After making the Artemisia serrata cake, Mrs. Gu did not stop and continued to make the next festival food, which was also the reason why Second Aunt Li thought to leave later—fried crispy meat.

Yesterday at the market, Mrs. Gu carefully selected a piece of pork belly with more lean meat and less fat, not because the meat was good, but because it was cheap. The last time Gu Liang bought meat, he found that the meat here was the opposite of modern times. The more fat, the more popular, and it was very much in line with the principle that if you don't eat fat, you don't eat meat. Mrs. Gu argued with the stall owner for a long time, and finally bought it at the price of lean meat. This happened to be cheap for Gu Liang, and this lean meat with more lean meat and less fat was just right for Gu Liang's taste.

Stir-fry the peppercorns, crush them in a bowl and add flour as a paste. Add two eggs and a lot of water, a little salt for seasoning, and stir until it becomes a paste. It is best if it can be poured into a continuous line when scooped up. Cut the pork belly into strips, put it in the batter, and fry it in oil.

The oil used is rapeseed oil, which is finally heated and used. The Gu family is a farmer's family. There is only freshly squeezed rapeseed oil during the Dragon Boat Festival throughout the year, so they can take this opportunity to fry things.

The Gu family only bought a little more than a pound of meat and fried a plate. Naturally, it can't be eaten directly like the Artemisia serrata cake. After frying, Mrs. Gu stuffed it directly into the cupboard, which made Gu Liang drool. But it was useless to rush. There were so many children at home, and if each of them came a little, there would be nothing left.

However, although Gu Liang didn't eat the fried crispy meat, he also ate another delicacy-fried amaranth leaves.

The method is the same as that of crispy meat, except that the meat is replaced with amaranth leaves. The amaranth leaves of the Dragon Boat Festival are plump and tender. The red palm-sized leaves are fried with batter, golden and bright red inside. They are fried into various shapes, but the taste is the same. The fried golden and crispy shell is full of oil fragrance, and the leaves are wrapped inside. Under the action of high temperature, they become tender and soft. It is precisely because of the batter that the amaranth leaves are not dehydrated by frying, and they still remain juicy. One bite, the whole taste buds are conquered by this taste.

(Author: Fried amaranth was a must-do during the Dragon Boat Festival when I was a kid. It was really delicious. I recommend everyone to try it. It tastes better than all tempura. There are also fried peanuts made in the same way. They are fragrant and crispy. If you are interested, you can try it. I highly recommend it.)

When everything was done, Mrs. Gu saw that her youngest son had not come back for the festival, so she asked Mr. Gu to pack some baba and fried amaranth baba and save them for tomorrow's visit to Guanyao Town to see her son. Let her son celebrate the festival and eat some home-cooked food.

While Old Man Gu was still packing the food piece by piece, there was a noise at the door, and then Erni ran to the kitchen and shouted excitedly, "Grandpa, Grandma, Third Uncle is back, Third Uncle is back."

"Oh, he's finally back. He hasn't been home for half a year." Old Mrs. Gu was very excited at this time. She quickly threw down her chopsticks, wiped her greasy hands on her apron, and said to Old Man Gu, "Old man, go pick up your son. He must be tired after coming back from such a long distance. Let him sit down and rest. We'll have dinner soon."

Although Old Man Gu was not as excited as Old Mrs. Gu, he could no longer hold back his smile, and took out the things he had just packed again. However, Old Man Gu said slowly at this time, "It's just that my son is back. It's not like I haven't seen my son before. Why are you shouting so loudly?"

Although he said so, Old Man Gu's irrepressible smile made his words very untrue. Old lady Gu was too lazy to care about him, and hurriedly walked towards the main hall with the freshly fried crispy meat.

Gu Boxi had just put away a large bag of luggage that he had taken home. Seeing Old Lady Gu, whom he had not seen for half a year, he was also very excited and hurried forward. Old lady Gu looked at her youngest son who had been away for many years, and felt that he was a little thinner this time than before, and his son's face was obviously a little aggrieved and tired. Suddenly, she felt bad in her heart, and tears were circling wildly in her eyes.

Gu Boxi was forced to go home this time, and he felt bad in his heart. He found out that his years of hard work were just a scam, and he wanted to die. Looking at his mother at this time, he suddenly felt sorry for his family. His throat trembled slightly and told Old Lady Gu not to worry, he was fine, and his third son had grown taller recently.

Old lady Gu wiped the tears from her eyes, calmed down, asked Gu Boxi to sit down and rest, and the meal was about to start.

Gu Liang and his sisters also circled around the third uncle, and they also

I haven't seen my uncle for half a year, especially the youngest Chunni, who has climbed onto the shoulders of the third uncle and wanted to ride on his neck.

Watching this scene from the side, Old Man Gu felt like he had grandchildren around him, but when he went to pack the luggage brought back by his youngest son, he felt something was wrong. In the past, my youngest son would bring some clothes to change and clothes that he would not wear for the season change. Today, he brought back bedding, and it seemed that there were more than just quilts. This didn't seem like he was going home temporarily, but he wanted to move.

Old Man Gu suppressed his doubts and prepared to let his son have a good meal first. He must have not eaten in the morning if he came back at this time.

In a blink of an eye, Old Lady Gu had already prepared the meal, and the two daughters-in-law had already served the food on the table. The two brothers Gu Changping and Gu Changan had just returned from the farmland to check the water. They were also very happy to see their younger brother coming home. The house was full of joy.

I have to say, it still smells like meat. As soon as the fried crispy meat was served, you and I took a chopstick each. Before we even started to eat the rice, we had already finished the whole plate of crispy meat.

When Mrs. Gu saw that the crispy meat was finished so quickly, she glanced at Li who had taken the last chopstick and said jokingly: "Second daughter-in-law, you have finished the meat too, why don't you go back? If you don't go back, you will have to feed the wolves at night."

Li knew that Mrs. Gu was asking her to do that, but she couldn't put down the meal when she was halfway through, so she smiled and said: "Mom, I'm not here to eat meat, it's because my third brother is back. I haven't seen him for a long time and I miss him so much. I don't know when I will see him next time if I can't see him this time."

"Why don't you usually I saw you thinking about it, and I thought about it when there was meat." Old Mrs. Gu replied: "You miss your third brother so much, but I didn't see you let him rub a piece of it."

At this time, Gu Boxi, who had been silent for a long time, spoke up and said to himself: "I won't leave when I come back this time."

At this time, Old Mrs. Gu was still bickering with her daughter-in-law, and she didn't react for a while, and continued: "Did you hear that? Your third brother said he won't leave when he comes back this time."

Everyone didn't react at first, but when Old Mrs. Gu said it, everyone immediately quieted down, staring at Gu Boxi in surprise. The atmosphere immediately cooled down, and everyone didn't know where to start for a while. Old Mrs. Gu saw the quiet atmosphere at this time, and then she reacted to what her youngest son had just said.

At this time, Old Mrs. Gu still couldn't believe it, and asked again tentatively: "Xier, what did you just say, you won't go to the pottery factory?"

Gu Boxi didn't say anything, continued to put rice into his mouth, and nodded slowly and solemnly to confirm.

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