After two days of hard work, Gu Liang exchanged dozens of baskets of wild vegetables, and finally exchanged all his maltose. He secretly shared the remaining maltose with Da Ni and Er Ni.

So Gu Liang's days of being a boss and hiring child laborers were over. Fortunately, most of the wild vegetables were old and tasted bad, so they were not suitable for consumption. Gu Liang temporarily gave up picking them.

After the Qingming Festival, it rained for more than ten days. The Gu family was idle at home for many days. During this period, they went to the fields to check the water, weed, and repair the leaks in the house when the weather was clear.

Gu Liang could only stay at home and could not go out to play. The raincoats at home were only for adults, and there were no oil-paper umbrellas. Children would be scolded if they went out to play in the rain.

At the beginning of April in the lunar calendar, the sky finally cleared up. Gu Liang had been staying at home for these days and had grown moldy. There was a smell in the room similar to mushroom spores, which was disgusting.

The women in the Gu family were washing bedding and winter clothes. The weather was getting hotter and hotter, so there was no need to worry about the cold spring. After the winter clothes were dried, they had to be put away and used again in the second half of the year.

Every household in Lanxi Village was washing bedding and drying clothes. The streams and rivers were full of wives and daughters-in-law. The clothes and bedding that were dried were all connected into a piece. This scene might be quite spectacular in the future. Each piece of bedding looked like a mosaic. However, in this ancient rural area, every household wore earth-gray and black-blue clothes. There were no other colors, only hard and stiff cloth that was washed gray. Occasionally, there is a bright red color, which is also the wedding dress of a newly married young wife.

In the afternoon, when Gu Liang was playing with his sister at the door, he saw that Mrs. Gu collected several men's clothes separately and put them in. At first, he didn't care until he saw Mrs. Gu pack several clothes and a pair of shoes together and wrapped them into a package.

Gu Liang felt strange. Is she going to go far away? Why did she pack her luggage suddenly? I haven't heard that anyone in the family is going out.

"Grandma, what are you doing with these things?" Gu Liang asked behind her.

Mrs. Gu is sewing a quilt now, and she replied without raising her head: "Pack your luggage and send it to your uncle. The weather is hot, send some clothes to change."

Gu Liang was even more confused, so he asked: "Isn't my uncle at home? What else can I send him?"

"Of course it's for your third uncle. Aren't you closest to him? Why did you forget your third uncle so quickly?" Mrs. Gu said jokingly.

At this moment, Gu Liang's heart was filled with a thousand grass mud horses running through it, (grass mud horse gif)

"Fuck, I have a younger uncle, how come I don't know, I've been here for so long, and I haven't seen him, it's over, have I been exposed?"

So Gu Liang pretended to be calm and found a topic to perfunctorily pass it over. Fortunately, Mrs. Gu was busy sewing quilts and didn't care much.

Turning around, Gu Liang pulled his sister Gu Dani aside to ask what was going on. Gu Dani blinked her eyes and didn't understand what Gu Liang was talking about.

"I'm asking you, do you know your third uncle?" Gu Liang asked cautiously.

"I know, isn't your third uncle in the next town? He will come back during the New Year and other festivals, but I don't know why he didn't come back this Qingming Festival."

"What kind of person is your third uncle? I haven't seen him for a long time and I almost forgot him." Gu Liang continued to ask tentatively.

"What do you mean by who you are? Brother, aren't you the closest to Uncle San? Don't you sleep in the same bed with him every time Uncle San comes back?" Gu Dani pouted. Her brother always followed Uncle San every time he came back, but he actually asked what Uncle San looked like. How strange.

Gu Liang could only tell Dani truthfully that he didn't remember a lot of things after he fell last time, and then he learned what happened after promising to give his sister two pieces of maltose next time.

Gu Laotai's third son, Gu Liang's third uncle, is called Gu Boxi, 19 this year. A few years ago, the kiln factory in the next town recruited people. Gu Boxi was very tall and was favored by the master of the kiln factory. He became an apprentice and stayed in the kiln factory at ordinary times. He only had time to come back during the New Year and other festivals. So he didn't go home for the Qingming Festival this time. Gu Laotai was worried and prepared to let Gu Laohan go to see him.

After listening to it, Gu Liang thought that it was no wonder that he didn't know. He had only been here for two or three months, and the Gu family didn't mention Uncle San much. It was also possible that Gu Liang didn't pay attention, so he didn't know there was such a person.

His grandfather was going to the next town, so he could take this opportunity to go to the town again, so that he could buy some more maltose and let the friends in the village continue to help him.

At this time, Gu Liang showed the face of a capitalist, hehe...

Gu Liang ran to the old man Gu who was mending the bench and said loudly: "Grandpa, are you going to Uncle San's place tomorrow?"

"Well, did your grandma tell you?" The old man Gu responded without raising his head.

Gu Liang replied: "Take me with you, please."

The old man Gu raised his head and said: "Why take you with you? The next town is so far away, just play with your sister at home."

Gu Liang muttered and pestered the old man Gu, saying: "Take me with you, grandpa, I promise to go by myself, I haven't been to the next town yet."

"No, no, to go to the next town, you have to cross the river, it's a waste of money to take you." The old man Gu waved his hand and rejected Gu Liang's request. After all, it would cost more money to cross the river with one more person.

Seeing that Gu Lao Han's suggestion was not going to work, Gu Liang decisively went to Gu Lao Ma and said coquettishly: "Let me go to Uncle San with Grandpa tomorrow, okay? I want to go too."

At this time, Gu Lao Ma had already sewn the quilt and was packing it. She replied casually: "Be good, it's a long way to go, why don't you go? Grandma will make you eggs at home later."

Seeing that Gu Lao Ma didn't agree, Gu Liang was ready to use a big move. He took out the most suitable move for his age, hugged Gu Lao Ma's busy arm tightly, and started to roll around.

"Grandma, just let Grandpa take me. I haven't seen my Uncle San for a long time. I miss him. If I don't see my Uncle Xiao again, I will forget him. Besides, I haven't been to the next town. Take me, take me." Gu Liang said as he began to roll around on the bed, crying at the same time.

How could Mrs. Gu bear this kind of scene? She said quickly, "Okay, okay, my dear grandson, go if you want to." At the same time, she comforted Gu Liang, told him not to cry, and immediately went to find grandpa and asked him to take him there.

Gu Liang, a man of 30 years old, was so shameless to learn to throw tantrums like a child, and he learned it in a very good way.

After getting the consent, Gu Liang immediately became serious, and his face returned to normal, as if he was not the one who was throwing tantrums just now.

In the evening, after learning that Gu Liang was going to go, his mother did not agree with Gu Liang, thinking that Gu Liang was still young and should not run around. But Mrs. Gu had already made up her mind, and she could not say anything. After all, Mrs. Gu was the mistress of the house and loved her son very much. What was she dissatisfied with? Moreover, Mrs. Gu doted on Gu Liang, but she did not dote on him too much, so that the child would not be spoiled. Therefore, she often let Mrs. Gu do many things, and did not interfere too much.

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