The next day after Uncle Gu Liang came home, Gu Liang got up at about six o'clock as usual. In this era of no lights and no night life, Gu Liang was forced to develop the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

There was a little difference when he got up this time. Gu Liang first looked around with sleepy eyes. Yes, after Uncle Gu Liang came home, he slept with Gu Liang. Rather than sleeping in the same room with Gu Liang, it is better to say that Gu Liang has been rubbing his uncle Gu Boxi's bed. After all, when Gu Liang was still in Aba Aba, this room was where Gu Boxi had been living.

Gu Liang looked at the quilt beside him. The empty quilt had long lost its heat, and the 'person beside him' seemed to have left long ago.

Gu Liang dressed and washed as usual. There was no good way to make money and store food recently, so he prepared to cut bamboo to make bamboo tubes for water storage. When it was time for breakfast, Gu Liang found that his grandfather, father, second uncle and third uncle were not at home, so he asked Mrs. Gu where everyone in the family had gone.

Mrs. Gu had experienced what happened yesterday, and she looked a little vicissitudes of life at this time. On weekdays, she would answer all questions from her grandson Gu Liang, but today she was often distracted. After asking twice, Gu Liang gave up when he saw no answer.

Gu Liang was about to go to the kitchen to ask his mother Chen, when the voices of his grandfather and his group came from outside the door.

Gu Liang hurried outside and saw that his men were carrying axes, saws, hoes and other farm tools back home. It was just after the Dragon Boat Festival, and it was still a little cool in the morning and evening, but Gu Liang saw that they were sweating profusely, and the rough and breathable summer cloth had been wet with sweat, tightly attached to their skin that was tanned by the sun.

Seeing this, Gu Liang hurried forward to help Old Man Gu take the saw in his hand. However, Old Man Gu was worried that Gu Liang was too young and didn't dare to let him take it, so he smiled and waved his hand to refuse.

Gu Liang asked his grandfather where they had been so early in the morning, and why they were sweating so much after going out so early.

Old Man Gu answered Gu Liang's doubts, and Gu Liang realized that they were all out so early in the morning because the family was going to open up wasteland.

"Don't we have so many fields at home? Why do we need to open up wasteland?" Gu Liang asked behind Old Man Gu. Old Man Gu and his family had already entered the house and were washing their faces with towels because they were sweating.

This question was not asked because Gu Liang was stupid, but this year when the family had so many fields, the family was busy planting rice and worked day and night for more than ten days. This was still with the help of neighbors. If it was a new field, the workload would be much greater.

After washing his face, Old Man Gu said, "Your Third Uncle has returned home and won't go out. There is one more laborer in the family. I used to think that he would live in the town after he finished his apprenticeship, and the fields at home were enough. Now, he has a few more fields, and the family is a little more prosperous. Don't worry that your Third Uncle won't be able to marry a wife."

After hearing this, Gu Liang looked at his Third Uncle, and saw that his Third Uncle turned his head away shyly as if he had said something.

After breakfast, the saw at home was taken away to open up wasteland, so Gu Liang followed Old Lady Gu and the others to open up wasteland. Anyway, bamboo can't be sawed, and it's boring at home, so why not join in the fun.

The place where Old Man Gu and his group opened up wasteland was on a gentle hillside, with a relatively gentle terrain, about three or four acres.

Old Man Gu and his group of four people came here in the morning and cleared the surrounding trees. I don't know if it's because of the poor soil or the lack of water, except for a few useless trees, most of them are shrubs. The ferns under the bushes are so dense that it is hard to put your feet.

If we cut these ferns now, we will have a big harvest of ferns next year. What a pity, Gu Liang thought, if spring finds this place, we can pick hundreds of kilograms of ferns. Ferns fried with bacon are delicious, pickled ferns, cold ferns, stewed ferns... which one is not delicious in spring, just thinking about it makes me drool.

But Gu Liang can only think about it now. The Dragon Boat Festival has passed, and the ferns have grown and become something that even cows are unwilling to bite.

But although the terrain is good, there is no water source! Gu Liang saw the flaws of this place at a glance. The nearest paddy field is also fifty or sixty meters away, and the wasteland is much higher than the paddy field. It is impossible to dig ditches to divert water, let alone farming.

Although Gu Liang thought that this piece of land was not good, it was his parents' business. He was still young and his voice was not important. Even if he objected, no one would listen. He might as well obey.

Old man Gu directed his eldest son to saw the trees, while his second son

The son and the youngest son took hatchets to chop the bushes, while the old man Gu used a sickle to chop the ferns. Gu Liang was weak and seemed to have nothing to do, so he played in the ferns.

Because the ferns were under the bushes and had little sunlight, they grew very thin and tall, and Gu Liang could sit on a large piece of them. After Gu Liang sat down, the ferns were much taller than him, which could be said to be "flying into the flowers and disappearing".

Gu Liang found it very interesting, as if he was like a giant entering a dense primeval forest. The surrounding trees fell down because of his activities, and the insects inside seemed to be like wild beasts in the forest, fleeing in all directions.

Gu Liang was really exploring this "primeval forest" that belonged to him like a child. It turns out that when the people around you and you treat yourself as a child, even if you are in your thirties or forties, you are still a child. Just like Gu Liang at this moment, no one can see that his body is a child, but his soul is already in his thirties.

Soon Gu Liang found a path hidden in the fern bushes. The path was very strange. The ground was smooth as if a person had walked out, but the fern leaves blocked the sunlight. Obviously, this was an animal path.

Gu Liang was also very brave at this time, just like a newborn calf who was not afraid of a tiger. He wanted to find out what animal "walked" out. So Gu Liang used his hands and feet to crawl forward along the animal path. The path was not wide, and the fern strips on the top poked his back from time to time.

After climbing for 20 to 30 meters, Gu Liang ran into a gray thing head-on. Looking closely, it turned out to be a rabbit. The rabbit probably didn't expect that it would encounter a "hairless monkey" on a road it often walked. It was so scared that it quickly braked and changed direction and ran back.

Gu Liang was also shocked at first, but he was relieved when he saw that it was a rabbit and not something else. When he saw the rabbit turned around and ran back, he hurriedly jumped out with his hands and feet, wanting to play a lion-rabbit game. Gu Liang didn't catch it, of course, but he didn't lose heart. The rabbit was obviously frightened and ran around in a panic, which gave Gu Liang a chance to catch it.

"Little rabbit, let me show you your master's skills," Gu Liang shouted and rushed forward: "Black tiger digs out the heart, Mount Tai presses down, two dragons play with pearls, elephant kicks, crow flies on an airplane..."

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