Actually, this is because Zhao Zitong didn't really read the comments in other places.

If she had read the comments in other places carefully, she wouldn't have said that.

The comments in other places are much more serious than the comments in this place.

So serious that it's unbearable to watch.

If it was just He Shen's car accident video, it would be fine, and everyone would just watch it for fun.

For example, when Li Diyun made a car accident before, everyone just watched it as a joke, after all, who would think that he would make a car accident all the time?


Now He Shen has fallen!

Therefore, these car accident collections of He Shen have become a proof that He Shen is a person who doesn't concentrate on practicing the piano, and talks about love but doesn't play the piano.

As an artist, he thinks about those illicit affairs between men and women all day long, which is unworthy of his identity as an artist.

Most importantly, He Shen's behavior made them think of many people.

For example...

Li Diyun!

But unlike Li Diyun, He Shen is single, He Shen has no other ambiguous objects, and he has not broken the law.

But what does this have to do with those who just want to curse?

These people just want to vent their dissatisfaction.

"No matter how great Chopin is, he can't play out the turmoil in He Shen's heart. Hehehe, the taste of female students can actually make such a person moved? Not bad!"

"No way, I really thought He Shen was a person who focused on music, but I didn't expect him to attack his female student? How could he do it?"

"According to the news sent by the frontline reporter, this female student of He Shen actually started to study with He Shen at the age of seventeen, so what we see is not that He Shen used his power to suppress this female student in college and forced her to do something she loves with He Shen, but the cultivation of a loli!"

"Haha, a beast in human form, disgusting, really disgusting!"

"Bah, I feel disgusted for you, Even if you go to hang out? Spend some money, it's not shameful, disgusting, disgusting! "

"You can't hang out, you will go to jail just like Li Diyun, at least He Shen's case is consensual, right? Much better than Li Diyun!"

"Huh? This situation is much better than Li Diyun? Li Diyun at least spent money, what about He Shen? He Shen didn't spend a penny, and he is still outside the law! It's really disgusting!"

"I really don't understand why there are such people, why would someone attack his own students, he really doesn't feel embarrassed? Classes in the classroom during the day, classes in the classroom at night, really don't you feel anything?"

"Oh? There is a situation, two people are in the classroom at night? Really? Is there a video?"

"Hey, the video of He Shen and that female student in the classroom late at night has been circulated everywhere, you can just search it, Just search and you can see it!"

"Isn't that right? Why didn't I search it? I only saw the video of He Shen and the female student returning to the same building, and I didn't see anything else..."

"That's because you don't know! But I can't say more about this matter. Those who understand will understand. I will just say a few words about this matter. As for my identity, you just need to understand it. In short, this is the situation now. Everyone can see the details."

"Because of this identity issue, I have to say a few words. Maybe you don't understand it very well, but that's what I mean. As for my identity, you don't have to guess if you don't know it. Everyone has seen this kind of thing. Isn't it the kind of thing between men and women? I just want to say that those who understand it will understand it. I understand. I won't explain much to those who don't understand. After all, it's good to know it yourself. Take it carefully. "

"Don't ask me what's wrong. The interests are too big. The interests of all places are involved. I can't say too much about the video. It's not good for you and me to say it. Just pretend you don't know. For the rest, I can only say that it's very complicated and involves many things. It's hard for you to find the details yourself. Most of the Internet has been deleted, so I can only say that those who understand understand. "

"Those who understand have basically seen it. Those who don't understand will never understand. The key is that those who understand are all self-realized. You don't know who is the one who understands and you can't ask for advice. Everyone hides it for fear that others will know that they understand. If you understand, you can harvest those who don't understand. You don't even know that you don't understand. "

"If you don't understand, there's no need to pretend to understand. After all, it involves many things that you can't understand. There's no need for those who understand to ask about this kind of thing. Those who don't understand will ask about it again. In the end, he may not understand it even if you tell him. Even if he understands it, it's not good for him. After all, knowing too much is not a good thing. So it's best not to understand if you don't understand it. Knowing too much is not good. ”

“Good fellow, after talking for a long time, I didn’t even see He Shen and the female students in the classroom at night. Where did this statement come from?”

“Indeed, Zhihu Laojiege is really smart, but in fact, we don’t need him at all. We can all know that there is no way that men and women who study art can have a pure relationship. It’s just that we don’t see it!”

“Yes, people who study art are dirty, especially those who study music. A lot of them died of syphilis and sexually transmitted diseases. These things are too common, so common that I don’t feel anything anymore…”

"I suggest you give He Shen a physical check-up. I think He Shen may have had that disease a long time ago. Any female student should also check it out. Don't be infected by your teacher without knowing it. !”

"So I said, if you meet people studying art, run away as early as possible. Basically all of them throw sex parties. They are really disgusting people. I don't know how many honest people they will harm! Disgusting!"

"Please just play in your own circle, sell your own butt, and don't harm other people."

"Yes, what I'm talking about is that you people who study art are simply the scum of mankind. You really don't understand why art exists. Is it just for you people who are full of Y-worms to decorate yourselves? Are you relying on us? If you don’t understand, why do you do something wrong? ”

"I can only say that it is better for people who study art to die as soon as possible. It is recommended that all people who study art be arrested and examined one by one, so as not to harm other honest people."

"That's right! Can you art students make any contribution to society? Can it make society progress? This group of art students are useless. They are simply worms and scum of society. I really don't understand why the country spends money to support them. For those who study art, this industry is already in ruins.”

"Don't beat everyone to death with one stick. There may be good people among art students, but if they learn art and are not good at it, they cannot be good people. I suggest that when you are looking for a partner, you must avoid these art students!"

"That's right!"


He Shen's online reputation became extremely bad overnight.

From a piano lunatic, a piano genius, and a real top pianist who was originally focused on piano, he gradually turned into a garbage and trash full of yellow waste!

It stinks!

Not only are they criticizing He Shen, there are also many people who are criticizing He Shen and studying art together.

I have no idea what their purpose is.

But none of this has anything to do with those who want He Shen dead!

The domestic piano market is so big, and many people don’t want a new person to come in and take a share of the pie.

Moreover, this person's style can easily conflict with other pianists!

Let’s not mention for the moment how successful the people behind them are. There are already many places on the Internet that have started some “performance art” operations.

In a music school in Jiangzhou.

This school used to provide art training, and there are many photos hanging on the walls of their school.

For example, Lang Lang, Li Diyun, Ma You and others...

Basically all famous musicians and artists will be placed in this place to set examples for others in the school.

As a result, when He Shen had some indescribable behavior with his students, these students and teachers stood up without any hesitation.

Do you think they will protect He Shen?

No, sorry...

They pulled out He Shen's portrait, took videos with their mobile phones, and happily threw He Shen's photo into the trash can.

Then, dump the trash inside.

He picked up the leftover fruits and vegetables, the rotten bread, and the steamed buns that had become moldy for an unknown period of time, and smashed them into the face of He Shen's portrait.

Everyone’s faces were filled with excitement!

"Brothers, do you think what I did is right? Is this kind of person worthy of being hung on the wall? Haha, there is no moral bottom line for studying art. Hanging it on the wall makes us feel sick, ugh!"

A mouthful of thick yellow phlegm spat out from the mouth of the man who was holding up his mobile phone to take the video, and spit it into the trash can, just hitting the eye of He Shen's photo.

Seeing that his thick phlegm just hit the photo of He Shen, and even hit his eyes, the man became even more excited.

"Look, what does it mean to be angry and resentful? If a person like this doesn't play the piano well, even if you spit casually, you can spit in his face! This kind of person should stay in the trash can, Qian Dao Ten thousand people will be killed, and the sky will strike with five thunders!”

"Everyone in the audience gives a like and double-clicks 666. If the number of likes reaches 100,000, I will lead people from our school to burn He Shen's portrait in public!"

"Throwing the trash can? Throwing the trash can is just for his own good!"

"According to me, this kind of person's portrait should be thrown into the cesspool! Keep company with those filthy things!"

"Hahahaha, it's so cool!"

The whole internet went crazy...

Most people are crazy.

It had been a long time since anyone had been such a target in public.

Such a living target!

If a piano player doesn't play the piano well, why should he engage in male-female relations instead?

It’s not that you are not allowed to do it, you can do it, after all, we are all adults.

But you touch your students?

Even if I’m not your student now, I was before!

You actually touched your former student? Do you still have any bottom line as a teacher or as an artist?

To put it simply...

Are you still a human being?

A group of spectators looked at those who wantonly damaged He Shen's photos and kept applauding.

They are happy, they are joyful.

They finally saw another person being dragged down from the altar.

There is nothing that makes people feel happier from the bottom of their hearts than seeing God coming down from the altar.

This is the greatest spiritual satisfaction!

We are all human beings, why should you be superior to others?

Just because you are bad at playing the piano?

Almost no one on the Internet spoke for He Shen.

It's not that they don't want to speak, but they feel that what they say is inconsistent with the current situation, and if they speak out, everyone may chase and attack them.

They really want to say something for He Shen, to defend something.

Gu Guan


They don't dare!

They have no relationship with He Shen, so there is no need to be regarded as He Shen's water army and be abused by everyone on the Internet for He Shen.

This is human nature.

This situation reached its climax at noon the next day!

The Chinese Pianist Association suddenly spoke out at about noon.

After discussion, they cancelled He Shen's certification as a Chinese pianist.

In other words, He Shen is not a certified member of the Chinese Pianist Association.

He Shen is a pianist, He Shen is Chinese, and He Shen is a pianist in China.

But He Shen is not a Chinese pianist!

He Shen has been removed from the identity of a Chinese pianist!

Although some people find the above content a bit confusing, He Shen has never announced that he has joined this organization.

However, this organization sounds very powerful, as if it is an organization jointly formed by all the top pianists in China, so it should be very strong.

Being eliminated from this organization should have a very big impact on He Shen's reputation.

"I said that people like He Shen are not worthy of making music, right? It's so funny!"

"Yes, as a Chinese, such people feel that they have lost face for Chinese people, disgusting!"

"When will the nationality be forcibly removed? I think He Shen may be a 500,000, @China is safe, I suggest checking He Shen's background!"

"What background check, just block his account, how simple is that! People who study art must have a lot of money in their accounts, so much that it's scary, just to increase the national treasury's income!"

"That's right! Hurry up, quickly block He Shen! I want to see!"


Seeing He Shen being eliminated from the "official" team, everyone was extremely satisfied, as if it was the New Year.

Later, there were some other institutions.

Various miscellaneous institutions that they didn't know at all also began to say that they would cut off all contact with He Shen.

This made them even happier!

Soon, the fire spread to the General Administration!

Everyone demanded that He Shen be classified as a bad artist, and any performances and commercial activities in China be prohibited.

Moreover, he was prohibited from holding any teaching position! He Shen must be dismissed!

This behavior is simply Sima Zhao's heart!

If He Shen does not participate in commercial activities, he will not compete with them for the last bread.

If He Shen does not work as a teacher, he will not cultivate more powerful opponents and grab more educational resources.

People who know the business can see through it all!

However, the General Administration did not speak.

Those big department spokespersons did not speak.

There was no news broadcast or other places.

Only Xinhuanet, People's Daily, and some similar "official media" commented on this matter.

He Shen was criticized and accused.


No documents came out saying that He Shen was a bad artist.

Even so, the accusations and abuses on the Internet could not be stopped at all. Everyone was scolding He Shen, feeling like a partner of justice!

In this situation, all the major music schools outside Jiangzhou are very comfortable.

They watched everything on the Internet, and no one was surprised.

After all, all of this...

has something to do with them.

Three industry leaders in Haicheng Music School, Huaguo Music School, and Wuzhou Music School.

Fu Diao, Pei Qi, and Yue Li, they really wanted to speak for He Shen, but their teachers and leaders organized them.

They refused to give any verbal support to He Shen.

Therefore, they could only watch He Shen like this, and dared not say anything bad about He Shen.

He Shen's fan group exploded in the evening. I don't know when a lot of non-He Shen fans came in, and both sides were in a crazy quarrel.

Everything was a mess.

Everyone was scolding each other, trying to prove that their views were wrong!

PiliPili, Tieba, Weibo, the same is true!

Everyone was scolding each other, and no one was willing to reason.

Zhou San looked at everything in front of him, and then at the other principals in front of him. He narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke slowly.

"Is there really no way? No room for negotiation?"

"I'm sorry, after all, your teacher has had so many problems. We have already expressed a very friendly attitude by not getting into trouble."

The principal of Beizhou Conservatory of Music, holding the cup in his hand, said with a smile.

He glanced at the principal of Huaguo Conservatory of Music next to him, and continued: "We can give you things like letters of recommendation, and even places to go abroad."


"We really can't recognize anyone in your school who is related to He Shen, and his music activities in recent years!"

"We have no way to confirm whether these music activities were obtained after some secret transactions with He Shen!"

"After all, you know that everyone is not easy, so let's be considerate of each other."

"Look, your spot is still reserved for you. For example, if you want your teacher to go to the Chopin International Piano Competition or the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, these things are fine, and we can even compete at public expense! "

"However, I am very sorry about the certification of music activities..."

"I really can't do this!"

Looking at the principals in front of him, as well as the principal of Beizhou Conservatory of Music who was pushed to the front, Zhou San's eyes narrowed even more.

To participate in competitions, in addition to invitations and letters of introduction from top professors, the most important thing is the certification of music activities.

Prove that you are a pianist, a pianist who is doing music activities seriously and has performed all over the world, and is not a pianist who was pushed to the top.

Although these things are not particularly valued, they are indispensable!

Without any trace of musical activity, the application for the competition would have been impossible to pass.

After all, there are so many people, how can it be possible to listen to them one by one?

If you don’t meet the conditions, just brush it off!

Zhou San immediately thought of the current siege on He Shen by those on the Internet.

He knew that this matter was false. He Shen and Zhao Zitong didn't look like a couple at all!

These people should also know.

But they act like they don’t know!

Obviously, these people are making excuses!

How deep are they afraid that they can bring out the second one!

I'm not talking about winning the championship, I'm just talking about being able to get a very high ranking.

These are not what they want to see!


Very obvious!

They are targeting He Shen! I don’t want He Shen to make more achievements!

Zhou San looked at these people, finally squeezed out a little smile, and asked tentatively again.

"Is it really...that's not possible?"

"Sorry, we can't authenticate..."

The answer is still the same.

Looking at the people in front of him, Zhou San's smile froze.

Although he still had a smile on his face, there was no trace of smile in his eyes.

He just looked at everyone in front of him with a smile, and finally sighed, stood up, and bowed slightly to everyone.

"Sorry to bother you, we will figure out a solution for the music activities ourselves!"

After that, he turned and left.

After leaving the house.

Zhou San's eyes became cold.

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