The more you eat, the more you eat.

Now when Gu Liang sees this patch of mulberries again, he is no longer interested. He just treats it as a snack to improve his taste. He no longer has the same feeling as last year.

I have to say that food is still the most powerful. Who eats brown rice when you have white rice? Who eats bran cakes when you have steamed buns? Who still eats bran cakes when you have a boyfriend... Ahem, well, you can still continue to watch handsome guys.

Now that Gu Liang has a way to make money and can make money to buy food, the mulberries and mulberry leaves on the tree are already a tonic in Gu Liang's eyes. He just wants to pick them and eat them, and pick some more to make mulberry wine.

Gu Liang ate mulberries here until he was full, and he couldn't eat anymore. Gu Dabao suggested that Gu Liang go to the cave in the back mountain to play. As long as the weather is hot, the children in their village will play at the entrance of the cave.

Gu Liang thought this was a good suggestion. Anyway, it was boring to stay at home now, so it was better to go to the cave and play with the children. Although I am not a real child, when you mix in, you always feel that you are also a child, carefree, without long-term troubles.

When Gu Liang came to the cave, there were already several boys playing wrestling. There was a platform in front of the cave, which was very suitable for playing these.

At this time, it was okay not to move under the sun, but it was easy to sweat if you moved. Several children were tired of wrestling and playing, so they sat at the entrance of the cave and blew the cold wind running out of the cave.

Gu Liang had just played with several children for a while, and he was sweating at this time, so he sat in front of the cave with them.

"It's so comfortable, just like blowing air conditioning" Gu Liang thought silently in his heart, and he missed the modern days. No matter whether it was cold or hot, it was so comfortable to turn on the indoor air conditioner. Unlike here, the sun in May is already very scorching, and you can only hide in the house and fan yourself with a cattail leaf fan. Gu Liang is fine. He often sneaks back to his room alone and takes out the thin ice or fruit stored in the space in winter to eat as popsicles and ice cream.

But he can only eat it in private. In occasions like now, he can only endure it with these children.

In this situation, Gu Liang began to fantasize again: "If there is air conditioning, I can build a cold storage, and I can continue to make wine when the temperature is right."

Gu Liang felt that the wind outside the cave was not strong enough, so he walked towards the entrance of the cave. The wind here is the strongest. Gu Liang had just finished sweating, and a gust of cold wind blew over at this time, which made him shiver directly and gave him goose bumps all over his body.

The entrance of the cave is more than one person tall, but there is a huge rock blocking the entrance, so it is impossible to see what is inside. Gu Liang simply climbed up the stone at the entrance of the cave and looked inside. The wind was stronger at this time, and the cave was very dark. Although there was a gap on the top and the sun could shine in, it was still impossible to see the bottom at a glance.

"Dabao, how big is this cave?" Gu Liang asked curiously. He had always known that there was a cave here, but he had never been in it, so he didn't know much about it.

Gu Dabao was a native of the local area. Children were always curious about exploration, so they often lit homemade torches in the summer to explore the cave. Naturally, he knew the situation inside. He replied to Gu Liang, "It's quite big inside, at least two or three times the size of our house. And there are many caves inside, and we don't know the specific situation. Every time we follow the water flow inside, but there are too many stones inside, and we can't get in if we go a little further.

Hey, Gu Liang, didn't you climb with us before? Why don't you remember it?"

"I haven't climbed for too long, I forgot." Gu Liang hurriedly explained, fearing that he would be exposed. Gu Liang has done too many excuses now, and he can speak freely now.

After listening to Gu Liang's words, Gu Dabao didn't feel anything wrong. After all, the last time he climbed with Gu Liang was two years ago. It was indeed a long time ago, so it was normal that he didn't remember it. He continued to ask: "Gu Liang, do you want to go in for adventure? We haven't gone in to play this year. If you want to go in, I'll ask Da Pang and the others to go in with us!"

Gu Liang nodded, indicating that he could, but he had already made plans in his mind.

'Cold' 'The land is as big as a few houses' 'There is spring water', these conditions undoubtedly solved Gu Liang's urgent needs. These conditions added together, isn't it a living ancient cold storage!

The next day, Gu Dabao organized seven or eight children from the village to climb in together for adventure. There were girls, but before approaching the cave, a girl was afraid that there was 'salt' inside.

After one girl regretted it, the other girls also didn't want to go in, and finally only seven or eight playful boys were left.

Gu Liang made sufficient preparations for this "expedition". Others usually took "pine torches", which are the part of the pine tree with the most oil content and are orange-red in color. This "pine torch" is very easy to burn and can be ignited. Most people will split it into small pieces as a fire starter when cooking. They took out such a big one from home this time, which can be regarded as a huge investment.

Gu Liang took out a real torch, which was made of rags wrapped around a split wooden stick and poured with soybean oil. If Gu Liang didn't dare to do this normally, it was a special case, so Gu Liang had the courage to do it.

After entering, Gu Liang's torch was the brightest, and he had to observe the situation inside carefully. The space inside the cave is indeed quite large, and the stone walls are all large stones, without the accumulation of gravel, and are relatively solid. It's just that the ground is uneven, half sand and half stone.

On the side away from the spring, there is a crack on the top of the head, the widest is no more than half a meter, but the length is four or five meters. It's just that it's covered with vines, and the light is not very bright, only shining to the bottom.

Dabao originally wanted to continue exploring inside, but Gu Liang was not interested in it. The reason he came in was to explore the terrain, and he was not interested in a few small holes. If this place is really used to make wine, these small holes may have to be blocked in the future.

Now it seems that this stone cave is really excellent. Not only is the site suitable, but there is also enough oxygen, and the torches burn as before. It's just that the ground is too uneven, and someone needs to be found to level it.

After a few minutes, Dabao and his children came out after exploring a hole. As soon as Dabao came out, he complained to Gu Liang that this time he would die after exploring a hole. They originally thought that there would be other exits inside a hole the size of a bucket, but there was nothing except a few "salt rats".

After exploring this, Dabao was still not satisfied and wanted to continue exploring while the torch was still bright, just in case there was some treasure! Gu Liang wanted to go out at this time. He had already understood the largest cave chamber, and the others were no longer important. Besides, in such a remote place like theirs, who would hide things here except the cavemen.

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