The old man was very happy.

Gu Liang asked carefully: "Grandma, you can rest assured to leave Grandpa and Dad there. What if they buy a sick cow?"

Grandma Gu looked at Gu Liang and replied proudly: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. Even if your grandfather picked the wrong wife, he would never pick the wrong cow. How can a farmer not pick a cow!"

Gu Liang looked at the proud Grandma Gu and secretly said in his heart: "My grandfather's wife is you, why are you so proud?"

At noon the next day, a middle-aged man drove a bull cart at the entrance of the village, followed by a middle-aged man holding a bull whip. Although he held the bull whip, he never let it fall on the cow.

The appearance of a new ox cart also attracted the attention of the villagers. Especially those men who were still pulling the plow with manpower in the fields, all cast envious eyes.

After finding out that it was the old man Gu in the village, they came forward to greet him excitedly. After getting the affirmative answer from the old man Gu, they congratulated him and said that he was blessed and would not have to suffer in the future when plowing the land. One by one, they stroked the head of the ox and patted the strong back of the ox, with endless envy in their eyes.

Of course, there were one or two people who had dirty mouths after seeing it, but they did not dare to say it to their faces, but only dared to curse from a distance and say something that was not good to show off. And some saw others buy oxen, and some of them threw the rope in frustration, saying that they could not pull the plow anymore, and asked their parents to buy one for them.

In this way, the old man Gu led the ox cart and walked slowly in the village, enjoying the envious eyes of others. Walking all the way to the door of the house, Old Man Gu shouted to the house: "Old woman, the cow is back, hurry up and get ready."

After hearing the voice, Old Lady Gu in the house excitedly asked the family to take out the prepared things to welcome the arrival of the cow. And Old Lady Gu couldn't wait to rush out to see what the newly bought cow looked like.

Old Lady Gu looked at the yellow cow from left to right, touched it from the front and kissed it from the back, wishing to see every part of the cow clearly. Old Lady Gu was still muttering in her mouth, blaming Old Man Gu for coming back so late that lunch time was over. And Old Man Gu said embarrassedly: "The road is too far, I'm afraid the cow will be tired, so I dare not sit on it."

At this time, other people in the Gu family, some holding bundles of dry straw, some holding fresh thatch newly grown in spring, some carrying a bucket of light salt water, and some carrying a bucket of freshly drawn well water, walked out of the house. Walk to the cow in an orderly manner and bring these things to the cow's mouth for it to eat and drink.

These were all requested by Old Lady Gu. She said that the cow had worked hard for the Gu family and had to be treated well. The first meal must be good.

Just as the cow lowered its head to drink the salted water, Chen came over with a basin of something and said, "This is the multi-grain porridge that mother cooked, specially for the cow. The cow will have strength to plow the fields after eating it. It has been cooked in the pot for several times, and I am waiting for you to drive the cow back."

On the second day after the cow arrived at the Gu family, the cow followed Old Man Gu and his family to plow the fields. This yellow cow was more than two years old and had just matured. It had a very docile personality. Moreover, because it had pulled a cart before, it was well trained. It pulled the plow very naturally and pulled forward actively without being driven. Old Man Gu was very satisfied with the cow and did not dare to let it get tired. Every time he plowed for half a day, he would stop it from pulling and put it aside to eat grass, which fully reflected the saying that cows are the lifeblood of farmers.

The total cost of the ox and the cart was 27 taels. The seller had to sell the ox because his father was seriously ill. He did not ask for a sky-high price, but only hoped that the buyer would treat him well.

The remaining eight taels of silver were handed over to Gu Liang by Old Lady Gu, who asked him to take it back and return it to the Xu family first, so as not to let them think that the Gu family was a family that had money but would not pay it back.

However, Gu Liang did not do so. He took the money to find Li and persuaded her to go to Guanyao Town with him.

Li picked a market day and said she was going to sell dried persimmons, but in fact she went with Gu Liang to buy big jars.

The jars at home were really small and few, and they were used up after brewing wine once. Since he planned to sell wine, he could not brew and sell it once, and there must be a continuous output.

So Gu Liang came to Guanyao Town to buy wine jars. Gu Liang did not go to the largest Guanjia Kiln Factory in Guanyao Town, but to another "Tianqing Kiln" which was not too big or small. This is what Gu Liang asked before Gu Boxi returned to Lingbao Temple. The Guanjia Kiln Factory had cheated the Gu family so much, so naturally they would not buy anything from them again.

As he said, he is very down-to-earth and diligent in doing business, and his craftsmanship can be regarded as the best in Guanyao Town.

Gu Liang booked eight wine jars that are almost as tall as him, and more than 20 medium-sized jars, as well as large and small wine jars. The large wine jars are used to ferment wine, the medium-sized wine jars are used to store distilled wine, and the small ones are naturally used to sell wine.

This store is called "Tianqing Kiln", and it is naturally famous for its sky-blue porcelain. However, the wine jars that Gu Liang bought are all pottery, which are relatively large in size and expensive, so they are naturally not glazed. Porcelain is a luxury for ordinary people. Most of them don't have any at home, and it is difficult for their small folk kilns to sell.

The owner of this kiln factory saw that Gu Liang bought so much and entertained them very warmly. Guanjia Kiln Factory is the only one in Guanyao Town, so it is naturally difficult for small and medium-sized manufacturers like them to do business, even if their quality is not inferior to that of Guanjia Kiln Factory.

For the Guanjia Kiln Factory, Gu Liang's business was only a small one, but for their family, it was equivalent to many days of turnover. For this reason, the owner of this store was very "generous" and gave Gu Liang a few "sky blue" small wine jars. (Note: During the Song Dynasty, folk kiln porcelain was mainly sky blue, and the quality was another matter. The official kilns were mainly five major kilns, which Gu Liang could not touch)

So many wine jars have already spent all the money Gu Liang brought. Since the large wine jars could not be transported back for a while, Gu Liang paid a deposit and waited for the store to deliver them in Lanxi Village.

After leaving the door, the waiter in this store asked the shopkeeper, saying that Gu Liang, a child and a woman, really didn't come to deceive people. Especially this child, it seems that he has the final say in everything, and the woman listens to him in everything, like a follower. Could it be that the store next door sent someone to deceive us!

The shopkeeper stroked his beard and replied calmly: "This kid speaks very logically and thinks clearly about what he wants to buy. It seems that he has prepared in advance. In my opinion, he should not deceive us. You tell them to choose better wine jars. If he thinks our wine jars are good later, we will have another big customer."

Outside the store, on the way back, Li asked Gu Liang with a worried look on his face: "Nephew, do you really want to buy so many jars? What if this wine is not successful? Also, I have always been curious, where do you know so many methods? Why didn't you see it before?"

If Gu Liang had been confused before, he would have been confused. But now he can make up a big story without blushing or beating his heart.

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