The more you learn, the easier it is to learn.

The perception surged into Ningchuan's mind like a wave, and it seemed to have become Ningchuan's innate instinct.

Not long after.

The prompt sound stopped ringing.

Ningchuan's heart moved, and a light curtain appeared in front of him.

One of the columns changed greatly.

[Thousand Bone Killing Technique]: Perfect (Progress 33%)

Ningchuan couldn't help but be surprised.

This was much easier than the previous two martial arts promotions to the perfect realm.


Bai Xiuxiu's pretty face was surprised, and she said, "Did you enter the state of enlightenment when you fought with me before?"

Although it was a question, her tone was full of affirmation.

Considering Ning Chuan's past experiences in the data, Bai Xiuxiu couldn't think of a second explanation except for enlightenment.

"I guess so."

Ning Chuan smiled.

He didn't lie.

After the Thousand Bones Killing Technique was promoted to the subtle realm, he did have an epiphany.

Bai Xiuxiu pondered for a moment and said, "Your Thousand Bones Killing Technique has reached the subtle realm. In the next battle, I will use other offensive martial arts."

"No problem."

Ning Chuan stepped hard and approached in an instant.

"By the way, Instructor Bai, let me remind you one thing. My Thousand Bones Killing Technique is not at the subtle realm!"

Ning Chuan grinned.

Before he finished speaking.

He raised his arm and punched.

The target of the attack was still Bai Xiuxiu's chest.

The other party practiced nine unarmed martial arts.

It's obvious that there must be S-level martial arts at the expert level.

Don't be careless.


A thunderous sound swept the whole place, deafening.

The Fist of Lightning!

It was still a perfect state.

The speed of Ning Chuan's fist suddenly increased, like a lightning bolt across the sky, and the pressure from the fist caused ripples on Bai Xiuxiu's chest, spreading from small to large.


Bai Xiuxiu's beautiful eyes changed drastically.

The Fist of Lightning was much faster than she expected.

She was not mentally prepared at all.

It was too late to raise her arm to block it.

Just when Ning Chuan's fist touched Bai Xiuxiu's clothes, Bai Xiuxiu no longer controlled her strength, and a bright red Force flashed through her body like lightning, and with a thud, Ning Chuan was knocked out.


After flying backwards for more than ten meters, Ning Chuan landed and raised his fist to take a look.

Bai Xiuxiu should have restrained the power of the Force.

Her skin was as smooth as new, without any injuries.

However, Ning Chuan was not sure whether it was his illusion.

Bai Xiuxiu's red force seemed to change.

When he first touched it, he felt soft and warm, and then it became cold and solid, knocking him away.

Seeing Ning Chuan's actions, Bai Xiuxiu, even though she had been in the army for several years and had a tough character, couldn't help feeling annoyed.

This was an inevitable emotion for women.

But the next moment.

Bai Xiuxiu's annoyance was drowned by a torrent of shock.

According to the investigation report of the Martial Arts Alliance.

Under normal circumstances, the martial arts can be improved by two realms at most, and three realms are rare.

Ning Chuan, however, went from being proficient in the second realm to being perfect in the sixth realm!

Has anyone done this in the history of the Federation? !

Bai Xiuxiu took a deep breath, calmed down, and said: "Your Thousand Bone Killing Technique is in the perfect realm, much stronger than I thought. I lost this competition."

If we compete again.

Bai Xiuxiu was confident that she could win, and she still had several advanced bare-handed martial arts that she hadn't used yet.

But if she lost, she lost.

She wouldn't make excuses.

Hearing this.

The crowd of onlookers boiled like boiling water.

Ning Chuan won again!

Bai Xiuxiu was also beaten up by him.

"My name is Lu Fang. I don't know why my right eyelid has been twitching non-stop today, as if a disaster is coming!"

"Haha, it's not that exaggerated. The breathing method course doesn't require hands-on training."

"Can the Thousand Bone Killing Technique of the perfect realm be the leader? What else do you have to say now!"

Many girls glared at the students who had mocked Ning Chuan before.

Those people looked at each other, unable to refute.

There was no way.

Ning Chuan was able to suddenly realize the Thousand Bone Killing Technique, which showed that his talent in bare-handed martial arts was beyond doubt.

I was still careless.

I shouldn't have said those words before the final result came out!

"I'm sorry, I admit my mistake. Ningchuan is not a god who has come down from the mountain. Ningchuan is an eternal god!"

A student laughed awkwardly.

The others followed suit and apologized.

"Ningchuan is awesome, even more awesome than the Dragon King!"

"From today on, God Ning is my unchanging belief in this life!"

Ningchuan ignored this.

Some words.

He never cared about the evaluation of outsiders.

A lone man is not afraid of verbal slander.

Of course, if he felt that someone was noisy, he would chop directly with a knife.

Ning Chuan looked forward and asked, "Instructor Bai, how many points can I get?"

Bai Xiuxiu thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Defeat me, plus the perfect realm of the Thousand Bone Killing Technique, 500 points.

On the spot, you will break through the fourth realm, 1000 points.

In addition, this is not the first time you have an epiphany, and your talent is better, so you will be rewarded with another 500 points.

A total of 2000 points!"

Hearing this amount.

Ning Chuan was delighted, Fengying's three thousand points for promotion to the subtle are enough!

The scene was boiling like boiling oil in an instant.

Everyone was discussing it.

It was not because Ning Chuan got a high score.

After the previous tests, everyone was used to it.

They were shocked by one of Bai Xiuxiu's words.

Ning Chuan was not the first time he had an epiphany!

Song Shiyu was a little bit unbelievable, staring at Ning Chuan and said: "You have had an epiphany before?!"

Ning Chuan nodded gently: "Yes, I have had it a few times."

Martial arts epiphany, zero out, isn't it the same as his epiphany.

"Fuck, it's not just once!"

Song Shiyu couldn't help but swear, and then asked: "What does epiphany feel like?"

"That's right, Ning Shen, tell us, I haven't had an epiphany yet!"

"Ning Shen, do you have any tricks?!"

"I want to have an epiphany too, martial arts practice is too difficult!"

Many students echoed, looking at Ning Chuan eagerly.

"Epiphany is not as good as you think, there is no free lunch in the world!" Ning Chuan pondered for a few seconds, and said with emotion: "Epiphany is like a besieged city, and people outside the city are desperate to rush in."

Speaking of this, Ning Chuan sighed and paused.

"What about the people in the city? Do they want to run out?"

An impatient student urged, "Does enlightenment have a price?"

Bai Xiuxiu also pricked up her ears.

Her knowledge of enlightenment was limited to what she learned from books.

She had never experienced it herself.

Ningchuan's siege rhetoric made her feel very novel.


Ningchuan shook his head and grinned: "People in the city are very good at playing, and they are very happy!"

Bai Xiuxiu: "..."

Student: "..."

A pun, he is very good at playing!

That is, I really want to beat him up.

But I can't beat him.

Really angry!

In this cheerful atmosphere, the morning fighting class officially ended.

The news that Ningchuan defeated Bai Xiuxiu also spread quickly in the base, causing many employees to be shocked.

Three classes, three instructors, without exception, all lost.

This record is shocking.

This has never happened since the Shanhai Talent Training Camp was established.

Privately, many staff members reached a consensus on Ning Chuan.

Ning Chuan, like a god descending to the earth!

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