The wine was cooked and the wine was cooked.

Since too big jars are expensive and need to be booked in advance, we used the same jars as last time.

After the jars are separated, they cannot be sealed immediately, because the bacteria in the wine yeast need to be exposed to the air for aerobic proliferation. Since it is still early spring, the temperature is still low, so Gu Liang still burned a pot of charcoal to increase the temperature. This room is small, and a pot of charcoal is enough to raise the room temperature to about 20 degrees.

After about a day, many bubbles can be seen rolling outward from the mouth of the jar, like boiling water, and the initial fermentation is complete.

At this time, it must be sealed for fermentation, otherwise it will definitely become sour in the end if it is fermented in the air. Cover the lid and pour water to isolate the air.

The remaining tasks still have to be left to time. It will take about two months to get to the next step.

Before that, the preparations must be done well. The remaining, and most important step, is distillation. The first thing to do is to get another iron pot. When Gu Liang asked Old Lady Gu for this, Old Lady Gu almost fainted. She really didn't understand why she needed so many pots when she could just use a jar to make wine.

But no matter how distressed she was, she still had to buy it. The wine was already half done, so she couldn't give up halfway. As the saying goes, you can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child. How can you make money in business without capital?

Originally, the family saved a lot of money last year. Old Lady Gu originally estimated that the money could be used to buy a cow and plow the land in the spring. There are many fields at home, and every year when plowing the fields, the men in the family have to be used as "cows". One pulls in front, and the other pushes in the back. It takes several days to plow a small field. The muddy fields were fine, two people could pull the paddy fields if they tried hard. If they encountered some sandy fields, the ground was as hard as mushrooms on the millstones—the bottom was hard. One person couldn't pull it, so two people were needed.

Often after a day, there was no good place on the body, and the shoulders were bloody. This was the first time to plow. To reach the level of transplanting rice, a field had to be plowed at least three times. The first deep plowing had to remove the grass roots of the previous year, turn over and dry the insect eggs, and turn out the deep soil. The second time made the soil lumps soft and made the paddy fields take shape. The third time made the paddy fields flat, so that they were not uneven.

After three times, half of the family's first half of the year was spent. That's why Mrs. Gu thought of saving money to buy a yellow cow. A yellow cow is at least equivalent to several adult men. So it's no wonder that Mrs. Gu felt sorry and didn't pay happily. As the saying goes, poor couples have many worries. A poor family can't even make ends meet, so how can Mrs. Gu not cherish the opportunity to buy a cow?

After learning about Mrs. Gu's idea, Gu Liang also felt that it was time to add a cow to the family. Not only can it be used now, but it can also be used to sell wine and buy food in the future, and there is no need to borrow the ox cart of the village head.

Gu Liang privately found Mrs. Gu and asked her how much money she had at home.

Mrs. Gu was a little confused at first, and didn't know why Gu Liang suddenly asked this. Then he understood all of a sudden, covered his pocket tightly and said: "You are dreaming, kid, do you want to empty the family? I tell you, grandson, even if you don't make this wine, you can't get this money. This money is hard to save, and the whole family depends on it!"

When Gu Liang heard his grandmother's words, he realized that she misunderstood him, and hurriedly explained: "Grandma, you think too much. I don't need to spend money to make wine except buying another pot. I think it's time to buy a cow for the spring plowing soon, so I want to ask how much money there is at home. If it's less, I'll think of a way."

After hearing what Gu Liang said, Mrs. Gu exhaled suddenly and let go of the heart that was stuck in her throat. She said with a smile on her face: "Oh, I knew it. Everything depends on my grandson. Even if you really need to spend so much money to make wine, your grandma has to pay it for you, after all, this is what you and your third uncle worked hard to collect herbs in the mountains!"

Gu Liang was shocked. His grandma changed her face too quickly. She could sing two plays at the same time. In the last second, she was still "you kid", and in the next second, she became a kind "grandson".

Grandma Gu pulled Gu Liang into the room, closed the door, and propped it with a stick. Then she moved the quilt on the bed and lifted the bed board.

Gu Liang didn't understand what his grandma was doing, so he asked. Grandma Gu quickly made a hushing gesture to remind Gu Liang to keep his voice down.

After the bed board was lifted, there was a pile of sundries under the bed, and there was nothing strange. But Grandma Gu

Old lady Gu lifted a wooden board from the dark bed foot, revealing a hole inside.

"Grandma, what is this? There is a tunnel in our house!" Gu Liang said excitedly, almost shouting out.

"Keep your voice down. Our house is not a Buddhist temple, where is the tunnel?" Old lady Gu asked Gu Liang to keep his voice down while taking out a small jar from the hole.

Due to the effect of force, Gu Liang clearly heard the sound of coins colliding in the jar. It seems that this jar is his family's "small treasury".

Gu Liang didn't expect that his money was hidden so deep. No one could do this. And when he asked for money just now, Old lady Gu covered her pocket. There was no money in her pocket. This was obviously a diversion. Gu Liang also asked Old lady Gu, what a guy, even his grandfather didn't know this place.

Gu Liang and Old lady Gu counted the money in the room for a whole morning, and there were almost more than twenty taels in total. This money is basically earned from selling medicinal herbs and dried persimmons. In the meantime, they bought the house of the neighboring old lady Wu, spent money on making new winter clothes for everyone during the New Year, and bought wine-making utensils. That's all they have left.

And this money can't all be used to buy cattle. After all, who doesn't have urgent needs? Besides, Gu Liang will need to spend money later on making wine. Therefore, the money that the Gu family can control now is just 20 taels of silver.

Gu Liang asked the old lady Gu. The price of a cow is generally more than 20 taels, and the cow is more expensive. In the past two years, there was cattle plague here, and the price was only higher.

Although their family still has dried persimmons that have not been sold out, this money can probably be worth a few taels of silver, but now that the New Year has passed, dried persimmons are not as easy to sell as before, unless they wait another two months to sell out.

But now they can't wait that long, spring plowing will start soon. Gu Liang asked the old lady Gu to wait for two more days, and he will definitely be able to think of a way.

In fact, Gu Liang was just looking for excuses to delay time and see if he could find a reason to take out the silver in his space.

In the past few months, he went to the town from time to time to buy salt, grain, and basic daily necessities to store in his space. At this time, there were still more than ten taels of money left. Two plus one should be enough to buy a cow. Although this would not allow him to have any money for emergencies.

So Gu Liang found an excuse and said that he was invited by Xu Lingjun to go to Xu's house.

When he arrived at Xu's house, Gu Liang continued to tell Xu Lingjun the story of "Journey to the West", and he talked about the story of the black bear stealing the cassock.

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