The river was diverted due to the construction of the dike, and the lack of rain in late autumn, so the water volume of the river below the dike became less, the riverbed was exposed a lot, and the mud and sand were exposed under the sun, forming large cracks. The dry riverbed made the children in the village very happy, and they all came to Lanxi with a dustpan to catch fish and shrimp. Gu Liang was naturally involved in this matter. He was idle recently, and he didn't know how to build the dike. The adults didn't let him do physical work, so he had to come to the river to catch fish and feel the fun of childhood. Usually, people catch fish and shrimp in Lanxi River every day. It's not easy to eat meat in the countryside, so they rely on coming to Lanxi to catch some things to satisfy their teeth. Especially after the Gu family started making wine, the villagers drank more often.

Drinking white wine requires food, and the people here are the same. The small fish caught in the river are smoked and grilled, or fried directly with clear oil until golden, and then sprinkled with salt. The taste is amazing and crispy. Not to mention the small river shrimps. The larger ones are eaten raw directly without the head, and the small ones are crispy after dry frying, which is a good thing to go with wine.

Therefore, Lanxi is fished by the villagers every day. There are not many small fish and shrimps on the shore. Even if you are lucky, you can only catch a dish of food in a day. This is also the reason why Gu Liang did not set his sights on Lanxi when he first stored food. Compared with small fish and shrimps, which have less fishy smell, snails are more disliked by the villagers.

Now the water from the upper reaches is scarce, the riverbed is exposed, and the center of the river and the deep pit in the river, which were rarely visited before, are exposed in front of everyone and become readily available.

In just one morning, Gu Liang picked up half a basket of fish and shrimp and a bucket of river clams, snails, loaches and other things. Anyway, he had enough wine at home, so he was not afraid of the fishy smell.

After fishing these, Gu Liang set his sights on several deep pools at the bottom of the river.

The location of these stone pools is usually a place where parents are strictly prohibited from coming, because children have drowned while playing here before. Now there is no water around, and the bottom of this stone pool cannot be seen.

If there is no one around, Gu Liang really wants to use the space to suck up the water to see how deep the bottom of the pool is and whether there are big fish in it.

Gu Liang can't see how deep the bottom of the pool is, but as for whether there are fish in it, Gu Liang can think of a way.

Gu Liang went home and brought a piece of tea cake. This tea cake is the part left after squeezing tea oil, and some places call it tea dregs. This tea dregs is very useful, it can be used as fertilizer and pesticide. Not only that, because it is rich in oil, it can also be used as charcoal for winter heating. The burning time is longer than that of ordinary charcoal, and it is smokeless and fragrant when burning, which is deeply loved by the people in the mountains.

What's more, this tea dregs can also be used as shampoo to wash hair. It is said that Miao women use this to wash their hair, and their hair can be black and shiny. Gu Liang didn't know the effect of black and shiny, but after Gu Liang washed his head with this, he no longer had head lice on his head. In ancient times, places with poor sanitary conditions were prone to head lice, and Gu Liang relied on this.

Tea cakes can be used as pesticides, and naturally they can also be used to treat fish.

After breaking the tea cakes into pieces and throwing them into the water, Gu Liang waited for its medicinal effect by the pond. After about two quarters of an hour, the small fish that couldn't bear it floated to the surface of the pond and bleached white.

Gu Liang scooped the floating small fish into the bucket one by one, and in less than half an hour, there were two or three pounds of them. After small fish like minnows and whitebait surfaced, bigger fish followed, including crucian carp, yellow catfish, and a few grass carps.

Gu Liang did not expect that there would be such a big harvest in the stone pools. It seems that after the river was dry, the fish all ran into them.

After waiting for about an hour, no more fish floated in the stone pools, so Gu Liang stopped waiting and prepared to pack up his gains and go home.

Just as Gu Liang turned around, Da Ni and Er Ni, who were squatting on the side watching him catch fish, shouted excitedly: "Brother, brother, turtle, it's a turtle."

Gu Liang did not react for a while, and thought that his two sisters suddenly called him a turtle! As a result, when he looked back, he saw that there was really a "big turtle" floating on the water.

"Oh, this turtle is so big!" Gu Liang was frightened by the size of the turtle, which was much bigger than the washbasin at home.

When Gu Liang finally fished the turtle out, he felt something was wrong. This turtle was much bigger than a normal turtle, and there were yellow spots on the back of its neck. It seemed to be a Yangtze giant softshell turtle.

Gu Liang recognized it because of a news report that the last female Yangtze giant softshell turtle in the world had died, leaving only two males lingering on, and this species was only a few years away from extinction.

Gu Liang looked at the giant turtle that he had poisoned to death, silently saying sins and sins in his heart. If he knew there was a giant turtle in it, he would never use tea seed to poison the fish.

"Oh my god, this turtle soup is so delicious............"

At night, Gu Liang sneaked out of the door. He saw that it was not easy for the villagers to move stones during the day, so he went out at night and secretly put the stones far away in the river into the space, and then transported them to the weir, so that the villagers would not have to carry the stones from far away during the day. The stones in the river are soaked in water all year round, and there are a lot of mosses on them, which are very slippery. Gu Liang thought that it would be easier to do it.

Thanks to Gu Liang's help, the speed of dike construction became much faster, and it was completed several days earlier than originally expected.

With the dike, the water of Lanxi River can finally enter the fields and supply water to the fields. Their side is not like a plain. The river comes down from the mountains and the water flows very fast. When it encounters a heavy rain, the water volume increases, so the riverbed is much lower than the fields. It is to prevent the river water from rushing into the fields when it rains, causing the crops to be washed away.

Now that there is a weir, the water level in the river has increased, and water can be supplied to the fields through a ditch. For this reason, the Gu family also bought the first field that the ditch led to, about three-tenths of land, and dug more than one meter deep to form a pond. In this way, they are not afraid of the sudden rise of the river water and the washing away of the crops in the fields, and it can also serve as a reservoir.

On the day of clearing the canal to get water, most of the villagers came to see how much water there was, whether they could put the water into their own fields, and how to dig ditches from other people's fields to use the river water.

In this regard, some people who participated in the construction of the weir complained that they had worked hard to build something, why did you sit at home and do nothing, and come when you need it. Gu Liang could only let these people calm down. After all, the fields of every household in the village are intertwined, and if you don't pass through his field, you can't go to other people's fields.

And Gu Liang thought it was nothing. Only by doing things that benefit the villagers, the villagers can be more united. For example, when the weir was built, nearly 30 households came to help.

After the weir was built, Gu Liang also received a bow he ordered a few months ago. He asked the hunter in the next village to make this bow, which was Daxiong's original owner. The price of this bow is fair, the material is solid, and it is durable, but it takes a little longer to wait.

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