The world's number one pianist

Chapter 340 Let’s take a look at your music.

What the organizing committee didn't expect was that the contestants also took this opportunity to attack their official accounts. Google search reading

Countless contestants questioned the unfairness of the organizing committee and even asked for a rematch of the contestants on the first day.

After all, they felt that they just accidentally ran into Zhao Zitong, Ji Mengting, and Nakamura Bai.

If they hadn't run into these three people, they might have been able to enter the second round.

As for whether they could enter the third round...

They didn't really think they could enter the third round. It would be enough to enter the second round and get a certificate or something.

The third round? It depends on fate!

So, they wanted to attack the organizing committee and find a chance to enter the second round.

The organizing committee was so angry when they saw these comments that they didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Everyone looked at the person in charge of the contestant serial number in the organizing committee, looking at him and waiting for his speech.

When the person in charge saw the eyes of the crowd, his heart couldn't help but skip a beat and his brows furrowed.

He looked at the crowd, sighed slowly, and spoke.

"Let's do this. Zhao and Ji from China, and they and Nakamura Shira from Japan, will be distributed in the three days of the second round. Then let the teacher from Wuzhou Conservatory of Music in China be with Zhao for one day, and they will be distributed in two and a half days."

"Then put the contestant from South Korea on Nakamura Shira's side. Nakamura Shira should be able to beat this contestant."

"As for the last one, Nobuyuki Tsujii's student, his students' performance in this round is a bit average, so let him and He Shen's student face off."

"However, as long as it is announced to the public that Nakamura Shira, Zhao, The three players will be placed on three different competition days, and the other players will still be randomly arranged. "

"Is this... possible?"

When everyone saw the person in charge say this, they immediately retracted their sight and echoed: "Okay! We will announce it to the public like this."

"No problem, boss, we will announce it now."

"Boss, that authority, do you want to stand up in advance and hold a press conference or something? This will better prove what you said?"

"Yes, if you directly issue an announcement like this, you will still be scolded, right?"

The person in charge's face changed twice again, his eyebrows twitched, and he said a little unhappily: "Didn't you hear what I just said? I just asked you to issue an announcement, you couldn't hear it? Can't do it?"

Seeing that the main person in charge was a little angry, everyone immediately shut up and didn't dare to say anything more.

They quickly walked to their workstations and did their own work.

The person in charge also sat on the chair, rubbing his eyebrows, with a headache.

He knew very well that no matter what he did now, he would be scolded.

Even if it is announced that Zhao Zitong, Ji Mengting, and Nakamura Shiro will be completely separated, they will still be criticized.

After all, this kind of competition has always been said to be purely random, and there will be no human interference in the progress of the competition.

In fact, in order for those top players to enter the finals and make the finals more interesting.

Those people in the organizing committee will still choose to manipulate a little and put those seeded players on different competition days.

For example, He Shen’s previous Chopin International Piano Competition.

He Shen and the second and third place, that is, Bruce Liu, Liu Yu, and Fan Tian Kyohei.

Except for a slight encounter when testing the piano before, the three of them actually did not meet in the preliminaries, the first round, the second round, and the third round.

Of course, the preliminaries may not meet because of luck, after all, there are so many people and the time is so long.

Therefore, in the preliminaries, the chance of the three people meeting is very small.

Later, when there are fewer and fewer people, they still haven’t met, so it’s the setting of the organizing committee.

After all, after the preliminaries, most of the players who can compete for the championship and enter the finals have been selected. The next step is to wait for their performance in the finals.

This way, the game is good and the winner can be recognized by most people.

Except that there are no particularly big conflicts in the early games, everything else is good.

However... there are not enough people watching the early games, so why put the most important games in the early stage?

Compared with the preliminaries and finals, if we can only blame the purchase of one ticket, then it is obvious that most people will buy the finals instead of the preliminaries.

Therefore, this kind of human interference is very reasonable.

Now that this situation has occurred, we can only say... bad luck.

Who would have thought that those who have no honors can actually compete so well?

And not just one, but many?

The person in charge of the players of the organizing committee looked at the busy people in front of him, thought for a long time, and finally sighed.

He looked at everything around him and shook his head.

"I always feel that this game seems to be very different from the previous games!"

"I just don't know whether this change is good or bad..."

Soon, the organizing committee's statement was sent out and spread to everyone's mobile phones, and stated that no other changes would be made.

No matter how people insulted the organizing committee, the organizing committee would not continue to respond to this matter.

If the insults are too serious, they will be disqualified and banned from speaking.

They have done everything they can do. The next step is to bow 90 degrees to apologize. Compensation? Impossible!

In Japan, bowing to apologize is already commonplace, and you can bow at any time if you want.

However, in order to leave some room, the organizing committee does not intend to bow unless it becomes a national incident.

Who knows what else may happen in the future?

After all, as it seems now, this game is a bit beyond their control...

I just hope that nothing more will happen later...

He Shen didn't feel anything about this. For him, the most important thing is that his two students can enter the finals.

Even if something else happened in between, it would not have any impact.

After all, if you can win the game, everything else is fine.

If you can't win the game, even if something else particularly magnificent happens in the middle, it will not have any meaning.

After all, this is a competition.

He Shen looked at the two people in front of him who were practicing the piano seriously with their heads down, and felt a little headache.

Since they came back, these two people have not said anything. It is obvious that they have been hit hard.

They feel that they should be at the same level as Nakamura Bai, or that Nakamura Bai's skills in some areas are not as good as theirs.

However, Nakamura Bai feels that he plays better than them, and even his results are higher than theirs.

This strong sense of contrast made them silent when they looked at their results.

It must be said that Zhao Zitong and Ji Mengting are both very strong-willed people. They both have a strong desire to win the game.

You can even say that Zhao Zitong and Ji Mengting are aiming for the first and second place.

As a result, they collapsed directly in the first round. Two people besieged one player and still lost?

How can they fight like this?

Just surrender as soon as possible and leave the game early!

When the two people thought of this, they couldn't help but lower their heads, and their momentum became weaker.

He Shen looked at the two people in front of him, frowned, and spoke.

"Why are you lowering your head?"

"We..." Zhao Zitong and Ji Mengting raised their heads slightly, then lowered them, not daring to say a word: "Sorry, we didn't get first or second..."

He Shen felt that the two people's thoughts were slightly wrong, and he couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows, got up and walked to the door, and spoke to the two people.

"Forget it, don't think too much, let's go out and take a look."

"Huh? Okay..."

Zhao Zitong and Ji Mengting hesitated for a moment, and still followed He Shen outside.

Before this, the first time they returned to the piano room, they practiced the piano immediately, practicing non-stop, and never thought of leaving.

They just kept practicing, trying to find the music they wanted, that feeling.

But no matter how they practiced, they felt like they had walked into a small corner and couldn't get out at all.

There was an illusion of having no direction at all.

It felt that the direction they were going was wrong, but they had no idea which direction to go.

The more they practiced, the more they felt that their worldview was broken.

Ji Mengting even had a slight thought that her talent was actually very poor.

He Shen saw that the two of them looked particularly disappointed, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Although for He Shen, Zhao Zitong and Ji Mengting's talents were definitely not among the top players.

For example, Fan Tian Gongping, Liu Yu and others.

Even his own talent might not be as high as that group of people.

There are all kinds of things in the world, that is, there are people who are born to learn music, and you can't envy such things.

The techniques that He Shen spent a lot of time practicing, the techniques that he practiced every day, were nothing to Argerich.

She even publicly stated why some people were not good at technology? Why do you need to practice technology constantly? Isn't it something that you can learn after practicing once?

There are too many people like this, too many to count.

But! Although Zhao Zitong and Ji Mengting's talents are not as good as those of the top bosses, their talents are not bad at the same time.

In addition, He Shen had been suppressing their thoughts about music, asking them to perfect their basic skills as much as possible, hoping that they could have a very solid foundation.

So, it didn't mean anything that they couldn't beat Nakamura Bai.

Unexpectedly, before He Shen taught them about music, the two people doubted themselves first.

Therefore, He Shen couldn't wait any longer, so he could only take the two people out for the time being and let them relax first.

It's useless to keep practicing the piano!

Therefore, although they were still unwilling in their hearts, the two still followed He Shen, walked out of the door, and walked into Hamamatsu City.

Hamamatsu City is worthy of being the music capital of Japan. There are many street performers here. Many people have performance licenses and can play freely on the streets.

The styles played by each person are also different.

There are not many classical things, there are a lot of jazz, and other music.

There are all kinds of styles, and almost everyone is immersed in their own music.

Even if there is not much money in the piano box in front of them, these people don't particularly care.

After all, making money by performing is not their purpose.

The most important thing is to take this opportunity to express the works that you want to express.

Just think of it as entertainment.

They would be happier if more people came to watch them play.

Even if it doesn't, it doesn't matter.

Everyone was walking around, with no specific way of walking or any specific destination.

He Shen liked walking like this, wandering around in the small alleys of the city, not pursuing any beautiful scenery, just to see what this city that others were tired of living in was like.

Walk between those parks and feel the green and sunshine around you.

Zhao Zitong and Ji Mengting were in a gloomy mood, but at this time, they got a little better.

The two of them followed He Shen and walked around in this strange city, looking at everything around them with a hint of curiosity in their eyes.

They walked slowly like this, gradually erasing the loss of failure in their hearts.

They looked at everything around them intently, thinking nothing in their brains.

The weather is very good, cloudless and cool breeze blows. You can smell a special air while walking on the road. There is a unique sea smell from Japan in the air.

This taste is different from the taste in China, giving everyone a little freshness.

As He Shen walked, he felt that the breaths of the two people behind him gradually stabilized a lot, and then he suddenly said: "Are you guys relaxing a little? Are you in a better mood?"

Zhao Zitong and Ji Mengting looked at each other, and Ji Mengting said: "Relax a little, but..."

"But?" He Shen repeated, turned to look at Ji Mengting, and shook his head: "Don't think so much. The result of the game is not important. The important thing is how much you can learn from it."

"Not everything Shiro Nakamura said makes sense. He said that your understanding of music is still too shallow. There is not much of your music in your music. This is not entirely correct."

"There isn't much of your stuff in your music, because a lot of your stuff is what I taught you, my answers!"

"My answer is not necessarily the same as your answer."

"I can only say that this is just a reference, not a standard answer."

"Therefore, it would be wrong to say that your understanding of music is too shallow because of what you are playing now."

"Is it think my answer is wrong?"

Zhao Zitong and Ji Mengting did not dare to speak.

He Shen didn't care, he continued walking forward, speaking as he walked.

"Actually, this is normal, for example, Zhao Zitong!"

"Here!" Zhao Zitong couldn't help but tremble.

"What is your understanding of the second movement of Beethoven's Pastoral Sonata?"

"My understanding?" Zhao Zitong paused and hesitated: "Village?"

"I taught you this before, but think about it for yourself?"

He Shen took the two of them to a nearby park, where many people gathered.

In the center of the crowd, there was a public piano placed there, and several old men and women were sitting there playing casually, with extremely leisurely expressions.

After Zhao Zitong thought for a long time, he hesitated and said: "I think there is still a little bit more, beautiful scenery? Travel?"

"That's understandable!" He Shen smiled, walked to the piano, said something to the group of old men beside him, and then moved away.

Countless old men immediately smiled, walked to the side quietly, found a seat and sat down without saying a word.

He Shen leaned against the stage, looked at Zhao Zitong who was standing there in the distance, pointed at the piano in front of him, and said.

"Come on, give it a try, interpret your music, don't think about mine, think about the music you feel!"

"Look at everything around you and think, your music!"

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