During the days when the snails were raised in clean water, Gu Liang would come to the fields to catch them every day.

Gu Liang had already scoured his own fields, so he could only scoured other people's fields. Although not many people eat snails here, catching them requires going to the fields. Gu Liang was afraid that the villagers would say that he trampled on the seedlings, so he only dared to catch the snails on the edge of the field and along the shore. Although he couldn't catch as many and as fast as in the fields, there were too many fields in the village. After a few days, the snails in the space had piled up into a small mountain.

(Author: I was born and raised in the south. When I was a kid, there were a lot of snails in my house, but I never saw anyone eating them. Even now, my grandparents wouldn't dare to eat snails even if you fed them to them. It's usually a hobby for a small number of people. Snails are delicious now because they are willing to add oil and ingredients. I say this because I don't want to be scolded. Sorry.)

If you want to say what goes best with snails, it's definitely perilla.

Fried snails with perilla is a famous dish in Hunan and other southern regions. Perilla can not only remove the muddy smell of snails, but also bring out the freshness of snails. It can be said to be the best partner for snails.

However, perilla is generally classified as a wild vegetable and weed. Generally speaking, few people grow it specifically. Most of them grow in fields and corners.

Although the place where Gu Liang is now is suitable for the growth of perilla, Gu Liang usually doesn't find any traces of it.

Gu Liang then ran to ask his mother. Gu Liang's mother Chen asked in confusion: "Why are you looking for it? Are you feeling uncomfortable in your stomach?"

Gu Liang said helplessly: "Mom, I'm fine. Can't you wait for me? I just want to pick some to eat."

Chen was even more confused and said: "This perilla is usually added when you have a stomachache or cook fish. We don't eat fish at home, so why pick it? If you want to pick it, I remember there is some by Dabao's field, just on the opposite hillside."

"Okay, mother, I'll make you snails to eat in the evening after I pick it." Gu Liang ran out of the house quickly without stopping for a moment before he finished speaking.

Chen was still sitting on the loom, weaving cloth non-stop, thinking silently in her heart: "My son is interested in eating all day long and always comes up with some new dishes. If he learns to cook, he will probably marry a very happy woman."

Thinking about it, Chen, who was busy, unconsciously smiled. (Author's os: Stop laughing, your son is always solo)

As soon as Gu Liang went out, he met another neighbor lady. Because this family didn't have children of the same age as Gu Liang, Gu Liang rarely interacted with this family and rarely greeted them when they met.

"Gu Liang, where are you going?"

Unexpectedly, Gu Liang didn't say hello to the neighbor, but the neighbor greeted him instead.

"Auntie, I'm not going anywhere, just going out to play for a while." Gu Liang was afraid of trouble. He was afraid of others asking him what he was going to do, so he chose to say he was not going anywhere.

At this time, the neighbor lady didn't intend to just perfunctorily deal with it. She picked up a grass carp with one hand and almost put it on her face, and said to Gu Liang: "Look at my eldest son, he insisted on eating meat. I was so annoyed that I had no choice but to buy it. Look at this fish. Is it big?"

"Big, it is quite big." Gu Liang didn't want to chat with these adults. He felt uncomfortable. He might as well pick perilla leaves with this time. He just dealt with it casually and ran away in a hurry.

"Why is this kid so uneducated?" When the neighbor lady saw that Gu Liang didn't continue to pay attention to her, her heart that wanted to show off was instantly poured with a basin of cold water, and her face instantly changed from sunny to cloudy.

It turned out that the neighbor lady's house was very close to the Gu family. Recently, she smelled the fragrance coming from the Gu family twice. The smell was obviously the smell of meat, which made her family very greedy. She bought such a big fish today just to show off in front of the Gu family, but who knew that Gu Liang didn't care at all, which made her very angry.

If the east is not bright, the west will be bright. After Gu Liang, the little brat, left, there are still so many people in the Gu family. So the neighbor lady carried the fish and prepared to continue waiting near the Gu family, waiting for the rabbit by the tree.

Not long after, the second wife came out with a backpack on her back. It seemed that she was going to prepare to pick pig grass.

"Hey, hey, hey, his second sister" The neighbor lady hurriedly came forward and put the fish in her hand in the most conspicuous place on her chest.

"Oh, it's my elder sister, what do you want to talk to me about?" Li had just left the house when she heard a figure rushing forward. She looked closely and found that it was from the neighbor.

"Nothing, it's been a long time since I talked to you," the neighbor said with a smile, and then

The fish shook.

At this time, Li had just been scolded by Mrs. Gu, who said that she had fed the pigs and made them thin recently, and asked him to carry three baskets a day, and she was in a bad mood. Li did not notice the fish in the neighbor's hand, and said weakly: "Sister, I still have to be busy, I will talk to you later."

Li was about to leave after she finished speaking, and the neighbor grabbed her and said hurriedly: "Look at this fish I bought, it's big, it must be delicious when cooked."

Li only noticed the fish in the neighbor's hand at this time, and immediately thought of her nephew saying that he would eat snails tonight, and her face immediately became happy, and she felt that there was hope today.

The neighbor was dangling the fish in front of Li, but Li didn't even bother to look at it. She just walked away, looking back and saying, "Sister, my family will also eat meat tonight, but it depends on who cooks it. It also depends on whether it is delicious. The meat cooked by my family is delicious. Come and smell it tomorrow."

The neighbor saw that the daughter-in-law, who usually loved eating the most in the Gu family, ignored her fish. Her desire to show off was hit hard at this time, and she was so angry that she stamped her feet on the spot. She accidentally stepped out all the grass carp and hurriedly went to the yellow mud to look for fish.

At this time, Gu Liang had come to a place where perilla was growing. It was on the slope of a dry field. There was a bustling area of ​​about dozens of square meters.

It is not the most prosperous season for perilla. Each plant is about half a meter high. In order to be able to harvest it again in the future, the Gu family decided not to uproot it, but just pick the leaves.

This piece of perilla leaf is different from the perilla that Gu Liang had seen before. It is neither pure purple nor pure green white perilla, but a single perilla with green on the front and perilla on the back.

Because it has not grown tall yet, the leaves of perilla are all straight. This kind of perilla can not only be used as a condiment, but also can be wrapped in barbecue, or eaten cold or stir-fried.

Gu Liang picked them one by one. Perilla has no smell when it grows normally. When picking, the air is filled with the special fragrance of perilla, with a little mint coolness, a little bit of spiciness, and a little sweetness, like the cool smell of summer evening.

After picking for a long time, this piece of perilla field was picked by Gu Liang. Except for the buds on the top, there were only bare stems left.

After Gu Liang kept a handful of perilla leaves in his hand, he put all the rest into the space, and then went home to prepare to make snails.

Not long after Gu Liang returned home, the neighbor lady also came to pick perilla leaves.

But when she came over, she found that the perilla leaves on this slope in previous years were all left with bare stems, just like a locust passing through, not a single one left.

"Who did it? It happened to be when we were eating fish at home," the neighbor lady said indignantly, but no one answered her.

In the evening, Gu Liang and his grandmother made fried snails with perilla. The snails were removed from the tail and fried in the pot like frying stones.

When the pot was out, a full basin was filled. Gu Liang also provided bamboo sticks for people who didn't know how to eat snails to pick and eat. The whole family enjoyed the meal.

Although the old man Gu ate very deliciously, he was very unhappy. Just this basin of snails made his rice wine completely gone. It made him very angry. This old man was so angry that the snails were so delicious, but there was no wine to drink.

(Today is my birthday, double update, good luck, I wish you all good health)

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