After a long time, Gu Liang and Gu Boxi hurried to get home before the smoke from the Gu family's kitchen rose. As soon as Gu Liang got home, he put the backpack aside and rushed into the kitchen in two steps. He said to the old lady Gu who was washing rice and preparing to cook: "Grandma, I dug lilies from the mountain. Let's use lilies to cook tonight!" Old lady Gu was startled by Gu Liang's sudden voice. She patted her chest and said in panic: "You kid, why didn't you call me when you came home? You scared me to death." Gu Liang laughed twice and said embarrassedly that he would pay attention next time. But he still had to eat the lilies. Such fresh lilies can be regarded as a mountain delicacy. Gu Liang handed the two large lilies in his hand to Old Lady Gu, indicating that she would use them to cook in the evening.

Old Lady Gu took the lilies handed over by Gu Liang and asked, "You kid, you are still thinking about that chicken all day long. You won't be satisfied until you get it, right?"

In Lanxi Village, lilies are usually used to stew chicken soup for people in confinement, so Old Lady Gu's first reaction was that Gu Liang wanted to eat chicken.

"No, grandma, don't slander good people. I didn't think about the hen at all," Gu Liang shouted.

The chicken in Old Lady Gu's mouth was brought back from selling medicinal herbs a few days ago, and it cost ninety coins. (Refer to the Southern Song Dynasty) This chicken was originally brought back by Gu Liang to change his taste and have a snack. These days, Gu Liang went to the pharmacy to sell medicinal herbs three or four times, and he could get hundreds of coins each time. Every time they got money, Gu Liang and his third uncle Gu Boxi would go to the pork stall to cut a piece of meat to improve the Gu family's food, so the food level of the Gu family has risen sharply during this period. Even Old Man Gu would sigh that he was half buried in his old bones, but he could live a fairy-like life of eating meat frequently.

And this chicken was also bought by Gu Liang after selling medicinal materials last time. The original intention was to take it home to stew chicken soup for himself and his sisters to replenish their bodies. The chickens bought in this era are naturally live chickens, and no one will help to handle them.

When Gu Liang asked his third uncle Gu Boxi to take the chicken home, Old Lady Gu's eyes were straight when she saw the chicken. She immediately picked up the hen and kept touching it, praising it for its luxuriant feathers and bright comb. Then she touched the hen's butt and sighed that the hen would definitely lay an egg in no more than an hour.

So, despite Gu Liang's objection, Grandma Gu forcibly "recruited" the chicken into her chicken coop. When she released it, she praised Gu Liang for being sensible, saying that her family was short of an old hen that laid eggs!

Gu Liang was definitely unwilling, and kept saying that he was bringing it back to supplement the nutrition of his sisters. But in the end, his objection was ineffective. In Grandma Gu's words, it is better to eat two more eggs than to eat chicken to supplement the body. This egg is equivalent to a chicken, and eating two eggs is more nutritious than eating a chicken.

Gu Liang was stunned by Grandma Gu's specious argument, but he couldn't eat the chicken in the end. Although Gu Liang ate the scrambled eggs made by Grandma Gu that day, he didn't put a few in. One chopstick was gone.

Thinking of this, Gu Liang felt speechless. He had forgotten the hen he bought, and his grandmother was still thinking about him eating it. But Gu Liang had no choice. His family was used to being poor. Even though his family had made some money by collecting herbs in the mountains, it was impossible for Gu's wife to change her mind about hard work and simplicity.

Gu Liang explained to Gu's wife again that he had forgotten about buying a chicken.

Gu's wife looked at him suspiciously and said, "Really?"

"Really? Just keep the chicken at home to lay eggs." Gu Liang hurriedly explained. In order to dispel Gu's doubts, Gu Liang continued, "Grandma, I've already thought of the dishes for today. Today we're going to make steamed eggs with lily, stir-fried lily with celery, lily and red dates soup, and scrambled eggs with lily."

Gu's wife listened to Gu Liang's smooth announcement of the dishes. It didn't seem like he was pretending, so she dispelled her doubts. Then she looked at the lily in her hand and asked, "Can this lily be fried?" I have never heard of eating lilies. However, with these two pieces of lilies, they are all used up in one dish, not enough to make all the dishes you mentioned. "

"Grandma, my uncle and I dug a whole basket of lilies, and we can't finish them." Gu Liang said as he pulled Grandma Gu to the main hall, pointed to the lilies he dug, and said, "We can't finish these lilies even if we eat them for dinner today! By the way, grandma, these are the lilies I picked, let's fry them with eggs."

Grandma Gu saw the basket of lilies.

She was shocked by the large number of lilies and thought that her grandson might have dug up lilies planted in someone's field. Then she thought of her youngest son Bo Xi who had been with him all the time, so this shouldn't happen. Then she asked, "I've never seen anyone eat these lilies. Will they give me a stomachache?"

Seeing that Old Lady Gu was skeptical, Gu Liang quickly assured her that it was safe to eat and that she could cook if she didn't know how to cook.

Then Gu Liang picked up the lilies and prepared to take them to the kitchen. The bayberries under the basket were exposed. Gu Liang then remembered that he had picked half a basket of bayberries and brought them home. He had only thought about making a lily feast on the way and had forgotten about the bayberries.

Gu Liang hurriedly called a few sisters out to eat the bayberries, but found that they were not at home. They must have gone out to play. He could only call them to eat when he returned home for dinner in the evening.

In the summer evening, frogs croaked, cicadas chirped, and fireflies flew everywhere, some landed in the fields, some landed on trees, and some accidentally landed on the roof tiles, and the roof tiles were floating with curling smoke, which was a sign that the dinner in the countryside was about to be cooked.

Tonight, the Gu family's table served a completely different cuisine from the past, including celery fried lily meat, lily meat steamed egg, fried lily, lily meat and egg soup, and cold lily meat.

Although the table of dishes looked clean and light, the presence of lily, a seasonal mountain delicacy, gave people a unique flavor of freshness in clarity and beauty in lightness. This made Gu Liang feel that this dish should not be cooked for the group of big and strong people in his family, but for Lin Daiyu to eat while reciting poems and drinking.

After a gust of wind, there was no more delicious food on the table. The Gu family ate very happily. While touching their stomachs, they complained that the amount was too small and not enough to eat, and asked to make more tomorrow.

Gu Liang quickly said that there were still some on the mountain, and the remaining ones would be sent to the town to sell tomorrow. Next time, they could just go to the mountain to dig them up if they wanted to eat them. Everyone laughed at Gu Liang's worry that the lilies would be eaten up. Gu Boxi also joked, "Every time we come back from selling herbs, we always buy meat. Now that we have meat, who in our family will miss your lilies?"

The next day, Gu Liang collected herbs on the first day and rested on the second day as usual, and then went to the town to sell herbs. With the money, they could take a boat from Lanxi directly to Lianhua Town, and no longer have to worry about going too far to the town.

As soon as they arrived in the town, they sold the lilies, Coriolus versicolor, and some other herbs they dug, and got more than 900 coins. After selling the herbs, Gu Liang's craving came back and he wanted to eat chicken.

Last time, he bought a live chicken and brought it home, but he didn't get to eat the chicken. This time, Gu Liang decided to go to the newly opened restaurant in town and buy a roast chicken. It's impossible for Old Lady Gu to keep the cooked chicken alive!

The two walked along the street towards the newly opened restaurant, but saw a large group of people gathered at the street corner, talking about something. It was too far away, so Gu Liang and the others couldn't hear it clearly. They only vaguely heard that it seemed to be talking about corvée.

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