Incomparable unity!

A unity that connects everything. Google search reading

The spirit of this work is all connected by He Shen with his own interpretation.

The description of the pastoral in the music, from various places, builds an extremely perfect pastoral.


Not so!

Some music critics feel something is wrong!

This work, the overall mood is obviously very soothing and tender.

But for some reason, in the eyes of those music critics, it is full of enthusiasm!

An extremely strong enthusiasm.

It seems to have discovered the truth and the enthusiasm of finding one's own way.

Connect the whole from top to bottom.

Found the road that belongs to Beethoven alone!

The music moves forward slowly, but brings extremely strong excitement.

This is Beethoven's Sonata No. 15!

Pastoral Sonata!

All the things learned from Haydn and Mozart before, all used, full of strong classical characteristics!

Later, the imagination of his own path was also placed in it, with a hint of change!

This is not an ordinary work...

This is a work that connects the past and the future!

A grand, grand sonata!

It represents Beethoven's highest achievement in his early years, and shows the path forward for Beethoven's mid-term works in advance!

He Shen showed all of this very well, in front of everyone.

This feeling, if someone who has been listening to it from the beginning and has no trace of leaving, will feel that a new door has been opened.

A door that connects the past and the future, a door that connects the past and the future.

It feels that Beethoven has been growing and thinking about music for a period of time.

Thinking about everything that can make him grow.

In the end, he matured in the eyes of everyone.

Those who did not listen to He Shen's performance of all the works, but only listened to a little bit, and did not listen to the whole work, also felt an inexplicable emotion.

It seems that this movement, this work is very important.

He Shen's interpretation of the pastoral scene was so perfect that they almost completely fell into it.

It seemed that what was in front of them was no longer a slightly dark concert hall, but a rural countryside!

A villa in the countryside.

Everything was so comfortable that people wanted to escape directly from it.

This feeling shocked them.

They could clearly feel all the scenes that He Shen depicted with music.

Among these scenes, how did He Shen use the melody lines of music to outline them?

All these performances reached a peak at this moment!

Everyone was shocked by He Shen and was speechless.

And He Shen was also immersed in his music and forgot everything around him.

He raised his head and didn't use any sight to stare at his hands.

He didn't stare at the keyboard.

He just raised his head and looked into the distance.

It seemed that he was looking at the audience opposite.

But if you really observe his eyes, you can find it very clearly.

His eyes have no focus.

He Shen was thinking, thinking about how to interpret music, how to make everyone feel his understanding of music.

The music kept rising and falling, and the people around him also followed his pace.

The changes in these people's emotions gave He Shen infinite confidence!

Now it is obvious that he did it!

He could feel that the people around him were immersed in his music and couldn't extricate themselves.

Immersed in this, Beethoven's 15th Sonata, Pastoral Sonata!

No matter how you look at it, everyone will admit that He Shen's interpretation of this work...

Very strong!

So strong that people have nothing to say, and can't find any loopholes!

He Shen's fingers floated on the piano, but every note was extremely solid.

This is He Shen's strength!

The first movement of Pastoral, the second movement, the third movement, and the fourth movement!

There was no pause in emotion for the whole four movements!

Everyone was stunned, especially the group of music critics.

They looked at He Shen and fell into self-doubt.

Why are we all human beings, with one head and ten fingers, but you are so strong?

The music is still going on.

After a short break, He Shen continued to play the rest without any extra pauses.

Sonata No. 16...

At this time, the music may have retreated a little bit.

It seems that Beethoven hesitated a little bit, thinking about the writing style of his works, whether it is better to be pastoral or to be better to be those previous works!

Soon, this emotion was instantly eliminated!

Music must be presented in a whole form!

Music cannot be a sonata, three or four different ideas, and the relationship between each idea is not particularly close.

This sonata should be presented to everyone in a complete and extremely meticulous state.

Tell them all what a sonata is!

Music is like this!

At that time, they didn't know what kind of changes this method of almost limiting their own musical inspiration would bring.

Beethoven's works in the middle and late periods almost promoted the development of classical music by himself!

He alone, with classical music, changed from the original ordinary composition form to a work with a title and a clear theme.

For example, Chopin's position in the history of music is famous for piano music and title music.

And Liszt was recorded in the history of music because of his symphonic poems.

Almost all of their ideas came from Beethoven!

He alone, from this moment on, began to have a little idea of ​​creating a new era!

Let classical music gradually move towards the node of romantic music!

This node...

is shocking!

Everyone looked at He Shen, watching He Shen continue to play one song after another.

There were many people who felt tired before, but they didn't feel tired at this moment.

They just sat there, looking at He Shen and listening to He Shen's interpretation of music.

There was no movement.

The breaks between the music are getting shorter and shorter, and fewer and fewer people are willing to leave in the middle of the music.

The music has reached its climax!

Sonata No. 17!


Heavy, cathartic, anxious, uneasy!

Hastily told tone changes!

Dramatic atmosphere contrast!

The speed of the music is constantly changing.

In the change, looking for a breakthrough!

Modulation, transition!

Bass authority, treble sadness!

The abnormality brought by the triplets provides the music with an extremely strong sense of unrest!

The contrast between solemn tones and anxious tones.

The overall mood is extremely anxious!

This is the storm!

He Shen's performance is getting more and more passionate!

His whole mood is gradually rising!

Beethoven's Pastoral Sonata before gave him a very comfortable relaxation.

When he was thinking about the Pastoral Sonata, he seemed to be in the pastoral.

Now, he can finally take out all his remaining strength and put it in the majority of the music behind!

Later, it represents the part where Beethoven is moving towards the peak!

Storm, hunting, dawn, passion, cuckoo, farewell, hammer keys!

This is the first storm!

The overall mood of the music itself is extremely complex, as if arguing with itself.

The inner monologue keeps pouring out, as if it is like Shakespeare's storm, breaking with itself!

But in fact, it finally stayed in self-reconciliation.

In Beethoven's memory, his ear disease worsened, and he fantasized about his own death.

Art, ideals, reality, life...

All of this is what he wants to think about!

He finally reconciled with himself and did not give up just like that!

After the storm, it was hunting!

Beethoven's 18th Piano Sonata!

This movement does not have any slow movement, and the overall movement is very fast!

Beethoven replaced the full version of the movement with a scherzo and a minuet!

Indeed, the minuet is a little quiet, in a sense replacing the slow movement.

But in fact, this piece is different from everything before!

To ​​a large extent, it is different from the previous sonata formula!

This time, there is no formula!

Gu Yao

In a hunting song...

He Shen showed a feature very clearly and put it in front of everyone.

That is change!

The time for change has come, and the order that has been maintained for several years is about to be rewritten!

Beethoven is making a great change and rewriting of everything in the sonata!

He is not satisfied with the current formulaic writing of sonatas.

He wants to write a sonata full of change!

For example...

Waldstein, Piano Sonata No. 21!

Passion, Piano Sonata No. 32!

A little bit of tendency in these two sonatas has been presented in the music!

The emotions in the music are getting stronger and stronger.

The whole is full of bright emotions!

Obviously, there are no surprises!

The path that Beethoven thought of from the countryside...

He has been determined, and he is extremely certain!

He found the path that belongs to him alone!

The path that belongs to his middle period of Beethoven!

Sonata No. 19, Sonata No. 20...

Everyone did not leave.

Everyone is waiting for the music of the later period!

Sonata No. 21, Sonata No. 23!

Waldstein, and...


Waldstein, some people call it dawn!

The scenery shown in the second movement can always make people directly think of the existence of dawn!

Therefore, many people also call this sonata the Dawn Sonata!

With the preparation of Sonata No. 19 and Sonata No. 20...

The music finally reached the peak state!

Dawn has arrived...

The most glorious stage of Beethoven's life has appeared!

The first theme with brilliant and glorious motifs in the high range brings out extremely gorgeous sound groups, giving people a premonition of a grand musical world!

This premonition is very obvious in the second theme!

The second theme changes the first theme into an extremely soft state. The collision between the two brings a stronger sense of entanglement!

This feeling...

is extremely powerful!

This is not a sonata, but a symphony!

A magnificent, piano pastoral symphony!

From his fifteenth work, Pastoral Sonata, to his twenty-first work, Dawn Sonata.

The two blend and complement each other.

Some people with better memory who listened to the previous pastoral sonata woke up instantly, and their eyes opened wide!

This feeling?

This feeling!

Sure enough! He Shen had already announced the emotional trend of this work in advance.

The previous work and the current work form a perfect contrast!

The contrast between the intentional characteristics of the two directly expresses all the emotions in this work very clearly!


Some music critics suddenly discovered that if you listen to the two completely in contrast, you can clearly feel He Shen's operation in some details.

Some emotional tendencies, Liming's emotions, can be found in the countryside!

Although, if you don't find them, it will not affect Liming, that is, the feeling of Wallenstein's work.

But if you look at the two together, you can clearly see the little changes He Shen made in the previous music.

Those special expressions before seem to be a little redundant, which is in the range of being optional.

But when the two are put together, those unnecessary redundant ones become particularly important!

The two can be completely integrated together!

Let others have no way to separate them.

"Horrible! He Shen's strength, the Beethoven sonata at the beginning actually limited He Shen's development. The previous things were too simple, there were too few things, and the scope of He Shen's display was too limited..."

"Yes, He Shen's previous display was a bit pitiful, so he added a lot of musicality to these musicalities, and the musicality supplemented from the back made it more profound. It was a little redundant at the time, but now it seems to be a shining point!"

"If you look at these works together, you can feel how strong He Shen's control over music is. Not only is the strength in the front strong, he actually thought of the back when he played the front, which is really terrifying!"

"That's right, his set of Beethoven piano sonatas must not be separated Let's analyze each song. If we just analyze each song separately, it seems that it is just an ordinary master level, similar to those masters who specialize in Beethoven. But if you put all the previous ones together, then He Shen's level will be raised too much! "

"Wake up, He Shen is famous for Chopin, why do you suddenly ask He Shen to be a master who specializes in Beethoven?"

"Hiss, if you didn't tell me, I really forgot that He Shen is most famous for Chopin, and I really didn't think much about his Beethoven?"

"It's so scary..."

He Shen interprets music on the stage. Most people are completely attracted by the music. Occasionally, a few veteran music critics can barely get out of He Shen's emotional range and keep thinking continuously.

Only a small number of people.

Even these people, when they listen to He Shen's music, they are also involuntarily driven by He Shen, and their emotions also follow He Shen's pace.

He Shen doesn't care about the comments of the audience.

He was constantly interpreting his understanding of Beethoven in his heart.

From dawn to passion.

Passion's thinking about life reminds people of fate.

From giving to Therese to farewell.

The depth of thought in music is getting deeper and deeper.

The image of Beethoven as a whole is also showing more and more profound.

The person seen in front of everyone is no longer He Shen sitting on the piano, but Beethoven.

Beethoven is gradually growing up!

From an extremely high-spirited young man, he gradually became an old man.

The flame in his eyes did not show any trace of extinguishing, but burned more vigorously!

Music was full of traces on him.

The whole person seemed extremely artistic!

This is the music saint, the music saint's understanding of music!

The control of music!

Time passed quickly, and no one felt the passage of time. Everyone sat in their seats, looking at He Shen, with extremely serious eyes.

The work came to the last one!

Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 32!

Op, 111!

This piece is not a sonata with three or four movements like the previous one. This time...

The piece is condensed into two movements!

One is the first movement full of counterpoint techniques, and the other is the second movement written in the form of variation!

There are sharp contradictions between the two!

One is like a storm, locking everything together.

The other is to liberate the spirit and raise it high in the endless world.

The contrast between the two is very obvious.

All the lines in the previous music are condensed in this work!

Everyone looked at He Shen, and they felt a feeling at the same time...

That is great perfection!

In a trance, they seemed to be able to see the spirit floating in the distant sky faster, as vast as riding the wind in the void, and they didn't know where it was going.

There is nothing to pile up on all this.

All this has come to an end.


has been perfected!

When He Shen pressed the last key, he couldn't help but lower his head, and no one knew what he was thinking.

The music had disappeared, but He Shen hadn't raised his head yet.

He Shen just looked at the music in his hand, and he felt a little dazed and dizzy.

Beethoven's life was played in his hands.

He Shen could feel very accurately that he didn't have any strength to do anything else.


Or rather, he had no strength left when he hammered the keys before.

All the performances that followed were not the works that He Shen insisted on playing, but a spirit that pushed him to continue playing to the end.

That was a breath, a breath that wanted to finish the performance!

Others might take a short break, but He Shen would not!

What he wanted was to play this piece with his greatest strength and show it to everyone.

Therefore, this breath pushed He Shen to interpret all of this and show it to everyone.

This breath...

He Shen sighed slowly and looked up at the hidden light source in the sky.

Perhaps, this breath was not given by him, but also included Beethoven's breath, right?

But no matter what, he completed his task and completed this set of works.

The work that lasted for more than ten hours was all completed!

He had done everything he could!

The corners of He Shen's mouth could not help but rise slightly, looking at the system at the end of his sight.

In the camera, He Shen's Beethoven sonatas, when separated separately, are all at the peak of Lv10.

However, at the end of these sonatas, they do not end with Beethoven Op111.

Instead, they end with another work!

[Complete Collection of Beethoven Sonatas, Lv10 (EX)]

His performance of the complete collection of Beethoven, at this last moment...

became perfect!

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