The old man left, and the family was in great trouble.

After Gu Laohan, Gu Changping and Gu Changan left, half of the people in the family were gone, and it suddenly became much quieter. Not only was the Gu family quieter, but even the village was quieter.

In the past, there were only people working in the fields, but now there are only a few people, except for some old men with white hair, and the rest are women. After their husbands left, the women took over. Fortunately, there was only one left in the Gu family, who could do a lot of things.

At this time, it has entered the Yanghua period of rice, which is the most critical time. Once the fields lack water, it is easy to cause the rice to become empty and the fruiting rate to decrease. What is more serious is that it is easy to cause smut. Although the rice fields cannot lack water during this period, they are more afraid of rain. If it rains continuously for several days, the rice will bloom, and the rice flowers will not be pollinated, and the rice will not be able to produce grain.

In order to keep an eye on the water in your own rice fields and prevent someone from digging your field ridges to release water to their own fields, someone must patrol day and night.

In previous years, this job was always done by men. After all, it is more convenient for men to stay outside all night. But this year is different. Most of the men in Lanxi Village have gone to labor, and few are at home, so this job can only be done by women.

Fortunately, the weather is good this year. Several rains have been heavy rains, which come and go quickly, and the water level in the rice fields is still high. However, night patrols still need to be patrolled. Yesterday, I don’t know which young wife didn’t patrol because she was lazy. When she woke up in the morning, she found that the water in the fields was dry and she cursed in the village. But fortunately, it was discovered early. If the fields were dry and exposed to the sun for a day, I guess she would regret it.

There was a lot of work to do at home, and without a man, the Gu family began to rearrange their work. In addition to cooking at home, Old Lady Gu was responsible for patrolling the rice fields during the day.

Chen and Li were no longer busy with family affairs. They went to loosen the soil and weed in their dry fields during the day, and went to keep watch at night. However, the Gu family had many fields, and they were not all in one place, so they arranged Gu Boxi and Gu Liang to be responsible for another area. They patrolled in the first half of the night, and slept on the ground with bamboo mats in the second half of the night.

It had been four days since Old Man Gu and others left home. Gu Liang had only gone to Dahei Mountain once in these days. In addition to digging some lilies, he also dug some Codonopsis pilosula, which were all placed on the drying mat to dry. The main reason for going less was that the family was too busy. Gu Boxi not only had to take care of the fields at night, but also had to weed and water the reclaimed land during the day, and sometimes he had to go to the mountain to chop firewood.

That night, everyone had dinner early. It was not completely dark yet, and there was still a touch of orange in the distant sky.

Gu Boxi took a bamboo mat and a large "mosquito coil" made of straw as usual, and prepared to go to the field for night patrol. Gu Liang couldn't bear that his uncle went to the field alone every day, so he proposed to patrol with his uncle.

Since Gu Liang wanted to work for the family, there was no reason for Gu Boxi to refuse. It happened that he was bored alone at night, and one more person would make it more lively.

This time, the uncle had Gu Liang with him, so Daxiong didn't need to follow him. Gu Boxi left the dog to his two sisters-in-law. After all, it was more dangerous for women in the wild. When Da Ni and Er Ni saw that Gu Liang could patrol with his uncle, they wanted to go with him. Children are like this. They wish to play outside all day. How could they be willing to stay at home quietly?

But they couldn't decide. There were fewer men in the village, and it was easy to get into trouble. After Chen and Li went out together, Mrs. Gu bolted the door tightly from the inside, and used a tea tree stick to hold the bolt tightly to prevent anyone from breaking in from the outside. Then she closed the doors and windows one by one, making it airtight.

Although the weather has been good in recent years and there are fewer bandits, we must be on guard against others. On a sultry summer night, Mrs. Gu took her three young granddaughters and would rather stay in the house to get hot than open the windows for ventilation.

Not only does it get dark later in summer, but it is also brighter than winter nights after dark. The silvery moonlight shines on the ground, which is no different from daytime. Those with better eyesight can even see the white gravel on the ground.

Gu Boxi put the bamboo mat on the edge of the field. Because there is a huge rock in this place, the field ridge here is relatively open. The field ridge that can only be passed by one person at ordinary times is more than three meters wide here.

After putting everything away, they would start patrolling the fields. The reason for patrolling the fields day and night was that farmers relied on this piece of land to support their families, and everyone hoped that their land could produce more millet.

It is necessary to ensure that there is enough water and fertilizer. Fertilizer is difficult to get, but water is easy to get, so people often take advantage of other people's inattention and put their water into their own fields.

If this happens, you can basically tell who did it at a glance. If you don't catch them in the act, and they are neighbors, they are more or less related, so no one can tear their faces directly. So you can only think that you are unlucky, patrol more, and take the time to remedy this kind of thing.

Sure enough, after patrolling, Gu Liang and his uncle found that a gap in a ridge had been dug up, and water was pouring into a field below.

Gu Liang knew at a glance that it was done by the neighbor next door, and only their family would do such a thing. On the left side of the Gu family is Gu Dabao, and on the right is the owner of the field below. The Gu family has a good relationship with the neighbors on the left, and basically does not greet the neighbors on the right.

Gu Liang once asked his mother Chen why the two families never interacted as neighbors.

Chen said that when she married here, the two families had no contact. When she got married, she didn't know whether the neighbor next door came to congratulate her. But when Gu Liang's second aunt Li got married, the neighbor next door didn't come to drink the wedding wine anyway, which shows the difference in the relationship between the two families. Chen also secretly inquired about it. It seems that the neighbor next door took advantage of the fact that his field was below Gu's, and he always dug the edge of Gu's field. Year after year, the originally protruding field ridge was actually dug flat by the neighbor, and it seemed that he would keep digging it down.

So the Gu family went to the neighbor to argue, but the neighbor refused to admit it. Later, the two families broke off contact and never communicated again.

"Uncle, the field below belongs to the neighbor next door. The water in our field must have been released by them."

"I know, so I'm blocking this drain." Gu Boxi used a rake to dig a piece of silt in the field to block the gap, and also added a few stones from the corner of the field to reinforce it.

Seeing that his uncle was used to it, Gu Liang said anxiously, "Uncle, since we already know that it was their family who did it, even if we don't want to settle accounts with them, we can't just let it go!"

Gu Boxi saw that Gu Liang was looking for revenge, and comforted him, "We are all neighbors, how can you retaliate? You can't quarrel, that would lose face for your family. Besides, our fields are on top, and you can't make the water flow back to our fields no matter what you do."

Gu Liang saw that his uncle wanted to let it go, and he was furious. As the saying goes, good is rewarded with good, evil is rewarded with evil, and when a scholar meets a soldier, he can't explain his reason clearly. But even rabbits bite when they are anxious, and the monks of Shaolin Temple have to practice some boxing and kicking when they can't argue with others. Although the water from his own home can't go back, he will give the person the same way he gave. Gu Liang dug up the gap in the neighbor's field ridge, and also dug up the gap in the neighbor's field below, so that the water would flow to the field of the head of the village. In this way, the fields of the family in the middle will not be affected, and the neighbors will not dare to ask the village head for an account.

After doing all this, Gu Liang felt relieved immediately. After all, his own breasts are breasts, and the breasts in the novels are also breasts. It is impossible to give the neighbors a bargain and make the readers feel frustrated.

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