After autumn, the sun began to become less scorching, and it was time to pay the grain tax. Bags of dried rice were pushed to the village head's house, and then the village head counted the weight and transported them to the county town.

The amount of grain each family paid was calculated based on the number of their fields. Even though the grain tax had increased twice in the past two years, every household not only paid the full amount, but also paid a little more.

A small part of the extra grain was used as the village head's hard work fee for collecting grain, and a larger part was given to the county officials who collected grain. "Lin Jian Ki Hu" has always been an important means for grassroots officials to collect extra money semi-publicly. Over time, local farmers will default to paying a little more to avoid the trouble of running to replenish grain.

Originally, grain tax was paid when the people gathered together. In this case, whether it was the news of changes in the government system or folk gossip, it would spread quickly throughout the entire area.

However, the news of the impending famine did not spread among the crowd. Occasionally, someone mentioned it, and the people who heard it only regarded it as scrap news and immediately forgot it after hearing it. After all, even in modern times, if someone suddenly told you that there would be a global epidemic next year, you would not choose to believe it, but go to stock up a box of medical masks to prepare.

The news from the Gu family was like a stone thrown into the water. Although the ripples splashed all over the pond in an instant, the stone soon sank to the bottom of the water, and no waves could be seen, as if it had never happened.

This was very different from what the Gu family thought. They thought that they could make everyone pay attention and prepare in advance.

However, since no one believed this, the Gu family could only let it go and mind their own business. After all, they took a huge risk by saying this in public. If someone really investigated, they could say that they were spreading rumors and cursing destiny.

The Gu family fulfilled their obligations, and the rest of the matter was no longer relevant to them. They started buying some necessities of life and stockpiling them.

Some bought buckwheat noodles, some bought rapeseed oil, some bought fine cloth, and some bought candles... all kinds of things, too much to handle.

The strangest one who bought things was Mrs. Gu.

One day, Mrs. Gu took the Jiang brothers out in the family's ox cart and didn't come back until the evening. The cart was full of various items.

Every time they bought things, they bought a lot. It was rare for Mrs. Gu to buy a little of each item. After all, buying a lot at one time would make it easier to bargain and get a cheaper price.

When Mrs. Gu moved the items from the cart one by one, everyone knew what she bought.

Red silk cloth, dragon and phoenix candles, wedding basins, red paper, red combs, red silk threads, big red scissors... When they were unloaded from the ox cart one by one, Gu Liang was shocked. He didn't understand why his grandmother bought these things. These were not necessities in the disaster year!

Old lady Gu smiled and said, "Take advantage of the cheap price now and prepare your uncle's wedding things quickly. If a natural disaster comes, these things will increase in price. Buy them now and you can save a lot of money!"

Gu Liang sighed that his grandmother was really prepared for a rainy day. She even considered his uncle's marriage.

And the most important thing is that his uncle's marriage has not been decided yet!

Logically speaking, his uncle is 21 years old this year. He is considered an older bachelor here. Except for those who cannot marry a wife due to family or personal reasons, he is also a rare man in the surrounding area.

It's not that Old Lady Gu didn't want to find a wife for her son. When she was an apprentice in Guanyao Town, she thought that after her son finished his studies, he would have a skill and could support himself, so he wouldn't have to worry about finding a wife. Later, when she came back, she went to find someone to find a wife, but those people either disliked Gu Boxi's old age, or disliked the fact that the Gu family had many sons and the family was poor and had not yet divided the family, so few people were interested.

Now that the Gu family has become rich, there are naturally more people who come to the door to propose marriage, but Old Man Gu and Old Lady Gu didn't like any of them. It's not that Old Man Gu and his wife were picky, but because those people came for the money of the Gu family, not for Gu Boxi at all.

What's more, the girl's parents came to the door to propose marriage in person. But when they heard that Gu Boxi was studying medicine outside and had not participated in the Gu family's winemaking business at all.

The parents who came to propose marriage shamelessly proposed that they must also let Gu Boxi participate in the Gu family business before they agreed to marry their daughter. The key is that the Gu family has not agreed yet!

From the moment Old Lady Gu entered the door

Look down on the parents. Even in the countryside, there are not so many rules, but which good person comes directly without a matchmaker or guarantor parents. The two families have not yet inquired about the family background of both parties, but they are thinking about the family business of the man and want to get involved. There is no such a good thing in the world.

Looking at the greedy faces of the couple, Mrs. Gu's face became redder and redder. Naturally, the younger son has a share of her family business, but it is not the turn of outsiders to say. She wants her daughter to marry into the Gu family, but she despises her son who is still a medical apprentice. This is not for living.

Finally, Mrs. Gu staged a scene a few years ago, and drove the parents who were talking about marriage out of the house with a broom. Not only drove them out of the house, but also scolded them while driving them away, until the couple fled in a hurry and crossed the Huangtu Ridge.

After this incident, there were fewer people in the Gu family who wanted to talk about marriage. Everyone knew that the old lady of the Gu family was not easy to mess with. If they were not satisfied, they would be easily driven out of Lanxi Village and lose face.

But Mrs. Gu didn't care. Good oil doesn't spoil the food. Good people are not afraid of being late. There will always be someone who will take a fancy to her youngest son and be willing to live with him down to earth.

In the following days, the Gu family continued to buy things for home. What they bought were basically things that could be preserved for a long time. Even if there was no natural disaster, these things could be used all the time.

That day, Gu Liang went to the pharmacy in the town and bought some medicines. Among them, there were many things including medicinal materials, pills, and powders. In the countryside like them, minor illnesses and pains are basically just endured, and they would not spend money to see a doctor or buy medicine. When they have a serious illness and pain, they always look for those strange folk prescriptions that can't cure the disease and save people. After a while, they delay themselves and even lose their lives.

So buying medicine can only be done by Gu Liang, and only Gu Liang can think of it. Because there are feudal superstitions that come from nowhere, saying that you can't hoard medicine at home, and hoarding medicine is cursing family members to get sick or something.

When Gu Liang got home, he asked the Jiang brothers to help him take the herbs and powder to the attic in the back mountain for storage, and he went in to discuss with his grandparents what else he needed to buy.

When Gu Liang entered the house, he found that his living room was full of people, who seemed to be discussing something. Seeing Gu Liang coming back, the old man Gu, who was sitting in the middle, hurriedly called Gu Liang over to tell him something.

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