The wasteland was still being reclaimed, and the family members still went out early and returned late every day. The men were responsible for the first tillage, while the women were responsible for sifting the tilled land carefully to remove debris such as stones.

The Dragon Boat Festival had passed, and it was too late to plant many crops at this time. Vegetables were delicate and needed water and fertilizer, so the new land naturally could not survive. Only some drought-resistant sorghum and millet could be planted. It happened that the sorghum planted at home had grown to knee-length, so it was just right to transplant it. However, the number of seedlings was limited, and the remaining land could only be used to plant soybeans. I didn't expect much harvest in the end, but the purpose was to plant soybeans to fertilize the fields.

After repeating this for two or three years, and applying some farmyard manure on weekdays, the soil quality was improved, and other crops could be planted.

Gu's family was working. Li, who had stayed at her mother's house for five days, finally returned home with her two daughters. These days, she was completely different in her mother's house and her husband's house. In addition to washing dishes and feeding pigs, she sat on the loom all day to weave cloth for her mother's house. Thinking that if she worked harder, she could contribute more to her mother's house.

On the way, the two daughters were jumping and jumping happily, as if they had not been home for several years, and they changed their restraint at their grandmother's house. Li looked at the two daughters so happy that she couldn't help asking them why they were so happy to go home. Isn't the grandmother's house good?

The two daughters shook their heads together, indicating that it was not fun.

Li asked again why it was not fun? The two daughters looked back and saw that they were already far away from the grandmother's house. The people at the grandmother's house could not hear them, so they pulled Li to complain.

One said that no one in the grandmother's family welcomed us, and my aunt always scolded us secretly. One said that the two cousins ​​always bullied us and pulled our hair, and scolded us behind our backs that you are big and strong and deserve not to have a son. One said that my cousin didn't want to play with us, so we should go home quickly, and he would be able to eat meat when we go home. …………

Li felt very uncomfortable after hearing what her two daughters said. Every time she went back to her parents' home, she would collect a lot of good things to go home. This time, she not only brought salted duck eggs, but also secretly took back half a piece of cloth woven by her sister-in-law.

Usually, she always listened to her own mother's words, thinking that a woman can only gain a foothold in her husband's family if she gives birth to a son. So she always felt that she would not stay in her husband's family for a long time, and she would have to rely on her parents' family in the future, so she always thought about her parents' family for a little good.

But the longer she spent, the more she felt that it was not the case. At least in the Gu family, she had never heard anyone say that she could not give birth to a son, and she would not be treated harshly for this.

The balance in Li's heart seemed to tilt a little towards the Gu family again at this moment………

After walking with her daughter for an afternoon to get home, Li found that there was no one at home. Li thought about giving birth to a son for an afternoon, and she almost thought that she could not give birth to a son, and her husband's family secretly moved away to get rid of her. She was so anxious that she almost burst into tears. Fortunately, she found the big fat pig she had been feeding in the backyard was still there, so she was relieved.

Li stayed at the door for almost two incense sticks before she saw Mrs. Gu who had returned home early from the field. Although Li usually had many complaints about her mother-in-law, she actually missed Mrs. Gu a little after not seeing her for several days. When she saw Mrs. Gu coming back, she hurriedly stepped forward and called her "mother" enthusiastically.

Mrs. Gu was usually rude to her second daughter-in-law. No matter how sincere and affectionate Li's mother was, she mocked her: "You still know how to come back. I thought you didn't like my Gu family, a small family, and didn't plan to come back!"

Well, as soon as these words came out, Li's longing disappeared without a trace. Instinctively complained in her heart that this mother-in-law didn't know how to be kind, and Li instantly returned to her previous state of disdain.

But she still had to save face, so Li smiled awkwardly and replied, "How could that be, mother? I am a member of the Gu family since I married into the Gu family. As the saying goes, you are a member of the Gu family in life and death, and you are a ghost of the Gu family in death!"

Old Lady Gu rolled her eyes at Li and said coldly, "You said it so nicely, saying that you are a member of the Gu family in life and death, but how can you take things out all day long? Don't think I don't know that you secretly brought my salted duck eggs back to your mother's house."

After being exposed, Li quickly changed the subject and said that she was going to feed the pigs. She just saw the pigs groaning with hunger. Then she ran away in a hurry, fearing that Old Lady Gu would investigate.

Li said she was feeding the pigs, but in fact she just wanted to avoid Old Lady Gu to prevent being scolded, so she stayed by the pigpen for a long time until the pigs finished eating before entering the house.

As soon as she entered the house, Li found that Old Lady Gu was plucking a chicken. Li exclaimed, "

Mother, what day is today? Why are we killing chickens at home? Could it be... Is my sister-in-law pregnant again? "

In rural areas, chickens are treasures of the family. They lay eggs for money and can be sold when they are old. It is the same in the Gu family. A chicken will only be killed if someone is pregnant or in confinement. So it is no wonder that Li thinks this way.

"What are you talking about? It is not like we can only eat chickens when someone is pregnant." Old Mrs. Gu was deftly plucking the feathers of the chicken. She was too lazy to raise her head and said stiffly, "This was caught by your brother-in-law and nephew in the mountains the day before yesterday. They are waiting for you to come back and eat it. If you stay at your mother's house for a little longer, the chicken will be hungry and thin. "

"Mother," Li's heart was warmed at this moment. She didn't get to eat a piece of meat when she went to her mother's house for the festival, but her mother-in-law's family specially kept a chicken for him to eat. In contrast, Li's heart was naturally warm, and she couldn't help herself at this moment, so she called mother softly.

When Mrs. Gu heard Li calling her but didn't speak, she stopped what she was doing and looked up at Li. Seeing that she didn't speak, she asked in confusion: "Is there something wrong?"

Li reacted at this time, concealed her mood, and said in a panic: "Oh, nothing. Mother, I see that my sister-in-law hasn't finished weaving the cloth yet, I'll go and weave it."

"Is the sun rising from the west? "Old Lady Gu looked at the sky and thought to herself, her second daughter-in-law actually took the initiative to weave cloth. She didn't know what kind of stimulation she had when she went back to her parents' home. You know, she had never woven cloth except when she first got married.

The loom creaked, the stars in the sky emerged one by one, and the fragrance of the chicken soup for tonight in the Gu family also emerged little by little.

All the people in the Gu family have returned and are waiting for the chicken soup to be served. Although waiting is a difficult thing, it is beautiful at this moment. Listening to the gurgling sound in the pot, everyone's stomach also echoed it.

The aroma of the chicken soup became thicker and thicker, and at the same time, it made everyone look forward to tonight's dinner more and more.

Seeing that everyone was so impatient, Old Lady Gu stopped stewing it. , add a few red wolfberries, and then put in a handful of chives and serve.

A small pheasant cannot feed all the people in the Gu family, so each person can only be served a bowl of golden chicken soup.

I don’t know whether it is because this bowl of chicken soup is very difficult to get, or because it is a pheasant stew, Gu Liang feels that this soup is more delicious than all the chicken soups he has drunk before, and there is a taste of finding joy in suffering and being content with poverty in it.

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