The world's number one pianist

Chapter 269: Memorial (1,000 monthly tickets last month plus additional chapters)

He Shen naturally didn't know that he had become super popular in the hearts of that group of people. He was just playing accompaniment for other contestants seriously.

Help them grasp the emotions in the music faster.

After all, this small variety show has just started. He has nothing to do recently anyway, so he just treats it as a vacation and plays with these children.

Just as he was accompanying others, the door of the practice room was knocked. The staff member who was in charge of He Shen before, Xiao Tong, poked her head out from behind the door and looked at He Shen with a complicated expression.

She looked at He Shen, then glanced at the person behind her, and whispered to He Shen.

"Teacher He, someone is looking for you outside. He said... his name is Dan Yi?"

"Dan Yi?"

He Shen was stunned for a moment, got up from the electric piano next to him, gave his position to other piano accompaniment teachers, walked to the door, and looked outside.

At this moment, the person standing outside the door was Dan Yi.

However, Dan Yi's expression was very complicated, or in other words, very ugly.

He looked at He Shen, and a trace of sadness appeared on his face.

"Teacher Dan?"

"Let's go, come with me to Zhongzhou Zhongcheng!"

Dan Yi's tone was very calm, but very firm, and there was no room for refusal.

He Shen looked at Dan Yi, not knowing what he was thinking for a moment, and couldn't help but glance behind him, and said with a little hesitation: "But..."

"No buts, come with me..."

Although Dan Yi's face was not good, his tone was very firm, and there was no room for refusal.

He Shen glanced at Dan Yi, then at Xiao Tong beside him, and nodded slowly.


"Teacher He! The program..."

Xiao Tong was anxious instantly. She took a step forward, glanced at the people who were still rehearsing behind He Shen, and then glanced at He Shen again, with a slightly hurried tone: "Then what about the program? Teacher He, you have already shown signs of prosperity. Just add a little more oil..."

"We will be back soon!"

Dan Yi suddenly interrupted Xiao Tong, and then his tone suddenly stopped, becoming a little lonely, and slowly said: "It should be soon..."

"Ah? So..."

Xiao Tong glanced at Dan Yi, then at He Shen, and after hesitating for a moment, she gave up trying to stop He Shen.

She felt that if He Shen really wanted to leave, she would definitely not be able to stop him.

In this place, He Shen was used to being domineering, and almost no one could stop him.

He Shen looked at Xiao Tong seriously, turned his head and nodded slowly to Dan Yi.

"Professor Dan Yi, let's go, I'll go buy the tickets..."

"No, the tickets have been bought, you don't need to bring the gifts, I'll be back soon, very soon..."

Dan Yi coughed twice, stopped He Shen, put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly towards the outside of the Grand Theater.

He Shen followed Dan Yi without knowing why, and he didn't know anything. He just followed Dan Yi to the car parked at the entrance of the Grand Theater and drove towards the airport.

The two were very calm along the way until they finished the security check at the airport and sat in the first class of the plane.

After the plane took off, He Shen suddenly found that there was no one else in the first class cabin this time except the two of them.

It was not until this time that Dan Yi slowly spoke.

"Before I tell you about that, I think, please watch a video first."


He Shen frowned, not quite sure what Dan Yi was thinking, and couldn't help asking: "Professor Dan Yi, what happened? Why are you..."

Dan Yi shook his head, didn't say anything, just picked up his mobile phone, handed it to He Shen, and said.

"Listen to it, listen to it, we'll get there, and we'll tell you when we get there."

He Shen was even more confused at this time, and had no idea what Dan Yi meant.

However, since it was Dan Yi's request, He Shen didn't think much about it, and directly took the phone from Dan Yi's hand and clicked to play.

At this moment, what was playing on Dan Yi's phone was a very old man, who bowed slightly to the audience, walked to the piano and started playing.

At the beginning, the old man played quite well, but from more than a minute on, He Shen couldn't help but frowned.

This old man, there's a problem!

He may have played quite well at the beginning, but after about a minute, he started to miss notes.

He missed a chord tonic that determined the key.

Afterwards, the more he played, the more wrong notes the old man missed.

It was simply unbearable to watch.

He Shen couldn't help but pause the video, looked at Dan Yi, frowned and said: "This person, he..."

"Watch it, then talk, you will understand when you wait."

Dan Yi didn't know why, he looked very tired, and his whole body was particularly tired. He pointed at the phone in He Shen's hand weakly, asking He Shen to listen to it.

Although the old man played it badly, since it was Professor Dan Yi's request, He Shen thought about it and finally did not refute it.

After all, he is already in his seventies and eighties, and he has taught me for so long, and took me from China to the world, and he spent a lot of effort.

Now asking me to watch a video, and it's a video to kill time on the plane, it's not too much.

Therefore, He Shen could only open the video again, click the play button, and start playing.

As time went on, He Shen felt something was wrong as he listened.

This old man, he still has some ideas about music, and they are very high!

It can even be said that his ideas about music are almost higher than He Shen's.

When he played, one or two particularly beautiful notes would appear from time to time.

It's just a pity that these notes disappeared soon after they appeared.

Without leaving any trace.

As time went on, there were more and more such sounds.

At the same time, there were more and more mistakes in this person's hands.

It was obvious that this person's hands could not keep up with his ideas.

He Shen was extremely curious, but seeing Dan Yi's tired face, he didn't dare to say anything, but listened to the video carefully.

He Shen didn't stop until he heard the end and the applause of the audience.

At this time, the plane almost flew to Zhongzhou Zhongcheng.

The plane stopped steadily, Dan Yi unbuckled his seat belt with a very heavy face, stepped out of the plane, and there was already a bright black car parked there, waiting for Dan Yi's arrival.

A man got out of the car, opened the door, and said to Dan Yi respectfully: "Professor Dan Yi."

After saying that, he looked at He Shen, with a little curiosity in his eyes, but he also bowed slightly to He Shen and said respectfully: "Professor He Shen."

He Shen couldn't help but be stunned when he heard what this person said. After a long time, he remembered that he was already an associate professor at a university music school, not an ordinary lecturer.

At this time, he was suddenly called a teacher instead of a teacher, and He Shen was a little dazed for a while.

But soon, He Shen's face became a little serious.

The man sat in the co-pilot, turned his head and asked Dan Yi: "Professor Dan Yi, are you going there? Are you going now?"


Dan Yi nodded, his expression became heavier.

But this heaviness became extremely uncomfortable.

He Shen frowned and asked: "Where are you going?"

"You'll know when you get there."

Dan Yi stretched out his hand to refuse the disclosure of the man in front, and just let him drive to the destination.

At first, He Shen looked around without feeling anything, but soon, He Shen found that the surroundings were becoming more and more familiar.

This place...

is the location of the Huaguo Conservatory of Music!

He Shen's eyes could not help but be stunned. He never thought that he would come to the Huaguo Conservatory of Music.

And, as he got closer and closer to the Huaguo Conservatory of Music, everything around him became more and more silent.

Countless black cars drove in the same direction at the same time.

This direction is the Huaguo Conservatory of Music.

The vehicles were driving very slowly, but no one dared to honk at this time.

He Shen suddenly felt something was wrong.

At this time, this situation?

He Shen suddenly had an idea in his mind. He looked at Dan Yi suddenly, but found that Dan Yi did not look at him at all. He just looked at the surrounding vehicles and was extremely silent.

The car stopped about 500 meters away from the Huaguo Conservatory of Music. Dan Yi took He Shen and walked into the Huaguo Conservatory of Music.

The Huaguo Conservatory of Music, which was originally very lively, became very solemn at this moment.

Everyone around them looked very sad.

He Shen's bad premonition became more and more serious.

Finally, Dan Yi brought He Shen to the family building of the Huaguo Conservatory of Music. At the entrance of a family building, countless black and white wreaths were placed.

All the places on it had a common name written on them.

"In memory of... Mr. Zhou Renguang?"

He Shen's eyes suddenly widened, and his pupils contracted. He couldn't believe it at all!

When he was working before, he asked why Professor Liao Yong didn't come. He originally thought that it was not Mr. Liao Yong's shift today, but he didn't expect...

"Mr. Zhou Renguang... died?"

He Shen's tone was dry and full of disbelief.

He couldn't imagine that Mr. Zhou Renguang was dead?

Obviously, a few months ago, she was still talking and laughing with him, saying that she was the hope for the future of Chinese classical music.

She said that she had hope and continued to develop Chinese classical music to prove that those foreign things, they Chinese, can play better than foreigners!

She also said...

He Shen's train of thought was interrupted. He had no way to concentrate his emotions. He just looked at the countless wreaths in front of him, with the black and white words on them, and the whole person was in a trance.

What on earth happened?

Why, why so early, why so suddenly.

Mingming, everything is moving in a better direction.

Mingming has already appeared with the hope of China's future.

Why, why is it like this.

He Shen was a little absent-minded for a while and walked forward slowly.

It's not that he has no emotions, He Shen just feels that sometimes there is no need to release his emotions.

But now, he has no way to control the sadness in his heart.

He walked slowly towards the family building as if controlled by a mysterious force.

Following the people who saw him off, he took the white flowers given by others at the door and walked into the house step by step.

He wanted to take a look and prove that this was just a joke.

Mr. Zhou Renguang was sitting in the house, waiting for him with a smile.

He was even ready to hand him a cup of hot tea.

What a pity...

After He Shen entered the house, his last hope was suddenly shattered.

The house had been decorated like a mourning hall, and Zhou Renguang's ice coffin was placed in the center of the house.

Zhou Renguang lay in the ice coffin, with a very peaceful smile on his lips, as if he was very satisfied with everything.

It seemed... he died with a smile.

Zhou Renguang was smiling, but she didn't smile as she handed him a cup of hot tea.

"Go up and give the gentleman the last flower."

The man standing aside, wearing a black suit and black gauze on his cuffs, whispered.

He looked at Zhou Renguang, his eyes also filled with bitterness.

He Shen glanced at the man, and quickly retracted his gaze, continuing to focus on Zhou Renguang who was smiling.

Stopping in front of the ice coffin, looking at Zhou Renguang in the ice coffin, his Adam's apple rolled, and he felt sour in his nostrils, as if something wanted to flow out, but nothing could flow out.

He Shen watched all this, but in the end he said nothing, just placed the white flower in front of Zhou Renguang's ice coffin.

"He Shen, you played really well!"

"He Shen, your prelude is almost perfect!"

"He Shen! You seem to have almost inherited Chopin's will?"

"He Shen, maybe, you can look back?"

"He Shen, I seem to have recorded your prelude and treasured it well. I have never heard such a beautiful prelude!"

"He Shen, you are very good, I want to hear your concerto in the finals!"

"He Shen, looking at you, I feel relieved because I see hope!"

"He Shen, I hope to prove to the world that we Chinese are not only strong in our own culture, but we can play your culture more powerful than you!"

"He Shen, congratulations..."

"He Shen..."


He Shen seemed to be able to recall everything Zhou Renguang said to him before.

For his encouragement, for his comfort, for his hope, for everything about him...

He Shen seemed to be able to recall everything.

But everything has become the past.

Zhou Renguang died, died before dawn.

However, she left with a smile, because she saw the dawn.

He Shen felt a slight push from behind him, and saw that Dan Yi's face could not hide the sadness. He shook his head silently, pointed at the door, and motioned He Shen to go outside.

He Shen turned his head and took a last look at Zhou Renguang's body, walked to the front of the body, bowed deeply, and turned to leave.

This bow was to thank Zhou Renguang for his contribution to China's piano education.

It was to thank Zhou Renguang for his support.

It was to give Zhou Renguang a final farewell.

He Shen walked to the door of the room. There were still countless people at the door, walking towards the mourning hall in an endless stream, bowing to Zhou Renguang's body, and leaving.

"He Shen, follow me."

Dan Yi's voice was extremely hoarse. He walked towards the door and saluted the people around him. He just nodded slightly without responding seriously.

Soon, they came to a relatively remote high place. There were not many people in this place, and there was a good view.

Dan Yi looked at everything in front of him and said in an extremely sad voice.

"He Shen, do you know who the person you saw before was?"

"Who?" Although He Shen didn't know, he already had a vague answer in his heart.

Sure enough, Dan Yi said the answer that was almost what he imagined.


"Maurizio, Pollini!"

Dan Yi's tone was even more sad, and with a kind of sadness that made people resonate strongly.

He said slowly to He Shen.

"This is the video of Pollini's last concert. He is 80 years old this year, but, as you can see, he can no longer play."

"Polini, the first prize winner of the 6th Chopin International Piano Competition! But he can no longer play..."

"Such a powerful giant, Pollini, who was considered by many to have the opportunity to take over Horowitz's mantle, can no longer play..."

"Not only him, but me too. I used to think that Mr. Zhou Renguang Zhou was not, and I thought she still had a lot of time, but time told me that she was the same..."

"Polini, he was so glorious before! At that time, he was so glorious!"

"But he is old, a hero in his twilight years..."

"When he bowed to everyone, you Can you see it? He is crying!"

"He hates why his body is so old, why he plays like this, but those people can still applaud him!"

"But he has to thank these people for the applause they gave him."

"Not everyone can play the piano like Argerich, Horowitz, and Rubinstein, even if they are in their eighties or nineties, they still have an extremely strong spirit to play the piano."

"I can't do it, many people can't..."

"We keep training our fingers and our thinking ability, which can make us defeat other opponents and become the top pianists and piano educators, but we can't defeat one thing..."

"That is time..."

"Zhou Renguang, Mr. Zhou..."

Dan Yi's voice was a little choked up when he said this. He couldn't help but raise his head and look at the sky above his head, his face sad.

"I always thought she could continue to lead Chinese classical music, especially piano music!"

"She was so strong and strong before this, and she could even live to be a hundred years old!"

"I even remember when I invited her to come to Chuanzhou and build Chuanzhou Conservatory of Music with all our music teachers in Chuanzhou."

"She was already famous and had a family, and became a top piano professor, but she didn't have any resistance to building our Chuanzhou Conservatory of Music!"

"In addition to the students in the piano class, she also taught teachers from Chuanzhou Conservatory of Music, teachers from other conservatories of music, and teachers from the cultural and sports team. Her daily schedule was full."

"Give lectures, hold teaching material demonstrations, organize special academic research and special academic performances."

"She even, even..."

Dan Yi couldn't help but clench his fists when he said this.

At this time, he was no longer an elderly piano professor. He seemed to have returned to his childhood when he was still building the Chuanzhou Conservatory of Music.

Dan Yi said slowly with an extremely desperate expression.

"She would call me over every time she had free time, and give me some private lessons and explain some things about classical music."

"She agreed with my thoughts and ideas about building the Chuanzhou Conservatory of Music."

"That day was the happiest day of my life. I completed the turning point of my career. She wanted to help not only me and the whole Chuanzhou, but also to sow a seed and plant a sapling in Chuanzhou!"

"Let Chinese music education take root and sprout in Chuanzhou!"

"Her help to me and the entire Chinese piano music education is so great that I can't summarize it in a few simple sentences!"

"She is the cornerstone of Chinese piano music education!"

"Now, this cornerstone has collapsed, and Chinese music piano education has fallen on our generation."

"But I can't bear it anymore, and they can't bear it either..."

"People of our generation are old and don't have the strength to play the piano!"

Dan Yi's emotions gradually began to collapse.

Before this, there was still Zhou Renguang in front of him, blocking everything and driving the entire Chinese music basic education.

Now, the most powerful one has passed away, and all the pressure fell on them.

They thought that there was still a long time for improvement in Chinese music basic education.

After all, no one felt that Zhou Renguang would die suddenly.

They thought she could live for a long time and there was still a lot of time to improve.

But now that Zhou Renguang is dead, the pressure fell on them all of a sudden.

Dan Yi looked at the road ahead and instantly felt the pressure Zhou Renguang was under at the time.

He couldn't help but look at He Shen, with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

"He Shen, please!"

"Our generation doesn't have much time left!"

"We don't have much time left to support you!"

"After us, the older generation of pianists, there is a very large gap. There are no particularly famous piano educators in this area!"

"The only relatively famous pianists are Lang Liangyue and others. Although Lang Liangyue is doing piano education, he is not the birthplace of piano education after all!"

"I don't know how many people can support Chinese piano education after our generation is gone."

"However, we can still support you for a while, and there is only a little time left..."

"After all, I don't know when we will follow Mr. Zhou Renguang..."

"Time, time doesn't allow us to do too many things!"

"We don't have time anymore..."

"He Shen..."

Dan Yi walked in front of He Shen, put his hand on He Shen's shoulder, and said with a strong sense of sorrow, his nose flaring.

"Zhou Renguang told us that education is the call of the soul! Music is the desire of the soul!"

"We should serve people and enlighten their hearts as educators."

"He Shen, you must remember this sentence!"

"I'll leave the future Chinese classical piano education to you..."

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