The world's number one pianist

Chapter 323: Explosion (End)

One, two, three.

More and more media magazines have begun to conduct exclusive interviews with He Shen to evaluate his achievements in classical music.

Compare He Shen with other classical musicians and affirm He Shen's overall achievements.

Although He Shen only won the title of Pianist of the Year this time, he did not win the best record, and there were other awards.

But... isn't this enough?

As a new warrior who has reached the top, He Shen has been able to reach his current status even though he has only released two or three records and the overall sales have not yet fully increased.

Wait until next year, no…

Perhaps he only needs to wait until the second half of this year, when the Grammy Awards are held, He Shen has a perfect chance of winning the Grammy Awards, the grand prize in classical music.

By then, He Shen's reputation will surely be even greater!

This is the reward you have received so far, not all.

However, as He Shen's reputation became more and more famous, more and more people began to become curious about He Shen's works.

First of all, He Shen's representative works, such as "Selected Chopin" and "Selected Beethoven", were pushed to a climax by countless people in a short period of time!

A top position!

China’s classical music sales list, number one!

Fruit Music Classical Music Bestseller List, No. 1!

Fruit music's best-selling list, top 10!

Fruit music best-selling list, German region, third on the list!

Fruit music best-selling list, beautiful country, fifth on the list!

Fruit music best-selling list, Eagle Country District, second on the list!

He Shen directly topped the classical music charts in almost all countries!

Ranked in the top ten on the music charts of all countries, on the general charts, including jazz, pop, rock and other genre lists!

These should originally be pop music, such as various brainwashing music, or where big stars should be.

In this position, there is almost no place for any classical musician.

The last time I barely touched this position was Lang Liangyue’s pop album, Piano Book.

A collection of music that is familiar to everyone has barely managed to reach this position.

He Shen, on the other hand, achieved this position through a more classical and professional approach.

It has firmly occupied a place on the throne of classical music!

Those who preceded He Shen were almost all veteran pianists, such as Lang Liangyue, Argerich, Barenboim and others.

The youngest among them was nearly twenty years older than He Shen.

Yes, it is Lang Liangyue, who is known as the strongest pianist of the young generation.

Almost none of the other pianists could obtain this position at He Shen's age.

There are none that are deeper and greater than He!

Therefore, in the public eye, in just a few days, He Shen was the only one in everyone's eyes.

Although He Shen has been removed from the Weibo hot search list for a long time, but...

Now just open the classical music rankings and open the public accounts that write about classical music albums.

As long as you open the blogs they posted and the articles they wrote, you can find He Shen very clearly.

Because they only write about He Shen!

He Shen stepped down from Weibo, but within the entire country of China, he stepped onto a new level.

The Echo Classical Music Award is just a very simple beginning, it just gives He Shen a step to the upper level of classical music.

After reaching this level, He Shen has completely established a foothold in classical music. There is almost no one who can compare with He Shen.

What followed was not a subsequent smear campaign, but an invitation!

Various local conservatories began to invite He Shen to become their honorary professor, and invited He Shen to come to their schools to give lectures and talk about music.

Or, they could invite He Shen to give a master class to their students and teach their students the interpretation techniques of Chopin and Beethoven.

Not only those conservatories, but also other schools are gradually beginning to be interested.

For example, Shuimu University and Huaguo University invited He Shen to give a lecture!

Although these two schools are not particularly good at classical music, they have high-level art troupes and specialized piano clubs. The strength of these students is not bad!

There are high-level art troupes and piano clubs in their school. Although they don't sound particularly good, the quality is actually not bad.

Those top players cannot keep up with those who are particularly strong in classical music, such as pianists such as He Shen.

But they may be a little better than ordinary music school students.

It's just because they didn't put their minds on music and didn't set their goals on classical music.

After all, people with good academic performance are not stupid!

Similarly, those who study music, those who study music very well, are not stupid at all.

There may be some slight flaws in their character, but there is absolutely no big problem with their understanding of music.

Only those who are keen enough can be passionate about everything in the world and have their own unique understanding of everything.

It is possible to make a little achievement in classical music!

Of course, falling in love is an exception. Falling in love... depends on the person.

For example, the writer who wrote "The World's No. 1 Pianist", the inferior writer who can play the piano, has never been in love since he was a child, but he can still play very good works.

After all, emotions can be used as a substitute!

But no matter what, schools in Jiangzhou, Zhongzhou, and Haicheng have invited He Shen to give speeches there.

After receiving these invitations, He Shen hesitated for a moment and finally chose only Huaguo University and Jiangzhou University.

Although, for him, he did not think he was qualified to give a speech to those people.

He Shen still felt that he was just an ordinary pianist and had not reached the level of that kind of pianist!

After all, there are only two people whose works he is best at now.

Beethoven and Chopin!

Only these two are not enough. Those top pianists cannot have only so few works.

Basically, everyone has a lot of composers they are good at.

It is absolutely impossible to be as specialized and precise as He Shen!

Therefore, He Shen thought about it in the remaining time and decided to develop in the opposite direction.

In addition to preparing for Beethoven's Fifth Piano Concerto "Emperor" for the Barenboim Tour Concert, he also prepared a special piano concerto.

Grieg's Piano Concerto in A Minor.

One of the most popular piano concertos in the world, and a touchstone for classical pianists.

If this piece can be played in its unique style, then He Shen will have a great opportunity to enter the market of the United States from the European and Chinese markets!

Nowadays, He Shen is only very popular in Europe, and he is still a little inferior in the United States.

There are still a few people in the United States who know He Shen. It is difficult for He Shen to jump directly from Europe to the United States with the current resources!

He is still waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity given to him by Barenboim later!

That is a very important springboard. If he can jump over through this springboard, then He Shen can be sure that his future market is immeasurable!

The United States is the largest vote bank outside of Europe.

The market there is very, very big!

These things are very important. It is impossible to develop only in Europe and Asia without developing in the United States.

If the United States can be taken, He Shen's influence in Europe will be further enhanced to a point where there is no way to stop it.

It can be said that this time He Shen's behavior not only attracted a wave of popularity in China, but also attracted a wave of popularity abroad.

As time goes by, more and more Europeans begin to pay attention to He Shen.

Notice this kid from China.

Begin to be curious about He Shen, curious about everything He Shen does, and curious about He Shen's energy before.

Although He Shen's energy is not as good as Lang Liangyue's, it is also a legend.

From an unknown nobody to a top streamer of classical music.

This transformation is really not just caused by luck.

It is also He Shen's own strength!

He Shen's own strength is enough to be able to reach this point now, to come in front of everyone, and show his understanding and talent in classical music to everyone.

This is an irrefutable strength, a shocking strength!

He Shen, so far, has become completely popular!

The reputation in China is still fermenting, and countless people have begun to pay attention to He Shen, waiting for He Shen's further new actions.

But at this time, a small thing happened in China.

When some people in China suddenly reviewed their previous actions, they found something particularly interesting.

The Chinese Pianist Association had previously removed He Shen from China!

The two top pianists in China, Lang Liangyue and He Shen, Lang Liangyue is still in the Pianist Association, while He Shen was removed.

In addition to He Shen, Li Diyun seems to have been removed as well?

In addition, in the halo of He Shen and Lang Liangyue, they have never put the Chinese Pianist Association on themselves, as if they don't care at all.

This made those who are interested in it conduct a little bit of in-depth research.

After a careful investigation, they suddenly found a very interesting thing, that is...

The Chinese Pianist Association is a non-governmental organization, not an official organization.

It is just a very ordinary, unfamous non-governmental organization that automatically includes all pianists who carry out music activities in China.

It is not this pianist association that has made Chinese pianists successful, but some Chinese pianists have made this pianist association successful!

For a time, the Chinese Pianist Association became a laughing stock.

The pianist association that jumped out the most fiercely before, saying that it would remove He Shen from the list of Chinese pianists, was ridiculed by countless people.

He did not actively apply to join the Chinese Pianist Association, and you suddenly said to remove him. Isn’t it a bit funny?

It's like you went to study at Huaguo University, and then some unknown private college heard that there seemed to be something wrong with you, and suddenly came out and said that you were no longer their student.

It's probably this feeling!

With the exposure of this incident, the reputation of the Huaguo Pianist Association in China became extremely bad.

After countless pianists took the initiative to find out that they were listed in the Huaguo Pianist Association, they immediately announced that they had no relationship with the Huaguo Pianist Association.

Those who were deceived into the Huaguo Pianist Association also immediately left the Huaguo Pianist Association and refused to continue paying annual fees to the organization.

Soon, the Huaguo Pianist Organization was dead in name only!

This is not the end!

The Huaguo Pianist Organization was soon targeted by some official organizations in China. In the name of illegal fundraising, the Huaguo Pianist Association was banned, and some of its presidents were administratively detained for detailed investigation.

We will never let any bad guy go, and we will never wrongly accuse any good person!

Other music schools in China, especially those that had different ideas about He Shen, saw the disappearance of the Chinese Pianist Association, and their hair stood on end.

Although they were not exposed to He Shen, the disappearance of such a vanguard organization still made them feel scared.

Soon, the vice president of the music school contacted Zhou San and said that he wanted to re-certify He Shen's two students and certify their behavior in China.

Certify their musical actions.

Give them the last bit of convenience and send them directly to the preliminaries of the Chopin International Piano Competition and the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition.

Hopefully, through such actions, Jiangzhou Music School will not have to worry about them.

The result...

Obviously, He Shen and Zhou San refused without any hesitation.

"No, I just took them to the competition venue to exercise a little, so that they can be at ease in the face of higher-intensity competitions."

He Shen's voice immediately reached the ears of those music schools, and some people who wanted to target Jiangzhou Music School before suddenly looked bitter.

This means that they are completely unwilling to reconcile with them.

If Zhao Zitong and the others did not get the results of the Chopin International Piano Competition and the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, it would be fine. If they did...

Then these music colleges that are on the decline will inevitably be seriously affected.

If they are unlucky, maybe their status will be damaged, and they will become a subsidiary of Jiangzhou Music College from an independent music college.

Affiliated in terms of student supply, independent in name only!

After all, looking at this, Zhou San of Jiangzhou Music College is very clear about what those music colleges want to do!

But no matter what, it is difficult to communicate with Jiangzhou Music College in a friendly manner now.

In the future, only a little bit of exchange of interests and educational resources can be carried out. The friendship between brother colleges will definitely dissipate a lot.

The friendship between Wuzhou Music College and Jiangzhou Music College is even more so!

So far, all music colleges except the two top music colleges have fallen into silence.

Although the two top music schools were still so aloof, at least they took a look at Jiangzhou Music School.

They wanted to see what level He Shen could lead his students to.

What kind of situation!

If He Shen was sure that he could lead Jiangzhou Music School to the position of the third largest music school, then they would be a little more serious.

Otherwise... it doesn't matter how the music schools below fight.

This is the news from the music school.

Other miscellaneous demons and monsters quickly left and ran away, without any extra news.

They dared not raise any more questions about He Shen.

The follow-up can only be questioned from the characteristics of He Shen's personal behavior.

For example, Lang Liangyue, questioning Lang Liangyue's excessive expression when playing the piano, is simply deliberately making a fuss, and will damage many rhythms and breaths in the music.

You see, most people say that Lang Liangyue's expression is too weird, but not many people say that Lang Liangyue's piano level is not good.

Lang Liangyue's piano skills are something that no one can question.

If they want to question He Shen later, they can probably only question from this point.

But what's the use of such questioning? It won't have any impact on He Shen.

Those who like He Shen still like He Shen.

Those who don't like He Shen will naturally find more black spots to black He Shen.

The stupidest thing people do is to try to change other people's ideas.

Instead of changing their ideas, it's better to let them shut up and not let them say any inappropriate ideas.

This is the effective method!

Therefore, although there are still people who scold He Shen online, at least in the overall turmoil, it has become very rare and almost invisible!

He Shen and the agency behind him don't care about those sporadic criticisms.

Because you can't make everyone like you, it's almost impossible.

For example, in this book, some people say that the professional knowledge in it is very solid and comfortable to read, while others say that the professional knowledge in it seems very dry and unbearable to read.

It is completely a personal feeling. You cannot force everyone to like your novel.

He Shen naturally does not think that everyone likes him.

The problem he is facing now is the team sitting in front of him.

A long-haired man who seems to have a little similar style to him and is in a haze.

Li Diyun!

The brokerage team around him and some people from other companies walked in front of He Shen.

The person in charge of handling business for Li Diyun glanced at Li Diyun sitting on the side, then looked at He Shen, sighed, handed the document in his hand to He Shen, and shook his head helplessly.

"I'm sorry, He Shen, we didn't mean to target you, because your behavior with Li Diyun is too imaginative, your markets overlap, and for the sake of Li Diyun's return to the market, we can only do this!"

"We lost, we admit it, in this case, we will not make any public opinion attacks against you in the future."

"Let's talk about the piano!"

"In order to apologize, we decided to make a separate program for you, Li Diyun, and Rao Hao and others before!"

"A documentary that records everything you did in the Chopin International Piano Competition!"

"In addition, we will compensate you. We will renegotiate the specific amount later, but don't worry, We will never let you suffer any grievances!"

"We are all in the same company. Although we may not see each other every time, we can reduce conflicts a little bit! "

"If you have any other ideas and want us to apologize directly, that's fine. We have no problem with that!"

"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry. I don't want Li Diyun to continue to degenerate. His piano level has returned to the previous level in these seven or eight years. He has also gotten rid of a lot of worldly impetuousness."

"So, I hope you can give him another chance!"

After saying that, the agent put his hands on the table and bowed his head to He Shen very seriously.

He Shen looked at the extremely sincere agent in front of him, and then looked at Li Diyun who had been sitting in the corner with his head down. For some reason, he suddenly sighed.

"What's the name of the documentary?"

The agent's eyes suddenly lit up, and he took out another document in his hand, turned it around, and put it in front of He Shen: "It's this!"

"People who challenge Chopin!"

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