After all, Lang Liangyue is a rare player who can make money by holding concerts.

Therefore, you can completely understand it with Chinese football.

The difficulty of He Shen winning the Chopin International Piano Competition is as exciting as the sudden victory of Chinese football in the World Cup.

Of course, this World Cup champion cannot be regarded as a complete World Cup champion, but it is probably the World Cup Youth Team champion.

It seems that there is no World Cup champion to attract attention, but it is not the case!

What does it mean to win the World Cup Youth Team Championship? That means that among the new generation of players, He Shen is the strongest!

As long as He Shen can continue to maintain this, He Shen will definitely be able to show more perfect strength in the future.

When those who are currently active on the world stage leave, who will be left on the stage?

Isn't it only He Shen and other young people of the new generation?

This means that after only Lang Liangyue is left among the three of the golden generation, a new generation is about to take off.

The new golden generation headed by He Shen, supplemented by Yue Li, Pei Qi, Fu Diao and others, is about to work hard in the field of global classical music.

Everyone looked at these people and began to look forward to what heights their generation of players can reach!


He Shen did not return to China.

Everyone suddenly realized that they seemed to have been stood up? Were they always happy for nothing?

According to common sense, after winning the Chopin International Piano Competition, He Shen should return to China to hold a concert or something to show his strength.

Tell everyone in China his true strength.

He can even attract a wave of fans.

After all, if you just look at the makeup photos of He Shen at the Chopin International Piano Competition, he is actually quite handsome.

Especially his temperament, it is absolutely amazing!

There are already many fans who are ready to buy tickets for He Shen's concert to support him when he returns!

However, He Shen did not return to China to hold a concert.

He did not even return to China!

He disappeared without a trace.

It was as if he had completely disappeared from this world.

Except for a few people in Europe at that time who knew where He Shen was, no one else knew where He Shen had gone.

People in China waited for He Shen's concert for a month, two months, three months...

Soon, everyone was attracted by the new hot spot. Except for some classical music lovers, no one cared about where He Shen went.

Finally, these classical music lovers were not completely useless to He Shen. They saw some news about He Shen on the official websites of some symphony orchestras abroad.

Unfortunately, this was basically He Shen holding a perfect Chopin concerto concert with that orchestra, and the overall performance was very perfect.

Received unanimous praise from countless experts!

In nearly half a year, He Shen probably held four or five concerts throughout Europe.

Apart from this, there was no other news.

Some people with ulterior motives tried to arouse public opinion from all the audience, saying that He Shen couldn't stand China and wanted to get rid of it directly.

This kind of public opinion was extinguished by some unknown forces when it just came out, without causing any waves.

In addition, some professors were often reported inexplicably, and some who were not so lucky went directly to jail.

When the time came to the middle of the second year, around April or May, something happened that shocked all music students in China.

Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music officially became independent, and together with Jiangzhou Art University Conservatory of Music, most of the teachers were drawn out to form a new school.

Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music!

In this conservatory of music, the overall team is based on Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music as the main body, and Jiangzhou Art University Musicology as the auxiliary, and they were jointly established.

There is no obstruction from any other conservatory of music.

In the first year of this school, no other students will be recruited for the time being.

In addition to the original students of their two conservatories of music, there are all other students who have passed the interview of Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music and Jiangzhou Art University Conservatory of Music.

These students will have the right to choose whether to enter the two original schools, Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music and Jiangzhou Art University Conservatory of Music.

Or to enter the newly established Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music?

The answer is obvious, nearly 80% of people chose Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music.

In particular, all the candidates of Jiangzhou University of Arts Conservatory of Music all chose to enter Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music.

The remaining 20% ​​are basically students of Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music.

Most of them still want to take advantage of the reputation of Jiangzhou Normal University and plan to study for a second degree during the semester.

Therefore, there are still some people who did not choose Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music.

This is actually not the most shocking. After all, it is just a new conservatory of music established, and it is well-known in Jiangzhou.

If it is well-known, some students in Jiangzhou will choose Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music when choosing music schools.


The list announced by Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music shocked almost everyone.

First of all, the most powerful piano department!

The piano department of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music can even be regarded as the most powerful among all conservatories of music.

First of all, He Shen, the champion of the Chopin International Piano Competition, after winning the Chopin International Piano Competition, served as the honorary professor of the piano department of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music, and was responsible for the teaching and management of the piano department.

Although according to Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music, He Shen is currently studying and has not returned to China completely.

Therefore, He Shen is just a title.

The remaining two people are more eye-catching.

Deng Songshan, and Argerich!

Both are honorary professors!

And these two people are different from He Shen.

He Shen may not come back to teach recently, but these two people will come to this school to give a lecture every year!

This is the minimum case!

If these two pianists are in a good mood at the time, it is entirely possible that they will give more than one lecture, but two, three, or even a week!

This is what Zhou San asked when negotiating with them.

Although other departments do not have the kind of leaders, they are basically all top musicians.

For example, the string department, wind instrument department, music engineering department, composition department...

Almost all of them have one or two top bosses in charge.

All these bosses promised to give at least one lecture and teaching every year.

This almost makes all those who didn't take the entrance exam to the Conservatory of Music of Jiangzhou University of Arts or the Conservatory of Music of Jiangzhou Normal University regret it!

The bosses in this new conservatory are too awesome!

As long as they can take a class with those bosses, they will definitely improve their strength like taking a panacea.

Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music is not completely high-profile. After announcing the list of honorary professors, they announced the list of their other instrument teachers.

Most of these teachers are not known by many people.

Occasionally, there are a few who have only heard a little bit.

It seems that their teaching level is not good.

But you have to know that most of these people are top teachers found by Zhou San and his team after running around the conservatories in Europe!

Although these teachers are only lecturers, their strength is definitely at the level of associate professors or even professors.

If the professor and associate professor above had not died and had been stuck in their positions.

According to their strength, they would have been promoted to professors long ago!

Zhou San did not say anything about this matter, and the school did not publicize it.

They jointly created the illusion that only the top teachers of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music were particularly strong, and the teachers who were actually responsible for daily teaching were average.

Only Huaguo Conservatory of Music and Haicheng Conservatory of Music saw through this illusion.

Among the teachers of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music, there were teachers they had always wanted to invite but had not been invited.

Now seeing these teachers appear in Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music, how could they not know what Zhou San of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music was thinking.

However, as long as Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music did not show the tendency that could threaten them, they would not interfere.

After all, domestic music in Huaguo still had to continue to develop, and there was no reason to attack others.

After the initial glory, Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music immediately entered the subsequent silence.

Teach quietly and accept students.

You will not compete with people from other places.

Everything looks exactly the same as before.

However, they were not forced to remain silent, but they took the initiative to calm themselves down.

Now is not the best time to develop the college.

After all, they are just a newly established college, which can only be regarded as good and cannot withstand any storms.

As an old shaman, Zhou San naturally would not choose to make his college particularly glorious, as if he was going to confront people all over the world head-on.

He was waiting at ease, waiting for He Shen to come back.

He Shen's return will completely make up for the last shortcoming of the piano department of their college.

From the upper level, to the middle level, and then to the lower level, there are no loopholes!

And the piano department of their college can also take this opportunity to be promoted to a first-level major.

Everything is going slowly.

Everyone is waiting.

However, this waiting time is relatively long.

After all, He Shen's precipitation outside is not over in one or two years.

Time passes slowly, and everything is developing normally.

Since Ji Mengting followed He Shen to enter the freshman year, she has gradually ushered in the graduation of the senior year.

After graduating from the senior year, she continued to study with Qu Shi, who had a master's degree in teaching, without stopping.

When He Shen left, he asked Qu Shi to take her with him.

Ji Mengting's professional ability had actually been determined by He Shen in a specific direction, and she only needed to continue to move forward in the direction determined by He Shen.

As the deputy director of the composition department, Qu Shi also took care of the teaching work of the piano department, and took Ji Mengting to analyze all the connotations in music.

It was also because of this that Ji Mengting's knowledge of music theory and harmony became extremely solid.

With a very high score, she was re-enrolled in Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music.

Her achievements in the past few years are not just that.

She then led the team of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music to participate in the China Music Higher Education Competition every year.

Every year, she led the team to win the first place.

Moreover, as the quality of students in Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music became higher and higher, the students received became better and better.

Finally, in the year she graduated, she took the students of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music and directly won the top three in the China Higher Music Education Competition.

This made Haicheng Conservatory of Music and Huaguo Conservatory of Music extremely embarrassed.

Fortunately, Ji Mengting quickly announced that she was about to graduate.

Otherwise, Haicheng Conservatory of Music and Huaguo Conservatory of Music might think of something not particularly good when seeing Ji Mengting like this.

For example... send someone to Ji Mengting's home again to win over her parents and force her to go to Haicheng or Huaguo Conservatory of Music?

When Ji Mengting discovered the hostility of other schools, she made it very clear that she would not continue to participate in the competition without anyone else's reminder.

Her withdrawal from the competition, coupled with the fact that she was He Shen's student, those schools slowly let go of their hostility.

Time, for them, was like a cloud of mist, and it drifted in everyone's thoughts before they could pay attention.

Unknowingly, Ji Mengting also went from a sophomore who had just met He Shen and followed He Shen to the Chopin International Piano Competition to a first-year graduate student!

On Wednesday, Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music was established and she became the president of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music.

Zhao Shenggang, Zhao Zitong's father, was at odds with Zhou San at the time, but now he continues to follow Zhou San.

The two unlucky guys, who were ranked first and second, competed in various places across the country and gradually became the bullies in everyone's mind. Some people even chose to give up the competition when they saw them competing together.

Qu Shi, who was more rigorous in music theory, became a top expert second only to the head of the composition department.

And the head of the composition department stated that Qu Shi had a very thorough understanding of harmony and had a chance to replace him in the future!

The six-story white building where he had been staying before has also become a high-rise building with more than 30 floors standing near the university town in the suburbs of Ningcheng.

All departments, including all piano rooms, are all in this high-rise building.

Everything seems to have changed.

However, the only thing that has not changed is the relationship between everyone, the relationship bound by He Shen!

Ji Mengting looked at the freshmen and sophomores with an indifferent expression, and played a Chopin's Nocturne to them as a demonstration. After confirming that everyone had no problem, she got up and left the classroom, towards the roof of the building. Walk to the office.

Although she is only a first-year graduate student now, due to her very strong performance skills, she is no longer an ordinary first-year graduate student. In addition to normal studies, she is also responsible for teaching assistance in school.

That was the teaching assistant position held by He Shen back then!

Ji Mengting quickly returned to the office on the rooftop and breathed a long sigh of relief. For a moment, the eyes of many boys in the room were focused on her.

Ji Mengting didn't even look at everyone in the room. She just walked quickly to Qu Shi's side, casually took out two lollipops from her pocket, handed one to Qu Shi, and said with a smile.

"How's it going? Is there any news about Teacher He?"

Qu Shi looked at the lollipop in front of her and then at Ji Mengting, feeling a little helpless for a moment.

She took the lollipop from Ji Mengting's hand, opened the outer shell at will, put the lollipop into her mouth, and said vaguely.

"How come you have become more and more like He Shen since you got the position of lecturer? Even you like eating lollipops."

"What's wrong? Isn't it good to eat lollipops? It's better than smoking and drinking, right?"

Ji Mengting glanced at the students around her who were promoted to the first year of graduate school and served as lecturers like her, and gave them an extremely cold look.

Those students, especially some boys with evil intentions, couldn't help but shudder when they saw Ji Mengting's eyes, and immediately turned their eyes away honestly, thinking about whether they should give up smoking and drinking, and turn to The hobby of eating lollipops.

After seeing everyone look away, Ji Mengting nodded with satisfaction, turned to look at Qu Shi, and continued.

"Okay, don't talk so much, I just want to know now, Teacher He, is there any news about him now?"

"Well, Teacher He Shen... Bah, why should I call you Teacher He Shen? It's because He Shen just sent me an email saying that he is coming back! His precipitation has been completed and he will be here soon. Back to Jiangzhou!" Qu Shi turned the computer in front of her.

There is a public mailbox on the computer. The owner of the mailbox is Zhou San, but Qu Shi asked for it.

Qu Shi reached out to gesture to the computer in front of her, then rubbed her shoulders, pretending to be particularly tired, and gave Ji Mengting a look.

Unexpectedly, Ji Mengting didn't even look at her. She became extremely excited. She slammed her hands on the table and suppressed the computer in front of her, her eyes suddenly brightening.

"Really? Teacher He is finally coming back? How many years has it been?"

"Calm down, calm down. In the eyes of others, you always have the image of an elegant noble lady. Do you want to completely abandon the image you have finally built up?" Qu Shi looked at the looking eyes of everyone around him and immediately stretched out his hand. Stopped.

"Ahhh! This is Teacher He! Teacher He is coming back! How can you be so calm!"

Ji Mengting looked at the computer screen in front of her and almost jumped up holding the computer.

Unfortunately, from the corner of her eye, she saw the strange looks in the eyes of other people around her. Her strong sense of shame made her regain her composure. She returned the computer in front of her to Qu Shi and whispered.

"Ahem, um, Teacher He just said that he is coming back. When will he come back? How many days will it take to wait? When can I see Teacher He again?"

"How do I know this? I just got the news. This news was sent by He Shen to Principal Zhou San!"

Qu Shi took the computer and rolled her eyes at Ji Mengting angrily, then looked at Ji Mengting, raised her head and thought about it, and asked curiously: "But then again, why do you think so so much? Why don't you go to Europe? How deep are you looking?”

Unexpectedly, when Ji Mengting heard this, she couldn't help but sit on a nearby chair, lay her body on her table, raised her head and said with great grievance.

"I know, I really went to Europe to find Teacher He, but Teacher He told me before that he studied piano with a professor at the Berlin University of the Arts. When I went there, the people there said that Teacher He had left University of the Arts Berlin, went to the Hanover Conservatoire.”

"And after I went to Hanover, people there were saying that Teacher He went to the Paris Conservatoire!"

"When I finally got to the Paris Conservatory of Music, they actually said that they didn't know where Teacher He had gone!"

"I've been all over Europe, but I can't find Teacher He!"

"I didn't even find Zhao Zitong! She also ran away with Teacher He!"

"What can I do? I'm desperate too!"

Qu poem: "..."

Qu Shi looked at Ji Mengting. She originally just said it casually, but she didn't expect that Ji Mengting actually did it.

For a moment, she didn't know what to say, so she could only reach out and comfort her.

"It's okay, it's okay. Teacher He will be back soon. It won't be long before you can see him and continue to follow him in class!"

"I hope so, wuwuwu, I haven't seen Teacher He for almost three years..."

Ji Mengting turned back to her work seat and said gloomily.

At this moment, He Shen, who was far away at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music in Xiongguo, ended his performance.

The music, like smoke, lingered on the roof.

All the people around had stiff expressions on their faces, and they looked at He Shen in disbelief.

He Shen didn't pay attention to other people, but looked at the old professor in front of him, nodded at him, and asked with a smile.

"How about it? My piece, Tchaikovsky's First Piano Concerto?"

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