After an hour on the oxcart, Gu Liang and his party arrived at Lianhua Town. I don't know if it was because of Gu Dani's chat and laughter, or because he didn't have to walk on the oxcart, but Gu Liang felt that time passed much faster on the way to Lianhua Town this time.

Old man Gu drove the car to the back door of the pharmacy, which was convenient for parking. The front street was full of pedestrians, so the oxcart couldn't get in.

After listening, Gu Liang got off the car. Gu Liang and Gu Dani each held an iron ring on the wooden door and looked at it. I don't know if the people inside heard it, anyway, Gu Liang and Gu Dani knocked harder and harder, competing with each other in speed.

After a while, there was a noise at the back door, and a voice shouted, "Who is it? Stop knocking. I'm coming."

The person who opened the door was Lin Ye, the clerk from last time. Lin Ye recognized Gu Liang at a glance. After all, it was rare for such a young child like Gu Liang to sell Ganoderma lucidum last time.

Lin Ye bowed after seeing Gu Liang, and then asked, "Little brother Gu, what are you doing this time?"

This time, Lin Ye's attitude was much better than last time. Gu Liang was just about to answer the purpose of his visit, and the old man Gu, who had parked the ox cart behind him, saw someone coming out, and immediately stepped forward to bow and said, "I am the grandfather of this boy. Last time, my grandson came here to sell Ganoderma lucidum. Does the shopkeeper remember? We are here to sell medicine again this time."

Lin Ye nodded, indicating that he remembered, and asked if he was here to sell Ganoderma lucidum again, and said that the doctor in the hall was not there, so he might not be able to estimate the price.

Gu Liang immediately denied it and said that he was here to sell Acorus calamus.

"Acorus?" Lin Ye touched his beard and said, "Our store only accepts dry goods, not wet goods. This Acorus is cheap, and we charge 7 coins for two catties."

Although Gu Liang really thought that this Acorus was not worth much, he did not expect that a catty of dried Acorus would be the same price as brown rice. However, since it has been dug, it can only be sold as much as it can.

While Gu Liang was still thinking, Old Man Gu pointed to the ox cart and said, "Boss, we have dried it. The Acorus we are going to sell this time is on this ox cart."

Lin Ye looked in the direction pointed by Old Man Gu and saw a cart full of several sacks of Acorus. He was immediately startled and asked in confirmation, "Are the sacks on this cart full of Acorus?"

Gu Liang, Old Lady Gu and Gu Dani both nodded in affirmation.

After getting the answer, Lin Ye showed a hesitant and tangled expression on his face. He hesitated for a long time before he said embarrassedly: "Uncle Gu, little brother Gu, forgive me for being honest, our store is just an ordinary small pharmacy. You took so much at once, and our store will have to use it until the end of time. Besides, if it doesn't wait until the end of time, the medicine will be useless!"

Gu Liang never thought that the pharmacy would not accept the medicine. If he had known it earlier, he would not have spent so much effort. Gu Liang was worried that he would not be able to get back the cost of the maltose.

"Boss, what can we do? We finally got it here. Please be kind and accept it." Old Man Gu was also anxious at this moment, fearing that the store would not accept it. This thing can't be eaten, and it can't be piled up at home. (Here he is called the shopkeeper because Old Man Gu calls all the people working in the shop the shopkeepers)

Lin Ye smiled and said, "You guys don't have to be so impatient. Although my shop can't accept so many goods, I can sell them to the state capital, where they can accept such a large number of medicinal materials."

When Old Man Gu heard that he could sell them, he didn't care much and replied with a very grateful tone: "Okay, the shopkeeper is kind, you can name a price."

At this time, Gu Liang had no better way. It was better to lose some money than to lose nothing.

In the end, Gu Liang sold it at a price of five coins per two catties, which was originally seven coins. After weighing, the total was 275 catties, and the total money was 680 coins.

After selling, Gu Liang felt that it was really a loss. The real loss was not that he sold less money, but that Gu Liang watched the money he earned from collecting herbs being put into the hands of Old Man Gu by Lin Ye...

Before, Gu Liang came alone, so the money was naturally given to him. Now that his grandfather was present, it was natural for him to give the money to his own master.

At this moment, Gu Liang was confused. But this was not modern times. According to current rules, the money naturally belonged to Old Man Gu.

After Gu Liang sold everything, he walked alone on the street of Lianhua Town. Just now, Old Man Gu was asked by the head of the village to help with some things in the town, so Gu Liang asked

Come out and walk around by yourself.

Gu Liang had 30 copper coins in his arms at this time. The calamus sold for a total of 685 coins. Old Man Gu felt that Gu Liang had worked hard, and these 30 coins were his hard work fee. The other 5 coins were given to Gu Dani.

The maltose I bought cost nearly 100 coins, which was equivalent to spending more than half a month, but losing 70 coins.

I was helpless. I originally wanted to use the money for the medicinal materials to buy food and save it, but in the end...

Gu Liang walked to a tree on the side of the road with his head down and found that this tree was a plum tree, which was full of green plums. Each plum was smooth and delicate, making people salivate.

Such a good fruit can only be wasted, so Gu Liang didn't care so much and picked one and ate it. After taking a bite, the plum that originally felt mouth-watering seemed to hit Gu Liang in the mouth at this moment, making Gu Liang feel bad. It was sour and astringent, and it was heavenly in one bite.

It is definitely impossible to eat it. If you eat it, it will be no different from coptis root. However, Gu Liang can't care so much. He originally planned to buy food to fill the space, but now he can't do it, so he just fills it with plums. Not being able to eat now does not mean that you can't eat when there is no food in the famine.

So regardless of the consequences, Gu Liang picked all the sour and astringent plums from this tree. If this tree is so sour and astringent, it would have been cut down long ago, and it would not have survived until now.

Unexpectedly, Gu Liang picked more than 100 pounds from a tree and piled up a small mountain in the space.

At the same time, in a private school in the town, a teacher was teaching students.

The teacher was on the stage to explain "Shishuo Xinyu" to his disciples.

"Wang Rong was seven years old and once went out with other children. Seeing that there were many plum trees on the roadside, they broke branches. The children rushed to pick them, but Rong did not move. When people asked him, he replied: "The tree is on the roadside and has many fruits. This must be bitter plum." He took it and believed it. 》

After the Master finished, he asked, "What is the truth of this article?"

"No one wants the fruit trees on the roadside, which means they are sour."

"Don't pick the wild fruits on the roadside."

"It tells us that we must be good at observation and careful thinking to find the truth of things."

The students expressed their opinions one after another, and the Master was very satisfied after listening.

However, at this time, the Master just remembered that there was a sour plum tree on the roadside on the way to the school, and its fruit was unusually sour. As the saying goes, seeing is better than hearing. The Master claimed that he was not a bookworm, so he prepared to lead the students to see with their own eyes the wild fruits on the roadside that no one wanted.

The students followed the Master to see this scene. Along the way, the Master kept telling this story, reminding the students to think carefully and be good at summarizing the truth of all things in the world like Wang Rong.

The green plum tree was only two or three hundred steps away from the school, and it took a while to get there. At this time, the Master was still shaking his head and telling the story, and then waved the ruler in his hand, prompting the students to look.

I saw this green plum tree on the roadside, lush and green, with branches lush and full of leaves!

"Master, it seems that the facts are not the same as in the book." A student reminded the master who was still shaking his head and talking.

The master opened his eyes and saw that the plum tree, which was full of fruits and branches this morning, now had no fruits except for a few plums at the top that were too high to be picked. It seemed that they were all picked.

The master was petrified on the spot and didn't know how to explain... But from then on, the private school never took students out to experience it in person.

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