One morning, two middle-aged women were cursing at the edge of a paddy field in Lanxi Village:

One woman: "You shameless bastard, I was wondering why there is always no water in my field, you come to steal water every night! Shameless people have their own ways of living, if you steal water today, you will steal people tomorrow!"

The second woman: "Why are you talking nonsense? You blocked the water in the field and didn't release it, you still think you are right!"

The first woman: "I can release the water in my field as I want, and I can keep it as I want, it's not your turn to speak. I tell you, I would rather Dig a ditch to release the water to the left field, or to the right field, I won’t release it to you. ”

The second woman: “Do you think I’m afraid that you won’t release it? The water will flow down. As long as your field is still above my field, I can dig up your field ridge at any time.”

The first woman: “You, you, you bitch, I will fight you…”

The second woman: “Come on, who’s afraid of you? I’m not scared.”

The two women were about to fight in the corner of the field, and the villagers who gathered to watch the excitement hurriedly separated them, fearing that they would really fight.

At this time, the husbands of the two women finally arrived and tied their wives tightly with their arms, asking them not to fight anymore.

After hearing that his wife intercepted the water and didn’t release it down, the husband of the first woman apologized to the two women and said that he would persuade his wife to release it down when there was enough water in the field in the future.

At this time, the first woman saw her husband apologize to the second woman, and she became even more hysterical as if she was stimulated by something.

"Why do you say sorry to her? Do you like this woman? Otherwise, why do you side with her?" The first woman scratched her husband's face with her claws, then broke free from her husband's restraints, swung her arms and hit the second woman, and said angrily: "Bitch, you are always circling around in front of my man, and last time you tricked my man into helping you pick rice seedlings, I will beat you to death."

The second woman was very angry. She was thinking that there was no conflict between the two families, so why did they suddenly stop giving water to her family? It turned out to be because of this! Just because she helped her pick rice seedlings once, she was suspected of seducing others, and she was accused of cheating and seducing in front of other villagers. This matter will not end until they fight. So, she also screamed and tore the hair of a woman, shouting: "You gossipy woman, you spread rumors everywhere, I will tear your mouth apart and let you know the consequences of gossiping..."

However, the two did not really fight under the obstruction of the crowd, and were taken home by their respective husbands, and the farce finally ended. The quarrel did not happen out of thin air, but with the increasing scarcity of water resources, many previous contradictions have gradually been exposed, and the families are no longer as harmonious as before.

Things like this farce gradually happened in various places in Lanxi Village, not just in the fields. The cause is often the problem of water distribution. When it really gets out of hand, it will involve the old things of the two families a long time ago. Just like an old couple quarreling, in the end, the cause of the matter is no longer important, and the anger is the problems that have arisen in their lives over the years.

The sun is still hanging high in the sky in April this year, and there is no day to rest, so that the wind and rain masters also come out to work. The lunar month of April corresponds to the Gregorian month of May. The rapeseed in the fields has been harvested. In the dry weather that seems to contain no moisture, it will be dry enough to be shelled in a few days.

In previous years, when Mrs. Gu used a flail to beat the rapeseed stalks, it was sonorous and powerful, one after another, just like the Northeast Rain Sister under the background music, it was so clean and neat, and the black rapeseed burst like firecrackers with one beat.

This year, when Mrs. Gu beat the rapeseed stalks, she looked like a college student on vacation at home, weak and exhausted. The flail was unwilling to raise a little bit, and she sighed after beating it. In the words of Mrs. Gu, "This year's rapeseed is too sorry for people, and it is not worthy to be taken out."

However, it is not only the rapeseed of the Gu family, but also the rapeseed in Lanxi Village, Lianhua Town, and even the entire Jiangzhou. This year's rapeseed suffered a heavy freezing rain when it was mossing, and the weather was dry and sunny afterwards, so the rapeseed was yellow and the yield was low.

In previous years, when the harvest was good, one mu of land could yield two dan of rapeseed, which could produce about 80 jin of oil (Source: Bao Shichen's "Qimin Sishu"), but this year, only a little more than one dan could be harvested. Since rapeseed is yellowish and has a low oil content, 40 jin of oil in the end was considered very good.

So in the eyes of Mrs. Gu, this year's rapeseed is just a bit off.

I feel a little sorry for the whole family's hard work. I might as well make a few more jars of wine with this energy, which will make more money.

But that being said, if Gu Liang really doesn't let his family farm, Mrs. Gu and Mr. Gu will definitely be the first to object. In their eyes, people are born to farm, and only by farming can they have food and clothes. If they give up farming, they will be uneasy. And as long as they are still farming, then their family is still a farmer, not a merchant.

Due to the rapeseed production this year, the price of rapeseed oil in Jiangzhou area is half higher than last year, and it is not easy to buy. The increase in oil prices has led to the disappearance of fried dough sticks and fried cakes on small stalls in various towns, and they have turned to soup noodles and baked cakes. After all, the price of fried dough sticks and fried cakes is higher than that of other foods. If the price of oil rises again, no one can afford it.

Oil is something that is okay if you don't eat it for a day or two. Once you don't eat it for a long time, it will not only affect your body, but also make you feel hungry all the time. People who don't eat oil will still feel hungry after eating three bowls of rice, while people who eat oil may feel full after one bowl of rice, which is why there should be some oil in the stomach.

In ancient times, farmers ate less oil, so even if the production of rapeseed oil decreased and the price of oil increased this year, no one took oil out to sell for money. There was not enough for their own family, so how could they sell it outside!

That day, after having lunch, Gu Liang was drawing a bow and practicing arm strength in the yard when he suddenly heard someone outside the wall shouting loudly, asking the Gu family to come out to help, and there was more than one person shouting.

Gu Liang believed that as long as the villagers asked their family to help, it was basically about interpersonal relationships in the village. He, a child, could not help much with such things, so he went to the house and woke up the old man and old lady Gu who were resting. It was very hot at noon, so the two older people would always take a break at this time so that they would have the energy to continue working in the afternoon.

When the old man and his wife opened the door, they found that the three people standing outside were all from the village surnamed Sun.

Old Man Gu asked them if they needed help. The three hurriedly said that their two nephews had a conflict and asked them to judge and mediate the conflict so that the two would not continue to fight.

When this was said, not only Old Man Gu was surprised, but also Old Lady Gu and Gu Liang were also surprised. How could they find their family to judge for the villagers? Logically, the village head should be asked to judge for the village. Moreover, it was a family matter within their Sun family. What would it mean for him to go there? The Sun family was not without the elders. Besides, even if the elders of the Sun family were not old enough, there were many people in the village who were older than Old Man Gu. It was not his family's turn!

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