The sun is shining brightly, and the weather is getting better.

It is almost the end of the fourth lunar month, and the sun is getting brighter, and everything is growing wildly. The rice seedlings have grown from the initial individual ones to the current clusters, and they look different every day. Now they are bustling in the rice fields, you are next to me and I am leaning on you.

The mud in the field is no longer cold and bone-chilling under the sun. The loach that has been hiding for a winter is basking in the sun. Before people go there, it stirs up the fertile mud underground, makes a whirl, and quickly drills into the mud bottom, disappearing without a trace.

The frogs are also active at this time. Frogs can be heard from time to time during the day, not waiting for the night. Where there are frogs, there are tadpoles. In this ancient rice field without pesticides, it is fertile soil for the development of tadpoles. Basically, they are mainly black and gray, among which black is the most eye-catching. They often gather together in groups of hundreds or thousands, and can dye a piece of water black.

Because black tadpoles do not look as disgusting as their parents, toads, and they gather in groups and react slowly, they have become the best toys of this season.

Rural children will naturally not miss such a good opportunity. They gather in groups of three or two, crawl on the bank of the field, and reach into the water to catch tadpoles with their hands.

Boys usually compete with each other to see who catches the most tadpoles at a time and who catches the largest tadpoles, which arouses their desire to win. Girls often catch a few and put them in bowls and basins, pick a few leaves, and raise them like goldfish, as if they were in a fish tank of a wealthy family, but they are often hot for three minutes, and they will either forget about it in a corner after a while, or pour it directly into the ditch and let it go.

But the most interesting thing is often not the tadpoles caught, but the people who catch the tadpoles.

Because they often lie or squat on the bank of the field to catch tadpoles, there are always a few who are too focused every year, and then slip and fall into the muddy field. When they get up, their bodies, faces and hair are covered with mud, and they burst into tears, and the children next to them often start laughing. Often, it is not enough for them to laugh by themselves, and they also pull other children to laugh at them together.

The children who fell into the field often leave this sad place in a hurry because of their shame, and walk home crying, followed by a bunch of children watching the show. Because this matter is too funny, it brings full joy to the bored children. After falling into the field, the children have a nickname like "mud monkey" and "water buffalo", and they are teased for a whole year.

When the muddy children return home, the climax of watching the fun begins.

When the parents of the children hear the children crying, they go out to check, and when they see the muddy children, they ask what happened worriedly. The group of children following behind them said very "warmly" that he was catching tadpoles on the edge of the field and fell into the field.

At this time, the parents will immediately change their faces, no longer look worried, but angry. They will immediately raise their hands and slap the child's buttocks, muttering: "I told you not to play in the fields, but you still play. I told you not to catch tadpoles, but you still catch them. I told you not to be obedient, so I told you to play all day long." "Look at you falling into the mud, and you only know how to make things difficult for your mother all day long. I wash your clothes and wipe your buttocks every day. You are like your father, who came to collect debts in the previous life... "

At this time, the children around saw him being beaten, and their laughter was about to rise to the sky, and everyone laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths. Compared with the monkey riding the sheep, these children would rather watch their parents beat them.

Occasionally, some parents think that their children have to be proud, so they will pull their children home and beat them behind closed doors. Then a group of eavesdroppers will appear outside the window, and when the child appears again the next day, he will perform in front of him the scene of him crying and shouting when he was beaten by his parents at home.

Even Gu Liang had to go up to see this excitement, because the essence of people is to be spectators.

Especially when watching a play, it would be great to have a handful of melon seeds. I think I should buy some melon seeds next time I go to town to watch the fun.

Occasionally falling into the muddy field can not stop the motivation of rural children to catch tadpoles. After all, tadpoles, which are clumsy and numerous, can bring these children a primitive pleasure of hunting and harvesting. Even Gu Liang, an "old child", enjoys it.

But he is not a real child after all. After playing for a while, he felt that this was too simple, just like people who have played too much Cat Rio suddenly play QQ Farm. It is interesting at first, but naturally boring after playing for a while.

But when he was catching clumsy creatures like tadpoles, he discovered a more agile and flexible creature-loach.

In this pristine and pollution-free ancient times, the nourishment of the fertile silt year after year

The loaches have grown a lot, and the largest one can be as long as a hand.

Loaches are good things. They contain 6 to 10 times the calcium of the same fish. When I was a child, my family would cook loach soup to supplement calcium, not to mention the protein that all meats have.

Gu Liang was thinking at this time. In times of famine, it is not only necessary to fill the stomach, but also to supplement nutrition. Otherwise, how can we better resist disasters?

He did it right away. After all, there are so many loaches in the rice fields. When he walked by the fields, he could always stir up a pile of mud when the loaches escaped.

Gu Liang went home and brought a wooden barrel. He was full of confidence and felt that he could catch a bucket of loaches today. Then he could fry, stir-fry, and deep-fry them.

However, it must be said that wooden barrels are really inconvenient. The weight of an empty barrel alone is close to ten kilograms. If Gu Liang went to fetch water, the water in the barrel would not be as heavy as the barrel.

Gu Liang chose a field far from the children catching tadpoles, filled a wooden barrel with some water and placed it next to him, and then he lay directly on the edge of the field. First, he was afraid that the loach would see him and run away, and second, he was afraid that he would fall into the field and become a source of jokes for today's children.

The most important thing about catching loaches is patience. You need to stay still next to them so that the loach feels that there is no danger here, and then it will approach.

Gu Liang lay there for just over a minute, and several loaches ran in front of him. Gu Liang slowly stretched out his hands, slowly formed a siege, and selected a loach that was about ten centimeters long. In Gu Liang's words, this is called choosing an opponent.

He put his hands around and then slowly closed them together to get close to the loach in the water. Gu Liang said that this is called tactics.

When they were about the same distance, Gu Liang launched an attack, using his palms as a cage to trap the loach. Gu Liang said that this is called pinching with hands.

Then, he opened his palm, and then nothing happened. There was no shadow of the loach in his palm, but there looked like a pile of black mud.

The real loach had already escaped, and it escaped in an instant. The more primitive the environment, the more energetic the creatures in it are. It is not easy to deal with such clumsy humans.

After seeing that he didn't catch it, Gu Liang felt that he had just been slapped in the face. He felt that the water he pinched with his hands was actually abused.

The loach just now didn't run far. When the water became clear again. I don't know whether the loach felt that it was safe again or that Gu Liang posed no danger to him, it actually swam back by itself, still in the same position and direction as before.

At this time, Gu Liang felt that he was mocked by a small loach.

Gu Liang was very angry. You, a small loach, dared to look down on me like this. You are playing with fire, little loach, you dare to show off your skills in front of your master Liang, the mighty dragon, the great spell, Gu Liang shouted silently in his heart.

Gu Liang directly grabbed the loach at the fastest speed. As the saying goes, the world's martial arts can only be broken by speed. It's easy to catch a little loach like you.

Sure enough, Gu Liang's unexpected speed really hit the target, and he clamped the loach's body with two fingers.

When Gu Liang saw that he had successfully caught the loach, he was about to laugh out loud, but the mucus on the loach's body made it more and more slippery the more he tried to catch it. Seeing that the loach slipped through Gu Liang's hand, the loach fell into the field again. The loach that returned to the field was panicked and ran away quickly, and the nearby loaches were also frightened and ran away.

At this moment, Gu felt that he had suffered a heavy blow. He was originally full of confidence, but now he just wondered if he could catch one.

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