The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next meal.

"What's the matter, Dabao?" Gu Liang asked.

"That is, Gu Liang, can I also exchange wild vegetables?" Dabao said hesitantly. Because he had just eaten a piece of candy, Dabao didn't know how to start.

Gu Liang patted his shoulder and said, "It's nothing, you can exchange it, as long as you don't tell the adults."

"Okay, I'll go right away. I happen to know that there is a Chinese toon tree where I often graze cattle, but my grandma thinks it smells bad and doesn't want to cook it for me. I'll go pick it." After saying that, Gu Dabao ran towards home, and no one could stop him.

Gu Liang didn't expect that a piece of candy would have such great power. In this way, his speed of collecting wild vegetables has greatly increased.

Gu Liang was lying on the stone in front of the cave to bask in the sun. It was April, the sky was clear and the wind was gentle. It was the best. Gu Liang, who had traveled here for more than two months, had not been idle. He picked pig grass, wild vegetables and bamboo tubes during the day, and thought about the future at night. He had no time to spare. It was really not like a 10-year-old child to do something.

Speaking of whether he was considered to be employing child labor, Gu Liang was lying on the grass thinking that he had accidentally become a capitalist.

But it didn't matter, because he was a minor now, and the Minor Protection Law could not control it, not to mention that he was not in any ancient time.

So Gu Liang lay on the grass and looked at the sky, watching the clouds rolling and unrolling, and accidentally forgot the time.

"Gu Liang, I'm here."

A loud call woke Gu Liang up, and Gu Liang fell asleep unknowingly.

Gu Liang rubbed his eyes and looked towards the source of the sound. He saw Gu Dabao carrying a large basket and staggering towards him.

So Gu Liang got up and went down the hill to meet him. He saw that Gu Dabao's basket was full of Chinese toon buds. The Chinese toon buds were red in the warm spring sun, and the strong smell made people feel neither fragrant nor smelly.

"Gu Liang, the place I went to has grown a lot of saplings this year. This season is the right time to eat it. Unfortunately, my family doesn't eat it, but my grandmother's family likes it very much."

Gu Liang looked at the plump and full Chinese toon buds and immediately learned how to make Chinese toon fried eggs, cold Chinese toon, Chinese toon noodles, Chinese toon sauce... Just thinking about it makes him drool.

"Dabao, these are very good. There are more baskets piled up. There are more than one basket." Gu Liang felt embarrassed to let Dabao suffer a loss and wanted Dabao to take some out.

"It's okay." Gu Dabao patted his chest and said, "We are good brothers. Besides, you gave me a piece of candy at noon. I don't have anything to exchange for you."

So Gu Liang asked Dabao to close his eyes again, and took out a piece of candy from the space again. Gu Dabao opened his eyes and took it happily.

But Gu Dabao couldn't continue to accompany Gu Liang. He had to go back early. He hadn't picked pig grass in the afternoon.

So Gu Dabao handed the basket full of Chinese toon to Gu Liang and left, reminding Gu Liang to return the bamboo basket to his home later.

Gu Liang felt that it was really inappropriate to let others close their eyes and take things out of thin air just now, because Dabao trusted him very much. If someone peeked, wouldn't his secret be discovered?

So Gu Liang took a dozen tung leaves. Tung leaves were very smooth and huge, just right for wrapping maltose.

After Gu Liang finished, two or three children came over with baskets in the distance.

Several people brought different wild vegetables to Gu Liang for inspection. Some picked purslane, some picked water celery, and some picked amaranth... But many of them were packed together. After all, wild vegetables are not vegetables from the vegetable garden. They are all small pieces, so it is naturally impossible to harvest a basket at a time.

Gu Liang did not have any requirements for these, as long as they were edible wild vegetables.

After the inspection, Gu Liang gave each person a piece of candy wrapped in leaves. After receiving it, everyone opened it quickly. Two of them immediately put it in their mouths, and the rest stretched out their tongues to lick it and were reluctant to eat it.

"This candy is delicious. I have never eaten anything so delicious."

"It's so sweet, sweeter than the brown sugar water my mother ate during confinement."

"Is this candy? It's so delicious." A child said excitedly.

At this time, the air was full of a happy atmosphere, and everyone was tasting the sweetness of maltose.

"Gu Liang, do you think this is okay?" The one who spoke was the fat boy. He was holding two baskets, one on each side, trying to win the credit from Gu Liang.

"Xu Dazhuang, why did you also put your own vegetables in the basket?

"Bring it here" a thin boy asked.

"You are talking nonsense, this is not my vegetable, it grows on the mountain." Xu Dazhuang said angrily when he was found out.

"Spinach and lettuce grow on your mountain, hahahaha" Everyone laughed when they saw the things in the fat boy's basket.

Gu Liang also laughed. In order to eat one more piece of candy, Xu Dazhuang actually came up with this idea, putting some of his own vegetables under the wild vegetables to fish in troubled waters. But Gu Liang would not allow this, after all, wild vegetables were worthless in this era. Things that grow everywhere in the fields are not valued by the countryside, but people in the town can find them themselves and send them to the city. It is not cost-effective. Gu Liang's maltose is not worth much, it can be used to exchange for wild vegetables. The vegetables in his own field are much more expensive than wild vegetables, and they are easy to be discovered by his family.

"Da Zhuang, I can't take your vegetables," Gu Liang said to Da Zhuang, who was blushing because of being ridiculed.

"The vegetables in the field are much less delicious than wild vegetables. They can be sold in the city," Xu Da Zhuang retorted.

"It's because you can exchange money that I can't take them. Wild vegetables are not valuable. If your parents find that the vegetables in the field are missing, they will definitely come to your house." Gu Liang replied: "How about this, you take the spinach and lettuce back. I will give you a basket of the remaining wild vegetables and give you a piece of candy. ”

“Okay then” So Xu Dazhuang could only pout and take the candy given by Gu Liang.

Afterwards, two more children came with baskets to exchange, but one child looked like he wanted to take advantage of the situation. The basket was covered with a layer of amaranth, and there were some goose intestines grass and vines inside.

But he didn’t expect Gu Liang to pour out the contents of the basket, so he could only stay at the scene awkwardly. Before Gu Liang could speak, the children started to accuse him indignantly.

“Okay, Li Lai Tou, you are cheating again, you and your father are the same.”

“You are Lai Tou, I don’t have it. This goose intestines grass and vines can be eaten by pigs, but why can’t people eat it? My father said that when people are hungry, they can eat tree bark, so why can’t this grass be eaten as a wild vegetable?” Li Lai Tou said angrily, and he had to find his name back after being laughed at in public.

“Shit can be eaten, why don’t you eat it, hahahaha. "Another child replied.

Seeing the situation getting more and more intense, Gu Liang hurriedly stopped the dispute, "Li Lai Tou, your vegetables are all weeds, I am not easy to fool, you can take them all back."

"You, you..." Li Lai Tou was already furious at this time, but there were so many people, he did not dare to say anything extra, and could only leave a sentence "I will remember you, I will go to find my dad."

Then Li Lai Tou didn't want the wild vegetables and weeds, picked up the basket, and walked away.

"Gu Liang, don't worry, his father is also a bald head, very timid, doing some petty tricks all day long, and was caught by my father last time and beaten up, it's nothing," said a thin and tall child.

Then the children talked about the bad things of their father and son, and it turned into a complaining meeting of Li Lai Tou and his son.

"Gu Liang, can I still exchange wild vegetables for sugar tomorrow? "At this time, Liu Dazhuang had just licked the maltose and felt that it was not enough. He wanted to eat more, but he couldn't eat enough.

Gu Liang immediately said that it was no problem. He still had some sugar in the next two days. After these two days, he could not exchange wild vegetables for sugar.

As soon as this was said, a group of children said that they must come tomorrow. Gu Liang reminded them to keep it a secret, so that if the adults knew, they would not exchange it again.

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