The two of them were so busy that they were busy.

"Auntie Wang, where are you going with those two sacks?"

"It's Grandma Sun. I'm going to the Gu family to buy some rice. These sacks are for the grain."

"Which Gu family?"

"Which other Gu family? Of course it's the Gu Erlang family, who is the most capable in our village!"

"Isn't his family selling wine? How come they're selling grain?"

"Oh, you don't know yet. The grandson of Gu Erlang's family brought back a batch of rice from other places and said he would sell it to people in our village at cost price. I heard that one catty is only three cents. The price of rice in the grain store in our town has risen again in the past two days. Now it's four cents a catty! ”

“Is what you said true?”

“How can I lie to you? I heard it with my own ears.”

“My dear, wait for me. I don’t want to do this job anymore. I’m going home to get a sack to buy food.”

“Hurry up. If you delay, you don’t know if there will be any! The weather is so dry this year, the grain harvest is bound to be small. Buy as much as you can now.”

“Hey, who said it wasn’t true? Which daughter-in-law in my family eats as much as a pig? If she hadn’t given birth to a boy before the New Year, I would have sent her back to her parents’ home.”

“Don’t say so much. Hurry up!”

“Okay, wait for me, wait for me…wait…”

As the news spread in Lanxi Village, all the villagers rushed towards the Gu family, fearing that they would be gone if they were late.

Gu Liang was preparing for this. It would take more than half a day for the news to spread. This half a day was just enough time to prepare the abacus, scales for weighing grain, scales for weighing silver, and account books.

The first to come were naturally the Gu family's own people. They have always had close relations with customers and live not far away, so they immediately rushed over with sacks as soon as they got the news.

But it was not time yet, so Gu Liang asked them to wait for a while and he would start selling as soon as he was ready.

After almost an incense stick of time, the entrance of the Gu family's courtyard was crowded with people. In order to make arrangements, Gu Liang also blocked the gate of the courtyard to prevent the villagers from coming in, because once they came in, there would be too many people and it would be difficult to control.

When almost everyone arrived, Gu Liang asked them to line up and come one by one.

However, the villagers here have never had the custom of queuing, and Gu Liang had to explain to them. After all, in their eyes, buying anything is the same as buying vegetables and meat. It is not who comes first who gets to choose first, but whoever I pick first gets to be mine.

Since the space at the gate of the courtyard was not big and so many people could not line up, Gu Liang asked the people in line to line up one by one, and the others just had to wait on the side.

Since they were buying grain, not vegetables, and the things were heavy, most families asked the men in the family to line up, while the women watched on the side.

However, the women watched on the side and did not choose to shut up. They repeatedly shouted to their husbands to be careful and to choose good rice to buy, not to choose broken ones, not to choose the ones at the bottom of the bag, because there were too many brans at the bottom of the bag, which was too bad.

After one woman shouted like this, other women also hurriedly reminded their husbands to pay attention and not to buy at a loss. Remember to keep an eye on the scale, and the scale bar must be tilted up and not fall down.

In this way, the group of women watching were like a group of ducks, and they kept giving instructions one after another, making the scene extremely noisy.

Gu Liang was annoyed after hearing this, and quickly knocked on the bamboo tube three times, asking the people on the scene to shut up, otherwise they would not sell.

As soon as this was said, the scene immediately became quiet. However, there were a few people who were really worried about their careless men, so they walked into the team, dragged their men out, and replaced them.

Seeing that the scene was quiet, Gu Liang announced that he would start selling grain. However, before officially selling grain, Gu Liang also said a few words to the villagers. The general meaning was that their Gu family saw that there was drought this year and the grain harvest would definitely decrease, so they bought a batch of grain from outside and sold it at cost, only to the villagers, hoping that everyone could survive the disaster year safely and smoothly, and all the right of interpretation belonged to their Gu family.

Gu Liang repeated three times that all the right of interpretation belonged to their Gu family, fearing that someone had not heard it. However, after repeating it three times, someone in the crowd immediately asked what the right of interpretation was. Gu Liang replied: "The right of interpretation is that the Gu family can sell if they want to, and not if they don't want to."

After Gu Liang finished speaking domineeringly, someone in the crowd whispered: "It's just selling grain, look at how your Gu family is showing off, the buyer is the one who pays, it doesn't matter where you buy."

Although Gu Liang was delighted to hear this voice, he ignored it. You have to know that his price of three cents per pound

It is already the lowest in Jiangzhou. If it were true what he said, where to buy it, then he wouldn't stand here and queue up in silence. Hey, the price is so low!

"Give me two hundred catties. Here, here are six hundred coins. Let's count them!"

"Okay, third uncle," Gu Liang shouted enthusiastically. He took the money bag and handed it to Mrs. Gu, asking Mrs. Gu to count the money. At the same time, he asked the two brothers Gu Changping to weigh 200 kilograms of brown rice for him.

Counting money is now a good skill for Mrs. Gu. In the past, her family didn't have much money in total, so she couldn't count it. Ever since Gu Liang started making money, he followed Gu Liang in counting money every night and got good at it.

Soon two hundred kilograms of brown rice were weighed out and put into the sacks brought by the third uncle, and the first business was completed.

"I'll give you one hundred and fifty pounds."

"Get a hundred pounds for my family. I have a small family, so I will buy less."

"I'll give you three hundred pounds."

The people in the front row were all members of the Gu family, so the transaction was completed very quickly, with one hand paying the money and the other hand delivering the goods, neat and tidy.

However, when it was the turn later, all kinds of monsters and monsters appeared.

"Well, Gu Liang, my son played very well with you. He even helped you step on the calamus before. Do you remember?" A short and thin man cleared his throat and said enthusiastically.

Gu Liang didn't pay much attention and replied coldly: "Then what?"

The man didn't pay attention to Gu Liang's harsh tone, but still said with a playful smile: "It's like this, your uncle has been working for others recently, and the owner hasn't paid the wages to your uncle yet, so you just want my son to help you For the sake of digging calamus......"

"Next!" Gu Liang shouted loudly: "We will not sell food on credit today. If you don't have any money, please leave as soon as possible."

"You, you, child, my wife hugged you back then!" After the man continued speaking without giving up, he said embarrassedly to Old Man Gu and Old Mrs. Gu who were helping on the side: " Uncle, aunt, look at this..."

Old Man Gu and Mrs. Gu both replied with a smile: "Er Gouzi, our grandson has the final say on the matter of selling food today, and your uncle and aunt's words have no effect."

Seeing that the man wanted to say something else, Gu Liang shouted again: "Please come forward, the next person. If the previous person delays for an extra quarter of an hour, the next person will stand for an extra quarter of an hour."

When the people behind heard this, they quickly shouted to Er Gouzi to go away because they had no money to buy any food.

Especially the first one behind the two dogs, he pulled the man out of the team with a single tug. The man staggered and almost fell, causing the surrounding villagers to burst into laughter.

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