The world's number one pianist

Chapter 259 The next mountain!


Very strong!

Very strong!

The pure finger skills of He Shen's hands were so strong that everyone present didn't know what to say and lost the ability to speak.

In terms of musicality, there was no mistake in He Shen's hands.

The music was flowing, flowing continuously, as fast as a waterfall!

Everything made the emotions of the people present surge.

This was the impact of He Shen's performance of Beethoven's 23rd Piano Sonata.

Except for the second movement, which made everyone feel a little relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

Whether it was the first movement or the third movement.

The shock brought to everyone by these two movements could not be summarized in a few words.

He Shen's strength also gradually emerged in the hearts of everyone.


Strong to the point that everyone could hardly imagine it!

In the past few years in China, few pianists have reached the level of He Shen.

His existence is almost like a searchlight in the Chinese classical music industry, directly piercing the gray fog of this industry.

Before, they were considered the top three industry leaders in China.

Yue Li, Fu Diao, Pei Qi.

The status of the three of them in this world is not as strong as He Shen now!

Yue Li, the strongest of the three, is now just a champion of the Liszt International Piano Competition, which is at the same level as the Chopin International Piano Competition that He Shen participated in.

And the champion of the Liszt International Piano Competition is just a first-class world-class competition.

There is still a little gap from the world's top four international piano competitions.

And the two people who participated in the world's top piano competitions.

Pei Qi and Fu Diao.

One of them only won the second place.

One person just entered the finals and did not get a particularly good ranking.

Although not weak.

But, it is really not strong!

If they were just compared with the young pianist of the first generation in China, they were certainly not weak.

It can even be said to be very strong!

After all, they are the ones who can win awards in world competitions!

But how about compared with He Shen?

He Shen, the champion of the Chopin International Piano Competition!

The champion of the four major international piano competitions in the world!

And after winning the championship, this person also rested outside for four years before returning to China.

It's not that everyone has not heard the performances of the other three people.

The performances of the other three people are very good.

Whether it's Yue Li, Pei Qi, or Fu Diao.

There must be the top interpretations of the works they are best at.

Master-level interpretations!

However, although these interpretations sound very shocking, people can clearly feel the strength of those people.

But compared with He Shen, the gap is obvious.

This piece of He Shen's work may only be the beginning of a master...


But He Shen used some small tricks in musicality, such as first suppressing and then praising.

Let the mood of the music become extremely high!

These small tricks are not that other pianists will not use, but they can't use them. Compared with He Shen, he is so powerful that everyone doesn't know what to say for a while.

These little tricks were not learned by He Shen himself, nor were they given by the system.

Rather, he learned these skills from piano players from all over Europe without any help from the system in the past four years.

The most vivid memory of He Shen was when he met a pianist who was already presbyopic.

The two of them discussed for a long time, and discussed a lot of things about music.

These were not the main points.

The main point was that the presbyopic pianist played for He Shen to show his understanding of music.

When the pianist got the piano score, he just carefully looked at the information about this piece on the score, such as the theme of this piece and who was the composer of this piece.

After reading it, he started playing without any hesitation.

He did not even take his reading glasses to look at each piece carefully, and carefully analyze how to play this piece.

If it was just like this, it would be fine.


When He Shen was listening to the performance of this pianist, he was shocked to find out.

This pianist played almost all the wrong notes.

Or, more than half of them were wrong.

But, the wrong notes were not bad to listen to!

On the contrary, they were very, very nice to listen to!

The emotions were completely aroused!

In this piece, the only things he played correctly were the emotions, rhythm, and feeling of the piece.

It was a waltz, a waltz from Schubert.

When this pianist interpreted this piece, he was full of the feeling of the Romantic period.

Secondly, it was the emotion that belonged to Schubert.

The two were mixed together, and he could express the emotion of this piece very clearly without even looking at the piece.

Most of the notes were his own guesses.

Even so, it was still very moving.

Therefore, He Shen gradually grasped a truth while following his discussion.

For some works, even if your performance ability has just entered the master level, or just entered the professional level, or the entry level.

You can also use such techniques to make the emotions of your music bypass certain special places, so that all the audience's attention is completely focused on your interpretation of the emotions of the music.

Thereby achieving the purpose of shocking everyone.

Of course, this also has a limitation, that is, this thing is limited by how deep your understanding of music is.

You can fool those who don't understand music as deeply as you, and those who understand music better than you can only play a little bit of color, not much use.

Therefore, for everyone, or for He Shen,

Is the piece He Shen is playing now strong?

Very strong!

Is the strength of He Shen's piece considered the best in China?

Definitely not!

According to the technology given by He Shen's system, He Shen has just entered the master level of this Beethoven Appassionata.


There are still a lot of routes to go before reaching Lv10.

As for the perfect live interpretation later.

This route is even further away.

Therefore, if we simply discuss the technical aspects of He Shen's work, He Shen is not particularly strong.

However, most people here don't feel that profound.

Especially for students from various places, and passers-by who come to watch through unknown channels.

The version that He Shen plays now can definitely be regarded as the most perfect version of Beethoven's Appassionata Sonata they have heard recently!

It can definitely compete with the Beethoven Appassionata Sonata live performance at Carnegie Hall, where Lang Liangyue almost became a god!

Unfortunately, if we want to talk about reality...

He Shen's current level is just a normal level after all. An ordinary Lv9 may have used a little trick to reach the feeling of Lv10.

However, Lang Liangyue's performance at the Carnegie concert was basically a perfect interpretation close to being a god.

At present, there is no comparison.

As for the future, it is not certain.

After all, He not yet 30 years old!

He is still an extremely young man!

He Shen looked at the piano in front of him without any extra thoughts. He was just interpreting the work in his hands very seriously. Through some small tricks, he made those ordinary people who were not as sensitive to music as him feel that he played very well.

Then, using this technique, some experts can also appreciate their interpretation more.

Let the music flow more smoothly in his hands.

The sound effects of the music became more and more grand.

The emotions of the music became more and more intense.

Finally, at the last moment, it suddenly exploded.

With the end of the last three cadences, this Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 23, the Passionate Sonata, finally came to an end.

And at the moment of the end.

Everyone forgot that there were two more works to come. They all stood up and applauded vigorously.





The cheers of the crowd almost spread from this concert hall to the entire theater.

Lifting the roof of the theater, the music splashed out in all directions.

This is He Shen's appeal.

An appeal that almost drives everyone crazy!

This is the effect that He Shen can achieve even if he has not reached LV10.

And when He Shen's piece reaches Lv10...

He Shen looked at the people under the stage, at the people in the media seats, and their eyes flickered.

He Shen's interpretation of music exceeded their understanding, and they had to start thinking about how to describe everything they saw in the magazine.

After all, this thing is too difficult to describe.

Looking at the people in the professors' seats, the emotion and expectation in their eyes.

Feeling that He Shen's strength is improving more and more.

Looking forward to where He Shen's future development direction will be!

There are also people in the seats of teachers and students of the music college, their eyes are full of admiration.

He Shen played too perfectly, so perfect that they can't imagine it.

At this point, He Shen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

His concert, reaching this place, is actually a success.

Because what he wanted to announce to everyone was that the work he was going to play in the next year was Beethoven!

Beethoven's piano works!

This was his current direction.

Now it was obvious that he hadn't announced it yet, but everyone had almost agreed with his Beethoven, so the announcement later should not cause too many people to be disgusted?

He Shen stood up, bowed slightly to the people who were still applauding, and walked off the stage.

He reached out to take the water handed over by the staff, took a sip, and rubbed his wrist.

Beethoven's works are good in everything, but they require a lot of strength.

Because the emotional fluctuations in them are particularly large!

In addition to the second movement, which can be slightly relaxed, the first and third movements, He Shen needs to use his body strength when interpreting them.

Sometimes, He Shen even had to stand up and use his body to press out this piece of music.

Therefore, He Shen was a little tired when interpreting.

Even though his body has been very different from before in the past four years, he will not start panting and tired to death after playing a little bit.

But when playing Beethoven's works that are particularly emotional and require a lot of energy, he still feels a little tired.

This is why He Shen did not choose Liszt as his next part.

If he chooses Liszt...

He Shen feels that if his body is not as strong as Yue Li.

He might die of exhaustion on the stage?

But anyway, this concert is only halfway through.

Next, there is the last half that needs to be played.

Thinking of this, He Shen couldn't help but smile, shook his head, and turned to go on stage again.

Everyone in the concert hall returned to silence again, waiting for He Shen's performance.

This time, the work He Shen played was a work familiar to everyone.

He Shen's top work.

Chopin's 24 Piano Preludes.

This is a set of works that He Shen has reached Lv10.

That is why He Shen became extremely relaxed when interpreting.

He did not use any tricks, but simply smashed the beauty of music in everyone's face.

Everyone looked at He Shen and didn't know what to say for a while.

After experiencing extremely tense kneading, their emotions returned to relaxation again.

They enjoyed the music seriously.

Half an hour, a full half an hour.

No one spoke, and no one felt that time was passing too slowly and wanted to play with their mobile phones.

In front of them was music, just ordinary music, but it didn't make people feel bored at all.

Time seemed to freeze, and everyone just listened to He Shen's interpretation, and there was no time to react at all.

Time was over.

A full half-hour of Chopin's prelude appeared in front of everyone in a crushing posture.

Even if He Shen did not interpret his masterpiece in this place.

Chopin's first piano concerto.

But everyone can also feel He Shen's understanding of music when he interprets this piece of Chopin's 24 piano preludes.

The profoundness of Chopin.

He Shen is worthy of his title as the champion of the Chopin International Piano Competition!

In the crowd, some people who have heard Liu Yu and Fan Tian Gongping's performances have to admit it when they hear He Shen's performance.

It is not a surprise that He Shen can directly crush everyone in the third round.

This is He Shen's true strength.

Liu Yu, Fan Tian Gongping and others, it is not a loss to get the second and third place!

It is very normal for them to lose!

The teachers from other music colleges looked at He Shen and couldn't help but sighed carefully.

When playing Beethoven before, He Shen gave people a very strong sense of oppression, which made people feel his strength.

When playing this piece of Chopin, that sense of oppression was gone, but there was a sense of rightness.

It's like, you can feel the oppression when facing a giant, and you may even have a little bit of the idea of ​​resisting.

But what about you facing the sky?

Facing the sky, would you think of breaking it?

Even those who shout that they want to go against the sky, what they call the sky basically refers to fate, not pure heaven.

And the Chopin that He Shen is showing now is almost the ceiling of domestic Chopin interpreters.

There is no way to have any feeling of confronting He Shen head-on.

How to confront this? Obviously, it means death!

He Shen, so far, has left the top influence of Chopin in China.

Even if He Shen has not reached the first place in the world.

He is definitely one of the top ones.

Of course, it is limited to Chopin.

After He Shen played all the 24 preludes of Chopin, everyone looked at each other, and there was no thought of getting up and talking at all.

Tired, destroy it early.

This is so powerful that it has exceeded their understanding of music.

Dan Yi looked at the people around him, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise, wanting to announce to everyone that this is his student!

The student he brought up!

Unfortunately, no one wanted to look at him. Everyone lowered their heads and didn't want to talk.

Everyone had two arms and one head, and everyone was in their twenties.

How did this person practice to be able to play such a strong Chopin?

Everyone didn't understand, and they were too lazy to understand.

They just wanted to be quiet.

Therefore, not many people cared about the sound and picture of Rachmaninoff played by He Shen later.

Compared with other works, this set of works is still a little bit worse.

He Shen's Rachmaninoff sound and picture only reached Lv8 and did not break through the master level.

It can be regarded as the weakest of these works.

But maybe because the previous Chopin was too shocking, everyone was still immersed in Chopin's world when listening to the sound and picture.

It was not until the end of this concert that they reacted.

He Shen's concert after his return to China has ended.

It did not surprise anyone.

He Shen's strength has not declined in the slightest.


Or it cannot be said that there has been no decline.

Where is there no decline?

This is a complete improvement.

All the previous impetuousness has been completely eliminated in these four years.

The only thing left in the music in He Shen's hands is the interpretation of the beauty of music.

This interpretation shocked everyone.

Therefore, after He Shen finished playing, everyone immediately applauded crazily.

The applause was much louder than before.

Everyone applauded in unison with the same rhythm.

Trying to attract He Shen's attention and let He Shen have a small encore after the performance.

All of them subconsciously overlooked one point.

This concert has lasted for more than two hours.

This concert is longer than the time they need to watch a movie.

The audience is like this, so what about He Shen who played?

His emotional involvement was much greater than that of all the audience.

Therefore, He Shen only appeared on stage and bowed twice, and did not give everyone an encore.

Just when everyone thought it was over, He Shen stood up again amid the applause, looked at the people standing and applauding under the stage, took the microphone handed over by the staff, and slowly spoke.

"The concert is now over. Thank you for your support."

"Here, I want to announce something."

"Four years ago, I was already at the pinnacle of Chopin. There are not many young people in China and even in the world who can play Chopin better than me!"

"After four years of precipitation, my understanding of music has reached a higher level. I can play Chopin better than four years ago."

"But I will not stop at the top of a mountain."

"Therefore, I will challenge the next peak of classical music!"

"Music is full of contradictions and works of emotions."

"Composers full of thoughts about fate and life."




As soon as the words came out, the whole audience was boiling!

Everyone stood up suddenly and looked at He Shen with shock in their eyes.

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