The world's number one pianist

Chapter 257 The stage belongs to He Shen!

As time goes by, the day of He Shen's solo concert is getting closer and closer.

More and more people, countless people, began to gather in Jiangzhou.

In addition to the various music colleges and music departments in Jiangzhou, music colleges and music departments in other places also sent their teams to Jiangzhou.

It's different from before.

Before, when other music colleges came to Jiangzhou to visit the Jiangzhou Normal University Music College, even if there was nothing on the surface, deep in their hearts, they always looked down on the Jiangzhou Normal University Music College.

After all, they are a music college, and the Jiangzhou Normal University Music College is just a music college in a university.


But now it's completely different!

Now that the Jiangzhou Music College has been established, the group of people who came to watch and walked into the Jiangzhou Music College no longer have any mood to look down on other music colleges.

Everyone is a college of the same level, no one is higher or lower, they are all about the same.

Students from Haicheng, China, felt that their school was one of the two major music schools in China, and was superior to other music schools.

People from other places did not have any extra thoughts at all. They just came to this place with the spirit of studying hard, ready to watch He Shen's concert.

They quickly found a place to stay near the school, and carefully watched the courses of Jiangzhou Music School and He Shen's practice.

Soon, the hotels near Jiangzhou Music School were full, and countless people could not find a place to stay near the school. They could only walk towards Jiangzhou Grand Theater and prepare to stay there.

After all, that place was where He Shen would perform later.

And after a few days, the area near Jiangzhou Grand Theater was full of people, and there was no extra space.

In addition to people from various local music schools, there were also various classical music magazines.

Domestic magazines such as "Yellow River", "Philharmonic", "Harmony" and so on.

And foreign magazines such as "Music", "Classic", "Gramophone"...

Magazines of all kinds from all places all came to Jiangzhou, waiting for He Shen's concert.

For a while, the whole Jiangzhou Ningcheng was filled with music.

Even ordinary passers-by who don't listen to classical music found something wrong.

It felt like the surroundings, whether it was the TV, the car radio, or some other GG.

The content of classical music in them also inexplicably increased a lot.

It felt inexplicable.

He Shen didn't know anything about the outside world. He just sat in the piano room seriously and practiced the piano well.

The piano room Zhou San gave him was really comfortable. The sofa in the piano room was softer than the sofa in the Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music before.

After lunch at noon, He Shen could even take a nap on the sofa.

The music in his hands became more and more proficient with continuous practice.

Whether it was Bach, Beethoven, or something else.

The feeling of these music in He Shen's hands was getting more and more complicated, and the musicality in them was getting stronger and stronger.

He Shen's mastery of these compositions was also getting stronger and stronger!

Soon, time came to the day of He Shen's concert.

He Shen woke up from his basement, packed up a little, and walked towards Jiangzhou Grand Theater.

He had not returned the basement, but the piano in the basement had been returned and sent back by the piano transportation company.

The main reason why he did not return the basement was that He Shen was lazy.

He did not have much time to find a new house recently.

Even if he could ask Zhou San and others to help him find a new house, those people might do something about the price.

For example, the original rent of 5,000 or 8,000 yuan a month, they told him that he could rent it for 1,000 or 2,000 yuan.

When he moved in and found that he owed someone a favor, it would be difficult to move out directly.

Therefore, He Shen did not plan to ask those friends to help him find a house.

He Shen stood on the side of the road, took a taxi, and soon came to the vicinity of Jiangzhou Grand Theater.

There were countless buses and various luxury cars parked in the parking lot of Jiangzhou Grand Theater.

Those buses should be cars from various local music colleges, sending their school students and teachers to watch.

As for those luxury cars…

Maybe they belong to some wealthy teachers, or people from top classical music magazines?

He Shen had no interest in this.

After getting out of the car, he tidied his clothes a little, and then walked slowly towards the concert hall.

Perhaps he was too low-key, and no one around him noticed him.

Countless people gathered at the entrance of the concert hall, looking around at the cars coming and going in the distance, and discussing in low voices.

"By the way, when will He Shen come? This is his first concert, he shouldn't be late, right?"

"Who knows, but it has nothing to do with us, we just need to watch his performance carefully."

"This should be He Shen's first performance since he won the competition, right?"

"No, if you count accurately, it's not! After He Shen won the Chopin International Piano Competition, he received invitations from several top orchestras and went to those orchestras to perform. Strictly speaking, it was not the first time!"

"But this should be the first time since He Shen's comeback."

"Indeed, He Shen has been quiet for four years. To be honest, I am really curious about what level He Shen can reach in these years?"

"That's right, even if other pianists win awards, no one has been as quiet as He Shen. Everyone immediately became active on the stage around the world!"

"You are wrong. To be precise, there are also pianists who are quiet after winning awards, such as Pollini, who is also the champion of the Chopin International Piano Competition with He Shen."

" Hmm? Damn, if you hadn't told me, I would have forgotten that there was another Pollini who made the same choice as He Shen! "

"Marizio Pollini, the champion of the 6th Chopin International Piano Competition, disappeared from everyone's eyes for eight years after winning the piano competition. He devoted himself to Ming Kailang Jili and relearned the touch of fingers and the expression of music. Eight years later, his first concert, Chopin's 24 preludes, made a sensation in the Eagle Country!"

"You mean... He Shen might also make a sensation in China like Pollini?"

"Who knows? After all, no one knows what He Shen did in the past four years. Who knows whether he devoted himself to study or found a place to play and relax for four years?"


Everyone stood at the door, waiting for the concert hall to open, while discussing in a low voice.

He Shen looked at them discussing himself, and there was no change in his expression.

There are many top pianists in the world, and everyone grows in different directions.

For example, Pollini completely broke down his foundation, rebuilt it, built a more stable foundation, and then played it all over the world.

As for He Shen?

He is different from Pollini. He seeks the music itself and discusses with countless piano masters the most appropriate interpretation of each musician in music.

All of this is cultivating his musical literacy and making his music closer to those top pianists.

After all, those top pianists, such as Argerich, Zimmermann, and even Pollini just mentioned...

Their understanding of music is almost demonic!

The first time they heard He Shen's interpretation of music, they could easily perceive He Shen's thoughts on music.

After all, they listened to too much. They really communicated with those top masters in the golden age of the 20th century.

For example...

Rachmaninoff, Horowitz.

Rachmaninoff, a person who successfully became the top musician of classical music as a pianist in the 20th century.

Horowitz and Rachmaninoff are good friends. Horowitz was the first person to see many of Rachmaninoff's works.

They not only have new ideas for modern works, but also have dozens or hundreds of different interpretations of classical music, romantic music, and Baroque music from decades or two hundred years ago.

It can even be said that their ideas about music cover almost all mainstream ideas.

He Shen, he is still far inferior to these world-class pianists.

However, he is moving forward slowly.

Step by step, he is moving slowly towards the direction of the world's top pianists.

He Shen did not disturb the people who were chatting, walked to a back door in the distance, handed his ID to the staff standing there, and walked into the concert hall.

Jiangzhou Grand Theater is still the same as when he first came, without much special changes.

The only change is probably that the Golden Piano Award display board in the concert hall has become He Shen's display board.

On the board are printed He Shen's photo and some of his introduction.

He Shen looked at his sign and didn't know what to say for a moment. He felt weird and wanted to put it away.

In the end, He Shen gave up the idea, just sighed and walked towards the backstage.

There were already many people standing in the backstage.

The current principal of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music, Zhou San.

The honorary professor of Chuanzhou Conservatory of Music, Dan Yi.

The honorary professor of Huaguo Conservatory of Music, Zhou Renguang.

The older generation took the three of them as the main core, and most of them surrounded them and chatted casually.

The younger generation, such as Yue Li from Wuzhou Conservatory of Music.

Fu Diao from Haicheng Conservatory of Music.

Pei Qi from Huaguo Conservatory of Music.

The teachers of some other schools around were vaguely led by these three people.

Yue Li stood in the crowd and looked particularly tall. His suit could hardly fit his big body.

He looked at the other people around him, and the smile on his face was also particularly bright.

Perhaps it was because of his tall stature that Yue Li was the first to notice He Shen approaching when he was chatting with the people around him. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly walked up to He Shen, stretched out his big hand, patted He Shen on the shoulder, and smiled.

"Not bad, He Shen! I never had time to congratulate you on the spot. Congratulations on winning the championship in the Chopin International Piano Competition! You have directly broken the monopoly of classical music from Europe and Japan! Not bad!"

Fu Tiao and Pei Qi walked over slowly and leisurely after Yue Li walked in front of He Shen.

Fu Diao had an indifferent look on his face, as if he didn't want to say anything more to He Shen.

Pei Qi smiled bitterly.

He opened his hands to He Shen and said helplessly.

"He Shen, congratulations, you won the championship. It's a pity that we couldn't keep up with your pace..."

"Who can tell! I won the championship in the Liszt International Piano Competition! It can be regarded as completing the agreement with He Shen, but you didn't complete it!" Yue Li muttered loudly to the side, then turned to He Shen, Pointing at Pei Qi and Fu Tiao beside him, he revealed the truth.

"No, these two people, Pei Qi, I remember participating in the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. Unfortunately, I only got third or fourth place, not first place."

"As for Fu Diao... he came second in the Beethoven International Piano Competition, but he didn't win the championship either."

Fu Diao raised his head and glanced at Yue Li, snorted coldly, turned and walked away, completely ignoring Yue Li.

Listening to Fu Diao's hum, Yue Li couldn't help but smile even more happily, and said to He Shenshu: "Nuo, look, every time he is called second, he gets angry. I really don't understand. I have to do it." After winning the first place, isn’t there still a company that wants to sign him?”

Pei Qi looked helplessly at Yue Li on the side, reached out and patted his arm, shook his head slightly, and interrupted his words.

These words are okay among the three of them. After all, they are all world-class piano players, and there has always been competition, so they are all familiar with each other.

It was nothing to say in front of He Shen, and He Shen was not considered an outsider.

But there were other people around.

It’s not particularly appropriate to say this now.

Therefore, Pei Qi spoke directly.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. He Shen, what is the work you have prepared for this concert? Do you want to tell it so that we can refer to it?"

He Shen looked at the people in front of him and found that all of them had expectant looks on their faces. They didn't hide anything and spoke straightforwardly.

"Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Rachmaninov!"

"Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Rachmaninov?"

Yue Li was stunned after hearing this. He couldn't help but touched his chin and complained.

"The arrangement of your repertoire feels so strange. Is it a piece that is only prepared by art candidates who are preparing for the art exam, or students who are preparing for their graduation concert?"

"Well, I also feel a little bit. This song selection is not bad, it just feels a bit ordinary..." Pei Qi also nodded: "I just feel that the work you should come up with should be the kind of piano selection that shocks the world. song."

"For example, you play all Chopin's piano preludes, mazurkas, nocturnes, polonaises, concertos, ballades, and etudes together?"

"Hey, hey, is that going to kill someone? I've only seen him play Beethoven's complete set of sonatas. However, after he played the complete set at a concert, he was taken to the hospital directly."

"If He Shen finishes playing like this, maybe you can become a celebrity directly?"

Yue Li and Pei Qi couldn't help but complain. Of course, they were limited to complaining and did not force He Shen to change his song selection.

He Shen listened to the two men's speeches and just smiled without saying anything.

After the three of them casually chatted about their respective situations, they walked towards the audience area and prepared to take their seats.

And He Shen looked at the only three people standing in the background and walked towards them.

Danyi, Zhou San, and Zhou Renguang.

Zhou San did not stop. When he saw He Shen coming over, he immediately followed Danyi and Zhou Renguang with great interest and said hello, saying that he would monitor the arrangement of the cameras on the stage.

After confirmation, the video recording went smoothly.

But Yi looked at He Shen walking towards him, his eyes filled with relief.

After He Shen stood still, he immediately spoke with a hint of anxiety. "He Shen, how prepared are you? Are you sure?"

"Yes." He Shen looked into Dan Yi's eyes and nodded seriously.

"It's good to have it, it's good to have it... I haven't heard you play the piano for more than four years. I really look forward to what kind of works you can interpret in the future."

After hearing He Shen's affirmation, Dan Yi slowly breathed a sigh of relief, smiled at He Shen, took two steps forward, reached out and squeezed He Shen's shoulder, full of encouragement.

Zhou Renguang looked at Dan Yi and could clearly feel the joy in Dan Yi's heart.

She had done the same thing more than ten years ago.

So she felt the same way.

However, Zhou Renguang stretched out his hand and glanced at the time, and said helplessly to Dan Yi and He Shen.

"Okay, but professor, don't dwell on old times. The performance time is coming soon. We should go to the auditorium now and leave the backstage space to He Shen."

"After all, all we need to do now is just look forward to He Shen's performance. I believe He Shen can definitely meet your expectations."

Dan Yi glanced at Zhou Renguang on the side, and then at He Shen, his eyes filled with relief and he nodded slowly:

"Well, OK, let's go. He Shen, you must do your best. This is your most important concert. You must play well! You must work hard!"

After that, Dan Yi turned around and left without any hesitation.

Leaving the backstage space completely to He Shen.

Zhou Renguang looked at Dan Yi who was leaving, smiled, and said to He Shen.

"He Shen, I have been paying attention to your growth. Your growth is beyond my imagination. I thought it might take you a long time to reach this point, at least more than 30 years old, but I didn't expect that you would reach this level so quickly."

"So, I look forward to your concert and your performance."

After that, Zhou Renguang also patted He Shen on the shoulder and turned around and left.

For a while, He Shen was the only one left in the backstage of the entire concert hall.

There were also some staff members who were responsible for waiting.

He Shen stood at the door of the backstage of the concert hall and took a deep breath.

This concert was full of everyone's expectations.

It was not just Dan Yi's expectation, but also Zhou San, Zhou Renguang, Fu Diao, Yue Li, Pei Qi...

All the people he knew in the Chinese classical music circle were looking forward to his performance.

This was not just a concert for himself, but a concert for everyone.


Failure was absolutely not allowed.


The moment the time came to eight o'clock, the originally chaotic concert hall, where some people were discussing, suddenly became quiet.

Everyone turned their eyes to the sliding door at the entrance of the concert hall.

The staff also looked at He Shen and spoke immediately.

"Teacher He, the time is up, it's time to go on stage!"

He Shen walked to the stage sliding door, looked at the door that had been opened in front of him, and the piano that had been placed on the stage in advance and confirmed by him.

A Steinway D274, a mediocre but very useful piano.

He Shen stood behind the stage, looked at everything in front of him, and slightly tidied his clothes.

Then, he stepped out.

Standing on the stage!

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