The world's number one pianist

Chapter 280 From the Basement to the Attic

After hearing Zhao Shenggang's application, He Shen just nodded slightly without much expression.

After confirming the event with Zhao Shenggang, He Shen put it in his own memo for verification. After ensuring that the time of the master class would not conflict with other times, he hung up the phone.

He did not think about his performance in the finals of "Super Vocal", after all, this thing was not particularly important to He Shen.

He just picked up the music score in front of him, put it aside quietly, sorted it out, and fell asleep directly.

During the time when He Shen fell asleep, He Shen had no idea that his fans on Weibo were soaring wildly.

After the "Super Vocal" program ended at ten o'clock, He Shen's Weibo fans ushered in a wave of growth peaks!

It has been rising to more than 300,000, and then it has barely turned from an extremely strong rapid growth trend to a slow growth.

Seeing this situation, the agent team responsible for He Shen's Weibo, Jiang Yunling's team, also posted a few Weibo at this time.

Through these microblogs, the activity of He Shen's microblog increased, and the relationship between fans and He Shen was enhanced.

And some information about He Shen's upcoming concert tour and the release of personal albums was revealed.

For example, He Shen will tour Europe in December.

Later, He Shen may release some albums about Beethoven and Chopin.

These professional and powerful information immediately caught everyone's attention.

He Shen, who may have been more inclined to variety show, now has the style of a top pianist.

For a time, He Shen was the most popular on the Internet!

However, being in the limelight and being well-known by everyone brought comparison.

On the Internet, some people began to compare He Shen with Lang Liangyue, and began to discuss who is stronger between He Shen and Lang Liangyue.

After all, no matter who it is, rankings are very popular, especially when you see your favorite character at the top.

For example, Woods fans like to see Woods's shooting as the best in the world, and JJonak fans like to see others say that JJonak's Zenyatta is the best in the world.

Many fans of He Shen also began to compare He Shen with other top pianists.

Many people on the Internet even quarreled.

I don't know if someone maliciously added fuel to the fire, but some people compared He Shen with Horowitz, the world's number one pianist in the 20th century.

They said that He Shen might be the greatest pianist in the 21st century!

These words instantly angered some fans of Horowitz.

In some small circles, these people began to rub against each other.

They tried to discuss whether He Shen was more powerful or Horowitz in the last century was stronger!

However, these had nothing to do with He Shen. He slept peacefully until the next morning. He habitually ran to school to practice basic skills and musicality for nearly three hours, and then He Shen left school.

The most important thing for him now is to prepare to rent a house and buy a piano.

Before returning to China, He Shen had already started thinking about changing houses.

He Shen actually didn't feel anything about living in the basement.

After all, there was nothing wrong with living in the basement.

Under normal circumstances, he would go to the piano room to practice and go back to his basement to sleep at night.

The basement at that place, which cost 800 yuan a month, was really good for He Shen.

But the problem was...

The piano in the basement was gone.

And the absence of a piano in the basement broke the habit that He Shen had developed all along...

He Shen had always been used to practicing the piano before waking up every morning.

With his eyes closed, he sat on the piano bench and let his hands start playing non-stop according to his thoughts.

In this way, he could get a pair of fully active hands when he was completely awake.

This was He Shen's habit of practicing the piano before.

No matter what the situation was, it was always like this.

But now...

Every time He Shen woke up in the morning, he habitually planned to get up and throw himself on the piano to play the piano, but he failed every time.

What greeted He Shen was not the sound of music, but the sound of falling to the ground with a clatter.

This feeling of loss made He Shen particularly uncomfortable.

But now if He Shen was asked to rent a piano again, he was not particularly willing.

After all, He Shen wanted to get a better piano, and this piano was obviously a bit spoiled in such a place.

Therefore, buying a new piano is also very important!

Although the piano in the school has always been used by He Shen, it is the property of the school after all, not He Shen's own. He Shen will definitely need a piano that belongs to him in the future.

So, He Shen decided to rent a new house within a day, a house near the school!

After renting a house, he will find an opportunity to buy a piano.

After He Shen nodded slightly to every student who was greeting him in the school, he quickly walked to the subway entrance near the school, inserted his bank card into the bank near the subway entrance, and confirmed the value on it.

He Shen looked at the data in front of him, counted it a little, and nodded slightly.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million!

He Shen's bank card already has just over one million in cash!

Before, He Shen earned about tens of thousands from Zhao Zitong's classes, and the salary at school was also about tens of thousands.

The two added up to almost one hundred thousand.

He Shen took a look at the bill and had no idea how Zhou San did it. When he didn't come to work, he also got him a 40% reduction in salary.

Although it was only a few thousand a month, after four years, he didn't touch a penny and saved nearly one hundred thousand, nearly one hundred and fifty thousand.

The place where Xu Yuqi worked as a stuntman before, got a buyout of two hundred and fifty thousand from that place.

There was also a little bit of dividends from the subsequent box office.

This dividend was relatively low, about only one hundred thousand, which was equivalent to the director's personal thanks to He Shen.

After all, if there was no He Shen, their movie would not have reached that level.

And Xu Yuqi also gave He Shen a sum of money later, which was probably the money for the class, and it was about one hundred thousand.

The total is almost 500,000!

He Shen won the Chopin International Piano Competition in Europe for 40,000 euros. After deducting the previous expenses in Europe, there was probably less than 30,000 left. He Shen exchanged the currency and barely got 200,000.

Finally, there were some other miscellaneous money, some of which He Shen didn't know where they came from.

But judging from the time, it was probably some of the money he got after winning the Chopin International Piano Competition.

This money is almost 100,000.

100,000, 150,000, 250,000, 100,000, 100,000, 200,000, 100,000.

He Shen looked at the money on the bank card in front of him and was a little confused for a while.

He didn't know when he went from a person who couldn't even pay the rent to a man with nearly 1 million in savings!

He Shen looked at the money in front of him and didn't know what to say for a while. He couldn't help but sighed and picked up his mobile phone.

He called an agent he had contacted before.

The phone beeped three times, and the agent's voice came from the other end of the phone immediately.

"Hello? This is Anju Agency, you are..."

"He Shen, I made an appointment with you before, and we will see the house today!"

Although He Shen's voice was a little shaky, he continued to speak steadily.

"I told you before that I need a house to rent."

"Rent a house? Huh? Wait..."

The person on the other end of the phone hesitated for a while, and after hearing some sounds of flipping through books, he immediately said: "He Shen, right? I have your information here, do you want a house with particularly good sound insulation?"

"Yes." He Shen nodded: "It would be best if I don't need to do additional sound insulation."

"Okay, I have sorted out the information here, I will send you the address and related content, you send me the one you want to go to, I will contact the landlord, and you can go there and wait for me later!"

The agent on the other end of the phone exchanged a few words with He Shen, and then hung up the phone.

After a while, He Shen's mobile phone also received a message from the agent.

The message said a total of five houses, all in various places.

However, the most uniform one is what He Shen had requested before.

The house in this place must be located near Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music.

He Shen took a closer look.

The houses with good sound insulation are basically all those newly built houses. These houses have all been soundproofed in advance, so the sound insulation of these houses is very good.

Or... at least much better than those old houses.

And there are old houses. In the information given to He Shen by the agent, there is also an old house.

However, this old house may be a little bit too high for He Shen.

This house is a villa with three floors and about seven or eight rooms.

The rent is 15,000 yuan a month.

He Shen calculated that if he did not have extra income, that is, he did not hold concerts and sell records, his current savings would probably not be able to balance the income at all.

Unless he went into the entertainment industry and took on some very expensive GGs, the kind that cost a few million yuan each.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult to afford the rent.

After all, if university professors don't have extra income, the money is not that much.

Especially for music teachers.

However, if He Shen wants to lower his status and take classes to recruit students, he can definitely charge more than 2,000 yuan for a class.

Even more than 2,000 yuan may not be enough for He Shen.

After all, the world champion's course, the deputy director of the piano department of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music, and the associate professor's course.

You want to take it for 2,000 yuan?

Lang Liangyue's course has exceeded 10,000 yuan, so He Shen is worth 20,000 yuan?

It's a pity that He Shen is not willing to accept students at present.

His requirements for students are mainly quality over quantity.

If he can get some students he is satisfied with, he will just charge a few hundred yuan as a token of his appreciation.

If he can't get them, forget it.

After all, Zhao Zitong and Ji Mengting are enough to bother him.

Especially when He Shen thought about teaching these two little brats about competitions in the future, He Shen had a headache.

He Shen looked at the villa, although he was very tempted, but he still happily excluded it.

Sorry, poor, no money, goodbye!

He Shen looked at other houses.

The remaining one was a high-rise building on the 18th floor, a room on the sixth floor with a roof, an ordinary house on the middle floor of the third floor, and a house on the lowest floor of the first floor.

Basically, every type of house is summarized.

After looking at these houses, He Shen thought about it and decided to rent the room on the sixth floor with a roof.

After He Shen sent the information of the house to the agent, he walked quickly to the subway entrance and came to the gate of the community of that house according to the instructions on the map in his hand.

This is a community five kilometers away from Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music.

If you walk directly without taking the subway, you can walk to the school in less than an hour.

But if you take the bus at the door and the subway, you can get to the school in more than ten minutes.

And the price corresponding to this time is also slightly high.

When He Shen walked to the gate of the community, the agent was already standing there, quickly studying the specific situation of the house, and raised his head from time to time to see when He Shen would arrive.

Soon, when He Shen approached, the agent's eyes suddenly lit up, and he walked quickly to He Shen, smiling with a professional smile.

"Hello, Mr. He, I am the agent of Anju House. Come, follow me here first, everything has been arranged."

After that, he took He Shen to the community.

At the guard at the gate of the community, he took out the access card he had prepared in advance and swiped it, smiled at the guard, and took He Shen to the community.

The agent said as he walked.

"The greening and security of this community are all done very well. This property company has a very good reputation throughout Ningcheng. You can rest assured, and the surrounding area is relatively quiet, especially suitable for living."

He Shen looked around and nodded.

As the agent said, although this is a newly built community, this community is not the kind of community that has just been built and has no people.

This community is actually a community that has been built for about five or six years, and the overall supporting facilities are basically complete.

Especially the greening in the community.

He Shen just took a casual look and found that most of the place in the community was covered with green plants.

Coupled with the big sun in summer.

The feeling of the broken shadows of the sun sprinkled on the ground made He Shen feel particularly comfortable.

At least, at least it feels good to walk under the green plants in summer.

The agent seemed to be very familiar with this place. He took He Shen to walk several corners in this group of houses surrounded by green plants, and finally walked to the house that He Shen wanted in the deepest part of the community.

The house is not particularly different from the surrounding houses. They are all six-story small buildings. The roof is not like other square roofs. There is a platform on it.

The roofs of these buildings are all made into slopes.

The agent took He Shen to the sixth floor. Just when the agent was about to introduce the internal structure of this house, He Shen suddenly spoke.

"Let's go to the roof first."

"Roof? Ah? Oh, okay..."

The agent nodded blankly, not knowing why He Shen suddenly wanted to see the roof first.

Although this kind of rooftop house has a roof.

That is the so-called attic.

But who would come up to see the attic first? He didn't rent the attic, didn't he rent this house?

Although he was very confused, the agent still took He Shen to the roof according to He Shen's idea.

The roof is tilted, and there are two large windows on the roof. Sunlight can be taken in from the two windows, and the overall lighting is perfect.

There is even a small door on the roof. Next to this small door, there is a narrow balcony where you can go out and breathe some fresh air.

He Shen only roughly estimated the overall floor height. The highest place is about two floors high.

But unfortunately, because of the tilt, the shortest place is about the same as the normal floor height.

The overall shape is a trapezoid.

At this moment, the agent spoke in a very timely manner.

"Mr. He, the landlord has specially made floor heating and soundproofing for the attic on the roof of this place. You don't have to worry about your party here affecting other people. You can use it at will."

"And you see the sunshine is so good. At night, you can lie on the floor and look at the stars. It's very romantic!"

"The landlord has also made special treatments for waterproofing and reinforced the waterproof performance, so you don't have to worry too much about the problem of water seepage in the house."


Before the agent finished speaking, He Shen spoke directly without any hesitation.

"Let's take this place."

"Huh? Just this place? Do you only want the attic or..." The agent was stunned for a moment, and he didn't react.

He hadn't taken He Shen to see the room below, and He Shen told him directly that he wanted this place.

For a moment, he couldn't figure out what He Shen was thinking.

He Shen didn't feel anything. He walked around the attic casually while speaking.

"You have sent me the information about the house below before. It is a house with two bedrooms and one living room, about 80 square meters. My requirements for accommodation are actually not high. The most important thing is that I need a big house that can accommodate me. studio used.”

He Shen stood at the attic, looking at the attic, which was about sixty square meters, and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Although the two windows above this attic may make the whole house very hot in the summer.

He had already seen that the central air conditioner on the side was working continuously, barely making the room slightly cooler.

But it doesn't matter. You can just turn it on when the time comes, and the electricity bill is not particularly expensive.

After all, I may have to put a piano in this place later...

No, if that's possible...

He Shen's eyes narrowed slightly.

He didn't intend to just get a piano.

He Shen wanted to temporarily turn this place into his own studio.

if you can……

He Shen planned to place a small home grand piano in this place first.

Then on the side, place a Yamaha electronic recording grand piano!

Although this electronic recording grand piano feels a bit stiff, it can be used as a normal piano.

The biggest advantage of this type of electronic grand piano is that it can be recorded!

Collecting the most original sounds directly from the mechanical transmission structure and electronic signals inside the piano makes recording more convenient.


If possible, He Shen also plans to buy two ordinary upright pianos to play with.

I will definitely not be the only one using this place in the future. If there are students who want to come for lessons in the future, I can use the upright performance demonstration myself and let the students play on the grand piano.

Although it is impossible for him to turn this place into a recording studio.

But this place is definitely enough for him to take classes, practice piano, and live in!

He Shen looked at the attic, which was about fifty or sixty square meters, and the main room below, which was about eighty square meters. He Shen had to admit that he was really moved.

He Shen quickly walked downstairs and took a quick look at the rooms downstairs, nodding silently.

There are toilets, bathrooms, bedrooms, study rooms and so on. Although the house is small, it has all the internal organs.

This room is okay!

Without any hesitation, He Shen looked directly at the intermediary standing aside and asked.

"How much does this house cost?"

"Huh? The rent for this house is about 7,000 a month. If Mr. He wants to buy this house directly, the market price is about 3 million..." the agent answered honestly.

"Mr. He, if you want to rent a house now, you need to pay three to one, is that okay?"

He Shen glanced at the bank card in his hand. Although he couldn't boldly buy the house directly, there was still no problem in renting it!

Therefore, He Shen took out the bank card in his hand without any hesitation, placed it on the writing board in front of the intermediary, and spoke with great boldness.

"Okay! Let me rent it for two years first!"

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