The middle-aged man came less than an hour later, rested for a while and then went down the mountain again, because their village was quite far away from here, and it would take a whole day to go back and forth.

Originally, Gu Liang wanted them to bring a message home and report safety, but who knew that the middle-aged man's village belonged to the next county, and the two villages were not connected at all. Gu Liang had to give up, after all, it was not good to trouble others too far away, so he could only wait for two days until his uncle got better before going back.

Gu Liang learned from the chat with the middle-aged man that Taoist Lingxu was very skilled in medicine. When he was young, he was famous in several towns at the foot of their mountain, so everyone called him Doctor Lingxu, and no one called him Taoist Qingxu anymore. However, after Master Lingxu died, he stayed in the temple and was unwilling to go down the mountain. Gradually, only their village had contact with the Taoist priest.

After learning about this, Gu Liang had an idea in his mind. Since Master Lingxu's medical skills are so good, if he learns his medical skills, wouldn't he be able to become a famous doctor in the future? Moreover, if he learns medical skills and becomes a doctor, in this ancient time when medical resources are so scarce, wouldn't he not have to worry about no one seeing a doctor or encountering a quack doctor when he gets sick in the future!

However, Gu Liang did not plan to learn by himself. First, his main task now is to make money and store food. He has no time and energy to learn something too professional like medical skills. Second, he himself has no confidence to learn it. He has failed all the professional courses in college, let alone something as bald as medicine.

If he doesn't learn, he can just find someone around him to learn. If his family members learn it, it means that he will also learn it. So Gu Boxi, who was recuperating in the Sanqing Temple, was privately decided by Gu Liang to be sent to Master Lingxu to learn medicine.

However, if he wants to learn medicine, the first thing to deal with is Master Lingxu. Gu Liang scattered some brown rice at the entrance of Lingbao Temple, and then set up a simple trap to catch something for cooking.

Gu Liang also concluded in the past two days that this Taoist Lingxu always said that he wanted to fast and practice and ignore the secular world. But when he saw food, he immediately stopped talking about fasting and spoke in a more approachable tone.

So Gu Liang prepared to make a delicious meal for Taoist Lingxu, and then bring up this matter, after all, he would be grateful if he ate someone.

The birds on the mountain are bolder when there are fewer people, and Taoist Lingxu never takes the initiative to kill. Gu Liang waited for less than half an hour and caught two pigeons.

Gu Liang used the fir tree mushrooms and chicken mushrooms in the space, plus polygonatum, lily and codonopsis, to make a pot of pigeon medicinal soup.

The deliciousness of mushrooms and the effect of medicinal materials in nourishing yin and yang, stimulated by pigeon meat, are fresh and fragrant. As expected, before the pigeon soup was stewed for enough time, it had already destroyed the Taoist spirit of Lingxu's fasting again.

It must be said that this medicinal food really suits the appetite of Taoist Lingxu. It "combines medicine with food", not only uses medicine as food, but also gives food medicinal use. Medicine borrows the power of food, and food helps the power of medicine. The two complement each other and bring out the best in each other; it has high nutritional value, and can prevent and cure diseases, maintain health, and prolong life. And people who practice cultivation value these things the most.

Gu Liang specially served a bowl of soup to Taoist Lingxu in advance. When he was halfway through eating, Gu Liang proposed that he wanted the Taoist to accept his third uncle Gu Boxi as a disciple, and wanted the Taoist to teach his third uncle medical skills.

When Taoist Lingxu heard what Gu Liang said, he knew that today's soup turned out to be a Hongmen Banquet. But he was not afraid. He had lived for seventy years. Who dared to kidnap him morally? He was old, and what he said was moral.

He said on the spot that no matter how delicious the pigeon soup was, it was not as good as the original taste of wild vegetables and fruits on the mountain. Gu Liang smiled and handed another bowl of soup to Taoist Lingxu, saying that this soup was the real essence of heaven and earth, born and nurtured in one.

Taoist Lingxu took Gu Liang's soup and continued to drink it without changing his expression. But he did not give in, saying that Gu Boxi was too old and illiterate, and he did not even look down on him joining the Taoist sect, let alone teaching him medical skills.

So Gu Liang asked Taoist Lingxu in a roundabout way why he joined the sect. Taoist Lingxu said that it was naturally to cultivate immortality, ascend to immortality, and pursue the Tao.

Gu Liang retorted: "The Taoist priest said he was pursuing immortality, so what is immortality? Is it immortality? But no matter how immortal a person is, he will eventually turn to ashes.

But if the Taoist priest passes on his medical skills to others, and a thousand years later, the Taoist priest still uses his skills to treat illnesses and save lives, isn't this immortality and immortality!

And the immortal's ambition is to save people from suffering. Today, the Taoist priest passes on his medical skills, and my third uncle will rely on medical skills to treat illnesses and save people in the future. Isn't the Taoist priest's teaching of medicine today the immortal's ambition? The Taoist priest has done the immortal's work, so isn't the Taoist priest an immortal?


Immortality, fulfilling the aspirations of an immortal, hasn't the Taoist priest achieved his own 'Tao'? "

After Gu Liang's series of words, he was moved. He never thought that he could say such philosophical words.

And Taoist Lingxu also touched his beard and nodded to show that what Gu Liang said made sense, and then said: "Gu Liang, what you said makes sense."

So Gu Liang was happy and thought that this matter was done.

Unexpectedly, Taoist Lingxu changed his tone and said: "Although it makes sense, I won't teach you, what can you do to me! "

At this moment, Gu Liang's heart was filled with ants. He didn't expect that this old Taoist priest didn't follow martial ethics. Shouldn't he convince people with reason? If he couldn't persuade them, they would agree! What's going on?

At this point, Gu Liang had no choice but to take out the bag of money again, trying to "bribe" Taoist Lingxu. However, Taoist Lingxu didn't even look at it. To him, the silver was not as attractive as the soup.

Gu Liang was so anxious that he scratched his head and thought about what he could do to make Taoist Lingxu agree. He didn't have spiritual things, and the Taoist priest didn't want material things.

Got it! Taoist Lingxu is not an introvert. Is it the Lingbao Sect in Taoism? Before, he and his uncle found a copy of the "Dongxuan Lingbao Sutra" in the stone house. Giving it to him is just what he wants!

So Gu Liang turned and went into the house, took out the sutra from the space while no one was watching, and handed it to Taoist Lingxu.

When Taoist Lingxu saw that Gu Liang handed him an old book this time, he felt that Gu Liang was very sensible and knew not to give him ordinary things. However, he took it and flipped through a few pages and said sarcastically: "I am a person who has practiced in the Lingbao Sect for decades. What's the use of you giving me a copy of the Lingbao Sutra? You gave your teacher a gift, a copy of the Three Character Classic. Will the teacher praise you for giving a good gift? "

After hearing this, Gu Liang felt that what the Taoist said was indeed reasonable. If you give a high-level mathematics professor a book on elementary mathematics, he will not be grateful, but will think that you are mocking his level. At this time, Gu Liang felt cold in his heart and felt that his last hope was gone.

However, Gu Liang was in a cold mood, while Taoist Lingxu was getting more and more excited.

Suddenly, Taoist Lingxu grabbed Gu Liang's collar and said, "Let me ask you, where did you get this book?"

Gu Liang was a little panicked when the Taoist grabbed him like this, and stammered and said truthfully, "I picked it up."

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