The wine is so delicious that it is not easy to sell.

Thanks to the emergence of Lanxi wine, the Gu family's wine is no longer overstocked, and every time it comes out, it can be sold. Gu Liang put the remaining wine in the cave dug out of the soil for storage. The longer the liquor is, the more fragrant it is. If it were not for making quick money, Gu Liang really wanted to store all the wine in the cellar for a year before selling it.

More than a month later, Gu Liang found that something was wrong recently. Every time his Lanxi wine was taken out, it was bought up by others. There was no left at all. Logically speaking, there are only about a hundred households in the whole Lanxi Village. Even if more than a thousand kilograms of Lanxi wine are divided equally among each family, there will be more than ten kilograms, which is more than twenty kilograms a month.

This amount is totally not what a normal person should have. Even if the whole family drinks liquor, they will probably fall drunk in bed every day after a month. The key is that with the economic level of their Lanxi Village, it is difficult to have enough food, let alone buy so much liquor.

When Gu Liang was selling liquor at home and collecting money, he found that 80% of the people who came to buy liquor were from his own village. Gu Liang immediately grabbed a person and asked, "Uncle Wang, can you finish all the liquor you bought at once?"

Uncle Wang's eyes rolled in his eye sockets and he smiled and said, "My uncle recently gave birth to a big fat boy. There is a wedding banquet at home. I just bought it and sent it to them."

Gu Liang looked at Uncle Wang's honest smile and didn't think much about it. He just sent a blessing and that was it.

Then Gu Liang asked Brother Sun and Uncle Li who came to sell liquor in the village. Brother Sun said that he bought liquor for his daughter as a dowry, and Uncle Li said that he bought liquor to celebrate his father-in-law's birthday.

Gu Liang thought it was normal to buy wine for these things, and he was even secretly happy that the wine he made had become a must-have for major events in the village. It seems that the people's lives have been very good recently, and every family has a happy event, Gu Liang thought secretly.

In the evening, Gu Liang and Gu Laotai cleaned up the accounts under the oil lamp. Since no one in the Gu family could read, it was naturally Gu Liang's turn to do the accounting. Gu Liang used a branch that he had casually picked up as a pen, and dipped it in ink to calculate one by one.

Gu Laotai was only responsible for counting money, and she didn't even look at the accounts that Gu Liang kept. At first, when Gu Liang was keeping accounts, he was also shocked that his grandson had learned to write without a teacher. But when he observed carefully, he found that Gu Liang's words seemed wrong. He always felt like he had seen them before, but there were many fewer strokes. And there were always strange symbols such as 0, 1, 2... in them, which made him even more confused.

Gu Liang then said that he could not write, and that these characters and symbols were all made up by himself, and only he could understand them.

Gu Liang said so, and Mrs. Gu actually believed it. She was no longer surprised by her grandson's actions. After all, it was not something that ordinary people could think of to create so many things that she had never seen before. Mrs. Gu was not interested in these characters either. She just needed to know that she did not lose money today and made money.

However, as an ordinary rural old woman, Mrs. Gu could not count the money when she had too much money, so she had to ask Gu Liang to help her count it.

The two strung a hundred copper coins they had earned recently into a string, and then made ten strings into a string of money for easy counting. The small silver coins they earned were also weighed with a scale to get the wine money they had earned recently.

Since the price of Lanxi wine was relatively low, the people who came to buy it were ordinary people, and their money was scattered, which also increased Gu Liang's workload dramatically, and he often had to count until midnight. It's not that Gu Liang didn't want to do the accounting during the day, it's just that it's inconvenient during the day. While he was doing the accounting, someone would come over to buy wine. Gu Liang became the accountant of the Gu family, and only then did he know why they usually did the accounting at night.

After calculating the city taxes to be paid with the money earned, the rest was their profit. Since Gu Liang's liquor was a new variety, the law did not stipulate its tax rate, so it was still charged at one-tenth of the rice wine. One-tenth interest rate is already a very low level, thanks to the good weather in recent years, the tax on liquor is so low. If it is a year with a poor harvest, the court will collect taxes up to one-third and one-half for control. Sometimes, it will directly prohibit brewing to prevent the price of grain from rising.

It was already late at night after the accounting was done, and Gu Liang and Old Lady Gu started the exciting division of spoils, no, the division of accounts under the oil lamp.

This division was planned by Gu Liang and his grandparents. 30% belonged to Gu Liang personally, after all, the wine was his way, and he had to sell the wine to settle the bill; 40% went to old man Gu and old lady Gu for family expenses; the remaining 30% was for each of the three brothers to take 10%.

The old lady kept it and would take it out when the three houses split up in the future. After all, 40% of the money earned was more than enough to cover the expenses of the Gu family.

Gu Liang smiled and took the money that belonged to him into his arms. After all, he had been busy all night waiting for this moment.

Old lady Gu looked at Gu Liang, a child. Every time he got so much money, he had nothing special except that the snacks were a little more expensive than those of the children in the same village. She asked curiously: "You little money-grubber, you said you have so much money, but you don't know how to buy two pieces of good cloth for your mother to make a good dress. The clothes you wear are too small. This money can't give birth to a child, why do you keep it? In the past, the family was poor and couldn't afford to buy things. Now you see your mother and your second aunt are wearing silver hairpins, not to mention how beautiful they are. You should also pick up some quickly, don't wear the same clothes as a leftover dog all day long."

Gu Liang felt ashamed after hearing this. It was not that he didn't want to buy, but he really didn't have the money to take care of these trivial matters. Old lady Gu thought she had a lot of money, but in fact, most of it was used by him to buy food and store space, so there was not much money left. Moreover, Gu Liang not only used all his money to buy food, but also spent his own food. He bought ten times the amount of food for brewing wine, and had already stored it everywhere. Because there was too much and no one could count it, Gu Liang would steal a little here today and a little there tomorrow, and no one would notice.

"Grandma, there are so many happy events in the village recently, and they all come to our house to buy wine. We are running out of Lanxi wine," Gu Liang asked quickly to change the subject.

Old Lady Gu replied in a daze, "There haven't been any happy events in our village recently. How could you not inform your grandma if there is a wedding banquet?"

"Ah, didn't you know, grandma?" Gu Liang asked in confusion, "Let's not talk about the people from the mother's family and the father-in-law's family outside the village. Isn't Brother Sun going to prepare a dowry for his daughter? Isn't Uncle Li going to get married? And didn't Third Uncle say that he found another wife to get married...?"

After hearing what Gu Liang said, Old Lady Gu widened her eyes and said, "Where did you hear that? Your brother Sun's daughter is 26 years old this year. In the first half of the year, they finally asked a matchmaker to arrange a marriage. They were about to set a date, but the man came to see her in advance and was so scared that he went back and broke off the engagement. Your brother Sun's daughter is not even as tall as the table, The matchmaker said his daughter looked young, but the man didn't expect that she looked very young. If his daughter could get married, she would have gotten married long ago, why would she get married now?

You don't know your uncle Li, but he liked a little girl a few years ago and chased her to her house. As a result, he was bitten on the crotch by the dog released by her father. Now he can hardly pee, let alone marry a girl.

And your third uncle, he flirted with the widow in the next village and helped her with housework for several years. As a result, your widow ran away with an actor from a southern opera troupe. This year, I heard that they found a widow in the east of the village, but the widow was seen rolling in a pile of firewood with her brother-in-law, so it was not your third uncle's turn.

And Wang Erniu from the opposite ditch, I tell you not to tell others, it will be a big deal... "

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