Quiet, so quiet that it makes people feel scary. Google search reading

Everything around him seemed far away from He Shen's body.

He felt tired from the bottom of his heart.

There were no people around him talking to him like before.

Some are just extremely quiet.

He was so quiet that he thought that Beethoven's ears were already deaf at this time.

After all, it is well known that Beethoven's ears were severely damaged due to hereditary syphilis.

But if you look at the time when this piece was released and written.

Beethoven was probably not completely deaf at this time.

Still relatively normal, right?

This period of time should be an extremely peaceful period. At this time, Beethoven should be pursuing himself and his personal direction for the subsequent development of music.

After all, this piece of music is a small turning point in the music of Beethoven's works.

Determined the style of Beethoven's mid-term works.

Just as He Shen was thinking wildly, everything in front of him slowly unfolded before his eyes.

Beethoven woke up and opened his eyes.

He got up and sat on the bed in a daze for a long time, looking at everything in front of him, just sitting on the bed in a daze.

Feeling the passage of time around him.

Just sitting there quietly.

Not moving.

Don't know what to think.

After an unknown amount of time, he shook his head, got up and walked to the window.

Reach out and push open the window.

The earth's energy slowly boils from the ground, and everything around is extremely quiet and peaceful.

Looking at all this, Beethoven did not feel excited. When he was excited, he directly picked up the banknotes in his hand and began to write new music non-stop.

He just sat at the window and looked at everything in the distance.

Looking at the mountains, rivers and lakes in front of me.

This is a village, an extremely remote village with sparsely populated areas.

His small villa is also very remote!

There was no one around.

He just looked at the scenery in front of him, continuing to be in a daze.

He Shen looked at what Beethoven saw and couldn't help but hesitate.

At this moment, Beethoven does not seem to be filled with anger and pride as many people imagine.

A passion that seems to want to burn everything to ashes.

He seems...


He Shen observed everything about Beethoven very carefully from Beethoven's perspective.

After getting up in the morning, get up to boil water, chop wood, and make a cup of hot tea. Holding the foamy tea, you stand on the edge of the field, leaning on the fence, smelling the cool air and the fragrance in the air. The smell of animal feces made me breathe a sigh of relief.

He just stood there, not doing anything, just standing there.

I don't know how long it took, but a car bell rang, and a slightly luxurious carriage stopped in front of Beethoven's cottage.

A man in a formal dress walked from the car and smiled at Beethoven.

"Dear His Excellency Ludwig van Beethoven, I am Kranz, the head of the Hamburg Music Publisher. I asked you before if the new music manuscript will be delivered on time? We are all looking forward to your masterpiece. !”

The man looked at Beethoven expectantly, waiting for Beethoven's answer.

But Beethoven just glanced at him and ignored him, just looking at the village scene in front of him in a daze.

It's not that I didn't hear what he said clearly, it's just that I didn't want to pay attention to it.

Kranz waited for a long time but did not receive Beethoven's reply. He couldn't help but rub his fingers awkwardly, took a small step forward, and spoke in a more respectful tone.

"Your Excellency Beethoven, if you don't have any good ideas recently, why don't you listen to my advice?"

Beethoven glanced at Kranz at this time, his eyes were deep, but he still said nothing.

Kranz looked at Beethoven's eyes and felt uncomfortable all over. He always felt that behind Beethoven's eyes, there seemed to be someone looking at him.

He couldn't help but cough slightly and spoke very seriously.

"Recently, in the German aristocratic circles, they are particularly fond of this kind of pastoral music. Although they cannot enter the pastoral, they hope to hear more pastoral music!"

"It just so happens that you are on vacation, living in this extremely quiet countryside."

"I wonder if you can..."

Kranz looked at Beethoven expectantly, waiting for Beethoven's reply.

But Beethoven ignored him, just looked at the pastoral scenery in front of him and spoke calmly.

"I decide my own work!"

Kranz looked troubled: "But the market..."

"I decide my own work!" Beethoven repeated again, looking at Kranz, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a strong momentum gushed out from his hand.

Looking at Beethoven, Kranz couldn't help but take two steps back, lowering his head and not daring to speak.

Although Beethoven and them had a cooperative relationship, they were not superiors or subordinates.

Even Beethoven sometimes had to ask them for help in publishing.

However, they are not the only publishers.

Beethoven is very famous throughout Europe, and they dare not offend him.

After Beethoven saw Kranz retreating, he slowly continued.

"I will write the works I promised you before, don't worry."

After that, Beethoven drank the tea with foam in the cup, not caring at all that the foamy leaves also went into his throat along with the tea.

He just turned around and walked towards his room and closed the door.

Kranz looked at Beethoven's back with a hesitant expression.

He didn't know what to say, and after hesitating for a long time, he still didn't go into the room to urge Beethoven to submit his manuscript.

In the end, he just turned back to the carriage and asked the driver to take him back to see if any other composers wanted to submit their manuscripts.

Submit some works about the countryside.

Recently, the works of the countryside are really selling well. This kind of works that are free and easy and want to escape from the city are selling particularly well!

Unfortunately, Beethoven does not accept designated works, nor will he accept his proposal.

He just seemed a little offended?

Kranz left, but Beethoven sat in front of the window, looking at the departing carriage, thinking deeply.

I don't know what he was thinking about.

He Shen had no way to read Beethoven's thoughts, but he felt that Beethoven was in a struggle at this moment.

He could only watch, but he didn't know what Beethoven was thinking.

It seemed that a fire was burning in his heart?

After an unknown period of time, Beethoven started to act again.

He stood up, picked up a stack of music scores, walked to the window, looked at the scenery in front of him, and locked his eyes.

He was thinking about music!


"This should be a very soothing sonata!"

Beethoven looked at everything in front of him, and suddenly thought of the earthly aura that appeared in front of him when he got up before.

That morning earthly aura!

He couldn't help but be stunned, and hesitated for a long time before slowly writing the first note of the score on the five-line staff in front of him.


He was in the countryside, he needed to write a piece of music about the countryside, and he must also interpret his own understanding of music.

And this D, the D major filled with sunshine and warmth, is his imagination of music.

He needs this feeling.

Beethoven began to walk around the room, and He Shen could feel one thing very clearly!

That is...

Beethoven's mood became more and more calm and peaceful.

His previous music was too extreme and too strong, almost consuming all his thoughts about life!

Therefore, he must find a way out!

Find a way between music and life, a way to escape from this world.

The chords were played on the score, and the traces of scribbling and altering were obvious.

Beethoven's score was different from other musicians' scores. Beethoven's score was almost the dirtiest one.

There were many more scribblings and annotations on it than those of other musicians.

He Shen looked at the score in front of him, and with Beethoven's current movements, he could clearly feel Beethoven's thoughts.

He was thinking about everything behind.

What kind of music did he want and need!

Why did he want to create such music!

This time, Beethoven did not look for a more extraordinary and surprising form structure as before.

"Pastoral, pastoral..."

"This is a piece about pastoral!"

"Pastoral style, tranquility, quietness, a relief for the self!"

"What I need is not to be out of line, what I need is to escape, escape from torture!"

"There should be a very clear difference from other works!"


Beethoven was thinking, he was muttering to himself.

His muttering voice was loud, but because of his ears, He Shen could not hear it clearly.

While writing, Beethoven suddenly tore up the score and replaced it with a new one.


"It shouldn't be like this!"

"This should be more in line with today's composition techniques!"

"The structural lines should be clearer!"

"If clearer lines are needed..."

Beethoven looked at the score in his hand, suddenly thought of something, and started writing abruptly.




He stopped from time to time, walked to the piano, tried one or two times, listened to the sound of the piano in front of him, and frowned constantly.

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Not only did he frown, but He Shen also frowned.

The piano was not a particularly good piano, but an ordinary piano, which was placed here as a spare.

The country villa where Beethoven was now was not a particularly expensive villa, but just an ordinary small house.

He was not rich, because he was just at the intersection of the two!

Before him, Haydn and Mozart were supported by the nobles, who provided them with food and clothing, and music was in the upper class.

In the romantic period after him, Liszt, Chopin and others made money by performing and selling music.

And now Beethoven, he was just in a situation where musicians were abandoned by the upper nobles, and he didn't find a way to make money.

Although he couldn't say he was poor, he was definitely not rich!

Beethoven looked at the piano in front of him and shook his head slowly.

This piano is probably like this, so he still relies on the sound in his brain and a little piano to write.

"No, it shouldn't be like this. I should make a distinction from before! The overall trend should be more complete!"

"Each movement should be more closely connected, rather than being separate and independent as before!"

"The mood of the music should be softer..."

"Breathing in the countryside soothes the emotions!"

"Restore the dry and numb state!"

"The brilliant divine wind blows..."

"The goddess plucks the strings..."

"Poetic living in the countryside..."

"The stars accompany the sunset..."

"Everything in the world should correspond to its own emotions!"

Beethoven's eyes gradually lit up, and he felt as if he had found a trace of inspiration!

He suddenly ran out of the house, looking at everything outside the house, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly!


"This is the pastoral!"

"I'm already in the pastoral! Observing everything in the pastoral!"

"In fact, this is the pastoral I'm really looking for!"

"The pastoral is not just the grass and trees you see..."

"The pastoral is everything in the world!"

"The waves of the river flow in the mist, and the night shadows of the stars are eternal with everything!"

Beethoven returned to the house and tore up the works he had written before.

He took out the third pile of music again and started writing suddenly.

It was still D major, and it was still that extremely strong warmth!

There was no more change in emotions.

What changed was Beethoven's state of mind!




Beethoven wrote countless Ds in his left hand, making this sound almost run through the entire music chapter!

"D as a continuous sound, like the pendulum of a clock, runs through it all the time!"

"The clock should represent eternal time!"

"This is time!"

The music chords in the right hand are different from before, showing a brighter state in this place.

The theme is much shorter than before!

"The theme cannot be too long, or it will make people feel tired!"

"Compress the theme, make it shorter!"

"I don't need a particularly long theme, I need a short theme!"

"The short theme should bring a contrast with the development section!"

"Development section, how should the development section be written? Development section..."

"The development section should be strengthened! It should be stronger!"

"The recapitulation section after the development section expands the dramatic recovery!"

"Reviving the emotions and soul of the music!"

"It is still the previous structure, still the traditional sonata structure!"

"I will not make any changes to this point, and I don't need to make any changes!"

"Find more new ideas from the unchanging!"

"This place, this place..."

Beethoven seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes gradually lit up.

Everything he thought of was completely different from Kranz before. He did not write this work for Kranz.

He was just writing this work for himself!

"The combination of reality and fantasy will show more of the emotions displayed by fantasy!"

"I need more, more musical emotions!"

"This emotion should be quiet and elegant!"

"Interesting, more and more interesting!"

"Don't give any particularly strong passion, let everything escape!"

"I want a perfect sonata!"

Beethoven walked to the window suddenly, sat on the edge of the window, felt the flow of air around him, and the corners of his mouth rose more and more.

He found a path that he was more suitable for at present!

A path that he should understand at present!

He didn't know what this path would develop into in the future.

But he knew that the current path should be right!

The work he was writing was an extremely perfect work!

A truly...

grand sonata!

Beethoven kept writing and revising.

He was completely immersed in music.

He was thinking about music. When he was free, he would walk outside and think about what he should do to make a complete thought run through the whole work.

Music needs to be complete.

The same theme should have the same emotion at different speeds.

How can this emotion be expressed more perfectly in music?

He is looking for a more complete, simpler and stricter style!

Let this style find unity in the differences!

This is very difficult, very very difficult.

For example, if you have a very beautiful emotion, you need to interpret it at a very fast speed.

This speed should be beautiful.

Few people have done this before.

Those who do this basically will not write it as a sonata.

They will write a separate work to interpret this idea.


Beethoven felt that he could, he could feel it very clearly...

He could complete it!

This is a work that represents his personal turning point!

He clearly felt everything he could feel when he wrote this work.

Music flows in his hands.

Flowing in his brain!

Although there is a little problem with the ear, the problem is not particularly serious and it can still be heard!

The most important thing now is music!

He wanted to build a huge, magnificent, vigorous and powerful world with an absolutely unified image!

Time passed quickly. Granz came to Beethoven several times, but he didn't get permission to meet him. He could only hide aside and wait for Beethoven to come out for a breath before going to meet him.

Every time they met, Beethoven drove them away and didn't allow them to be disturbed.

Seeing Beethoven like this, Granz was a little helpless for a while, but he had no choice but to return to Hamburg honestly and wait for Beethoven's work to be completed.

Finally, I don't know how long it took.

It was about a month later.

He finished it!

He finished his music!

Beethoven looked at the huge sonata with four chapters in front of him, and a smile could not help but hang on the corner of his mouth.

"With the same emotion, in four different types of chapters, a unified sonata is constructed!"

"In that case, let's call this work a grand sonata!"

"D major, grand sonata!"

Beethoven couldn't help but smile slightly, looking at the letters accumulated on the side.

In addition to friends' chats and publishers asking when the manuscript can be published, there is also a message about Baron Joseph Edlund von Zonnanfels.

"Beethoven, I am working with Baron Joseph Edlund von Zonnanfels recently. He is promoting the Enlightenment! Advocating humanity and freedom, I think you may be a good match with him!"

"If you are willing, I want to introduce you to him!"

Beethoven looked at the letter, and then looked at the work he had just made, and couldn't help but smile, and at the end of the work, he casually wrote the last line.

"This song is dedicated to Baron Joseph Edlund von Zonnanfels!"

"Ludwig van Beethoven!"

Beethoven sent the work to the publishers he had contact with, asking them to publish it.

All the publishers were very surprised and immediately arranged to publish it.

After all, this kind of pastoral style work has been selling very hot recently!

After receiving Beethoven's manuscript, Granz hesitated for a moment, and finally filled in the title of this D major sonata with the word "pastoral".

Beethoven didn't know about this.

He Shen didn't know either.

After he walked out of the memory of Beethoven's pastoral sonata, he quickly entered the memory of other sonatas.

While He Shen continued to experience Beethoven's experience and absorb his understanding of music.

The day of the tour concert has arrived!

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