The old man explained that Gu Liang didn't know why.

The reason why he didn't plant so much rapeseed last year was because in addition to rapeseed oil, there was also tea oil in the countryside. This tea oil comes from wild tea seed trees on the mountain. This year, there are fewer people going there because of tigers. In addition, Gu Liang disappeared on the mountain, and then they looked for Gu Liang, and then they built a fence around Gu Liang to dry dried persimmons.

After this series, the Gu family didn't go to the mountain to look for tea seeds this year, so naturally there was no tea oil. So they planted more rapeseed. The reason why they didn't plant it in the rice fields in the past few years was that the soil fertility was not enough. Planting rapeseed after rice had a great impact on the soil fertility, and the rice production in the second year would also decrease. You can eat less or no oil, but you can't not eat rice.

Gu Liang then realized that in ancient times, there were no chemical fertilizers, and farming would gradually reduce the fertility of the land. Even if there was manure from pigs, chickens and ducks, it was not enough for such a large grain field. It was necessary to burn ash and scoop pond mud from time to time to increase fertilizer. However, these fertility is still far from enough for the land.

After listening to the explanation of the old man Gu, Gu Liang suddenly asked: "Grandpa, if the fertility is not enough, you can compost it!"

The old man Gu was stunned for a moment after hearing what Gu Liang said, and then asked: "What is composting?"

Gu Liang then realized that there is no composting here, only burning fertilizer. Burning fertilizer is to mix some dead branches and leaves with pig and chicken manure, and then cover them with soil and burn them, so that the nutrients in these organic matter can be burned out quickly.

However, the utilization rate of traditional incineration into fertilizer is too low. Often the fire and smoke produced by incineration, that is, small solid particles, will take away a considerable part of the nutrients and organic matter, and the remaining is less than 20% to 30%. Composting is different. Due to the slow decomposition, the remaining amount after loss accounts for 70% to 80% of the total amount. In comparison, the fertilizer is three times more out of thin air.

So Gu Liang taught Gu Lao Han how to compost, which was a skill Gu Liang learned when burning straw was not allowed in the countryside.

The key point of composting is to have both dry grass and fresh branches and leaves, mix the two together, and add some feces. Anyway, as long as it is organic matter, it can be piled together. Since it is winter, it can be covered with soil and wait for it to ferment and decompose quietly.

In order to compost more, Gu Liang also asked his family to collect a lot of semi-rotten leaves from the gullies and put them in, which can not only increase the amount of compost, but also use the humus in it.

Gu Lao Han had never heard of this practice before, but he still chose to believe his grandson. Anyway, if it fails, he can still burn it. If it succeeds, he will have a lot of fertilizer at home.

Several piles of compost stood quietly in the fields to ferment and decompose. The temperature inside gradually rose due to fermentation, and you could see it steaming from time to time in winter. Gu Liang knew that his compost was done at a glance.

It was market day again, and Gu Liang and his friends were ready to go to the market to sell dried persimmons.

Now that the autumn grain has been stored in the warehouse, and it is a cold winter, it is the time when farmers are the most "rich" and willing to spend money, and this day is naturally the busiest day in the market.

Because their dried persimmons have been wrapped in straw paper, and the number this time is much larger than last time, Gu Liang and his friends chose to go by ox cart this time. They borrowed the ox cart of the village head again. Winter is also the time when the cows are the most idle, and the village head is willing to rent out the ox cart to make a little money.

In a blink of an eye, they came to the market, and Gu Liang and his friends started selling dried persimmons. Most of them were sold in whole bags this time, and they sold them one by one. They sold them one by one. They sold them one by one. They sold them one by one. They sold them one by one for two cents, and sold them eight by one for fifteen cents.

As soon as the price was announced, customers who came to buy asked why it had become so expensive. But Gu Liang and his team also said last time that the first time was only half price, and this time it was back to the original price. Besides, if you buy a whole package, it is not only cheaper than selling it individually, but it is also packed for you.

The reason why Gu Liang did this was to increase the average customer price and force customers to buy a whole package. In this way, he could make more money by selling one order than by selling three or four retail orders.

Moreover, when selling, Gu Liang also advertised that this whole package was not only cheaper than buying it individually, but also convenient to carry. It is really a home snack and a must-have for visiting relatives and friends.

Although these people shouted that it was expensive, in fact, the price of persimmon cakes is still much cheaper than candied fruit. Coupled with the publicity of the purchaser, the persimmon cakes sold by Gu's family have spread among the crowd. They all said that Gu's persimmon cakes are soft, glutinous, sweet, and not sour. It may be because they use a lot of

Pickled with honey.

Of course, Gu Liang knew nothing about these words, because he was busy selling dried persimmons! There were even people from the next town who came to Lianhua Town to buy dried persimmons.

When the dried persimmons were almost sold out that day, Gu Liang took the opportunity to go to the grain store to buy grain. Gu Liang bought more and more times, and the people in the grain store knew him and knew that he would buy a few bags of grain every time he came.

After buying grain, Gu Liang also bought a few bags of salt. Because Gu Liang couldn't stand the bitter taste of coarse salt, he bought fine salt, although it couldn't catch up with modern snowflake salt. But at least the dishes he cooked tasted normal, not astringent.

Gu Liang didn't buy much salt each time, but recently because he bought it several times in a row, the salt buyers remembered his face. When buying salt, Gu Liang was also carefully questioned to see if there was anything wrong with his identity, whether he was sent by a bandit camp to buy salt, or if he was doing something else.

Gu Liang's heart was pounding when he successfully bought salt. He thought he was like the male protagonist of a drama, who disappeared after going out to buy salt.

Gu Liang returned to the stall and was immediately greeted by his second aunt Li, who said to Gu Liang with a bright face that a big customer had come.

"Big customer? Could it be that some store owner has taken a fancy to our persimmon cakes? Are you going to sell our persimmon cakes in the store?"

Li shook her head to deny it and said excitedly: "Nephew, do you know that it is the richest man in our town, Mr. Xu, who wants to buy our persimmon cakes."

"Hey, who did I think it was?" Gu Liang thought it was normal for Mr. Xu to buy persimmon cakes. He is a rich man, not a bodhisattva, and he still eats and drinks. Gu Liang continued, "Second Aunt, didn't Mr. Xu buy your stuff when you were selling crisp persimmons? You were never so excited!"

And Mrs. Li grinned and couldn't help laughing as she said, "Do you know how many Mr. Xu wants to buy? Two thousand. Mr. Xu wants to celebrate his father's birthday, so he needs so many."

Two thousand, Gu Liang was shocked. These two thousand could make about four taels of silver, and they didn't know how long it would take to sell them in retail!

So the next day, Gu Liang hired the village head's ox cart again and pulled hundreds of boxes of persimmon cakes to Mr. Xu's house.

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