The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Gu Liang originally thought that he could make a good profit on his first day at Dahei Mountain, because if this pile was Polygonatum odoratum, it would probably be worth some money. But it happened to be Polygonatum odoratum. Although Polygonatum odoratum can also nourish yin and moisten dryness, promote fluid production and quench thirst, its price is much lower than that of Polygonatum odoratum.

Time in the mountains always passes unknowingly. It is already past noon, the sun has begun to slant, and the forest is not as bright as in the morning.

Gu Liang had no choice. Time was running out, and the backpack was not full yet. He could only dig this pile of Polygonatum odoratum and take it back. At least it could be worth a few dollars.

So the two started digging again, and the method they adopted was to dig the big ones and leave the small ones, leaving some sustainable resources for this forest.

After digging this patch of Polygonatum, the roots of Polygonatum almost filled Gu Boxi's backpack. Gu Liang could only put Arisaema and Polygonatum in his small backpack, and the little bear had to be put down and let it follow him.

After digging, the two hurried home. The animals in the forest moved more frequently in the afternoon and evening, and the two did not dare to stay too long. However, they found a dead pine tree on the way home. They instinctively thought that there must be Poria cocos in this place, so they put down their backpacks and looked for Poria cocos.

The two delayed for half an hour and dug two Poria cocos that were almost the size of a bowl, which was not a loss.

However, the forest was lush and green, and the sunlight weakened in the afternoon. The two felt that this place was getting darker and dared not continue to search. They carried their backpacks and trotted down the mountain.

It was not until they reached the water weir surrounded by Lanxi at the foot of the mountain and rice fields appeared around that they relaxed and returned to their normal speed. The presence of rice fields means that there are people around, and wild animals will not appear easily. Moreover, the area around rice fields is always bright, unlike the drowsy forest.

The two continued to walk along the rice fields for another half an hour before returning home.

As soon as Gu Liang returned home, he immediately lay on the bamboo bed and didn't want to move. This time he walked too far. When he dug bamboo shoots two months ago, he only reached the foot of Dahei Mountain. This time he not only walked a lot inside, but also carried things all the time.

It must be said that the most comfortable time in the summer countryside in the evening is when he sleeps on the bamboo bed. Gu Liang hasn't slept on the bamboo bed for many years. When he was a child, he lay on the bamboo bed, lit a mosquito coil and ate watermelon. It was so comfortable.

Now it seems that I have really returned to my childhood, but the mosquito coil at this time has become straw. The straw is tied into the thickness of the thigh, and then lit, and the smoke immediately billows. The mosquito repellent effect is very good, but the smoke is a little too big, and it fumes the eyes.

Gu Liang lay motionless. He felt that his thighs were no longer his own. He only thought about picking herbs in Dahei Mountain, but ignored the distance of Dahei Mountain. His legs were suffering.

This time, Gu Liang was so tired that his brain was empty. He didn't think about anything. He just lay quietly and didn't sleep. His eyes were empty and he looked at the sky above his head. At this time, the sky had been rendered orange by the sunset, reflecting on the distant mountain tops, and the mountain tops were also covered with a layer of golden gauze. No sunset is boring, and no sunset is the same.

Gu Liang just looked and looked until the sunset faded and the sun was finally drowned in the darkness. Then, a star appeared, two stars appeared, three, four, and countless stars appeared, forming a gorgeous galaxy together.

A firefly fell on Gu Liang's shoulder from somewhere, just like the stars in the sky falling to the earth.

The next day, Gu Liang had to give up going to Dahei Mountain to collect herbs because he walked too much the day before. He planned to rest for a day before going.

Since he didn't go to the mountain, Gu Liang had nothing to do today. Except for turning over and drying the Polygonatum odoratum roots he collected yesterday and the Epimedium he collected before, he had nothing to do.

However, just because he had nothing to do didn't mean that other people in the Gu family had nothing to do. A few days ago, Gu Liang felt that there were not enough drying mats at home, so these days, Old Man Gu took Gu Changping and Gu Boxi to the back mountain to cut a bunch of bamboo and piled them in the corner to make drying mats.

Since it was not a delicate thing like bamboo baskets, the bamboo did not need to be soaked and dried. It was enough to just use a hatchet to cut the bamboo into strips and weave them.

Since it was summer and the sun was shining outside, all the work was done in the living room at home. Strips of bamboo and well-cut bamboo pieces filled the whole house.

Gu Liang watched the old man split a bamboo into two, and then into four. There was a kind of regular beauty in the process, and he enjoyed it. But he couldn't let him do it.

Yes, he was scared when he saw the long fibers exposed when the bamboo was split. Which southern child has not experienced the experience of bamboo fibers piercing his flesh? It hurts to think about it, and only people like Gu Lao Han who have been doing farm work for many years and have a thick layer of calluses on their hands dare to try it.

Today, Mrs. Gu was not at home. She said that the village head had something to notify, and each family sent one person to tell the matter. Since Mr. Gu had to weave mats at home, he asked Mrs. Gu to go.

I don’t know what big thing to notify. Usually, she always comes back after notifying something. Today, it’s noon and there is no sign of anyone.

Seeing that it was almost time for lunch, Gu Liang’s mother Chen couldn’t stand it anymore, so she got off the loom and went to the kitchen to replace Mrs. Gu’s cooking.

When a puff of green smoke rose from the chimney of the Gu family, Mrs. Gu came back with the aunt next door.

Old Man Gu saw his wife coming back so late, and it was almost lunch time, so he asked Old Lady Gu what important news the village head wanted to inform?

Old Lady Gu said with a serious face: "Boss, do you know that our Lanxi Village is going to change?"

Old Man Gu rarely saw his wife so serious, and it didn't look like she was joking. He hurriedly stopped the work at hand, stepped forward to support Old Lady Gu and said with concern: "Old woman, what happened? Don't worry, we still have you and my three sons to support our family if the sky falls."

At this time, several sons of the Gu family happened to be chopping bamboo. Seeing Old Lady Gu's appearance, they also surrounded her, fearing that something would happen to her.

After hearing what Old Man Gu said, Old Lady Gu looked a little relieved, then rolled her eyes at her husband and son who were surrounding her and said, "I said that the sky in Lanxi Village is going to change, but it's not falling. Why do you guys need to hold it up!"

Old Man Gu saw that Old Lady Gu was still joking at this time, and slapped his thigh a few times and asked anxiously, "It's already this time, don't worry about whether the sky is changing or falling, just tell me!"

"Yeah, what's wrong with grandma?" Gu Liang witnessed everything after Old Lady Gu returned home, and asked impatiently. Old Lady Gu and Old Man Gu just said that Lanxi was going to change and the sky was falling. For a moment, Gu Liang thought that the famine was coming early, and he was scared. He hadn't prepared the supplies yet, so it was not easy to run away with the bucket!

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