The world's number one pianist

Chapter 74 Heading to the Finals

That day, the sun was shining and the sky was cloudless. It was a perfect day for the competition... What the hell!

When He Shen woke up from the bed, he found that the whole room was very damp and the light was very dim. After turning on the light, he found that it was raining outside. Read

The sound of the sparse rain made the whole world covered with a layer of gray fog.

Since there were only eight people in the finals, each person had about 45 minutes to play, so the competition started at 4 pm and lasted until 11 pm, with a break in between.

So He Shen could get up a little later and didn't have to rush to the competition venue.

However, the concertos chosen by many people were not particularly long, basically about 30-45 minutes, so they could actually end long in advance.

If you are lucky, a lot of people choose small pieces, and the competition may end before 10 pm.

If you are unlucky, some people play big pieces in the finals, and the time may be delayed even longer.

He Shen frowned and listened to the sound of rain outside. After a little hesitation, he called Zhao Zitong.

After two beeps, Zhao Zitong's sleepy voice came from the other end of the phone

"Hello? Teacher, why are you calling me..."


He Shen was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Zhao Zitong to call him teacher. She had always called him by his name before.

Hearing He Shen's voice, Zhao Zitong immediately became much more awake. She sat up from the bed suddenly, hugged the salted fish pillow under her head, pinched the salted fish's head hard, and said in a panic.

"He Shen, what teacher are you talking about? Are you calling me teacher?"

"Did you call me teacher just now?"

"No, no! Absolutely not! I haven't acknowledged you yet!"


He Shen didn't continue to entangle with Zhao Zitong on this issue. He changed the phone to another hand and said lightly.

"Today's class is cancelled."

"Oh, I know, today is the finals."

Zhao Zitong sat up straight, put the salted fish pillow in her arms under her elbow, and asked while supporting her arm.

"By the way, He Shen, when will you take me to the competition venue? Or will we meet downstairs?"

"It's raining outside, go by yourself, see you at the competition."

"Huh? You don't care about me? I'm still your student after all!"


He Shen ignored Zhao Zitong's complaints, reached out to hang up the phone, looked up to see that there was still one o'clock, and sat on the piano bench to start the last practice before the competition.

Zhao Zitong looked at the busy tone of the phone in her hand blankly, and didn't know what to say for a while. She punched the salted fish in her hand a few times, then sighed, got up and packed up, ready to go to the competition venue.

At this moment, Symphony Piano Shop.

In Symphony Piano Shop, Wang Pei was also making the final mobilization. After confirming that all students had arrived, he cleared his throat and said to everyone.

"Dear students and parents, as we all know, He Shen, the piano teacher of our Symphony Piano School, has now entered the finals."

"The other contestants are all teachers from other music colleges, but our He Shen has no one behind him!"

"In order to support the teachers of our Symphony Piano School, I specially bought tickets for the Golden Piano Award finals. Let's go to enjoy the top piano competition in China together! Cheer for our teachers!"

After that, he opened the glass door at the entrance of the piano room and pointed to the bus that had just stopped at the door.

"The bus is ready, everyone get on the bus in an orderly manner, and we must not let our teachers compete alone!"

The group of parents with children were encouraged by the surrounding atmosphere and immediately took their children to the bus.

Standing next to Wang Pei, the person in charge of finance suddenly walked to Wang Pei cautiously and whispered.

"Manager, your expenditure is a bit over the limit. If you are doing marketing, there is no need to do so much. This is too much money..."

"Who said this is marketing? This is to increase the sense of belonging to the team, so that these parents have a greater sense of belonging to our piano store, and they are more willing to spend money in our piano store, understand?"

Wang Pei stretched out a hand, blocked his mouth, and whispered to the person in charge of finance next to him.

When the parents passed by, he immediately put his hand down and nodded to the parents with a smile.

The person in charge of finance immediately looked at Wang Pei with admiration in his eyes, and also stretched out his hand to his mouth, and whispered in Wang Pei's ear.

"You are worthy of being the manager! You think far ahead."

"Of course! Who am I? I am Wang Pei!"

Wang Pei smiled, accepted the praise from the finance department naturally, and continued to direct everyone to enter the bus.

He did not tell them that it did not cost so much money to enhance the sense of belonging of parents to the piano store. It was more useful to hold some gatherings and small concerts frequently.

Those words that sounded empty and pretentious were actually what he really wanted to say.

Time passed by little by little, and the time for the competition was getting closer and closer.

3:24 pm

He Shen took his hand off the piano, walked to the closet on the side, found the slightly worn performance clothes he often wore, dressed neatly, and called a car to take him to the competition site.

4:00 pm

He Shen came to the lobby outside the Grand Theater. The staff standing at the door immediately found him, walked quickly to his side, and took him to the single lounge behind the concert hall, so that he could have a good rest before the competition.

The only difference between this lounge and the previous semi-finals was that the room became a little bigger and there were more fruits on the table.

Unfortunately, the variety did not change, still bananas and oranges.

He Shen sat on the sofa, took out a banana, closed his eyes, chewed slowly, and waited for the competition to start.

4:30 pm.

The door of the concert hall of Jiangzhou Grand Theater was closed, and no one was allowed to enter.

The lights gradually became a little dim from the original extremely bright.

The sound in the venue also became smaller and smaller at this time, until it disappeared.

Everyone knew that the competition was about to begin.

4:45 pm.

All the judges walked out of the sliding door and stood in the same position as in the semi-finals, except that Zhou Renguang was missing in the middle.

Looking at the empty seat in the middle, some people couldn't help but feel a little regretful. China's top music educator was forced to temporarily leave the judges' seat because of this trivial matter.

This is really ridiculous.

But there is no way.

At 4:55 pm.

All the judges returned to their seats. The door of He Shen's lounge was knocked. The staff came in and gave He Shen a box.

"This is the order of the draw. It is based on the ranking of the last game. You were the first in the last round."


He Shen reached into the box and grabbed a ball at random and handed it to the staff.

The staff opened it and a huge 7 was written on the paper.

"Jiangzhou, He Shen, the seventh to appear."

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