The old man was very angry.

"I want to practice all the B-level martial arts in the school!"

Ning Chuan said.

Su Yun blinked: "..."

Did he hear it wrong?

Seeing that Su Yun didn't respond, Ning Chuan thought she didn't hear it clearly, so he raised the volume and repeated it again: "Teacher Su, I want to practice all the B-level martial arts in the school!"

"I heard it, don't shout!"

Su Yun waved her hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

The boy opposite was a little arrogant in martial arts, but his character was good after all.

"Your request is not acceptable."

Su Yun shook her head and said, concentrating her thoughts.

She then explained the reason: "It's not that I disagree. Qingshan No. 1 Middle School has a rule that all students can only learn 3 to 4 martial arts at most. After all, the inheritance of the "Martial Seal" has a certain number of times."

Hearing this, Ning Chuan thought about it and remembered that there was indeed such a rule.

Normally, it is enough for a student to practice 3 to 4 martial arts in three years of high school.

Just like the original owner, he didn't use the quota for martial arts much, and basically only focused on the Bull Power, trying to improve some hard power as much as possible.

Su Yun thought about it and reminded: "In the second semester of your second year of high school, you chose a Swift Wind Step, and a few days ago you asked me to inherit the Lightning Thunder Slash."

"Then I will choose 2 more B-level martial arts."

Ning Chuan said regretfully, acknowledging that he could choose 4 martial arts.

Su Yun sighed, a little reluctant.

It's not that she was reluctant, but she was mainly worried about delaying Ning Chuan's future.

In her opinion, since Ning Chuan has mastered the Lightning Slash of the subtle realm, the current focus should be on breathing techniques to improve his hard power.

If he can be promoted to the fifth stage of awakening before the college entrance examination, he will have a chance to enter a prestigious university.

However, Su Yun was worried that if she refused, Ning Chuan might make excessive demands.

In desperation, she could only agree.

"Two subjects is two subjects, but I want to go to the martial arts building with you!"

"No problem."

The two left the office, crossed most of the campus, and entered the martial arts building.

It was noon at this moment, and there were not many people in the martial arts building.

Ning Chuan had been here once before, and he was not curious, so he went straight to the top floor where B-level martial arts were stored.

The top floor was empty.

In the center, there was a row of display cabinets made of bulletproof glass, divided into more than 30 compartments.

In each compartment, there was a square metal block, slightly larger than an adult's fist.

The metal block was the "Martial Seal", a carrier for storing martial arts.

Many martial arts cannot be described clearly with words. They have a certain artistic conception and can only be passed down through martial seals.

"What kind of martial arts are you going to choose?"

Su Yun asked.

Ning Chuan pondered for a while and said, "I can now fight across levels. I want to choose a horizontal martial arts to enhance my defense."


Su Yun's beautiful eyes lit up, nodded, and said, "Although horizontal martial arts have always been difficult to practice, once you succeed, it will be beneficial to you for life!"

"What about another one?"

She asked.

Ning Chuan stroked his chin and did not answer immediately, falling into thought.

He was wavering between two martial arts.

One is body movement.

Although he has a gust of wind step, the level is average, belonging to the lowest E-level martial arts.

If he can have a powerful body movement, when his realm is raised, combined with the lightning slash that is known for its speed, it will be enough to push his strength to an extremely powerful level!

The other is unarmed martial arts.

Compared to body skills, this kind of martial arts is definitely useless for Lightning Slash, but it also greatly improves the overall strength.

"The second martial arts..."

Ning Chuan exhaled lightly, made up his mind, and said, "I will choose an unarmed martial arts!"

"The martial arts test of the college entrance examination is different for each session. This year, it may focus on unarmed martial arts. In order to get more points, I can't have obvious shortcomings."

Ning Chuan knew that his focus at this stage was still the college entrance examination.

As long as he could get into a top university, even Xinghe University, martial arts would not be a problem.

Moreover, the progress of the Gale Step was rapid, and it would be enough for him in the future.

It is more appropriate to choose unarmed martial arts.

"Not bad!"

Su Yun showed a smile on her pretty face, very satisfied, and her nervous heart calmed down.

She came to the martial arts building specifically because she was worried that Ning Chuan would not be blinded by an epiphany and choose two more swordsmanship.

Now it seems that she thought too much.

A quarter of an hour later.

Ning Chuan chose his target.

Unarmed martial arts, Thousand Bone Killing Technique

, known for being ruthless and weird.

When used, the moves are tricky and can be struck from unexpected angles by the enemy, making them difficult to defend against. The inherent lethality is extremely powerful. Once practiced successfully, the target's bones can be easily shattered, hence the name Thousand Bones!

Heng Lian martial arts, Vajra body, divided into nine levels.

When the practice is complete, the body is so strong that bullets cannot penetrate it and there is no fear of hot weapons.

However, there was another reason why Ning Chuan chose the Vajra Body.

This is a incomplete martial arts, with eighteen levels when complete, and is an S-level martial arts.

If you have the opportunity to complete it in the future, you can go further!

"What kind of martial arts did you choose?"

Su Yun's red lips twitched and she glared hard at Ning Chuan, feeling that she was happy too early.

"The Vajra Body and the Thousand Bones Killing Technique are stronger. However, the power of the martial arts is directly linked to the difficulty of practice. The tide will rise, especially the most advanced martial arts among B-level martial arts. In order to have stronger power, obscure Incomparable, even better than ordinary A-level martial arts!"

After reprimanding, Su Yun softened her tone and persuaded: "Don't pursue the power of martial arts too blindly. From an overall perspective, let's change it."

"How about the Iron Body and the Iron-Blooded Thirty-Six Styles?"

Su Yun introduced: "They are all martial arts in the military. They match each other. One plus one is greater than two. There are corresponding tutorials online, which can be easily transformed into your strength."

"Don't change!"

Ning Chuan raised his head forty-five degrees, with a firm expression on his face, and said proudly: "Only the weak are afraid of difficulties and shy to escape!

The strong must face difficulties head on and dare to wield the sword against the stronger! "

Hearing this, black lines faintly appeared on Su Yun's fair forehead.

It is true that a strong person is not afraid of difficulties, but a person who has awakened to the fourth level is considered a weak person.

She had thought wrong before.

Ning Chuan definitely became extremely swollen because of his enlightenment on Lightning Slash.

"If you want to choose, just choose!"

Su Yun gritted her teeth and said angrily, "Just don't regret it in the future!"

With the basic skills of Lightning Slash, Ning Chuan was able to get into college. It would be better for him to suffer some losses while he was still young, so that he could have a better future.

Thinking of this, Su Yun called the administrator of the martial arts building, opened the compartment, and took out the two martial seals.

"Go ahead."

There is a transfer room in the building for students to pass on martial arts.

"Thank you, Teacher Su."

Ning Chuan smiled, took the martial seal and walked into the training room nearby.

The inheritance of the martial seal is very simple. Just put it on your forehead and the martial arts stored in it will flow into your brain.

Not long after, Ning Chuan finished accepting these two martial arts and then summoned the system interface.

A translucent light curtain appeared in front of my eyes.

[Realm]: Fourth stage of awakening

[Mangniu Jin]: Mastery (progress 25%)

[Wind Step]: Proficient (progress 7%)

[Lightning Lightning Slash]: Fine (progress 3%)

[Thousand Bone Killing Technique]: Basic (Progress 0%)

[Vajra Body]: First level (progress 0%)

Ning Chuan noticed that the word "realm" behind the Vajra Body in the last column was different from other martial arts.

This is also normal.

Henglian martial arts is rather special and focuses more on improving the body's basic defense and is not suitable for general realm classification.

However, as a branch of martial arts, the improvement in relative progress would not make a huge difference.

"I have just started to practice these two martial arts. I can't judge the speed of practice for the time being. Let's wait and see in the evening."

Ning Chuan unlocked the door and walked out of the training room.

Su Yun is waiting for him outside.

After returning the martial seal to the administrator, the two went downstairs and left.

"Teacher Su, please treat me to a meal!"

Halfway through the walk, Ning Chuan grinned and said, "I will practice hard and get into a good university!"

Ning Chuan had no other thoughts but simply wanted to save money on lunch.

He is not going to sell the silver-blood sword, and he is very short of money now.

Before you find other valuable items, you can save a little bit.

"Okay, go to the commercial street outside the school. There is a restaurant that tastes good."

Su Yun thought for a moment and agreed directly. Ning Chuan had not made any arbitrary demands before, which made her feel good about him.

After a free lunch, Ning Chuan returned to the classroom.

There are three cultural classes in the afternoon.

Mathematics, physics, chemistry.

All very important.

Not only for the college entrance examination, but also for martial arts.

The creator of Lightning Slash has a doctorate in physics. He once said personally that without aerodynamics, there would be no Lightning Slash faster than the Thunder Beast.

In addition, one of the most powerful martial arts in the Federation, Nuclear Explosion God Fist, has almost strict requirements on physics.

If you want to practice, you must understand the principles of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission.

Otherwise, you won’t even be able to get started.

Of course, being proficient in mathematics, physics, and chemistry does not mean you are a strong person, but if you want to reach the peak of martial arts, that is

A very important foundation.

To some extent, martial arts and knowledge such as mathematics, physics and chemistry are all manifestations of exploring the true meaning of the universe.

Thanks to the good cultural subjects of his predecessor, Ning Chuan did not find it difficult to study.


Break time.

Ning Chuan closed the book, raised his head and stretched his neck, and noticed that the students in the class were pointing at him and talking in a low voice.

Ning Chuan was used to this scene.

Too many people saw the killing of the Thunder Bird in the training ground this morning.

He became famous.

"Awakening to the fourth stage, but he can kill the Thunder Bird. Ning Chuan's Flash Thunder Slash realm is absolutely terrifying. That is a B-level martial arts!"

Many students sighed and envied.

Ma Hai was displeased when he saw this, snorted coldly, and scolded: "You overestimate it!

The Thunder Bird is not as difficult to kill as you think.

It is not a fierce beast, and its IQ is extremely low. Although it dives fast, as long as you calculate the timing of the knife, you can kill it without martial arts!"

While speaking, Ma Hai strode to Ning Chuan, looked down, and said in an interrogative tone: "Do you think I am right?

What level is your Lightning Thunder Slash? Have you reached proficiency!"

Ning Chuan looked at Ma Hai and pretended to be puzzled and said: "Why do you change your words now? Didn't you say that my Lightning Thunder Slash was not yet a beginner?"


Ma Hai's face froze, and then he said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, just say it when I ask you to!"

"If you want to know so much, why not feel it yourself!"

Ning Chuan's eyes flashed with cold light, and he grasped the handle of the silver blood knife. While standing up, he swung his arm and slashed.

Martial arts practice emphasizes the freedom of mind.

If you can beat it, there is no need to talk nonsense!


Thunder burst out from his body, deafening.

Ning Chuan directly used Lightning Thunder Slash!

A silver light lit up, illuminating the classroom, accompanied by thunder, as if electricity was generated in the void!

Ma Hai had never expected that Ning Chuan would dare to take the initiative. He only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and when he reacted, a sword was already on his neck.

The blade felt cold and sharp, causing goose bumps on the skin there.

"Now, what realm do you think I am in!"

Ning Chuan grinned at Ma Hai, his teeth were white.

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